THE FLE;i.HERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 18, 1939 BUCKINGHAM (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anthony and Mr. Wm. Elliott of Collingwood, visited <with the latter'a brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs, John Elliott on Thanks- giving Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn Motored to ' Gravenhitrst on Sundty and visited with their daughter, Miss Minerva Conn, who is progressing quite favor- ably and expects to be home shortly. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conn of Detroit, who with :their daughter Patricia, were spending Thanksgiving week end with Mr. Conn's brother and family. Miss Vema Hudson and friend of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. John Hndaon^ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dixon and Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon, spent Thanks- • giving with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lanktree were callers at the Conn home. Mr James Hudson spent a few days last week visiting friends in Toronto. » » » « * Life is like a Fair â€" everyone can't win a prize. But in life, as at a Fair. â- you can solace yourself with conclud- ing the judges were just a wee bit • cockeyed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of ALEXANDER CAR- RUTHERS, late of the Township of Artemeaia, County of Grey, Farmer, rwto died on the 25th day of August, 1939, are required to forward their . claims, duly proved, to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 8th day of November, A.D. 1939. And further take notice that after 'Buch mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to <fliieh claims as they wUl then have TBotice. Dated at Markdale, Ontario, this 13th day of October, A.D. 1939. â€" W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor, SWINTON PARK Mrs. Mary Hardy is enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will Blakestone at Stratford. Mrs. Hardy expects to meet her brother, Mr. Jacob Parslow, and wife, who are coming East to live, while she is there. Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads and child- ren spent Sunday with the Knox family. Mr. Delbert Haw is slowly improv- ing after his accident, but is still bedfast. Mr. Wesley Flood was home from Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bunzuck of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meads and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of E. B. Ostrander and attended the Salem anniversary services. Wedding bells are softly ringing north of the Park. Mrs. Robt. Ferris spent last week end with friends in Essex County. Large crowds attended Salem anni- versary on Sunday. Rev. J. Sullivan of Thistletown was the speaker of the day and delivered two very high quality messages. Special music by the choir, Salem quartette and the Acheson sisters of Bethel added much to the service. The ladies intend holding a fowl supper on Friday night. The Swinton Park school children enjoyed a social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maxwell, when they presented their school chums with a purse of money before they leave to make their home in the West. Mr. Herman Maxwell is hav- ing an auction sale Thursday and will then leave with his family to make their home in the West again. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardy and Elea- nor spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Reddick at Riverview. Mr. Mervyn Little of Berkeley and Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholl of Price- ville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Hugh McMillan. PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM HARMAN HALES. late of the Tovniship of Art- emesia. County of Grey, Farmer, who died on the 3rd day of June, 1939, are â- Tequired to forward their claims, duly proved, to the undersigned Solicitor â- for the Estate, on or before the 1st day of November, A.D. 1939. And further take notice that after such mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale Ontario, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1939. â€" W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. A bazaar, program and tea will be held this Friday evening in St. An- dew'a Church, when a good turnout is expected. Mr. Lome McArthur is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill of Fergus, Mr. Gilvray McLean and friend of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McRae of Fort Erie were re- cent visitors at the home of Mr. H. R. McLean. Miss Thelma Dobson of Toronto is visiting her cousin, Miss Margaret McArthur. Messrs. Duncan Marshall and Don- ald Aklcom of Toronto spent the week at the latter's home. Mrs. Evans returned home to Owen Sound after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Archie MacCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnie and Mr. D. Hincks visited on Sunday at the home of Chas. