Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1939, p. 5

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THE PLEvl^ERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 4, 1939 EUGENIA ^/ . t • I: Ber. Dr. Merc«r has returned from his holidays and preached a fine ser- inon on Sunclay afternoon in the church here. Miss Blanche WilUanu is assisting Mrs. J. Parson with household duties •t present. Congratulations (to Miss Mehrose Campbell, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, and Mr. Fred r"' Gonell of Flesherton, who were mar- ried on Saturday. We wish the young couple a long, happy and prosperous Journey together through life. The little Misses Shirley, June and Joyce Purvis of Toronto are visiting this week wtih their grandparent*, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mrs. Geo. Williams spent a few 'days at East Linton and Owen Sound before returning to Toronto. Mr. Peeroe visited over the week end with Mr. Chas. Goddard. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon of Port Elgin visited in Eugenia Sunday. Mr. Stanley Campbell and son, But- ton, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham at Walkerton. Miss JfiSLxi Tudor has returned to Kimberley to assist Mrs. Gordon Wilson. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith and family in their recent sad bereavement by the death of their infant daughter. We extend sympathy to the Fawcett and Stafford families of Kimberley in the death of the late Mrs. W. Faw- cett. The late Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett and son, Wellie,. resided in the village here a few yffrs ago. Mr. and Mrs. Honer of South Por- cupine and. the latter's mother, Mrs. Jamieson, of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe from near Kimber- ley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and family. Mr. and Mrs.^Chas. Tucker, Gerald and Thelma, of Dromore were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Porteous. . Canada is interested in what happ- ens in Rumania, because as a matter of bookkeeping and record that co- untry owes us something close to |26,- 000,000 from the last war. Ceylon Store Changes I have purchased the store and contents at Ceylon from Mrs. M. A. Pattison and will stock the shelves with new lines of g'etieral merchandise and groceries. Your patronage solicited. Gordon Stuart Phone 38 r 22. , Ceylon, Onl. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hineks of Hol- stein were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDermid. Miss Catharine Stewart, nurae-in- training at the Owet Sound hospital, who has been spending a few dAys at her home here, left Sunday for Lon- don, where she will take a further part of bar nursing course. The Women's Institute will hold their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Archie Sinclair, Dundalk, on Thursday evening, Oct. 12th. Ar- rangements will be made for the trip, and all members and friends are in- vited to attend. Mt. Don Porter of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDwmid. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart and family of Flesherton have moved here and have taken over the store of Mrs. M. Pattiaon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn McMuUen of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy McMollen. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wilson McMullen ill with pneumonia. Don't forget tliat the Ladies' Aid is holding a sale of baking and produce at the Down and Boyd garage Satur- day, from 2 to 5. Any articles for the sale may be left at Mr. Hemphill's store or the post office, previous to 2 p.m. Saturday. All donations will be greatly appreciated by the Aid. Mr. Donald McLeod is visiMng his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty, at Madoc. Mrs. A. C. Muir spent Friday in Berkeley. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Percy Hunt for their Sept. meeting on Wednesday last. Mrs. Snell presided. During the afternoon Mrs. A. C. Muir and Mrs. Kellar each sang a solo and Miss Millie Cook of Toronto gave a reading. Bill Cairns and Garfield Teeter are at Thombury for a w*k. