Flesherton Advance, 9 Aug 1939, p. 5

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'^BRK^WSfl!^)'"' THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE \Veo:iesday, Aug^ust 9, 1939 < i. TORONTO LINE NORTIf Mr. Frank Townley and Miss Mar- low of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller attended the Miller reunion at Meaford on Saturday. Sunday visitors at the Mathewson home were: Mr. and Mrs. Lanjftree and family and Mr. Langtree Sr. of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Math ewson and daughters of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Georg« Mathewson of Vandeleur. Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto visit- ed over the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown. Miss Valeria Stafford of Owen Sound was a holiday visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cha-s. Stafford. Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill, accompanied by Miss Norma Watterson, spent a few days at the former's home. Miss Anna Wilson of Toronto visit- ed her sister, Mrs. Harold Riehardson. Mrs. Norman Wiley of Owen Sound is spending a few weeks at the home of her father, Mr. Fred Mathewson. Master Diet Nolan has raturned to ^oronto ,t*ter sper.ai. g tn<» pa-t tow v'sks with hi.* fei"»r.r,-r,ot-nr;. Mrs. T. Mrs. Fred Brown was a visitor in Toronto a few days the past w«ek. CEYLON EUGENIA EAST MOUNTAIN Miss Ekhfil Bavlings has returned home after assisting Mrs. T. Glenn at Egypt for the jout couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Idle of Clarksburg were callers on Sunday with Mr. and and Mrs. Gordon McMullea. A nomher from here attended the amaiteur concfert in Fle^erton on Saturday night. (Intended for La^ Week) Mrs. Gordon McMullen and children were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever, Flesherton. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto is spending her vacation with her par- «its, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. T. McCullough and family and Mr. T. Allen of Union were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rawlings. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and fam- ily and Mrs. R. W. McMullen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen and family. VISITING OLD FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pedlar of Ox- bow, Sask., arrived on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks with relatives in this district. Hugh is always a welcome visitor at this office, as he learned his trade here. He is editor of the Oxbow Herald and has made a real fine job of it. Summer Time Table EFFECTIVE Saturday, June 24th Leave Flesherton TO TORONTO c: 11.50 a.m. b: 7.25 p.m. TO OWEN SOUND c: 5.50 p.m. d: 7.45 pjn. b: Sun and Hoi. c: Sat. only d: Fri. only. Standard Time Grey Coach Lines BORN â€" On Monday, Aug. 7. 1939, to Mr. a<ul Mrs. Murray Fernall, a son, Robert Norman. M. and Mrs. Elmer Peterson and family 0f Sbelburne visited Sunday at the hbme of Norman Hostrawser. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Baxter and son, Montreal, were callers on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir and Mr. and .Mrs. .A.llie Muir. Mr. Stanley Hunt, Toronto, was a visitor over the holiday at his home. Mr. and Mrs. David Coleman and family and Mrs. Fox of Wheatley and Mrs. H. Coleman of Owen Sound vis- ited the first of the week at the home of J. F. Collinson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Piper (nee Verdun McMas- ter). who were married at Orange- ville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bracken and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Brack- en of Caledon East visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Fadden. Misses Susie and Christina Me- Kinnon, Frances Collins»n, -Ellen Parker, and Jackson Stewait, teach- ers, are home from summer school. -»,... .-..J .'a-ant Muir and AllaH Cam- eron were in attendance with their bagrpipes at Dromore remnion on Saturday. Miss Margaret Collinson vas home from Ow^en Sound f-. the nuuuay. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frewing of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Beagle and Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Edgewater were visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Meads and, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. McDougal visited on Tuesday at Craighurst. Hon. H. Nixon and Mrs. Nixon of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Oliver, M.P-P. Mr. and Mrs. Farquhar Baxter of Brampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Mc-» Intyre of Toronto were visitors with Mrs. Robt. Campbell the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knott and family of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: P. Sherwood. Bruce Knott remained for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stewart of De- troit, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Windsor, Miss Irene Stewart of To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart of the Power House, Dick Stewart of Cornwall and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stewart of Toronto made up the fam- ily party the first of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart attended the wedding of the latter's brother. Hartley, at Port Credit on Saturday. A dance will be held in the Orange Hal Ithis Friday evening, .A.ug. Ilih, under the auspices of L.O.L. 1118. Admission 25c; ladies with lunch free. Visitors at the home of Mr. Jacob Williams over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Annette, Mrs. Rosa Lehman and son, Hedley, Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt Campbell, Mr. Freddie Corn- field, Mr. Bond and son, Jimmie, and Mr. Geo. McKenzie, all of Toronto. Mr. Chas. Park was home over the week end. He returned to St. Thomas on Monday, accompanied by his wife and little daughter, Gwen, who will I spund two weeks there. j Mr. and Mr. Gaylord Kaitting of Detroit are spending a week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting and his sister. Miss Delsa. Several members of the Beaver Valley Fishing Club were up from Toronto over the week end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pui-vis and Joyce of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home. Mrs. Will Irwin and daughter. Miss Ruth, of Windsor are visiting with Mrs. Irwin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, and other »•'»; .ines- M)««> Irene Martii/ ha? i->tur.red hom ? from summ°r schiol. Mr Will Campbell on loronto joined nis wife and son at their sununer cottage here over the week end. Mr. Jack Jamieson and lady friend. Miss Phyllis Cheeney of Alexandria are holidaying at the former's parent- al home. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wood and Muriel visited on Sunday at the Martin home. Several members of the Woman's -Association of the United church here joined the other Societies of the Max- well circuit in a happy reunion on Wednesday afternoon of last week at the Wareham church. A very inter- esting program was enjoyed, followed by a bountiful lunch served by the Wareham W. A. Mr. Peter Munshaw spent a few days visiting friends at Niagara Falls and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Caswell and five daughters of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and family. Mr. T. Lever, who is seriously ill, has gone to Markdale for treatment. BORN EAGLESâ€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Tuesday, Aug. 8th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Eagles, the gift of a daughter. BRUDERâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bruder (nee Vilda Graham) at the Youpille Hospital, Noranda, Que., on July 26th, 1939. a daughter, Donna June. HORSE RACES at Dundalk on August 12th 3 Classes Haying Requirements HAY FORKS, SLINGS, DRAW ROPE, PULLEYS, SLING ROPE, TRIP ROPE, SCYTHES, SNATHS, CARBORUNDUM STONES Mower Sections and Guards for all makes of mowers* INSECTICIDES Paris Green, Climax and King Bug Killer Arsenate of Lead and Lime, Flit, Fly Skoot Stock Spray, Sprayers, Fly Swatters SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN WIRE. HINGES. UK^KS Preserving Kettles, Spoons, Graters, Strainers and Sauce Pans l^SED MOWER 5 lX)0'r Cl'T Special Vase Electric Lamp with ^hade $1.98 Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE PHONE 54 Mr. and Mrs. Bannister (nee Miss Jean Duncan) of Winnipeg and Mrs. J. Kernahan of Flesherton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MtoConnell of Toronto visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. •Mr. Arthur La-wlor of Toronto s'pent tXe week-end at his parental home. Mr. Andrew Armstrong and son, .Andrew of Long Branch visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mage«. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Legard and family of London visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Miss Marge .Martin has returned home after a three weeks' visit with triends in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Caqjpbell and family vtsrted friends at W^alkerton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cronin and daughter. Miss Doris, of Toronto and Mr. Cronin's sister, Miss Katie and a;irl companion. Miss Dorothy Iflchol- son of Hoddenfield. Cork County. Ireland, visited on Friday and Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and fiamily. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead and daughters, Mary and Dorothy of Orange Valley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norval Betts. Miss Mabel Duekett of Protoi spent the week-end at her parental home. Mr. Jack Murphy and boy friends of Gait spent the past week holiday- ing at the home of Mr. Wilfred Ma- gee. Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Wood ajid daugh- ters of Markdale and Mr. H. Lever of Flesherton visited a* the Martin florae on Sunday. Mr. Norman Barlley of Niagara Is :i vis-itor with his friend Mr. Jack Large at the Eugenia House. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wood of Mimico spent a fortnight with the former's lister. Mrs. Will Magee. We are glad to report Miss Magee feeling iome better and hope she continues to Improve. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Humber Pay spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Will Magee. Mrs. Sled and daughter and hus- band of Preston and another daugh- ter, Mrs. Vanclse of Stayner visited recently with the former's -lister. Mrs. Will Magee. We aro 9t>rry that .Mr. ISlward Campbell's name was omitted when mentionins; the members of the cast jf th^ play. "The t^alonel's Maid." "It must be awful to be a debt col- lector. You niu-^t be unwelcome where- â- . ver you po," "Not at all. Practically everybcKiy a«ks me to call again." PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm S. W. Ding- wall and daughter of Presque Isle, Maine, left for home the beginning of last week, after visiting her many friends here, in too-short a time at their disposal. We regret our failure CO meet our old-time organist of 1907 (Miss Maude Reiley). The annual anniversary of our old church and concert at Amos, Dromore, to which we always wish to prove loyal, was the prime reason for our absence here when visited. Then, the opening of the redecorated agricultural hall, of which we were a member 50 years ago, and later a director for many years, claimed our loyalty. Miss Anna McVi«ar, with her friend Miss Jennie Parkins, and niece, Anne Lynne, arrived Saturday evening on a visit with the former's parents, and returned to Toronto Sunday after- noon. Rev. A. R. Muir is back from his hulidays much refreshed, and occupied his own pulpit on Sunday. Next Sun- day (D.V.) he will preach in the Presbyterian church, alternately, as in the past month by Rev. Taylor. We were again highly honored on Sunday by a pleasant appreciated visit from a dear old-time friend, Miss Edna McHugh, one time popmlar teacher here, now of Richmond Va'° Mr. and Mrs. McHugh, C.P.R. agir' at Markdale visited over the week end at the home of H. B. McLean. Mr and Mrs. Herb Greenw»od from near Durham visited at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Thos. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Runciman had their daughter, Mary, and son, Eldon, and his family of Toronto as visitors over the week end. Messrs. Elmer and Wilfred Watson were up from Toronto over Civic Holiday. Mr. Garfield McEdwards, a printer, now of Chicago, who has had relatives in Proton, paid his annual two weeks' visit to friends here, accompanied by his chauffeur, Michael Schatfer. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKLnnon, Miss M. Thornton and Mrs. Wm. Hincks, who have spent the past six weeks visiting their many fnends and relatives in the East, intend leaving Thursday of this week for their home at Invermay, Sask., and the latter to Penzanc, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan of Holstein, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McRae and son, Corwin, of Detroit and the Messrs. McMillan from Texas, were recent visitors at Mr. Hector McLean's and jX-ngus McLachlan's. Miss Jean Hincks returned home Friday night, after taking a summer course in Toronto. Mr. Richard Whittaker, who has not been well, passed away Sunday even- ing at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie of .\.twood spent the week end with her father and brother. Mr. W. J. Hincks. Mrs. Wilfred Parslow of New York and Mrs. Craig of Toronto are visitors with their mother, Mrs. Kate Mc- Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hincks and Florence and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Glashen of Toronto were visitors on Sunday with the Hincks families. Miss Marjorie Brown returned to Toronto on Sunday after spending two weeks at her home. Mr. Donald Carson of Toronto spent the week end at his home and took in the big celebration in Flesherton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannell of Swinton Park visited Wednesday at the home of their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and son. Miss R. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pedlar and family of Toronto were visitors last week at the home of Mr. Alex. Carson. Mrs. Pedlar of Toronto was a week end visitor with her dau.ffhtcr. Mrs. Geo. Fisher. Miss Stella Pedlar of Toronto wa.< a week end visitor with her sister. Mrs. Geo. Fisher. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was hold at the homo of Mrs. Alfre,! O'Uell Sr.. with a good attendance. The roll call was anwerod bv a community need. Papers were read bv Miss Sadie Oliver. Mrs. T. Currieand Mrs. O'Dell. .\11 were very interesting and instructive. •VrranKemeiUs were made to put plants and flowers around the monu- ment A social half hour followed, during which the hostess and assist- ants served a dainty lunch. Miss .lean and Mary Hincks are spending this week at Atwood. Over thirty-five members of the MacCuaig family were present at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Mac- Cuaig at Mulock. where a m.>st eti- invable afternwn was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and boys of Cornwall were guests this wrek with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ale^. Carson. ^r*â€"^ of Thanks Mr. .ind Mrs Normnn Stixlilart wish ri (bank their friend's and Tipiehb<>rs f,^ 'â- y,f,]r rpanv act<! of kindness to fVpir yf>n. Bfibbv, in hi!» ii!iies.«. <> <â-º <> â-  > j Production of Cream Exceptionally Good THE CREAM SE.\SOX IS WELL -\DV.\N'CED .\ND SO FAR OUR PRODUCTIOX H \.^ BEEX EXCEPTIOXALLY 0( H D. PROSPECTS FOR THE BAl.AXCE OF THE YEAR LOOK RATHER FAVOUR.\BLE FOR BEST RESULTS SELL YOUR CREAM TO FLESHERTOX CREAMERY FleshiTton Creamery & Produce Ce. Piwne 66 Chas. Gcddard, Manager | ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Wasdell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Holley of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft last week. Mrs. Croft returned to Toronto with them and spent a few days, returning home Wednesday. Mr. Jas. Porteous, 8th line, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Miss Julia Croft of Toronto visited over the week end and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Paton. Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto was a visitor over the holiday with her sister. Mrs. W. J. Chard. A large number from here attended the Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion in Flesherton on Monday and report a splendid time. Mr. and Mrs. T. Whitmore of Dur- ham were visitors over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Mr. Roy Fisher left for the West last week in company with several other boys, travelling by motor. EIGHTH LINE, OSPREY Haying is completed in this vicinity and a very bountiful crop. Johnny says that the cows won't have to eat straw this winter. Everybody enjoyed the big day at Feversham on Monday. Some farmers are either cutting '.heir 'vlieat or taking it into the barn :his fine weather. It is a heavy crop and well filled out. :.Irs. Neil Thomson (nee Allie Lawler) visited with her parents, Mr. \ni' Mrs. Geo. Lawler, quite recently. Mr. Sam Park, whose home is in Col", .ng wood and who has been quite ill, is recovering nicely, we are glad to know. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Moffatt were; Mr. and Mrs. Ball- antine of Preston, Miss Nina Park of Mimico and Tommy Love of Toronto. ROUND TRIP Rail Bargains from FLESHERTON to TORONTO $ 2.15 HAMILTON I 2-43 BUFF.\LO $ 4.85 BELLEVILLE $5.00 CHATHAM $ 6.65 PETERBORO $4.10 SMITH'S FALLS 9 7.35 and other intermediate points. Return Limit: Up to .\ug. 21 For train service or other details Consult .\gents - .-Vsk for Handbill CANADIAN PACIFIC MONSTER Street Frolic MARKDALE Thursday, Aug. 10 Sponsored by Markdale Rotary Club: proceeds for I'nderprivileired Children. MARKDALE'S NEW BAND Reorirainzed throu.yh the efforts of Markdale Rotary Club will make this their tirst public appearance. Dance Music and Entertainment by RUSS CREIGHTON and His Canadian Mountaineers "Well-known Variety DanCe Band and Entertainers, of Toronto, featuring CLARA PELLY Sensational Girl Singer and Acrobatic Stau- THE GARNER TWINS Toronto's Smarttst, Fastest Novelty and ^ap Dancers JOHNNY ANDERSON Outstanding Character Comedian and Enter- tainer "known the world over as Goofus. Very latest in Modem; Plenty of Old Time Dancing 12 BOOTHSâ€" r>iiiKO. Lamp Wheel. Grocery Wheel. Kitchenware Wheel. Hall Toss, f-'ish Pond. Ham and F>ac<'>Ti Runiper. etc. Lucky Draws for Pig and Calf, Chinaware, Cedar Chest amd Coffee Table. Every holy Come & Enitu the He.'^t Nig-ht of Your Life FUN FOR ALL ! ALL FOR FUN ! Shtnv will s[o on. rain or shine. In ca.sc.of rain the Oanciiis: and Floor Show at the nnotiries and the HiioMis in the Arena ZZf

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