Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1940, p. 1

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f . 1^ VOL. 60, XO. 16 FLESHERTON. WEDNESDAY, September IX. 19-MJ W. H. Thurston & Son, Propriet Foresters Parade j Escaped From Paris In Fiesherton 2.50 ! Three Months on Way P.M. Ihursday SMALL BUT FAST A low-built model seen when British fast-moving scout tanks were ex- ercising through the lanes of England. RECOVERED FROM ACCIDENT Mr. Geo. Duncan of Dundalk, the popular auctioneei*, gave The Ad- vance a pleasant call Tuesday after- noon and we were pleased to see him looking so well after his recent ser- ious accident. Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Ont. Rev. C. McNichol. Pastor Sunday School at 10.00 a.m. Morning Service at 11.00 a.m. E>vening Service at 7.30 p.m. Fiesherton Baptist Church Minister: Rev. Fred Ashton Services â€" Fiesherton. Sunday 11 a.m. â€" Worship. 12 noon â€" Bible School. Rock Mills: 2 p.m. â€" Bible School. 3 p.m. â€" Worship. Prayer meeting will not be held in the Baptist church this week. Maxwell United Church KEV. GEO. L. MERCER, B.D., D.D. Minister Services: 11 a.m. â€" Eugenia. 2 p.m. â€" Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. â€" Wareham. 7.30 D.m. â€" Maxwell. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, September 22nd MT. ZION CHURCH 11 a.m. - 7.30 p.m. Guest Speaker: Rev. C. Wellerman Pricevillle Civic Guard Saturday night's meeting for the formation of a Civic Home Guard, held in the town hall, Fiesherton, was not very largely attended and the organization was left over for another evening, when it is expected that there will ke a larger attendance or all those interested. Mr. H. A. McCauley of Fiesherton, a veteran of the first Great War, will be the Commandant of the Artemesia-Flesh- erton unit. The local Guard will be erton unit. The formation of the Civic Guard is under the auspices of the councils of the Township of Art- emesia and the village of Fiesherton. Friday evening of this week a public meeting will be held in Price- ville to form a platoon there, when all persons between the ages of 18 and 65 are urged to attend and find out how the Guard operates and re- ceive other information. Following the Priceville meeting one will also be held at Eugenia to form a platoon there. Col. R. Ferguson of Thombur>-, who has formed a number of pla- toons i» that district, was present at the meeting Saturday night and gave valuable information on the formation of the Guard. NOTES I The 'Jtft. 2!ion congiregation will welcome as their speaker on Sunday morning and evening, the Rev. C. C. Wellerman of Mclntyre. Members of other adjoining congregations will be made welcome. A service of worship will be con- ducted at Maxwell United Church on Sunday, Sept. 22nd, commencing at 2.30 o'clock, when the Rev. Weller- man will be the preacher. Fiesherton United Church REV. G. K. McMillan, ba., bj). Minister 10.00 a.m. â€" Worship, Ceylor. 11.00 a.m.â€" ^Worship, Flesh* rton. 7.00 n.m. â€" Worship. Fiesherton. Morning Subject: "Christ in Japan." Evening: Mr. W. W. Pattenson of Proton Station Ceylon Sunday School will meet at 2.00 o'clock p.m., and the church ser- vice will be at 3.00 p.m. HOT MEAT SUPPER SEPT. 18 IN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Unit- ed Church will hold a hot meat and vegetable supper in the basement of the church on Wednesday, Sept. 18. Supper served from 5 pm. to 7.30 p.m. Admission: 25c. Summer Time Table Effective Sat., June 29th Leave FLESHERTON T* Toronto c 11.50 a.m. b 7.25 p.m. To Owen Sound c 5.50 p.m. d 7.45 p.m. b-Sun & Hoi. ; c-Sat. only d-Fri. only STANDARD TIME Gray Coach Lines Thursday afternoon of this week the citizens of Fiesherton and district will have the privilege of having a visit from the 1st Battalion of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters. The Foresters are on a tour of Grey and Simcoe counties and are travelling in 40 large army transports. They will come through Fiesherton just before noon on Thursday and will go on to Markdale, where they will have their noon meal, following which they will parade through Markdale and then embuss on the transports and move on to Fiesherton, where they will ar- vice at 2.50 p.m. They will march through Fiesherton, commencing just north of the Boyne bridge* with music being supplied by the brass and, bugle bands of the battalion. Fol- lowing the parade they will again embuss and move on to Dundalk. This will be p.n excellent oppor- tunity for the residents of 'his coun- ty to see their battalion on parade, an event that has never taken place in the history of the county. Over 800 men of the