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. A. Knox and Garnet and Mr. Jack Carson of Vandeleur visited on Sunday at the home of Mr Alex. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dobson and Alex, of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mr. A. McArthur. Mrs. Archie McArthur returned home after spending three weeks in Toronto. Mr. Murray McMillan has gone to Toronto. Miss Isabel Mather returned home after spending the summer months at Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCuaig, Topcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLellan of Niagara Falls spent the week end with friends here. The latter remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannell and Mr. Alex. Calder of Holstein were visitors last week at the home of Mr. A. L. Hincks. Mrs. Colin McLean and Innis spent Sunday in Toronto. VICTORIA CORNERS TORONTO LINE NORTH We are glad to report that Steven Eby is up around again after his illness. Mrs. H. Horton of Toronto is visit- ing with her mother, Mrs. Colquette. A number from the village attended the anniversary in the Presbyterian church at Singhampton on Sunday aftd reported a large crowd. Service will be held next Sunday afternoon in this village, owing to the anniversary at Maple Valley. The service will be conducted by Mr. Muchan, Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerton on the gift of a daughter on Friday, Oct. 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pocock and family have moved to the residence of Mr. C. Weldrick in the village. Mr. Eli Robinson and daughter, Ann, visited with friends in Clarks- burg on Suaday. Mrs. Ned Croft and son visited her sister, Mrs. H, Osberne, over the week end. The Jas. Batchelor family visited at Hillaburg on Sunday. Mrs. Batch- elor remained for a week or more. Baby Donald Stimion, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson, has been quite ill with pneumonia but is much better. He is also receiving much help from the treatment which he takes in To- ronto every two weeks. Since Miss Armstrong, our last student minister, has gon^to Queen's University at Kingston, Inistioge is having student ministers who are preaching for a call. We were particu- larly pleased on Sunday with Mr. Wm. Patterson of Emmanuel College as the first probationer. The W. A. met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Elmo Stevens with 13 members and one visitor present. Roll call was answered by Hallowe'en suggestions. The opening hymn of "Rock of Ages" by Augustus Toplady, as author was followed by a sketch of his biography. Readings were giv- en by Mrs. Walter Acheson, Mrs. A. Montgomery and Mrs. Russell Patter- son and were followed by the report of the treasurer and other business. The social hour was made more appre. ciative by the lunch served by th» hostess, assisted by Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. Batchelor and Mrs. Moore (Intended for Last Week) Bom â€" To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ar- nold, Buffalo, the gift of a daughter. Dale Eugene. Visitors at the home of M. Bann- on over the holiday were: Jas. Bann- on, Toronto; Mrs. Jno. Robinson, Ham- ilton; Mr. and Mrs. Brown Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hawes, and Mary of Bright, visited at the home of Mr. Albert Stinson, Miss Ruth Richardson of Toronto, spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Anna Maud Acheson motored to Sudbury for the holiday. Miss. Vernice Cowles of Toronto, visited her friend. Miss Helen Moore. Inistioge held their annual Thanks- giving Anniversary Services on Sund- ay. Rev. Mahood of London, a former pastor of this congregation,over fifty years ago, preached morning and even- ing services. Rev. G. K, McMillian of Flesherton preached to the afternoon ^♦4$M^*»^<M**^»«*<^*»«*»«;*«*«^«4^«^<»^m{^^ MEAT STORAGE WE STILL HAVE AMPLE ROOM FOR STORING YOUR MEAT. :J :: <> We would suggest that this may be an oppor- tune time to store your meat for Fall and Winter use. Those who have taken advant- age of this storage facility are well pleased with it Premium on Delivered Cream DELIVER YOUR CREAM to us and make the extra 1 cent over truck prices. Highest Prices Paid for Poultry, Creaai and Eggs Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Chas. Goddard, Manager EUGENIA Rev. Dr. Mercer preached a very spent Sunday with his father, Mr. *. Munshaw. Miss Turner of Heathcote is a vis- enthusiastic and impressive sermon 'tor ai the Goddard home. in the morning to a good congrega. tion in the United Church here. The choir rendered special music and the church was nicely decorated with Miss Mabel Duckett of Saugeen Jcc. visited at her parental home. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto were week end visitors with grain, leaves, fruits and flowers for ' the Park families. (Intended for Last Week) Visitors at the home of Mr. Fred Mathewson over the weekend were: j congregation. The music of the choir Mr. Francis Townley of Toronto, Mr. I was greatly appreciated The choir Lome Boddy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. j was assisted by Miss Dolly Barret of Hazen and children, all of Owen j Owen Sound, Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon of Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ruckell , Dundalk and Miss Eve Rundle also of of Hamilton | Dundalk; Mrs. Stanley Acheson, Miss Miss Evelyn Brown and friend of , L. Acheson of Bethel and Mr. Innis Toronto spent the weekend with the, McClean of Priceville, Mrs. Alex. Mc- former's parents Mr. and Mrs.Fred Clean of Toronto, Mr. Armstrong of i in Toronto, the anniversary services. Credit is due to Mrs. Francis Genoe, who was the decorator. In the evening Rev. G. K. McMillan of Flesherton preach- ed a fine sermon on "What is a Christian?" The choir also sang a special selection and Mrs. J. Cairns rendered sweetly a beautiful hymn. Miss Muriel Carruthers was organist. The Woman's Association will meet this Thursday afternoon, Oct. 19, at the home of Mrs. Garnet Magee. Visitors welcome. The Y.P.U. will commence their fall meetings this Wednesday night. Mr. Ruthven Hindle of Duncan vis- ited one day recently at the Kaitting home. Mr. Cecil Warforl and child- ren visited the past week with friends » t ADVICE Don't Delay Buying Footwear Underwear Suits and Overcoats Sweater Coats WHOLESALE PRICES ARE ADVANCING SHARPLY AND WE URGE OUR CUSTOM- ERS TO ANTICIPATE THEIR NEEDS FOR THE WINTER SEASON, WHILE OUR PRESENT STOCKS LAST. OUR PRICES ARE ALL BASED ON LOW- ER COSTS THAN THOSE OF TO-DAY. F. H. W HICKLING Brown, Miss Gertrude Lever of Richmond Hill spent a few days at her home here. Mr. Robert Smith and three sons of Toronto spent the week-end at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood visited at Mrs. L. Lever. Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of the late Charles Stewart, who passed away on Sunday. Messrs. Ed. Loucks and Fred Browm made a business trip to Brampton recently. Mrs. Minnie Lever is on an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs Fred Brown. Meaford. We wish to convey a vote of thanks to those people who helped to make our Anniversary Service such an enjoyable event. The church having been reshingled and redecorated, the money needed to clear us of our debt having been raised by voluntary sub- scription, we feel very thankful that our lot is cast in such a peaceful co- untry, at least for the present. It makes our sympathy all the greater at this Thanksgiving time, for the harrassed, and war-torn countries of Europe AND THEY KNOW WHAT A HIT MEANS EAST MOUNTAIN (Intended for Last Week) Mr. J. McCormick spent the week end at his home near Swinton Park. Mr. Len Haines is picking apples in the Beaver Valley. Mr. Delbert Fawcett has returned after spending a couple of months "Pin" Thompson and Archie Moore of the Hanover ball team have joined the 97th Battery, Walkerton. If "Pin" ever throws that high fast one of his ' '" *^^ ^***' at Hitler's bean, or Archie gets al Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and chance to get in one of those swings Mrs. Gordon McMullen were: Mr. and right from the shoe tops with his old Mrs. E. Ruckell of Hamilton, Mr. and war club, then it's going to be to bad for Der Fueher. â€" Chesley Enterprise. Graeral Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont ' '♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦^-^♦♦♦<»****<-0->**<«*<«<«4<->**<^**<-><><9^^ AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. Etc ALEX. McQUARRIE will sell by public auction on Lot 45. Con. 2. N.D.R.. Glenelg MONDAY, OCTOBER 23rd the following namely HORSESâ€" Aged Mare, Clyde, sup- posed in foal, Aged Mare, Clyde, sup- posed in foal, Gelding 5 years old, Mare colt 2 years old, Mare colt 1 year old. CATTLEâ€" 3 Cows with calves at foot. Durham Cow milking. Grade Bull, 3 Heifers 3 years old, supposed in calf. PIGS â€" Brood Sow. 7 Chunks. IMPLEMENTS, Etc.â€" Oliver riding Plow, Land Roller. P. H. Gang Plow, Walking Plow, Drag Harrow 12-bull, Disc Harrow, Spring Tooth Harrow, Scuffler. Coulter & Scott Seed Drill, Buggy, 2-drill Turnip Sower, Cutter. Set 2.000 lb. Scales. Wagon. Cutter Pole, 2 Sleighs. Turnip Pulper. Cook Stove. Set Heavy Harness. Hay Rack. Set Plow Harness. Horse Collars. 50 Sap Buckets. Deering Binder. M.-H. Mower. Brantford Mower. Hay Rake. Peter Hamilton Cultivator, Chains. Forks. Hoes and numerous other articles. SALE .