!>. "WORTH kiACHING IN FOR!" Your (list p>pe(ul of Dixie Plu3 will convince you tli<t it 300 further 4nd lasts longer too. DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO HaveYonHeaid Patrick was accused of stealing a neighbor's pig. "Well , now, Patrick," said the judge, "when you are brought face to face with Widow Maloney and her pig on Judgment Day, what account will you be able to give of yourself when she accuses you of -stealing?" "You said the pig would be there, sir?" said Pat. "Well, then, I'll just say: 'Mrs. Maloney, there's your pig'!" Teacher (brightly) : "As we walk out of doors on a cold winter's morning and look about us, what do we see on every hand ?" Class (as a man): "Gloves." "Down where I live," said the Windsor man. "we grew a pump- kin so big that when we cut it my wife used one-hall of it for a cradle." "Well," smiled the man from Toronto, "that's nothing. A few days ago, right here, two full- grown policemen w^ere found asleep on one beet." A new slant on the old adage: One man's loss is an- other man's umbrella. A soldier went to his colonel and asked for leave to go home to help his wife with her fall house- "I don't like to refuse you," said the colonel, "but I've just re- ceived a letter from your wife saying that you are no use around the house." The soldier saluted and turned to go. At the door he stopped, turned and remarked: "Colonel, there are two persons in this regimen: who handle the truth loosely, and I'm one of them. Tm not married." â€" o â€" "Why do you call your boy friend 'Pilgrim'?" "Because every time ha calls he makes a little pro- gress." were drawing your last ureath," th« chances are you should have said "Maybe you're right" and ]u«t thrown Che offending lipstick Into the waste basket. Better Able to Judge Perhaps just because men don't know "what they are wearing" and what Is "smart this season" they are hotter able than women to Judge whether a color or a style becomes one particular woman. Then, too, remember that hua- bands are extremely critical. After all. It is their wives who either took beautiful and are a credit to them or who miss the mark and are not. Pay Attention To Advice of Spouse A Woman Needs to Pay Heed To Her Husband's CritJcism df Her Looks The woman who turns a deaf ear to her husband's suggestions about her looks or clothes may be 011 the wrong track. And that is not just because it behooves a womau to cater to the taste ot the man i:i her â- Rfe. U is also because a man. it he is interested enough in how his wife ilooks to uotice aud comment â€" .ean l;e ot great help to a woman iu •Itndiug out just what things are • tor her. and what things are not. When you ignored your bus- .Jwind's "That lipstick is ghastly. It makes .vou look as though you How To Keep A Cat Happy Every self-respecting cat likes to keep her claws in the finset condition â€" even the apartment cat that seldom gets a chance to scratch a tree. Give her a sturdy, short post, with the bark left on, mounted upright on a firm base, and you'll save money on slip- covers and upholstery. An old throw rug or piece of discarded carpet which she will soon dis- cover is her very own will keep kitty contented, too. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenue of the ali- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the 9-day period ending September 30, 1939, were 57,520.260, as compared with $5,- 994,954 for the corresponding po- riod of 1938, an increase of ?1,- 525,306. *'• • • »»»»â- < I • • • • ♦♦ »♦» * How Can I ? BY ANNE ASHI GV Q. How can I test the purity of the all' in a room? A. Pour some lime water into a glass. If a thin, white scum forma on top. there is an excess of c*r- bonic acid in the air and a need of more ventilation. Q. How can I make a good sub- stitute for baking powder? A. Mix H -teaspoon of soda with l^-teaspoon of cream of tartar. This solution is equal to 2 tea- spoons of baking powder. Q. How can I whiten and purify a sponge? k. Soak the sponge in milk and thoroughly rinse in warm water with a little carbolic acid. Q. How can I cause coal to burn better, and also produce less soot in the chimney and flues? A. .\ suggested treatment is that as soon as the coal has been placed in the bin, pour a strong solution of salt and water over it. Wait until the coal has drained before using, as wet coal has a tendency to burn out the grate bars and fire-pot. Q. How can I prevent soap from entering my eyes when giving my- self a shampoo? A. Before the shampoo, grease the area around the eyes with vaseline or cold cream. SCOUTING ! Fn-mer world's heavyweight boxing champion Gene Tunney has been elected to the Executive Board of the Boy Scout Founda- tion of Greater New York. A summer visitor to Canada was Juke Waterman, a Dutch Boy Scout from near Amsterdam, who cam( across to meet Saskatoon "pen pals" with whom he had been corresponding for some years. By arrangements announced in August, all French Boy Scouts over 14 years of age were at tdio disposal of the French .Agricultur- al Ministry to assist in harvest operations. When a Boy Scout of Bishop- stope, England, climbed a 60-foot ivy-covered church tower to rescue a cat, he found it impossible to descend with the animal. Parish- ioners spliced several ladders in order to rescue Scout and cat. Boy Scouts of St. Marys, Ont., during the past summer pro\'ided life guards and swimming instruc- tors at the local swimming pooL First aid was also rendered chil- dred who suffered cuts and bruises on the rough concrete walls. A notice in the local paper advised parents to direct their children, in case of cuts, to report to a Scout for first aid treatment, as a precaution against infection. A stouc bit of backwoods first aid was that performed by Archie Macdonald. a former Patrol Lead- er of the 1st Fort Erie, Ont., Scout Troop, and a companion, while prospecting in the rough country north of Timmins. Com- ing upon another prospector gravely wounded by the accidental discharge of a rifle, Macdonald rendered first aid, improvised a stretcher, and with the help of his companion, bore the wounded man 27 miles thxough the bush to Tim- mins Hospital. '•*â- ••>•â- >â- Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. How should a maid hold a dish as she presents it at the table? 2. Should a man hand bis coat to a woman to hold while he dons it? 3. When a young woman is in- troducing herself socially, shotild she say, "I am Miss Gibson," or "I am Edna Gibson"? 4. When disagreeing with an- other's opinion is it permissible to say, "Xo, it is nothing of the kind," or "That is where you are entirely w^rong"? 5. Is it customary for a house guest to bring his hostess some kind of gift? 6. What would be the very smallest menu one should have fjr an after-theatre supper? Answars 1. The dish should be held tlat on the palm of the left hand, and presented at the left of the guest. If the dish is hot, a napkin can be used as a pad underneath. 2. He might be privileged to do so if one arm is paralyzed, or he is suf- fering severely with rheumatism. Otherwise it would be a very pre- sumptuous gesture. 