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald and Miss Isobel, also Miss Bessie Cairns were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. Geo. Cairns. Miss Evelyn McDermid has return- ed home after spending the past two weeks at Snelgrove. Miss Emma Oliver, who resigned as teacher of Stone's Line sihool in J»me, was the guest of honor last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, when the ratepayers of the section presented to her a beau- tiful reversible blanket. Although completely taken by surprise. Miss Oliver replied very fittingly. Miss Oliver is teaching near Heathcote this year and was home over the week end. Misses Elsie and Irene Fisher, Doris Davis of Toronto spent the week end at the formers' home here. Miss MacDonald spent the week end at the home of Mr. Jas. Oliver. ROCK MILLS Visitors over Sunday Mrith Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen of East Mountain and Mr. Geo. .\kitt of Toronto. Mr. Leslie Chard has been very ill with pneumonia, but we are glad to report that he is improving. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English over Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Mel Elver and two sons. Miss Loreen English and friend, all of Toronto. Quite a number from here attended thft Dundalk fair on Wednesday last. Harvest Home service was held in the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon. The church was nicely decorated for the occasion and the pastor, Rev. F. Ashton, preached an appropriate ser- mon and the choir rendered special music. Mr. Jack English is assisting Mr. Arthur Chard with the fall work. Messrs. Melbourne Phillips and Alex. Laughlin have taken a contract of eutting logs in one of the Durham Furniture Company's bush lots and commenced work this week. The logs will likely \ie trucked to the mill here this fall. PRICEVILLE The Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club meet- ing will be held Wednesday, Oct. 11, at the home of Mrs. Chris. Thomson. Lunch Co.â€" Cake, Mrs. D. Campbell and Mrs. W. J. Hincka; sandwiches, Mrs. Geo. Fisher, Mrs. S. McDermid. A number from here attended anni- versary services in Swinton Park on Sunday and enjoyed hearing Mr. Jos. Muchan of Maple Valley, also the special music by the choir. Mrs. Archie MacCuaig spent the week end with her mother in Owen Sound. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. Alex. Carson were: Mrs. Wm. Beaton, Miss M. McLachlan, Mrs. F. McKin- non and daughter, Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richardson and two daughters, Mabel and Gladys, of Chatsworth. Miss Anna Cormie and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black and family of Swin- ton Park were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hineks. MEAT STORAGE WE STILL HAVE AMPLE ROOM FOR STORING YOUR MEAT. French doctor declares that kissing is safer than shaking hands. But da- nger means nothing to the young peo- ple who do a lot of both. ' ^♦♦♦♦♦»»0»»»»»»«»«9h»<.»»4»»»Om»»»»»»»<i»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»».> I Stanfietd's Unshrinkable Underwear :: BUY NOW AT THE OLD PRICES Gold Label Shirts and Drawers $L5a Blue Label ShiirU and Drawers ' $2.25 Red Label Shirts and Drawers $L95 Gold Label Combinations $2.50 The increased price of wool indicates highe-r prices for | all woollen articles shortly. Ladies' Silk Hosiery AU manufacturers' prices have advanced â€" our prices will^ too, as soon as our present stock has to be re- ;; placed. For a short time we are selling' 'at our old ; ; prices.. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY. All new fall shades, in : [ chiffon and service weights. Two popular qualities. | Going at ...^ 75c and $L00 | 1 1' Cashmere Hosiery Silk and Wool Hoswry S V I CottoQ. Hosiery Rayon Hosictry Boys' Golf Hosiery | Work Socks Fine Socks | All at popular prices f :: F. H. W. HICKLING MAXWELL Mr. Robert Priestley, son of Mr. Allan Priestley, is training with the Perth Regiment at Stratford, a mach- ine grun corps. We are sorry«to report Mrs. Wilbert Poole quite ill in CoUingwood hospital. Miss Violet Duckett visited friends in Barrie over the week end. Mrs. Johnson of Dundalk is staying with her daughter, Mrs. E. Bucking- ham, for the winter. The Guild of St. Mary's church vis- ited with the Dundalk Guild Thursday night last, when the former ladies provided the program. The Woman's Association will meet tit the home of Mrs. Andrew Pallister on Thursday, Oct. 5th. PROTON STATION Rev. Baker of Meaford preached a very fine sermon in the United church on Sunday evening ^and dispensed Communion. Mr. Baker's many friends were pleased to hear him and to meet him again. Mrs. (Rev.) H. Shaw is visiting her mother at Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever spent Mon- day at Owen Sound fair. