THE FtEciHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 25, 1939 ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee of Eu- genia, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and daughter Jean of New Liskeard were visitors on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts. Mrs. Boyce is remainingr for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Newell of Dur- ham, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Mrs. Dave Patterson and son Morley of Orillia, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawkins and fam- ily. Mr. Cecil Betts had his new gang- way completed last week. Mr. Joe Fields did the carpenter work and not Mr. McDonald as was stated last week. Mr. John McDonald of Flesherton I is engaged this week building a new ! sheep pen for Mr. Chas. Newell. | Miss Edna Partridge was taken to ; Toronto hospital last week for an op- j eration for appendicitis. j Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. i Wallace Fisher were: Mr. and Mrs.' Wm. Cameron and two sons, Sing- hampton; Mr. Meryvn Little, Berkeley Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Moore, Miss Mable Moore and Ernie Black of Or- angeville. Mable remained for a week's visit. CEYLON NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of ALEXANDER CAR- RUTHERS, late of the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, Farmer, who died on the 25th day of August, 1939, are required to forward their claims, duly proved, to the under- signed Solicitor for the Executor, on or before the 8th day of November, A.D. 1939. And further take notice that after Buch mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale. Ontario, this 13th day of October, A.D. 1939. â€" W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, ,Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of WILLIAM HARMANJ HALES, late of the Township of Art- emesia, County of Grey, Farmer, who died on the 3rd day of June, 1939, are j required to forward their claims, duly proved, to the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 1st day of November, A.D. 1939. And further take notice that after such mentioned date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale Ontario, this 5th day of October, A.D. 1939. â€" W. E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., retum- el Monday after week-ending with Mr. Paul Martin, M.P., and Mrs. Mar- tin, at Winder. Mr. and Mrs Oliver Smith, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Gibson. Mrs. Kendall Stewart has returned home from Toronto, where she spent the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. Richardson, Mark- dale, were visitors the first of the week with Mrs. Knox. Mrs. John Stewart is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart at the power house. Visitors over the week end at the homes of P. Muir and Earl McLeod were: Miss Roby Robertson, Mrs. Reake and family, Mr. Bert Chapman and Miss Jean Chapman, Toronto. Mrs. A. S. Muir is visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. Bill Cairns was home from Red Wing over the week end. Mrs. Will Stewart and daughters, Elizabeth and Adeline of Toronto, ac- companied by Mrs. (Dr.) Moore, were callers on Mr. anl Mrs. John Stewart last week. Mr. Stewart accompanied them on their return to Toronto. Mrs. T. A. Gilchrist of Badjeros was a visitor with friends here the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. LaVeme Piper of Markdale spent Sunday with the for- mer's parents. Miss Mary R. Stewart, Flesherton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. George Arrowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod and Marian returned Wednesday after a holiday at Oshawa and Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frewing of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk visited with Mrs. Knox on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Miss Jeanette McLeod of Toronto were week end visitors with their parents. Mrs. Beatty of Vandeleur is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. Whittaker. Mrs. I. B. Whittaker and Ruth are holidaying at Vingham. Miss Mary Muir of Toronto and Mrs Mar oi Guelph are visiting at the home of A. S. Muir. Miss Myrtle Wright of Feyersham | visited over the week end with Mr. ' and Mrs. Purcell Hemphill. i Visitors recently at the home of W. | T. Genoe were: Mrs. McGruther and son, Raymond,- of Montclair, N.J.; ' Mrs. Carruthers and Mr. Edward Turner, Toronto; Mrs. Carr of Stough- ton, Sask.; Mr. Alex. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. H. Turner and son, Eldon, Mrs. Ray Genoe and daughters, Joy. Gayle and Yvonne, Mr. and Mrs. C. Goddard and daughters, Marion and Marlene, all of Eugenia. PRICEVILLE Mayor David Croll of Winder has joined the Essex Highlanders as a pri- vate. He says Canada has been good to him, and probably figures that one good turn deserves another. ♦ ♦â- »^»» » »->'»»»<^^><><^>»><>«»»»»<H8M>».»»»