3. She should say, "I am Edna Gibson." 4. No; a well-bred person will never make such biunt contradictions. One may say, "I don't believe I can agree with you," or, "Well it seems to me (so and so)." 5. Yes, It is often done, but not absolute- ly necessary. The bread-and-but- ter letter is really all that is ex- pected and required. 6. One hot dish, such as chicken a la king or creamed oysters, a nice salad, and I cotTee. 1 Iiuiocts are the greatest foes ' mankind has. They cause half the â- deaths, and annually destroy food j suificient to feed 200.000.000 peo- \ p!». Necessity Brings Back To Favor 'Bicycle-built-for-lwo' What Science It ^ Doing ^ SPROUTED GRAIN HELPS RESIST INFECTION Sprouted grain is seen as a pos- sible contribution to alleviating hu- man ilia by aiding resistance to in- fectious disease. Dr. Oscar Erf, head of testing and research at Ohio State Uni- versity, ass^ta that a "germin- ated seed diet tends to make hu- man beings, as well as animals, leas susceptible to tuberculosis, masti- tis and undttlant fever." Experiments on cows, fed on a diet of sprouted grain, show that then productive life span has been increased almost one-fourth of their total life. RIB REMOVAI AND BLOOD PRESSURE Yielding part of a rib may bring relief from high blood pressure. Dr. Max Peet of Michigran Uni- versity told the Kansas City South- west Medical Clinic he has found the best treatment Ls removal of part of the 11th rib and cutting of nerves conuected with blood vessels that lead to the kidneys. He said the operation is not a "cure-all"' for the disease but that of 194 patients so treated in sis years 76 per cent, had gained com. plete or almost complete relief from symptoms of high blood pressure and 46 per cent, had sho-«Ti definite improvement. Canada's production of sugar of all kinds in 1933 amounted to 1,043.462,613 pounds, an increasa of 17,909.159 pounds over 1937. .\ kitten was born at a farm one mile east of Faust, .\lta., with five toes on one front foot, six on the other, and six and seven toes, re- spectively, on the re.i.r feet. In tt-esi days of conserxation of re.-outces in most Kuropeaii countries, a bic>i!f biiilt for t«,> it» 1.H' 11. Tlu- use of motor curs is considerably rurtailed in Italy, thus saving ga.^oline, and the picture > a wedding party leaving St. Peter's Cathedral in Kome, tho bride and jjroom Toading. and the rest ef the din? party following, all using bicycle?. co;>ii;is into howa wed- CREAM WANTED We are paving a real high price for cream F.O.B., Tor- onto. Write for particulars and cans. The Toronto Creamery The United Farmers Co-Operative Co. Ltd. r>uke and George Streets TORONTO, Ontario GERM-FREE BABIES Germ-free babies in germ-free rooms are the latest wrinkle in medical science to be developed in Toronto. Curtains of ultra- violet light screen tiny infants from bacteria at the Hospital for Sick Children; and how it is done was explained to hospital adminis- trators recently by Dr. Elizabeth C. Robertson. Six cubicles without doors have been built in the hospital. Dr. Robertson said. In place of the doors, batteries of ultra-violet ray lamps pour a steady barrage of germ-killing light across the open- ing. Inside each cubicle is a baby, securely protected from infection, for the ultra-violet rays destroy 99 per cent, of the bacteria borne into the room by circulation of the air. Education Should Discipline Mind Principal of Queen's University Expresses Doubts About The Absence of Hard Work in Today's Schooling â€" Mould To Individual Needs