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Reddick have moved into Mr. Ed. Stinson's house on the hill, east of the village. Rev. and Mrs. Allan McQuire and little son have moved into Mrs. Robt. White's home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. John Scattergood and sister, Mrs. Amott, of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Acheson. Mrs. Hemphill, who spent last week with her daughter, returned to the city with them. Mr. Scatter- good is wearing the uniform of a Sargeant in the R.C.A.M. Corps. One feels sad to see the Canadian young men in khaki again. BUCKINGHAM It was fojrtunate that the "man with the hoe" unwittingly betook himself to eradicate the weeds in the monu- ment enclosure before the big United Church Sunday School rally took place nearly two weeks ago. Perhaps not- ice was not taken of this "Pro bono publico" act. Had the weeds remain- ed they couldn't miss seeing them as evil is more readily taken notice of than good. The young people of this neighbor- hood and beyond met at the hall on Friday evening for the purpose of extending congratulations and best wishes to the popular young married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reiley. At an appropriate time Mr. Arthur Bell, teacher, called the meeting to order and stated the object of the gathering. Many beautiful and costly articles were presented to the win- some bride, both suitably replying to and expressing their apreciation. At an after-meeting on Sunday ar- rangements were made by appointing committees to further the necessary steps toward the anniversary, prob- ably en the 22nd of October. • Rev. Mr. Mercer of Holstein will conduct service here in St. Columba on Sunday next, as Rev. A. R. Muir is taking anniversary services at Vamey. We bespeak big congrega- tions for them at both places. Rev. Mr. Sullivan is expected here on the 15th, booked for Salem anni- versary at 2.30 p.m. The old wood shed owned by Mr. F. P. Reiley has been taken down and trucked away by the purchaser. A new and larger one will follow. We would suggest that this may be an oppor- tune time to store your meat for FaO and Winter use. Those who have taken advant- age of this storage facility are wdl pleased with it. Premium on Delivered Cream DELIVER YOUR CREAM to us and make the extra 1 cent over trudc prices. Highest Prioes Paid for Poultry, Cream and Eggs Flesherton Oreamery & Produce Co. Plxme 66 Cha*. Goddard, Manager SWINTON PARK ] > General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. ♦♦♦♦♦<»<>«««4~>♦«<^<^^^^v^.^4>4M^4»^4,4>4„^^^v^^v^<.<H^ Mrs. Mary McMullen is at the home of her brother, Mr. Leslie Chard of Rock Mills, who is quite ill with pneumonia. Quite a number from here attend- ed the CoUingwood fair on Saturday and .report an exceptionally fine showing of live stock. Mr, Harold Freethy returned from the West on Thursday, where he had taken a truckload of men from these parts for harvest and threshing operations. ^ We are glad to know Mr. J. Brown is able to be up. Mrs. Pedlar, who was nursing him, has returned to her home near Flesherton. We understand that Mr. Herb Mc- Mullen of Alliston, son of Mrs. M. j McMullen, has signed up for active service with the tank corps at Camp Borden. We are sorry to learn thit Lloyd Freethy is quite ill with pneumonia at time of writing and hope that he may soon be recovered. Mts. Heslop and son, Arthur, of Boston arrived Friday to visit her brothers, J. T., William and Ernest Davidson, and sister, Mrs. F. Hale. Messrs. Alex, and Archie McDonald have sold their farm at Rob Roy to the Durham Furniture Co., and we understand that they intend to reside in CoUingwood. Mrs. W. Armstrong and daughter, Sheila, of Barrie are visiting Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson. FALL FAIR DATES Oiatsworth Oct. 6. 6 FEVERSHAM Oct. 3, 4 Tara Oct. 4, 5 Markdale '... Oct. 10, 11 Wom.on appearine before a judge in St, Louis said hev husband had mar- ried her for her money. The .iudjrc con- sidered that as good s reason a« any other. Of course he had the chance tr> spe the woman before cominp to tbnt conclusion. Mrs. Kate Stewart has returned to Detroit, after spending the past month with her son, William, here. Mr. and Mrs. FVed Heard of Bay- field spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy and family of Shelburne spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. John Aldcorn and attended anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock of Price- ville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Hardy. Mrs. Failey, teacher at S. S No. 7, spent the week end at her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kno« and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardy spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cop«' land at Brampton. Miss Jean McC^rmick, Reg.N., of Toronto spent a few days with her parents here. Jean has enlisted for overseas service. Miss Margaret McKay has gone to Toronto for the winter months, where she has secured a position. Miss Marguerite McLean of Proton Station spent Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. Walter Knox. Mr. John Haw and son, Edward, are busy erecting a new house at Long Branch, Ont. Sunday anniversary services were observefl in St. .