Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1940, p. 5

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THE FUESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, September 18, 1940 SWINTON PARK â-  (T <«. »^ . -*^ > SUPERIOR STORES SILVER CROWN BREAD FLOUR High Graile No- 1, fully guaranteed or money refunded Why pay more? $2.85 i Aurora BeUe WHEAT FLAKES 5 lb. bag 21c | Aurora Belle PASTRY FLOUR No. 1 Choice Quality " 24 lbs. 75c Last call Salada TEA with glass 38c and 40c Large Cans GRAPE FRUIT JUICE 25c For FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLESâ€" SEE US Our stock is always ftptAi and plenty of everything in seas<hi- C. J. KENNEDY i Phone 37 WE DELIVER < • Mrs. Alfred Bowden and sons of Toronto spent the weak end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Knox. Guests at the home of Hugh Mc- Millan on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young and daughter, Elva, of Brampton and Miss Isabelle Mc- Millan and Mrs. Doug. Chant and babe of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson of Dromore spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Eby Ostrander. Mrs. J. L. Ferguson visited a few days with Mrs. Kinnell last week. Mr. Robea-t Black of Gananoque made a short visit last week with his mother, Mrs. Geo. Black, and friends. Mr. and Mrs Jim Kennedy of Shelburne and Mr. Wra. Brown of Elora spent Sunday at the home of John Aldcom. On Thursday evening last tb« Ventry W.M.S. visited with the Soc- iety here and gave a much enjoyed program. Rev. Mr. Muir of Price- ville showed lantern slides on India. RADIO REPAIRS Mr. D. Williams, radio expert, will be at the Bennett & Richards tore every Wednesday. Repairs made to all makes of radios. All work guar- anteed. Tubes tested free. Phone 78. - t I * Calling out men of certain age classes for medical examination, and if fit, to undergo military train- ing for a period of 30 days within Canada, or the territorial waters thereof. PROCLAMATION CANADA ATHLONE [L.S.] GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas KING, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India. To All To Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same may in anywise concern. Greeting: PROCLAMATION E. MIALL. Acting Deputy Minister of Justice. Canada .^-. ' » f WHEREAS it is provided by The National Resources Mobilization .Vt. 1940. that the I Govtrnor in Council may make from time to time such orders and regrJations rev^uiriag persons to place themselves, their services and tiieu- pn ;ierty at tiie disposiii of His Majesty in the right of Canada for the use w thin Canada or the territorial waters thereof, as may be deemed necessary or expedient for securing the puolic safety, the defence of Canada, the maintenance of public order, or the efncierit prosecution of the war, or for maintaining supplies or services essential to the life of the community And VVhkkkas pursuant to ttie powers therem contamed. and the pro- visions of The War Measures Act. our Governor in Council did on the 27th day of August, 1940, make regulations to provide a system for calling out men fur military training within Canada and the territorial waters thereof, such regulations being known as the National War Services Regu- lations. 1940; And Whekeas pursuant to and m accordance with the said Regula- tions, it has been decided to call out for military training, as aforesaid, every mule British Subitvt wlu> is ur lias been at any time subsequent to the first day of Coi lcir;l c:, 'S,'' ). orc'inarily resident in Canada and who. on the first day of July. 19-!0, had reached the age of twenty-one years but had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-two years or had reached tlie age of tv.enty-two years hut had not yet reached the age on that date of twenty-three years, or who had reached the age of twenty-three years but had not yet reached the age on that .'.ate of twenty-four years, or who had reached the age of twenty-four years, but had not yet reached the age on that date of t\vent\ -five years and who was on the fifteenth day of July, 1940, unmarried or a widower without child or children. Now TuEKEyORE Know Yf thnt pursuant to The National Resources Mobilization Act, iy40. and the War Measures Act. and pursuant to and in accordance with the National War Sfr\-ices Rejuljitinns. 1940, promul- gated under the provisions of the said Acts, we do hereby call out the aforesaid classes of men to submit themselves for medical e-xamination and ''o undergo military training for a jencd of thirtA- days within Canada or the territorial waters thereof, and to report at such places and tunes and in such manner and to such authorities or persons as may be nct-fied to them respectively by a Divisional Registrar of an Administrative Divi- sion appointed by the Governor in Council pursuant to the above men- tioned regulations. Of all of which Out L«ving Subjects and all others whom these Presents may concern, are hereby required to take no' ice. In Testimony Whfkeof, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be hereunto affixed. Witness: Our Dear Uncle. Our Right Trusty and Right Well Beloved Cousin and Counsellor, Alexander Augustus Frederick George. Earl of Athlone. Knight of Our Most Noble Order of the Garter, Member of Our Most Honourable Privy Council, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Batli. Grand Master of Our Most