\T t O'CLOCK P.M. No reserve; everything must be sold. TERMS: CASH. Mrs. J. A. Lever, Mr. and Mrs. Wil , fred Lever, Mr. and Mrs. G. Long, j Bobby and Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brackenbury and Marjorie of Flesherton. and Mrs. R. McMullen of Rock Mills. I Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle spent the' week end at Clarksburg. Mr. Morris Welsh is having steel put on his ham. Messrs. Comfort and Laurie Thompson are assisting. Mrs. R. W. McMullen and Mrs. G. McMullen spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. Fawcett, Vandeleur. Mis§ Odessa Wickens of Kimberk'y visited recently with her sister Mrs. Art Idle. Mr. and Mrs. George Hill and children of Barrhead spent Sumlay at the home of Gordon McMullen. Messrs. James and Ralph Harbottle spent a day with friends on the 12th line. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lougheed and family of Union were callers on the line one day recently. Recent visitors at the B[aitting home were: Mrs. Jas. Menzies and daug'hter. Miss Grace, of Wareham, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gordon of 12th line and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown of Collingwood. Messrs. Clarence Williams and John Cairns spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Stewart Elkins of Toronto vis- ited over the week end with his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .Stewart and children of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Orville McWhirter and son, Douglas, of Redwing and Mr. Irvine McKeown of Duncan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting and Miss Delsa. We were pleased to have a call from Rev. S. Elliott of Heathcote, former minister here, one day recent- ly. He is greatly pleased with his Heathcote charge. Mrs. Pinkerton and friend, Mrs. Hargrave. spent a day recently with Miss Hewitt, near Vandeleur. Mrs. J. E. Large and daughter. Miss Beth, of Fort Erie, spent the week end with the former's father, Mr. Peter Munshaw. Mr. Laurie Munshaw of Alliston Mr. and Mrs. John MacDonald and their winsome little daughter, Don- alda, of Codrington are on a month's visit with his brother, Neil, and wife and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mcintosh. Miss Lucy MacDonald, teacher at Victoria Corners was a caller with friends here. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous were : Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and Betty of Pickering and Mrs. Allan Cameron, Donnie and Bobby of Toronto. Mrs. Joe Williams and son, Joey, visited a couple of days in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Williams has returned to her home in Toronto, having moved their household effects recently. One afternoon in early October the teacher. Miss Dinsmore, took the school children in the Cairns & Cairns truck to Thornbury. The children enjoyed the outing very much,. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Timmins of Buffalo were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett and family. MOTION PICTURES "Agriculture Faces a New Set • ^ of Facts" r '"S Wareham Junior Farmers invite you to attend a meeting at Wareham on Thursday, Oct. 26th at 8 p.m.. when several reels of motion pictures will be shown, depicting how Nova Scotia farmers make money out of hard times and low prices, together with a "Better Health" film and comics. .A.n illustrated talk "Agricul- ture Faces a New Set of Pacts," will be given by Donald R. McLean, BJ\.., of Guelph. Come one! Come all! Admission: adults l5c. . i ^ A? California has had the hottest 'spell in the historj' of the .state but we do not imagine the fact will be mentioned in next years tourist literatrue. HOWICK MAN H.\S WHITE GRONDHOG All summer long, a white groundhog has been seen on the farm of J. Wy- lie. Concession 15. Howick. and Mr. Wylie says it was a little thing in the spring, but has grown to adult size during the sumer. It is a real albino, white as the driven snow. On account of its colour, it is noticed a great deal on the fences. Many have seen this freak speciman which is creating con- siderable interest in this district. â€" JOHN G'NEIL. Aoctionwr. ' Hanover Post. ^^^ ^ ^â- ^^^ & ♦^^^^^^I^^^^ ^ â- ^•'^^^^^^^♦^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ > ^ I ^^ ^ ♦^^^ > ^ I ^^♦^^♦♦♦♦^^**'^*' I H > Hf l I I * * ^ * J WHY? DO SO MANY PEOPLE USE THE "SMALL ADVT." COLUMN IN THE ADVANCE? WHY DOES EVERYBODY READ THE "SMALL ADVT." COLUMN? There Is A Reason BECAUSE THEY ARE ABLE TO SELL OR BUY ARTICLES ADVERTISED. THE "SMALL ADVTS." REACH THE GREATER NUMBER OF BUYERS THAN ANY DISTRICT PAPER AND QUICKER SALE IS THUS ASSURED. "SMALL ADVTS." FOR QUICK SALES 9****** * **4*********** * ** * *****'t * * ** t * t*tÂ¥* f t 'i* 9t*