battalion will be in the parade. It is expected that the pupils of both Fiesherton schools will be at marekt square to welcome the men and any othei- district schools that wish to attend and lend their vocal support to the welcome will be accorded a position in the line, if in- formation is given of their ^intention. We want to show the boys that this community can give them just as great a welcome as they will receive anywhere. Don't miss this oppor- tunity of seeing our battalion on par- ade. You will never have the oppor- tunity again. The Foresters left Camp Borden Tuesday morning for their tour, vis iting Barrie, Orillia, Midland and re- mained in CoUingwood Tuesday night. The cavalcade then went on to Mea- ford on Wednesday and went through Owen Sound to Southampton and back to the county town for noon and an afternoon parade and where they will remain for the night. Thursday morning the Foresters visit Che«- ley, Hanover, Durham, and through Fiesherton to Markdale, where the noon meal will be eaten, following which they will come to Fiesherton. Speaking to Co. Rutherford. O. C. of the Foresters, over the phone Tues- day evening, The Advance was in- formed that the men were enjoying the trip immensely and everyone was in the best of spirits. Col Ruther- ford gave us the time when they would arrive in Fiesherton. Altogether, folk, give the For- esters, the greatest cheer they will receive on their trip. Word was r^tsived on Friday laat by Mrs. R. WhiU»»'"si" of Ceylon tlxat her son, Mr. Well. Whittaker, and Mrs. Whittaker, had arrived safely in New York after escaping from Paris, France, where they had been residing since the Great War when Mr. Whittaker sei-ved with the Can- adian army in Prance. The informa- tion came from a daughter, Mrs. E. Neubauer, of Akron, Ohio, who re- ceived a telegram from her brother. The telegram only stated that the two had arrived at New York and whether or not their two children, a son and daughter, arrived with them is not known. The son was fighting with the French army until the coll- apse of the Republic in June. Mr. and Mrs. Whittaker escaped from Paris shortly before its collapse and made their way to Portugal, where they remained for some time until accommodation was found to bring: them to this continent. They were three months attempting to reach America. The family had not had any word since May, when Mr. Whittaker sent a cable stating that all was well and the news of their safe arrival wa? received with rejoicing by their many friends here. \ \ Equipped to handle the finest service at moderate prices | ;; ' ^^^^ I I Our Beautiful ^-^ Air Conditioned I Funeral Chapel at 124 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO, Ont. RICHARD MADDOCKS. Manager. Associate. Member of th« Fl««h«rton Old Bj>s' & Girls' AssociatioB BATES & MADDOCKS Formerly of Fiesherton. Ont. 124 Avenue Road. Toronto, Ont. Kl. 4344 Presentation Made To Osprey Soldier's Bride Last Amateur Concert September 25th â€" â€" < Wednesday evening of next week. September 25th, will be the la^t night for amateur programs in Fiesh- erton for this season. An invitation is being given to the best contestants each night during the summer to present this program. This event should be the best of them all and will be held on the market square if the weather is favorable, otherwise in the town hall. -A. drawing will be made that night for special prizes donated by the business men. so be on hand ready to come forward if your name is called as a lucky win- ner. The program, too, should be the best of the season. Junior Ked Crois A branch of the Junior Red Cross Society was formed at Fiesherton High School on Friday of last week, when the following officers were elected: President â€" Lawrence Phillips. Vice-President â€" Jeau Duncan. Treasurer â€" Laurie Sutherland. Circulation Man. â€" Bernice Wright. Program Com. â€" Melville Buchanan, Angus MacVicar and Earl Plesier. Throughout the world there are now over 19,000,000 members of the Junior Red Cross. Fiesherton High School Junior Red Cross has now 70 members. By becoming a member each boy or girl accepted two obliga- tions, which are (1) The obligation of keeping the rules of health, and (2) the obligation of helping others who may need help. The motto is "I sei-ve." The chief service activity of the Junior Red Cross during peace- time has been the help afforded to physically handicapped dhildren through voluntary contributions to the Crippled Children's Fund. In addition, various activities have been caiTied on in the local community, such as promoting health in the home and community, preventing accident.