Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1941, p. 3

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+ . \ How Can I? BY ANNE A8HLBY BriUin's "Air AmbMMflor** InspecU Bomber Q. What can I i* if candy I feava b«en makiag baeomet Cvaiay? A. If ilia candy bacomea gniny, add kai< • taaqioon of ^nam of tartar and a creamy tartore wUt racalt. Alio, If a lableapoon of vlnagar U added «a tha augarad candy, and H ia >alt«at«d, a creamy textora will la acquired. H. How can I aharpen a meat (linder? A^ If the meat grinder ia work- iac poorly, run a piece of aand- 9^>er through it. Thia will sharp- as the cutters and free tham of grease. Rinse well with boiling water. Q. How can I remedy cream which is too thick for whipping? A. Place the dish in another ^Hah of cold water. When it is dulled, place in a dish of hot water, and it will then whip eaai- Q. How can I press suits pro- perly? A. Try this method: Fold a kurgc piece of newspaper length- wise, wet one side of it, and fold tha dry side over t£e wet aide. Place the wet side against the aoit and iron on the dry side. This also prevents shine. Q. How can I refreriien bread and roUa that have beccme stale? A. Place in a browij paper bag; than dampen the bag and put in- 1a the oven until thoroughly heat- ed. They will be like newly bak- ed. All Tenants Can Appeal On Rents If It Appcara ExcrblUntâ€" OtUwa Board Has Power to Set Rentala Anywhere In Canada Persons living in an uncontroll- ed rental area may appeal to the rentals administrator of the War- time Prices and Trade Board if they feel they are paying an ex- erbitant rental a spokesman for the board said last week. He said the board has authori- ty to set rentals anywhere in Can- ada, although rentals committees have been set up only in areas principally affected by rentals ' increases CERTAIN UNCONTROLLED AREAS In the case of an appeal from a tenant in an uncontrolled rent- al area, landlord and tenant are required to submit particulars and a' decision in them made. The procedure in controlled areas differs only in that the parties in the dispute receive hearings instead of submitting their claims in writing. Royal Purple Sods of Qudity NswCiistoBiirOffin L<ttm. Klnfl af thy «â- . 4mpm« yUtmZ â€" .rM.2Se. ahwnm.ViahtOuMa. i«Mkt«lalrttlst >..„. â- * aSc "'^ ""^ " ase. Sddia. N«w Dwwt MIisM tmWi in â-  OlMit taaptrial. ^kt. ISc. wâ€" iiiiiiiiâ€" .p<«iti».aw««« •tack. To WMk. Sn«Udt MiMti ii«»i ». a « « > > i «»»«r»««»» n< . is>. 19*. 1S>. :sc. ISc. lie. iUy Ose Off Tktst Collfctions OO^ Postpaid (â- CGULAR VALUE n^M) 0«ld»n Wa» 1 OS. BMts. D*troU Dark RmI . \2 OB. C«rrot, Ch«nt«nay R»d Cor«d '.i o<. l.«t<uc«. Orand Rapids i ,t. Rsdish, Sewitt Olsk* Sslsetsd *4 lb. Sw««t Corn, Ooldvn Bantam 1 pk«. Parsnip, Hollow Crown . asc. ISc. 15c. 10c. ISc. ISc. y^tunta. All DoubU Dwarf Victorious, misad Pht. Wc. HonninaOlorT. Clark's Eairly rlewaring H««T«nIr ftvr •nu. Psntaay. i itlcvkinum, MaJoa«i' Shml iswl < fc »ica a t mi«ad •to* Salsct En9lish Oardsn PinltB 10c. 10c. ISc. ISc. Writi Fm Your FREE SHtf Cir>l»(>>* Seed Division W . A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. Lisnited Ijondon Canada 4S King St. Sir Hugh Dowding, England's "air ambassador" to the United States looks over a new high-speed giant Martin bomber at the Glenn L. Martin plane plant at BaJtimore. The new ship is explained by J. F. Hartson, LEFT, executive vice-president of the plant. Sir Hugh is m the United States to make a survey of aircraft factories and to see what what e«n be done toward a general standardization of airplanes and parts. i«««»i»s» • HAVE • ! YOO BEABD? Fifty Nazi pilots knocked at the gates bf Heaven and sought admittance. St. Peter waved them back. "I'm sorry," he said, but only six of you can come in." "But there are fifty of us," the Nazis protested. "Maybe," replied St. Peter, "but Field " Marshal Goering's communique said that only six had been shot down." Waitress â€" "Why do you alwayi dust off the plate be- fore you are served?" Diner â€" ^You will have to •xcuse mc I'm a baseball umpire. When he returned from the of- fice he found his little wife very unhappy, and at last she told him wrhy. "Oh, Bill, I've found out that â- tliat woman nest door has a coat exactly like mine." Bill smothered a sij* as he aaid: "Well, darling, I expect you •want rae to bay you a new coat?" "Yes, dear," she replied, sweet- ly; "it wottM be cheaper than moving, wouldn't