Dis- tinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George. Knight Grand Cross of Our Royal Victorian Order. Companion of Our Distinguished Service Order. Colonel in Our Army (retired), having the honorary rank of Major-General. One of Our Personal Aides-de-Camp, Gover- tMT Genwal and Commander in Chief of Our Dominion of Canada. At Our Government House, in Our City of Ottawa, this eleventh day of September, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty, and in the fourth year of Our Reign, By Command, E. H. COLEMAN. Under-Secretary of Stat* Tha abovw /• rwbatim copy of ProclaiMi- tion appearing in The Canada Gatettm, No. 3S. Vol. UCXIV. Septamber IMh. 1940. Published for the lnform«rtion of thoM cone by the authority ond courtesy of HONOURABLE JAMES 6. GARDINER, A4mi^er of National War Services, r-H PRICEVILLE Mr. Grant Msu', Toronto, id holi- daying at hie home here until the end of October. Mr. Waller Alcorn of Burwash is speiuiing a fww weeks at hi:i home. Mr. and Mr*. Neil McMillan Mr. and Mrs. Nwl Clark and Douglas of Swinton Park wexe visitors on Sun- day at W. T. Brown's. Mr. and Miw. Fra»k Mc^thur of Collingwosd ip<tai Ae week end at the home of his br jher, Uan. We were .glad to m«et them at churah Sunday. Mr. and Mfs. Jim Sturrock, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks attended the fun- eral of the law Elroy Calder Friday at his late residence. Interment was in Mt. Forest cemetery. We are sorry to report Mrs. Bei-t t Ii-win is not exgoyio^ good health and is under the doctor's care. Born â€" In Durham hospital on Friday. Sept. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Black, a son. Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Hincks and family visited on Sunday at the home of Archie MacCuaig, Top Cliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watson and Miss Chatto of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Mc- Kee, South Line. Mr. David Hincks and daughter, .â- Vlmeda, and Mi-s. Chas. Tucker and Gjrald went to Toronto on Monday morning. Gerald will hare an oper- ation for tonsils and adenoids. Miss Marjorie Brown returned to Toronto after spending the summer months at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family were recent visitors at the home of Robt. Lawrence, Durham. Mr. Donald Nichol had the mis- fortune to lose a fine 2-year-old colt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Mar- ilyn of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park and Roy of Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hold- en and Mrs. Jas. Bennett of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Mrs. John Beaton of Xobleton visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Angrus McLachlan. Mr. Donald Carson of Toront* vis- ited on Saturday at his home and was accompanied back by his sister, Sadie, who has spent the past two weeks here. Miss Eileen Johnson of Springhill spent the w^eek end with Miss Bernice Carson. FEVERSHAM Mr. Bill Huff of Southampton is visiting with his sister. Mrs. Wm. Kerton, and family. Mrs. Ethyl Leppard and Marjorie attended the camp meetings at Clarksburg last week. Miss Evelyn Hale has left to a\,- tend Toronto Xormal school. Mrs. Wm. Heitman and Edith spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Conn and Doris motored to "Woodstock one day last week. Miss Verna Hudson and Mr. Joe Tate of Toronto and brother, Jim, of Winnipeg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson and family. Miss Bernice Powley of Markdale was a caller w^ith Mrs. John McQuay a few days last week. 12th LINE. OSPREY Beautiful autumn weather at time of writing. Those taking part in the amateur concert at Flesherton on Wednesday eveniag were: Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Umg and Robert and Blanche. Yyonne, Davidson, Loreen and Jessie Milnej, Jliss .\lda Hawtoiij Leona Short and Eunice Dobson. The meeting of the Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. John Doibson was well attended. The afternoon was spent in quilting. We are glad to report that Mr. Mervin Ottevvell is improving nicely after being under the doctor's care, also that Mrs. Cyrus Short is able to be home a.a:ain after spending a few days in Collingwood hospital. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davidson and family. Mr, and Mrs. Hugli Fcnwick and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Fenwick of Maxwell visited on Sunday at the home of Sherman Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long and fam- ily spent Sunday at Wa.*ag» Beach with their daughter. Miss Norma Long. Mr. Hul>ert Saycrs and lady friend. also Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKenzie. â-¼isited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Izard on Sunday. Quite a number from this liae have attended the Gospel Workers' nuM-t- ings in Clarksburg, .A number of younir pe<>ple from this neighborhood attended the mis- cellaneous shower for Mrs. Neil Mc- Keneie at the home of her mother. Mrs. Chas. Eagles. Thursday eren- ing. Neil is now ser\-ine overseas with the R.C.E. CENTRE LINE Monday morning is nice, bright and warm. We need plenty of : uch days. Robt. Osborae trapped a large owl on Sunday night, which had been visiting the chicksn coops. It is in a box ".' the present time and does not seem to like the change, Pte. Joseph Little returned to Camp Bordeo wn Friday night, after spending a two weeks' leave at hia home here. Pte. ViL-«or Osborne of Camp Bor- den was home en leave from Thurs- day night uatil Sunday night. Our pa«t.