Expressing doubts whether the present educational system was en- tirely Justifying itself and assert- ing that only through education cau i)ermanent peace coma to the world, Dr. R. C. Wallace, principal ot Queen's University, iu an ad- dress at Montreal last week declar- ed that education needed to be lots more closely moulded to individual needs. But by making education more interesting, valuable discip- line to the miud was lost. Educa- tion would uUimaiei.v make people hate, not other people, but things. Thou they could destroy the evil things, not the people the^mselves, and wars would end, h* prophe- sied. Peace Through Education Dr. Wallace said that the pur- pose ot education was "the devei- opment of those qualiiie>s with which nature has endowed each in- dividual, and also to add to that body of men aud women whose business it is to help in the great task of moral, social and spiritual regeneration of the world in which we live." He thought that up to now, edu- cationists might have failed just through making education more in- teresting. In that it had become less exacting than a generation ago. "It takes really hard work to dis- cipline the mind, and yet somehow we seem to have forgotten that It must be done." he declared. lona Station G>w Leads All Canada la Record Perfomuum T«at; "Lena" a Holstein-Fries' Produced 874 Pooadi of Fat in a Year r. W. Miller, lona Statloa, Out., baa received a record of partom- aace certificate from the Federal Deparuueni of Aj^rlculture tor tba Mw Glenvleir Abbekark Lena, a rnanber of hia pure-bred Holatala- rrlaai&n hard. As an eight-raar-oU "Lena" produced In 3M daya (74 pounds ot tat from 21,011 ponoda ot milk on twlca-a-day mllklns, her average buttertat teat was 4.14 par oaat. This was the hlghMt raoord reported from any part o( the Do- minion durh g the month ot Sep- tambor on twice-a-day milking aivd waa second regardless ot number of milkings. She led a claai of '^^- ty-three mature cows In bar own section. Twice-A-Oay Milking "Lena" has three prevlooa R.O.P. records, la^t year cuiupleUng a year ou teat with 344 pounds e< fat from 21,5S$ pounds of milk. Uar sire la a qualified record of per- formance bull and her dam is troaa a Q«ld Medal cow with a 30S-day record ot 645 pounds of tat troa 13,266 pounds of milk. England's flm King Georga could not speak our language. DRINK ^L.- HOT WATER â- (fut looMi tb« eillfilMg wtstMi 9 yo\zr daily cup of hot woier. add tba To "liUco" ai iha 10 barb* m Goilivld Taa an4 you aol aaly "wcih out" mlsisallyâ€" but loosen the hatdia-^jH* a( wastes which ciin^ to the limnq. undU qeaed. Corlteld Tea, mokes hot watet to^ tiei to dunk Mild« THOROUGH, piomptj 10c < 25c at dniqqiiMJ FREEI SAMPLE! Co.. Xac.^ »»â- •»••â- â- * la aaa tt rrr --*â- • - »â- -**â- â- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING â- â- â- ll lltTT * ** »«««â- 1>KU 11 R.MTl UE AGEVrS WANTEa» AGENT TO SELX, MEN'S NKCK- ties for 25 ceata each. 100 per cent profit. Murgatroyd Ageuciea. Tonge Street Arcade, Toronto. AGENTS \V.YNTEE> TO REPRES- ent 'The Old Reliable FoathUl Nurseries." Exclusive territory In towa or country. Liberal terms paid weekly. Handsome tree out- fits. Stone and â- Wellington. Tor- onto. .\KTKLE9 FOR SALE RAX4US: UAP.GAiNS, M.95 UP; £jtove3 Jj.»5 up; Bicycles $10. up: Automobile Tirea, guaranteed. il.T5 up. Free illustrated cata- logue mailed. Toronto Tire â€" Radio, 191 Dundas West, Toronto. P.EBril.T INTERNATIONAL PD-40 Diesel Power Unit, complete. One T-2U International Crawler Trac- tor with wide treads â€" like new. Priced far quick sale. Apply Han- uj.'s International Sa'.es, tiuelph. Ontario. 