>»<M»^.>»»»>»»»»»fr^» Overcoats You'll be pleased with the selection we have to offer this season. Tre styles are right and the values are too. All prices are without any Mrar-time adviance, as our purchases made early. were Raglans, Ulsters and Guard Models are in- cluded and are shown in Browns, Blues, Greys and Fancy Check Patterns. Priced from $15.00 Ready-to- Wear Suits A worth-while sdection in the newest colors and iHattems. New styles in single and double breasted suits. Specially Priced from $ 1 5 .00 :: I Ordered Clothing It will pay you to place your order now â€" prices are bound to advanoe shortly. Come in ^ and look over the new samples of Suitings and t Overcoatings- Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. | F. H. W HICKLING I General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont | Mrs. T. Nichol returned home after spending the past month with friends at Mclntyre and Collingwood. Misii Monica Lambert went to To- ronto the fii-at of the week. Born â€" On Tuesday, Nov. 10th, at iVlrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harrison, a son. Mn. Bill Hill of Fergus is spending^ a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. H. R. McLean. Mrs. Hugh McMillan of Swinton Park visited last week with her sister, Mrs. John Nichol. Mr. David Hincks, accompanied by Andrew, Betty and Shirley Hincks, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hincks at Wyoming and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Petrie at Atwood. A number from here attended the fowl supper at Salem on Friday night. Priceville presented their play. Mrs. Colin McLean returned home after spending a week in Toronto. Miss Mary Muir and friend of Woodbridge visited recently at the home of Allie McLean. The W. H. Society held a bazaar and tea in the basement of St. Andrew's church and was quite a success. Mr. John Cook of Flesher- ton conducted an amateur program, which was much appreciated and en- joyed by all. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. John Nichol was hostess to the W.M.S. and W.H, Societies, when there was a good at- tendance. After the usual opening exercises Mrs. Jack Whyte gave a reading, arrangements were made for the fowl supper on Nov. 7th. Mrs. Sutherland 'presided over the W.M.S. meeting. Miss Margaret Nichol gave an interesting reading and Mrs. Suth- erland read from the study book. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hector McEachem. Mr, Bob Whittaker underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Owen Sound hospital last week. Miss Mary MacDonald, teacher at North Line, spent the week end at the home of W. J. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson spent Friday in Guelph. Miss Marion Muir had her tonsils removed in Owen Sound hospital last week. Mr. Frivall of Toronto occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church Sunday and delivered a fine sermon. He has been here different times and all en- joyed listening to his fine message. Miss Breadner, Reg. N., of Mark dale is nursing Miss Minnie Simpson and Mrs. Wright. Mrs. McArthur is now at the home of her daughter, Mrs Campbell, and is improving. Mr. Dan Drimmie of Liberty, Sask., spent a few days visiting with the Hincks families. He also was a vis- itor at the home of Mr. W. G. Wat- son. It is forty years or more since he visited here. .\ report of the anniversary services in St. Columba United Church on Sun- day will be found on another page in this issue. Visitors over the week end and at church were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Parslow and daughter of North Da- kota at R. Parslow's. Mr. Chapman and two daughters of Toronto spent the week end at the home of P. Muir. They were ac- companied by Miss Anna McLean who visited at her parential home. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runciman and family and sister, Mary, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rimciman over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Adams of Dro- more were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, T. Harrison on Sunday. EUGENIA FEVERSHAM Mrs. Gertrude Dand of Toronto is now visiting with her mother, Mrs. , Colquette. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long spent Sun- day in Dundalk with their daughter. Mrs. H. Montgomery. A big HalV>we'en party will be held in the school house on Friday evening, Oct. 27th. Come and enjoy yourself. The anniversary of the Presbyterian church will be held next Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Mr. Muchan will conduct both services, preaching in the morning on "Blunders of a Great General," and in the evening on "Strange Things." Special music will be rendered by the choir. Mr. Billy Burke of Thombury spent the week end at his home here. Messrs. Chas. and Harvey Perigoe of Toronto spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. H. Alexander. The weekly meeting of the Salva- tion Ai*my Young People's will be held on Wednesday evening of this week in the barracks, when Rev. Downer will address the meeting. Mr. Hubert Sayers. who is attend- ing the Vctorinary College in Guelph. \vns home for the week end. Mr. Burton Conron spent a day in Guelph last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tho.*. Scott were call- erf at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Black on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Pooock received a visit from her mother and other friends of Toronto on Sunday. Wedding bells have l>een ringing in our vicinity the past few weeks. We extend our congratulations to Mr. Cecil Magee, elder son of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Magee, and Miss Josephine Falconer, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falconer, who were Mar- ried in New Liskeard last Saturday, Oct. 21. We also extend our congra- tulations to Miss Delsa Kaitting, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kait- ing of Eugenia, and Mr. Stanley Men- zies of Flesherton, who were mar- ried on Saturday Oct. 21, by Rev. Dr. Mercer at the Maxwell United Church parsonage on Saturday, Oct. 21. Mr. Argyle Martin had an aluminum demonstration at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark at Rock Mills on Thursday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron visited last week with their son. Dr. Russell Cameron, and wife at Cannington, ac- companied by Mrs. Ed. Carr of Stoughton, Sask., and also visited at Lindsay and Peterboro, returning by way of Toronto, where they attended the motor show. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker moved last week from a farm south of Flesherton to the residence of the late Jos. Sher- wood, now owned by Miss Lucy Mc- Donald. We welcome them to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron gave a party and reception on Friday evening last in honor of Mrs. Ed. Carr, when all the old friends and neighbors to the number of about fifty, attended and enjoyed a pleasant evening. Mrs. Carr is a sister of Mr. Cameron. Lunch was served and all sang "God be with you 'till we meet again." The Y.P.U. met on Wednesday even- ing in the basement of the church with an attendance of 20. The president, Argyle Martin, presided. An invita- tion was extended to the Duncan Y.P. U. to visit the Society here on Wed- nssday evening, Nov. 1. The visitors will provide the program, while the local Society will serve lunch. Miss Blanche Williams gave a musical sel- ection, and some games were indulged in. The meeting closed with the Miz- pah Benediction. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Garnet Magee on Thursday, Oct. 19, the meeting being presided over by Mrs. Will Gordon, the president. Many business matters were dealt with. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Ottewell in Novmber. The roll call is to be answered by a verse on "Peace." Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Campbell, Mrs. C. Boyce and Jean of New Liskeard are visiting for a few days with relatives here. Mr. Will Conn, son Jim, and daugh- ter, Miss Doris and Mi\ Garfield Mc- Leod of Feversham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting. Mrs. Conn, who had spent a few days with her sister. Mrs. Kaitting, during the past week, returned home with them. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Camp Borden was a caller on Sunday with his cous- in, Mr. Will Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar and Mr. Herb Hartley of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Ken Kellar, who has been visiting friends here, return- ed home with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft of Flesherton visited one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin, Miss Queenie Kaitting of Owen Sound spent the week end at the Kaitting home. Mr. Joey Williams spent a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting visited recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting, and his sister. Miss Delsa. Ken is now work- ing with the H.E.P.C. at Powassan. Mr. Argyle Martin was in Mt. For- est on Tuesday giving an aluminum demonstration. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, C. Smith and family were: Mrs. Eki McKean and son. Roy, of Collingwood, and friend, Miss Ethel Ireton of Clarksburg, and Mr. and Mrs, J. Ottewell, 8th line. ^4$H^^<h»*<^y.