^, providing Christmas cheer and so on. Since Canada declared war, more Canadian Juniors have been enrolled. They are endeavoring to assist in raising money to provide supplies for soldiers, in knitting and sewing and in every way possible to follow the motto "I Serve." It is hoped that the Fiesherton Juniors will be able to serve as well as the Canadian Juniors el.sewhere. The health activ- ities of the J. R. C. will be carried on chiefly in the health class periods by special courses on prevention of acci- dents, elementary first aid and home nursing. Meetings will be held at intervals throughout the school year, when the programs will consist of addresses on health, accident prevention and citizenship by special speakers and health plays. " Mrs. Fred Barber '1 Won Garden Contest On Tuesday, Sept. 10th, Mr. C. R. Werry, Dundalk; Mrs. Earl McLeod, Ceylon and Mr. Geo. Ross, Maxwell, local judiges, made the final scoring of the homes entered in the contest. Regardless of the unfavorable weather they visited the 14 farms which were in competition and were loud in their praise of the improvements made and of the value of such a contest as this, which is being sponsored by the Ware- ham Junior Farmers, Junior Institute and the Farmers Magazine. Mr. Fred Barber, R.R. 3, Protoa Station, was found to be the winner by quite a large margin and will be eligible to compete for the county and provincial championship. FoUo- ing are the names of the winners in order of merit: Fred Barber, R.R. 3. Proton Station, Geo. Cairns, R.R. 5, Markdale. Herb. Grummett, R.R. 2 Proton Sta.. R. Allen & Son, R.R. 3, Fiesherton. John Lougheed, R.R. 1, Maxwell. Wilfred Inkster, R.R. 2, Proton Sta,. Ross Stephens, R.R. 3, Proton Sta. Lome Champ, Ma.xwell, R.R. 1. Wilfred McXally, R.R. 3, Fleshertoa Wm. McMillan, R.R. 2, Proton Sta. Wm. McCut<;heon, R.R. 2, Proton Station. David .A.imour, R.R. 2, Proton Sta. Robt. Cole, R.R. 2, Proton Station. Wm. Johnston, R.R. 3, Proton Sta. The local committee in charge o; the contest, composed of Johm Lough- eed, Maxwell; Grace Cole, R.R. 2, Pro- ton Station, and Clifford, Fiesherton, wish to thank all those who helped success, either by takinng part in the in any way to make the contest a. success, either by talcing part in the competition, by judging, by donations for the prize list, to the local press for space and etc. The committee would like also to have the opinion of the public as to the value of this con- test and the advisability of conduct- ing a similar one next year. W.\TSON MITCHELL (By Swinton Park Corr.) On Wednesday. Sept. 11th a quiet wedding was solemnized when Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mitchell of Ventry, became the bride of Leslie Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watson, Swinton Park, the wedding being performed by Rev. Cousins of Mt. Forest. Miss Lucille Mitchell and Mr. Ken- neth Ferguson assisted the bride and groom. .A dainty supper was served at the bride's home and then the happy young couple left for a trip to North Bay and Manitoulin Island. On their retui-n they will reside on the groom's farm on the 14th of Proton. FRED MADDOCKS. Last Thursday evening over one hundred friends and neighbors as- sembled at the home of Mrs. Chas. Eagles, Gibraltar, in honor of \\at daughter, Mrs. Neil McKenzie (nee Beryl Eagles) who was recently married. A miscellaneous shower was the main interest of the evening when Mrs. McKenzie was the recip- ient of many beautiful gifts, also an address, which read as follows: Dear Beryl, â€" We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here this evening, hearing that you have en- gaged in the vast sea of matrimony, to wish you and your husband, Neil, our sincere congratulations. We are sorry that Neil is absent, due to having answered his country's call, and has gone to hel- orotect this fair Canada of ours, and \vi- ask you. Beryl, to convey to him our very best wishes. You, Beryl, have grown up am- ongst us ami have always been ready and willing to help with the social life of our community. We, there- fore, could not let you leave without spending a social evening with you. .As a token of our esteem "we ask you to accept these gifts and with them our very best wishes for health and prospcrit.v and many years of happy married life. Signed on behalf of the community â€" B^liznbeth Miller, Lorenda Eagles and John Holden. Mrs. McKenzie made a reply of thanks on behalf of her hirsbzand who is on overseas service. Dancing then continued until the .^imall hours of the morning. CHARD â€" .MacQlEEN A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at 2 p.m. Saturday at the United Church manse in the presence of immediate relatives when Rev. .