\ndrew's church here. Mr. John Muchan of Maple Valley gave two very impressive messages to very large crowds at both services. The choir rendered anthems, assisted by the male quartette of Salem and Mr. Donald M-cIntosh of Dundalk and Miss Jean Adams of Holstein. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers. Monda.v evening the Ware- ham people presented the play "Sun- bonnet Jane from Sycamore Lane." Fitting Revenge A young lady school teacher was re- cently stopped in Detroit for driving through a red light, and was given a ticket calling for her appearance in traffic court the following Monday. She went at once to the judge, told him that she had to be at her classes Monday morning, and asked for the immediate disposal of her case. "So,"* said the judge sternly, "you're a school teacher. That's fine madam, your presence here fulfills a long- standing ambition for me. For years T have ypamed to have a school tench- •>r in this court. "Xow", he thundered, "von s-t down at that table and write 'T went through a stop siarn.' 500 times." ORANGE VALLEY A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Teeter last Wednesday evening, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen, who were recently married. There were over one hundred persent from the neighborhood and surrounding community. At the midnight hour Mr. and Mrs. Allen were escorted to the diningroom, where an appropriate address was read by Mrs. Ken Hill and the miscellaneous articles were unwrapped by Mrs. Ed. Davis, with Mr. and Mrs. Allen reading the verses. The newlyweds replied very fittingly,, thanking all preeent for sponsoring the occasion and hoping to meet them in^ their new home on some future occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns, Wesley and Clifford and Miss II Russell took in the Owen Sound fair on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Morrison of Walters Falls spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Hill, and Mr. Hill. Mr. Chas. Gilchrist spent a day re- cently in Owen- Sound. A number from this community took in the party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Black of Irish Lake. Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. Clar- ence Wilkinson of Swinton Park, Mrs. C. Connel of Napanee visited on Fri- day with the McFadden family. ARTEMESIA CCUNCIL OCT. 1« Owing to Monday, Oct. 9th being Thaiiksgivjig Day, Artemesia Council meeting has been postponed until tiie noxt day, October 10. Orange Valley School Grade 8 â€" Muriel Smith*, Muriel Gilchrist. Grade 6 â€" Margarei; Smith*, Oscar Irving, Oscar Brown. Grade 5 â€" Nina Teeter, Jack Gil- christ, Fred Gilchrist. Grade 3 â€" Dorothy Brown. Grade 2 â€" Ruth Smith*, Doreen Teeter*, Philip Irving, Melville Irving. Grade 1 â€" Emerson Brown. Harold Gilchrist. Sr. Pr. â€" Gordon Brown. Jr. Pr. â€" Herman Brown, Jimmy Irving, Rae Smith*. Billie Gilchrist, Betty Hill, Gordon Gilchrist. * denotes perfect attendance. â€" G. B. Littlejohns, Teacher. The Nazi swatiska has been termed the "crooked cross," and now it ha» been appropriately combined with the bolshevist double cross. 5c to $1.00 Store forFall Ladies' Flannelette Pyjamas Ladies' FItumelette Gowns Girls' Navy Fletice Bloomers Girls' Wool Knee Socks Men's Flannelette Pyjamas Men's Doeskin Shirts Men's Flannel Shirts Men's Fle^e-lined Combinations Men's Brushed Cotton Combinations Men's Wool Work Socks Boys' Brushed Wool Pullovers Boys' Fleece Linckl Combinations Boys' Doeskin Shirts Boys' Wool Knee Socks E. J. FISHER Flesherton, Ont. Markdale FALL FAIR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10-11 Big showing of Grey County's best Horses Cattle* Sheep, Cattle and Fowl Boys' Calf Club Showing. Junior Farters' Cream Judjrin.tr Competition. Sfecial Gasses for cans of Cream. School Fair Exhibits and Exercises. Trials of Speed PURSE $300 WEDNESDAY. OCT. 1 1. First Rate at 1.30 2.28 Trot or Pace 2.24 Trot or Pace, each heat a race OTHER ATTRACTIONS FOR OLD OR YOUNG MALKDALE CITIZENS' BAND will provide Music on Wednesday Afternoon

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