>r, I>, Mereer, was back on Sunday after a month's holidays, Mt, Zion a«niv*-rsar>' services will be held next Sunday, John Osborne is not recovering very fast from injuries received in a recent automobile accident. The ligiments of his shoulder are torn and rheumatism has set in. He will not be able to work for at least three weeks. The Mt. Zion W. A. met at th§ home of Mrs. Lewis Fisher Tuesday last with 12 members and 11 viaitori present. The word for the next de- votional roll call is to be "prayer." The "W. A. decided to hold a chicken pie supper at Mt, Zion church in October. The next meeting will be .held at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Little. W'e extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, John Lougheed (nee Ade- r.dde McCullough) who were married at Claremont on Saturday. Mrs, J, Lougfieed, Misses Viola and Grace Cole, Miss E)oris Fisher and !Mr. W. Fisher, attended the Lougheed-MeCullough wedding. Quite a number from Wareham at- tended anniversary services at Bethel on Sunday. VICTORIA CORNERS EUGENIA Rev, Mercer returned from his summer vacation and occupied the pulpit last Sunday, preaching a very impressive sermon, Mrs, J. Cairns in her usual pleasing manner, rend- ered a beautiful solo, Sunday visitors with Mr, ajd Mrs, C. Smith w^ere: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Geiioe of Ceylon, Mr and Mrs. Alex. Henderson and Junior and Mrs, H.'s mother, Mrs. Lawrence, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and friends of Gait were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Peck and Donnie and Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan of Toronto. Miss Dorothy Falconer spent a few holidays with her cousin. Miss .\udrey Richards of Snelgrove. The Woman's Association will mee- Thursday afternoon, Sept. 19th. Foi- lowing the meeting and a few items of program. Mrs. Gordon will ser\-c a lOc tea. Visitors welcome. H Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams are holding a sale Friday of this week and will move to Toronto about the 1st of October. Jas. Bannon of Toronto and Jack Spiers of Trenton visited Milion Bannon's for the week end. On Sun- day Jim motored to Owen Sound hos- pital to visit his friend, Mervyn Little, who was rushed there one evening last week after having taught all day in his school near Berkeley and where he was operated on for appendicitis. Mr and Mrs. G. G. Ward of To- ronto, Chas. Moore of Port Credit and Ted Moore of Weston spent the week end at their home here. Mrs. W. W. Patterson is quite re- covered after her illness, and motored to Toronto and Peterboro last week. Sei-vice was not held at Inistioge on Sunday on accour.t of the Bethel anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batche^or and Gordon motored to Preston to visit their daughter, Mrs, Geo. McGregor. Mrs. Batchelor remained for a couple of r.-eeks. "" " '*-••« -i Mr. P, Tarzwell of Hillsburg visit- ed his cousins. Bill, Leslie and Flor- ence Batchelor, who together with Gertrude Montgomery, accompanied him to Camp Borden. The 'W. A. met for its September meeting at .iie liome of Mrs, Russell Patterson, There were 19 members and eight visitors present. The Sci'ipture reading was by Mrs. Rus- sell Patterson, and the program was on Fanny Crosby. The hymns were those which she composed. The roll 2all was answered by a verse of a Hyir:'. â-  â-  -pr^ci by Fanny Crosby. fvs. .Ii>hn Duncan read an account of her life and two solos were sung, one by Mrs. Elmo Stevens and the other by Miss Anna Maude Acheson. v-*ii "oniposed by Fanny Crosby. A roading was given by Mrs. Herb "icl- )1 entitled "Do We Criticize?" Birthday gifts and business planning for a social evening to be given by the losing side of the copper contest was decided upon, also a supper later on. m^urr TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 29. 1940 Full information from Agents ^ B^?^ 1^ B53 Mi XX'MA.' .{£S ^eOM ♦♦♦♦•x~M~>*»*>*»^*>*x~M~x~:'«><~> I OTICE AT GALT SCHOOL \ Messrs. Leslie Seeley. Argyle Mar- tin. Ray Richards and Melville Hunt left the first of the week to take the courses at the Gait aircraft training school. % Hereafter we will sell t for Cash only. All notes %, and accounts not paid on % or before Sept. 21st will t be placed in other hands % . for collection. i A. C. MUIR % ♦ I I Ceylon \ ♦•i M iit^ti i iiii»«> M «»»» »m i m »»»» » »»»»4»4»»»»»» I SERVICE liere are two irreat Creamery Services, provided for the Cream Producers of this district, that every farmer can enjoy: 1. You can send your cream by our truck which will call at your place twice a week in the summer, and where possible, every week in the winter; your cream is picked up in any quantity, for which you get cash, and your butter, if desired, at a special price to our shippers. 2. You can make your own deliveries to the Creamery for which you get a higher price, and also butter at special prices. All in all, summer and winter, you will get Best Results and Best Service from the Flesherton Creamery Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager \ We keep open Wednesday and Saturday wigfhts so that vou can brings your cream and es:g-s when coming: to town without making; a special trip. You have them tested and paid for while vou wait. H l» I H II MM I M I MMM I MMm t ^

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