\. Rintoul united in marriage Lillian Chistina elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacQueen and William Clarence elder son of Mr. and Mi's. I W. F. Chard of Flesl-#:rton, Ont. The charming bride wore a trav- elin suit in .Air Force blue with mat- 1 chinjif accessories and corsa.ge bo- I uquet of Johanna Hill roses and j bouvards and maid'on hair fern. The â-  young couple were unattended. The 1 groom's gift to the bride was a cab- j inet of silver. I Following the ceremony the bridal I party motored to the home of the bride's parents, where a buffet lun- cheon was served. The table was entred with the bride's cake, and centered overhead with a white wedd- ing bell from which hung pink an<i white streamers The bride's mother serveo •\. a gown of printed chiffon and corsage bouquet of Talisman roses and maiden hair fern. The groom's mother wore ereen with matching accessories and corsage of Token i-oses and maiden hair fern. The bridal couple left later on a honeymoon trip throu.irh Northern Ontario. On th^ir return they will reside ne.^r Fiesherton. E.\TEND TIME FOR RECISTERING GUNS Deadline for registration of all rif- les and shotguns in Canada has been extended from Sept. 15 to Sept. 30, the department of justice announced today. An order-in-council providing for the lengthening of the time was passed Sept. 11. The drive for reg- istration of such fire arms was start- ed a few weeks ago and penalties are being provided for non-regis tration. The St. .John's W.M.S. will be held on Thurs.. Sept. 10th, at ^..-^O p.m. Mrs. F. G. Karstetlt's group will have charge of the program. JOSEPH LITTLE Son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little. Wareham district, who is a member of the Grey and Simcoe Foresters in training at Camp Borden. 53rd Annual Meeting of Baptist Churches This Week The fifty-third annual meeting of the Owen Sound .Association of Bap tist chui-ches will be held in the Durham Baptist church today and tomorrow, when Rev. Charles Saun- iers will be presiding. The first session will be for the Women'? Mission Circles, starting at 9.30 a.m. The general session will be in the ifternoon, commencing at 2 p.m.. with the evening session at 7.30 Special speakers indue Mr. Frank In rig, president of the Ontario and Quebec Baptist churches, also Mrs. Inrig, of Toronto. Rev. Harold Lang. Sunday School Supplies^ditor, Dr. C. H. Schutt. Mome .Mission Sup- erintendent and Dr. Vinintr of To- ronto, with oth«r ministers from the various chui-ches. There will be special music by the Hanover Bap- tist choir tonight and by the Durham choir Thursday afternoon, and also hy the Owen Sound Baptist choir in the evening. The Thursday evening meeting will be in the form of a B. Y.PU. rally, when Pr. Vining will give a special address to the young people. These meetings are open to all, and the evening sessions will bo largely attended. Dundalk Kept Trophy^ Fiesherton bowlers came close xxt- capturing the silver, trophy, put up. for competition by H. \V. Kernahan of this place, in a mixed doubles bowling competition between the Flesher»on and Dundalk bowlers. Five teams were entered from each village and the games were played last Frday night and Monday night of this week at the Dundalk greens. The score by games on the two nights was: Dundalk 15 and Fiesherton 10. On Friday night Dundalk won nine games and Fiesherton six, while on Monday night Fiesherton won four of the ten games played. Lunch was served at each tournament and a fine, spirit of sportsmanship was ex- hibited throughout the contest. The Dundalk bowlers admitted that they were fortunate to come out on top and remarked on the splendid play- ing of the Fiesherton bowlers, ladies and gents. The teams were as follows: Fiesh- erton: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan, .Mr. and Mrs. H..A. Mc(*auley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTavish, Mrs. Spanhouse :i'nd W. I. Henry, Mrs. E. K. Russell ;ind Howard Milligan. Dundalk: Mrs. Lockhart and R. E. Clunas. Mrs. H. Wellwood and Harry Kitson. Mrs. K. D. Mc.Alister and Frank Macintyre, Mrs. Jas. Leggatt i.Maxwein and E. K. Russell, Mrs. J. E. Ruckingham (Maxwell) and .loe SUitford. R. E. Clunas of Dundalk won all his five eames while H. W. Kernahan, ~ donor of the c»»p, won four of his five games. E V G .\ G E M E N T Mr. and Mrs. H. Marritt of Clarks- burg wish to announce iie engage- ment of their youngest da-isfhter, Thehna Eileen, to James Howard, older son of Mr. a|l Mrs Wilbert r Poole. Maxwell, the marriage t« take place the latter part of September.

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