it?" Tommy: Why are you so bald, dad? Dad: Well, the reasoa ' is that my mother used to pat mo on the head so often for being a (ood hoy. Travelling on a bus route strange to her, the old lady was very anxious not to pass her des- ination. Suddenly she leaned for- ward and poked the conductor in the ribs with her umbrella. "Is that the Bank of England, my good man?" she asked. "No, ma'am," replied the con- du''tor, coldly; "u'.8 n'.eV Actor: 1 insist on real food ia tho baaquctiag scene. Directmr: Right, and you'll aU« get real poison in tho death scoao. My heart is like a singing bird Wliose nest is in a watered shoot; My heart Is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thick- set fruit: My heart is like a i-aiabow gheM That paddies in a halcyon sea: My heart is gladder than all these. Because my love is come to me. Raise me a liais of silk anJ tiown; Hang it with vaii- anJ purple dyes: I'arve it with lioves and pome- gvanates. .\r.d peacocks with a hiindie<! eyes: Work it In gold and silver grapes. In leaves and silver fleur-<1e-lys; Beoaiisj the birthday ot my lifa U com*, my love is come to me < â€" C'lvUt'na Rosetti. ^ratchlnf cavMd ftkio trtHibWo, u^r Uatictuif. rootinf, OBti- tfp«*r. Hqnit) 1>. V. O. Pr*tmpt>on. (;r<«aBkM. •UinlM*. Sx>lV»i»TiUti..n anilquirlltT *loi>« »n»«n»r yowJniMiM (.«!« foe l> O.I». rKf^i. tiimON. Trend Of Travel To Pacific Coast Since Residents of Central And Eastern Canada Can't Go South, They Go West My Heart Is Like a Rainbow Ntkha If Pw^lW Many hundreds of reeirttnts ot Eastern and Central Can- ada who annually head south when the cold weather sets in, will have to seek a winter resort at home because of the restric- tions on travel to the United Sta- tes necessitated by war conditions. In view of these circumstances, reports received by the Canadiaii National Railways indicate that the trend of travel this winter is now westward to the Pacific slope of British Columbia via the Jasper National Park route. This Pacific Coast regrion has been rightfully named the ''Ever- green Playground" and visitors to Vancouver and Victoria soon learn of the mellowing iuC'.uence of warm ocean cuirents which serve to maintain pleasant te.-n- peratures throughout the Winter months. For the energetic, golf is available on links playable the year round, while for anglers, steelhead trout and tyee salmon abound in the inland and coastal waters of British Columbia . The Continental Limited train of the Canadian National Bail- ways assures air-conditioned com- fort via "the Jasper Park Way", providing daily services from the East, through the Rockies to Van- couver, at low winter fares. March Is Next Season For Colds There Are Two Peak-Perioda For Common Cold Epidemics â€" March and September Ev- ery Year Whot Science j Is Doing \ NEW CANCER THEORY A possible new treatment for cancer in the advanced stages which may be superior to the X-ray was described last week by Dr. John H. Lawi-enea, Uni- versity of California scientist distinguished for his work with the atom-smashing cyclotron. Lawrence said he and associa- tes had observed that unchargeii particles of matter known as neu- tron? caused a regression in the malignant tumor without dam- age to overlying live tissue. In treating deep-seated cancer with X-ray, he poined out, there may be danger of injuring live-tiisue. • • « PKEUMONIA GERMS Of 500 persons from whom throat cultures were taken for the study of tuberculosis or other respiratory infections excepting pneumonia, 337, or 67 per cent, were fonnd to harbor pneumonia germs, including the deadly type 3, without manifesting signs of the disease. Pneumonia strains found totalled 34, many persons having two or more kinds. * « « SPLITS SECONDS 1,000 WAYS A timing device that splits sec- onds 1,000 ways and will measure from 1 to 200 of these units with error of less than 1 per cent has been developed by the research .dviision of the Reming- ton Arms Company. It is being used in studying the effect of velocity and flight time on the accuracy, trajectory, range and hitting power of buUets, but it has a wide variety of uses in other fields, such tks telling how long it takes a fuse to blow out. a photo-fla.sh lamp to light and and a telephone relay to operate. Electric eyes can be used to tiaio the bullet entering and leaving a given length of its path. HEALTH TOPICS Care Is Urged For Toes Teeth halted tooth decay, as follows: On« Quart milk, on* to