» Wednesday, October 11. 1939 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Colling^wood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1,000. Price in Canada |2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.60; in U. S. A. $3.50 per year^ when paid in advance |2.00. F. J. THURSTON. Editor. VANDELEUR The Woman's Association held the October meetintf at the home of Mrs. S. Fitzsimmons on Wednesday after- noon of last week with a good atten- dance. Misi Dott Cornett of Preston and Dr. F. Martin of Dundalk visited with the former's cousin, Mrs. H. Graham, and family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fawcett and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson and Mr. and Mrs, H. Thompson at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Fawcett on Sunday, Oct. 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth spent Thanksgiving: with Mrs. J. R. Stewart at Shrigley. Miss Myrtle Fawcett and Mrs. W. Arm.'strong and Mazie of Thornbury returned home, having spent a few weeks with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Corbett of Dun- dalk visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Hutchinson. Anniversary services will be held in Vandeleur church on Sunday, Oct. 29, afternoon and evening. Rev. Dr. Mercer of Maxwell will occupy the pulpit A play "The Ready-Made Family" is being prepared by the Girls' Club and will be given in the near future. Mrs. Lundy Johnston is spending a few weeks with friends in Toronto. SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tresidder and family of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. Bunzuek of Owen Sound spent the week end at the home of Howard Watson. Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Wes Flood «n ThursSay, Oct. 5th, a son. Rev. J. A. Townshend of London spent a few days with his cousin, Mrs. Delbcrt Haw. Swinton Park W. M. S. visited with BARN DANCE MERVIN WRIGHT _ will hod a Barn Dance in his new barn on Lot 1, Con. 10, Osprey Townline O. and A. FRIDAY, OCT. 13 Good music- Lunch. Portable Hardwood Floor Admission: 25c Dundalk Society on Wednesday last and provided e splendid program, ' which was much enjoyed by all • present. The Dundalk ladies served a dainty lunch at the close and hope to visit our Society on Oct. 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin spent a day in Owen Sound. Their son, Ever- ett, returned home with them, having .spent a month in Owen Sound. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Haw for Thanksgiving were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Anthony, Dugie and Donnie of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamil- ton of Mt. Forest. Wedding bells are ringing quite loudly about a mile west of the Park. While threshing on Saturday Mr. Dclbert Haw suffered a nasty acci- dent when attending the straw blower. He made a misstep and one leg slipped over the belt and was severely cut barely missing the main artery. Several stitches were required to close the wound. Delbert will be laid off work for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox spent Sun- day wth Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rob- inson of Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCormick and Miss Jean McCormick, Reg.N., of To- rontb had Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mr. Will McCormick. Guests at the home of Mr. Hugh .McMillan over the week end ^vere:' .Misses Isabelle and Jessie McMillen, Mr. Donald McMillen and friend. Miss Irene Hesp, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chant, all of Toronto. Mr. Ivan Porter of Toronto Normal School, also Miss Florence and Wesley of Dundalk'high school, spent the week end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Porter. United Church Iter. G. Keith McMillan, B.A., B.D. Minister Sunday morning at 11.00 a.m. the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. The same service will be held at Ceylon at 3.00 p.m. In the evening at Flesherton, Rev. Dr. G. L. Mercer of Maxwell will have charge of the service, while Mr. McMillan takes anniverary sei-vices in Eugenia. Never say nor do that thing that anger prompts you to. ROAD CLOSING NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Arterae- sia will, after four weeks after the (ii'st publication of this notioe in the Flesherton Advance newspaper, pro- ceed to pass a By-law to close up and dispose of the original allowance for road, being part of sideroad between Lots Numbers 158 and 151, in the Second Concession South-West of the Toronto and Sydenham Road, in the said Township," or so much of the same as included in the following description, viz: Commencing at the intersection of the West Backline and said sideroad, then North-Easterly, a distance of fifty seven rods more or less, of which all persons interested will govern themselves accordngly. The first notice is on the 4th day of October, 1939. Dated this 2nd day of October, 1939. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. \\ HELLO AUNTIE li says JIMMY W. WALSH No Urm thould b« without ( telephone. It'i "mighty handy" to cill rctationi and Bei«hbour> â€" and quick aid â- ( need be I United Chdrcli MAXWELL CHARGE REV. GEO. L. MERCER, B.D.. D.D, Minister ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15 EUGENIA UNITED CHURCH 11.00 a.m. â€" Morning Worship. Preacher: the Minister. Preacher; tuYY)SJWHA....Gue- 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service. Preacher Rev. G. K. McMillan. NOTES Sunday, Oct. 15, will be observed by the congregation of Eugenia United church- as "ANNIVERSARY DAT." We welcome as our guest speaker at the evening service, Rev. G, K. McMillan, formerly associate minister of High Park Avenue United church, Toronto, now minister of the Flesherton pastoral charge. The choir wiU lead the congregation in praise and render special music. Well attend- ed and inspiring services are contem- plated. The public is respectfully urged to be on time in order that seats may be available. AFTERNOON SERVICE The minister. Dr. Mercer, will con- duct a service of worship in the Ware- ham United church on Sunday, Oct. 15th, commencing at 2.30 o'clock and will he in charge of the evening ser- vice at Flesherton. THROUGH-THE-WEEK The Young People's Society at Maxwell appointmfent wSll convene their first meeting for the season on Friday, Oct. 13th. The Missionary Convenor, Miss Jean Ross, will have charge of the meeting. All members and young people are respectfully re- quested to be on time. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES OCTODBER 20-21 from FLESHERTON to TORONTO I 2.15 HAMILTON $ 2-45 BUFFALO $ 4.85 BELLEVILLE $5.00 CHATHAM $ 6.65 PETERBORO $4.10 SMITH'S FALLS I 7.35 WELLAND $ 4.10 and other destinations For full information and limits Consult Agents - Ask for Handbill CANADIAN PACIFIC NAMES WANTED OF MEN WHO ENLIST The Flesherton Advance would like to keep a complete list of all men and women of this district who enlist in the service of the country during the present oonflict and invites the co-op- eration of all its readers and friends. Such a list, kept up to date, will be an invaluable record in years to come but it will only be of use if the infor- mation is given to us promptly and in detail. "The names, age and parentage of all those who enlist, whether male or female, should be handed in, together with the unit that they join, and this should be followed up with any changes of location whenever they move. Parents and friends are asked to keep this in mind and those who enlist are requested to advise The Advance of their movements whenever possible, consistent with military prudence. IN MEMORIAM BROWN â€" In loving memory of our dear husband and father, John J. Brown, who passed away October 10th, 1938. Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but all in vain; To have, to love, and then to part. Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things. But this they wipe out never, The memory of those happy days When we were all together. â€" Ever remembered by Wife and Daughters. Salmon GOLD SEAL 35c RED SEAL - 29c PINK SEAL 17c 0. & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON. Ontario After all. the only place a chap can "act like a hero in the movies" and get away with it is in the movies. Enemy aliens are to be interned at Petawawa. And that is not exactly the garden of Eden when the Arctic breezes blow. WATCH REPAIRING PRICES REASONABL* E. I. HoDey Located above Bank of Commezee TORONTO St FLESHERTON Sixty persons escaped from a fire in a macaroni factory possibly be- cause, as the Sudbury Star aptly re- marks, they used their noodles. Toronto Jail Farm has been placed at the disposal of the provincial government for the purpose of hous- gin some of the inmates of the new mental hospital at St. Thomas, which has been handed over k> the Canadian force. The Jail Farm might well be transformed into a mental hospital, for most criminals are mental cases. D. CAMPBELL OPTOMETRIST will be at the Munshaw Hotel, Flesherton TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17 from 2 to 8.30 p.m. for the purpose of testing eyes and supplying glasses, if necessary. MODERATE PRICES n. SUPERIOR STORES Specials This Week TIGER CATSUP, large 15c PRUNES, fresh, good size lb. 10c 50 oz. cans PINEAPPLE JUICE only 25c SODAS, fresh and crisp 2 lbs. 25c FRESH GROUND COFFEE, ground whUe you wait, a few lbs. left at old price 39c & 40c lb. DeLuxe JELLY POWDERS & Sherbert glass 5 for 25c MEN'S WORK BOOTS and SHOES Buy now before advance in prices. FLOUR â€" Robin Hood and Prairie Rose "For Better Bread" C. J. KENNEDY I PHONE 37 WE DELIVER t »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»<»»8'»»fr»>»»»»fr<»»»c>'><'»»<><'»»»»»<e>»»»^»»» WE ARE NOW MANyPACTURING A COMPLETE LINE OF SHUR-GAIN BALANCED FEEDS t . SHUR-GAIN BALANCED FEEP FOR POULTRY CATTLE ^ HOGS I Manufactured bv * H. A. McC.\LLEY i rCANADA PACKERS LiK LOW HATES fo^F ARM HOMES SHUR-CAIN Calf Meal 25% SHUR-CAIN Calf Starter 24% SHUR-CAIN Dairy Ration 18% SHUR-CAIN Dairy Concentrate 35% (sweetened with molasses) Shur-Gain Balanced Rations for Dairy Cattle are scientifically made so that the Calves from birth to the breeding period shall receive the digestible nutrients necessary for healthy growth. Their milk-producing qualities are also more evenly developed. In SHUR-GAIN Dauy Rations the Proteins, Minerals and Vitamins have been carefully selected so as to obtain a high production and at the same time protect th* health of the animal. Higher production reduces the cost of operation and results in better profits. SHUR-CAIN Pig Starter SHUR-CAIN Developing and Fattening Mashes SHUR-CAIN Hog Concentrate 41% Shur-Gain Balanced Feeds for Hogs are car«- fiUly made up so as to contain in sufficimt quantities the necessary proteins, minerals and vitamins to meet the requirements of the Hoga at the various sUges of growth. Shur-Gain Feeds enable the farmers to raise healthy, rapid-growing Hogs at low cost, resulting in a higher percentage of "Selects" and increased profits. SHUR-CAIN Chick Starter 19% SHUR-CAIN Developing Mash 16% SHUR-CAIN Uying Mash 18% SHUR-CAIN "igmaker" Cmicentrate 3S% for PouHry SHUR-CAIN "Natchmaker" Concentrate 3S% SHUR-CAIN "Big 50" Poultry Concentrate Shur-Gain Balanced Feeds for Poultry have been prepared so that eacK mgredient is in sufficient quantity to meet the requirements of Poultry. Tha use of these well-balanced Feeds which are rich in Proteb, Mh\ersls and Vitamins makes it possible to get a higher Egg production at a minimi Feed cost and at the same time keep the birds in perfect health. . »