17 BALL BEARING DOUBLE HEAD grain grinder. 1927 White ateam traction engine. O. A. Holgate, Cur.ninijton. Ontario. .iUE â- vol IN MlsEUlr WHITE OINTMENT â€" A NEW quiclc relief from irritating Piles. Higlily recommended. Money b.ack if not 3ati3f.'(c;ory. 75 cents n jar. tvhita Manufacturing Company. Box li>4. Toronto. Ontario. EUl'l A'riO.>AL STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FuH Ccaraes la Matriculation. Short s-tory. Journalism. .\dvarti^ing, i-horihand and Speech Culture. M.Ike use of yuur spare time. AVrite today. Caaadian Correapon- deace College (established 1902), 229 Yo!:se St.. Toronto. i;Ul t ATIUNAL "RETAKDED •'-.IRLS^ SCHOOL- home." Helen Badgley Moller, M. A., For: Daihousie, academicu. crafts, speech, recreation. 1 M It K 1 «i 1: Y O IK E ARNEKG S BAP-N DOLL-VKS KEADINQ YOUR newspapers! Dime and atamp brings information and surprises; K. Rembe, 527 King St. W., Ham- ilton. Ontario. HEOICAL * HIGH BLOt>D PRESSUREâ€" â- WRITE for tree booklet and full particu- lars regarding our amazingly successful hyblood treatment Pedigreed Products. Saskatoon, Sask. NIHSEKV STOCK fOH SAJLE KAKDi .\PPLE TRfiESâ€" 50 CENTS each. Canada's Lowest Priced Nurserj'. Growing leading varle- tie.'< Fruit Trees. Ornamentals Write Immediately reauesting sensational offerings. Tobe's Treery. Nia?ara-on-tlie-Lake, Ont DKFtlH TO l.\\li,\TORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVHNTOK List ot inventions and full infor- mation seat free. The Ramsay Co. Registered. Pate:;: Attorneys. S7J Kank Street. Ottawa. Canada. l'ER«>0>.<Ll. tJUlT TOiJACCO. SNUFF, EASILY, inejcponsiveiy. Home remedy. Testimonials. Guaranteed. Advice free. H.irtlett's, Box I, Winnipeg. |-Il<«10t.l< Vl'UV NUVV IS THE TiMK TO LET US make reprints from your Summer Snaps, and order your Christmas cards. I'rluts 3 cts. each. Cards 10 cents each. 75 cents per dozen. Special prices for postal card or- ders tor Summer IJesorts. Free post card enlargement if your or- der Is over 20 cents. W. A. Starn. ;inian Ccmpnn.v, Weber Street, Kiteiiener. Ontario. CHOW CHOW PLi'iMES â€" REDS, blacKS, registered Ku Chow Ken- nels, lilxie, 0'it:irit> â€" V'ort Credit 23i;!f. !ih:\VlMi MACHI.>i:> .» SVPi'UES PARTS AND KEPAIRS. ANY make, write for prices on new or reconditioned machines. SO years' experience â€" X. Gilbert. S4S Yonse Street. Toronto. sT.vMrs BARGAINS â€" . NEWKOUND1WV.XD. Canadian Provinces, and Royal Visit Stump? >! >s Cols. Granrille Ferry. \.S. I'SFO TIRGii GOOr rSED TIRRS. ALL SIZES. lA>we»t price*. Inquiries InTited. Brockton Tire tiili Dundas W. Toronto Issue No. 42 â€" '39 TRADE LYONS - IN DEPARTMENT 4T». â- »-0.\f;K STHKKT. TOHOSTO CLEAK-V-XCE ».\LE OP REC0.\U1T10.\ED Kl UMTURK TUis 13 a splendid opportiuiity t* buy really good reconditioned furni- ture at a fraction of its real V&IU& Listed are a few of the outstandiof values picked at random frona our e:iormous stock. fHESTERKlELD sPEl'l.tLS Q Q> u-p.cce Suite, brown repp c»" O.VJ ^.^,. ii^rshall reversible cfc shions. 1 -> ^A S-piece Suite, velour coTer, '-•-^Marshall reversible aprlnc cushions. 1 r (-..