*<M>4.;>4*»«*»«*»^*<»«2»<^^ MEAT STORAGE WE STILL HAVE AMPLE ROOM FOR STORING YOUR MEAT. We would suggest that this may be an oppor- tune time to store your meat for Fall and Winter use. Those ivho have taken advant- age of this storage facility are well pleased with it. Premium on Delivered Cream DELIVER YOUR CREAM to us and make the extra 1 cent over truck prices. Highest Prices Paid for Poultry, Cream and Eggs The Creamery will not be open Wednesday evenings. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Cha^. Goddard, Manager ♦♦'^♦♦♦5^J^**SS^*^*'*^»**J^5^J^ SWINTON PARK I TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Pike of Holstein spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. Robt. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tressidder and daughter Jessie of Toronto, spent the week at the home of Mr. Dick Hardy. The ladies' aid and W. M. S. of St. -Andrew's Church, met last week at the home of Mrs. Wm. McCormick. An interesting meeting was enjoyed by all present. Congratulations to Mr. Wallace Mc- Cormick and his bride (nee) Kathryne Thompson, who were married on Sat- urday. They will reside on Mr. Alex. Knox's farm. Mr. Herman Maxwell had a very succesful auction sale last Thursday. .A. large crowd was present and prices were good. Mr. Maxwell and family leave to motor to Kincaid, Sask. this week. Messrs. John and Geo. Campbell of the Campbell Construction Co., Tor- onto, spent a few days at their farm here this week. Mrs. Wm. Sackett of Proton Station ."jpent a few days with Mrs. Chas. Chislett and other friends in the Park last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris spent a day last week with Mrs. J. R. Mc- lntyre of Dundalk. Miss .A.da Ostrander is visiting: with Mrs. Nelson Martin at present. A large crowd attended the Fowl Supper held in Salem Church, Friday night. They enjoyed a splendid supper, and the play. "Second Story Peggy," brought many a good laught. The pro- ceeds for the evening were $85.00. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay spent a few days last week with friends in Toronto. Mr. Everett Martin returned to Owen Sound on Saturday where he has a position. Mr: and Mrs. Harold Richardsen anu -...iiiiy, ana Mr. Fred Mathewson V- -e visitors with friends at Rocklyn .ccently. Mrs. Wilfred Lever has returned homo after visiting with her parents It Oshweken. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peacock and Miss Evelyn Brown of Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bro-wn. Misses. Gertrude Lever and Grace .Austin and Mr. H. Austin of Richmond Hill spent Sunday at the former's home here. Some Horse \ man was trying to sell a horse! The animal was 'unnd-broken but sleek. The owner trotted him around for in.«pectiorL Bringing 'him back to the buyer, he stroked the horse's back and remarked: ''Hasn't he a lovely coat?" The other man re- moved his pipe from his mouth, and said, as he looked at the heaving flanks of the animal: "Yeah, his coat's all right, but I don't like his pants.'' Joined Army to Get Peace -Alleging that his wife gave him a sound beating, .Arthur Pary. who re- sides soudth of Clinton preferred a charge against her. but when the case was called on Thursday he wrote to the magistrate intimating a desire to withdraw the charge, saying that he was going to join the army so that he might have a little peace. FOWL SUPPER will be held in ' ; St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church PRICEVILLE Tues., Nov. 7 Supper fmtn 6 to 8 p.m. MOVING PICTURES Education film on "Oil taken- from the earth," "Prelude to Flig:ht," Royal Tour & comics Adinis.sion : 50c ad 25c m ili um 1 1 % i ******* * ***************t n t»*»t***4** i .. HOLDFAST U. F. W. The regular monthly meeting of Club wjis held at the home of Mrs. C. Thomson, with an attend- ance of 14 members. The Club quilt was shown to the members and a motion was passed to di.splay it at the 0. & \. Co-operative store, to sell for $4. Plans were made for a Hallow- e'en social for the members and their friends to be held in Ceylon hall on Oct. 31. Readings were given by Mrs. Sturrock, Mary Mather and Mrs. Smellie. Mrs. D. CampboH asked "quiz"' questions and al.oo conducted a contest which was won by Mrs. G. Ja.vnes. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sturrock. Lunch was served by the hostess and hi-r assistants, and a .social half hour was spent. "Wi'Tl son how are .vour marks?"! "They're under water." "What do you mean, "under ' water?" t "Below 'C level." 1 WHY? DO SO MANY PEOPLE USE THE "SMALL ADVT." COLUMN IN THE ADVANCE? WHY DOES EVERYBODY READ THE "SMALL ADVT." COLUMN? There Is A Reason BECAUSE THEY ARE ABLE TO SELL OR BUY ARTigUES ADVERTISED. THE "SMALL ADVTS." REACH THE GREATER NUMBER OF BUYERS THAN ANY DISTRICT PAPER AND QUICKER SALE IS THUS ASSURED. "SMALL ADVTS." FOR QUICK SALES