-. Large brown mohair Suit^ 1 J.VJU figurej reversible Marshall cushions, iQ C/-V Smart 3-piece Suite. ru«t ''^•-"- repp, reversible Marshall cushions. I 7 ^O 3-Pi«i"^ Suite in blue veU I / .S>\J Qyr_ Marshall spring ciiah* It -/-. Beautiful S-piece in noTel- â€" '^•J^ ty repp figured reversibta Marshall cushions. ty figured reversible Kai^ .shall cushions. Ions. y"" ^O * Suites, assorted velour Ji-.jyj ^„(j repp covers. Marshall spring cushions. BEDROOM FVRMTIRE I Q Cri Large dresser. Situmoa> 10. JU 5(g^i ^gj_ sagiess spring and new mattress. aQ r\(\ Bedroom S'uite. dresser, â- ^ ^'- oliiffoiiler, bed. spring ana new m.ittress. Perfect. -10 no Floor sample. bleached -t-^.VU suj,g j,j ^-aluut finish, ilresser. chiffonier and full size be4> Regular SiiS.OO :q r\f\ Beautiful solid walnat J^.K.<K.' Suite, large dresser. cht& foner. full size bed. sagless sprlDC and new mattress. Completely r«" finished. fSQ on Beautiful (Jacques> waloot c . .cu Suite (cost new 250.) l&rs* dresser, vanity, chiffonier, full slaa bed. sagless spring and new mat- tress. 7: r\r\ Modern Suite in 2 tone wal> /-.i.V-'U nut finish (cost new »«.| larco dresser and vanity with larn Venetian mirrors, chiffonier, bench, full size bed. sagless spring and A new- mattress. Perfect. < Q C AND UP. lArge assortmdat "-*• - - dressers in all styles aoA finishes. 7 Qt S Commodes in oa'K and w»l» â€" •~- nut finish. DINIMi ROOM SUITE<1 1 7 So Solid oak Suite. buffaC ' ' •-"-' table and S leather sMtl chairs. 71 Co Perfectl.v matched 3-ptsc« --r.^V guitj, buffet. extension table and 6 leather sea: chatra M walnut finish. 3Q r\r\ Beautiful 9-piece solid oak -' •'-U Suite. In perfect conditio^ buffet, china cabinet, e.ttenslo* table and 6 leather seat chairs. SQ r\f\ Modern Suite in rich '•ral* ' •'-'o nut finish, large buttcL square extension table and 6 leathaC upholstered chairs. fSQ On B^iiutiful ?-piece Suite !â- C'^.UU rich, two-tone walnut flB> isli. buffet, china cabinet, exteoaloa table and 6 leather upholsterel chairs. 70 On ^""..slish oak Suite in p«|w ' ^•'-O feet condition, large but(«^ extension table, china cabinet and • leather upholstered chairs. (OMI new 250.x Oi c\C\ '•"'''J walnut Suite, buffets o^ .^\j china cabinet, exteosio* table and 6 leather upholstered chairs. OQ no - Suites, one English oak .'-7.\j\j .,j,j Qpg gjj„j walnut, both in perfect condition. 9 pieces, re|t $350. value. Completely refinished. I â- ! q: .\N'D up. Large assortmeak ij.^^' China Cabinets in oak aaA walnut. Perfect condition. KITCHKX KIRXITIRK 1 J q; Kitchen Cabinet .vith aUA- ' '•^â- - ing porcelain top. Com* pletely refinished. < I QI 3 Cabinets, porcelain Mt.' I J. 7 J ing tops, roll fronts, par* feet condition. White enamel and oak finish. 1 4 ^O ^ P'*<^« Breakfast Sultan i-r.-n.' drop leaf table, 4 chain and smart buffet, in enamel fin- ishes. 1 7 So *'"»rt 6-piece walnut finlak I I .uyj Suite, buffet, drop \tat table aud 4 chairs, completely refin- ished. ; Q^ 3 and 4 burner Gas Stovaa \m â€" • - perfect condition. SiPECI.41. I,.arge .assortment oi factory aa- conds in new Rugs. Axminsteii^ Wiltons. Uroadlooms and Tapa^ l-rit^ed'Vrom""- 2.50 tO 40.00 Mone.v-back Guarantee of satis<ao- tion. Write for our free illustrated catalogue ot new and reconditioned Furniture showing hundred) eJ other t u'staiidin^ valu**^. LYONS TRADE - IN DEPARTMENT 4TS YO.\(;i-; STUIiET. TOKONTS lOne Illovk >'orlh ot ('ollrsc) OM'b I'^^ealBKi r Hundreds ot 4 , Wireless Operators Needed DOMINION nOVERNMENT NOW Calling urgently for trained oper»> tors who can send and recetr* messages In wireless code. Oar .uradu.ites now in retiponsible poil- tions with R,C.M.P.. RX-.A.fc irans-Canada AirWaVs, 0?SI. Jk Transport. Marconi Co.. ate For full particulars of proTtM training course and evening codt cl.assos, write R\OI<> rol.l.FGE UV CV.XIO.* l .•»• HLOOK ST. WKST. TWRU.-«TO For over 10 years a leading arzK^^ ntlon of lt« kind In I'snada.