two eggs, one sei'ving of meat, iLsh or chick- em, two vegetaoita 'half cup each), two fruits (orange, apple or tomato), one teaspoon of cod iiv«r oil, about six teaspoons but- ttt. March is the next common- cold period, says a study from Cornell Medical Centre-Xew York Hospital. Each year there are two peak periods, the other in Septemlier. As a result, most people have two colds a year, a fall cold and a spring cold. Drafts, wet feet and sudden changes in temperature do not necessarily cause colds. Most â€" perhaps all of them â€" are caught from other people. And they are most easily given to others before the first suffer- er even knows he has a cold. The reason is that the cause of colds, a tiny, unseen organism known as filterable virus, disap- pears from the throat within three or four days. Do8r*s Legacy S.iOO has been left by a 70- years-old Englishwoman to secure the future of a three-yps!? o!d Cairn. Every second child, at the age of 2 years has dental decay. Many children's mouths are wrecked for life before the age of 5, un- less routine dental care is insti- tuted. This was the message given 200 members of the Toron- to Academy of Dentisty in Osier- Hall in January by Dr. John C. Brauer, professor of child den- tistry at Iowa State University. "One must think of aesthetic values," said Dr. Brauer, "and re- member that a good-looking girl of 17 or 18 without teeth would not have a very good time at a ball." Says Diet Hmlu Decay "Education in the main, today, has accepted the responsibility and duty of teaching dental health," said the speaker. "Health is our most prized possession for without it few can succeed or achieve happiness." Dr. Brauer outlined a daily diet which in many cases had Original Cinderella Few people know that the Third Pyramid of Gizeh, in Egypt, was erected by King Mycerinus to commemorate Nitokrin, a very beautiful maiden who was the original Cinderella. While bath- ing by the river, Niiokris lost her slipper. A great eagle swooped on it and carried it high over Memphis, where, finding it un- palatable, the bird released it. TVe slipper fell into the lap of the King as he sat eating a peach in his garden. He was so struck by the strange incident as well as by the beauty of the slipper and the .shape of the foot that he im- mediately instig:ated a search for the owner. She was found, came up to expectations, and because his bride, and it was to commem.- orate her that the pyramid was built. The original slipper was made of fur, but the story came to us tlirough France, and in translation "fur" was changed to "glass." Yip-â€", it's Ogden's I i««««i«»«i»»i»»«»«««it»' Hoders Etiqaette BY ROBERTA LEE 7. How should the flower girls at a church wedding be dressed? 8. When a man is dancing and another man "cuts in," how long can he wait before he "cuts in" to get his girl again? 9. Is it all right for one to put a few oyster crackers in soup? 10. When walking with a friend and there is a chance meeting with another friend, is it necessary to introduce them? 11. Is it all right to accept a second helping at the table? 12. Is it all right for a woman to invite men to a theatre party? ANSWERS 7. They may be dressed in white or any color that blends with the color scheme of the wed- ding. If the bridesmaids wear hat*, flower girls usually do also. 8. He must wait until the man who "cut in" on him is no longer dancing with this girl. 9. Yes., 10. Xo. Introductions in public should be avoided whenever pos- sib.e; if the circumstances make it awkward without an introduct- ion, then one must be made. 11. It is permissible if it doesn't keep the other guests waiting. 12. Yes. Yes, if s not just anoti^ 1," , tobacco - It's Ogdenli I And old timers, who have be«» rolling-their-own for a quarter of a century, know that " Ogden's " means a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos. Jn it once. Then you'll always roll 'em with Ogden's. Only th« b««t cioaretto pafMrtâ€" "Vogu«" Of â- 'Oumiectf" are good •nouQli for Og<Mn'S' OGDEN'S FINE CUT ^_^ OGARETTE TOBACCO AJc for Ogdm't Cuf Phg Railway Solomon Solved Problem It definitely required the services ot a tran.sportation Solomon to solve the pro- blem raised by two passengers who on the same day and on the same train operating over the Canadian National Railways, for- got overcoats. When the de- scriptions were comjiared it was discovered that each traveller was seeking an overcoat from the same manufacturer identical in size, color and style. The Lost and Found experts succeeded in returning to eacli owner his own coat. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways system for the week ending January 14, 1941, were $4,795,- 037 as compared with $3,741,181 for the corresponding period • of 1940 an increase ot $1,053,856 or 28.2'"o. â€" COLLECTIONS Accottata* Bad Che^iaea. Reata Callcctcd la Amt Part o( Caaada by Natleaal Orsaalaallaa. "SO COLLECTIOX XO CHARGE" federal Surety CampaaT'. 3« Blaor St. W. - . Taroato 74eHANTEeL&ft OVt.X HILL. »KII.>rU T!iN oi.ilortul resort, tastefully .Tppolmcd . . 'ictivitifis .'or young and old ... 4 ski-tows nearby . . . utficial Ski School. Write or Wiro. The CHANTECLEH. t-te. Adel- ..-n haut, P.Q. ...CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISEMENTS... ELiaCTRIC MOTORS KOH •'ALE ELECTRIC MOTORS. NEW AND reconditioned. Jones & Moore EI- (.'trtc I'ompany, ;3(i AdelaiiJe St tVest. Toronto. BABY CHICKS ITS THE EARLY CHICKS TH.*.!' make the profits. Don't put iff your Bray chick buyinir. I'ian t > ?;et your chicks into production or the right markets. CataJoK. price list. Dall.v specials. tlrd'.T uou'. delivery when you wish. Hray Hatchery, 130 John. Hamil- ton. Ont. BAIIEN CHU-KS HAVK A ItKl'L'- tatlon for developtug li:to grciii layers and wonderful meat birds. Free catalogue tells you all about them. Alsp turkejs and layin? pullets. Kaden Electric Chick Hat- chery l.imiti'd. Baden, Ontario. SEND TODAY FOR TWEDDUR'.S catalogue and price li.st. It tei;s you all about the Big Money sav- ing discounts tor early .>rders and early deliveries of Tweddle chicks. Also turkeys and laylnc puMet.s. Tw«KldIe Chick Hatcheries I.lm-t- fd. Fers'is. Ontario. FOOT SI Kh-|':Ki':Ks KNJOY Ft KIT COMJXIRT. yllClv result?. Hiimc ireatm-Ml ifour proviuct.'*! fl'.l'il p.>.«!r.l'>-!. Rob !:- sor. g South G.irficld. Him'.itc;. LEGAL J. N- UTXDSAV. 1^\W OFFICE. CAT- Itol Theatre Building. St. Thomts. Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. .\s a result of an accident a Baltimore man lott his nose. NVw iie has three substitutes, of d t- terent tints to match his con- piexion in .summer, winterâ€" anii m between. OFFEH ro I.W KXI'tlUS A.N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Hegistcred, Patent Attorneys. 273 lianU Street. Ottawa, Can.'jda. MEDICAL I...VDIiiSâ€" IF PELAVED, F.VINFl U irregular pc-iods worry you take Fetn-a-Tone, 'ho prompt, effective relief. Relieve yourself ot worry, unnecessary suffering. Bottle t'-. postpaid. lnterii.ational Dist.-ibu- tors. Box l')2.V, Toronto. m<.;HLY HEVOMMENDEl.v- EVECV sufferer of Kheuniatic i'ains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy, -Uunro's Prus .Store, 335 Kl- gin. Ottawa. I'ostpaid Jl.On. FINANCIAL ME.\ WAITED LOCAL MAN â€" GOOU I'AV WEKK- ly. Fuli or spare time. Book orders for Canada's finest trees, plants. Experience unnece.ssary. Sales outfit free. E. D. SMITH'S NCRS- KKIKS. vvi.!or,i. Ort. TEACHKK WA.\TEU i>i;.M!ii;n, .vDi'iN<;rt»j coi.vTv r. iiulres Frotftant teacher, first class certiflcalc preferred. No. of pupil.'' enrolled â€" S. tirades 1. 2, 4 and 6. Salary Seven Hundred Dol- lars per annum. Duties to ccm- raence Febru^iry 3rd. .\pply to Aubrey W. Lane. Secretary, Sch-.'l -Yrea of Denb;«!i. TRY IMPERIAL FOR FINE QL'ALITY PHOTO F] N- ishi!;g. Any « or 8 Exposure film developel and printed, with m- larg-^mcn?, 25c. Careful processinu by e.\per"9 who know bow, assures salisfrction. Imperi.^1 Photo Ser- vice. Dcpt. \.. Statl,->n J.. Toror.to. ISSUE 5â€" '41 MORTO.^GES OR AGKEEME.NTS .IF sale purchased for eiish. prompt attention. North Shore Realty ''o. PAKTXER W.4NTED WANTED â€" TO COMMUNICATE with prospective partner, witlx some capital, to buy p,irt Interest in fully equipped Dairy Farm and Breeding establishment â€" Ooinic concern â€" Good outlet for Milk and Pure Bred Cattle â€" Good Stable â€" Fully equipped â€" Farms in excellent state of cultivation. Owner's health will not permit h :s taking full ch.irge. Excellent op- ptirtunity for Farmer with soi s of his own. -Vldre^s Box 50. STORE ESJllrME.NT MERCHANTS - BAKERS SAVE ON EQUIPMENT B R E .> O W RA P PI N O .M A ( "H I N R and Fans. Meat Grinders. Coffee Mills. Ceiling Fans. Combination Fish Counter and Sink, Toledo ten pound scales, .Miscellaneous other equipment. Write or phona A & P Tea Co.. 135 I.aughton .We.. Toronto. LYmihur^t 11.^1. «l KFK.KKK«.: HAVE VOU GOITRE.' GET "AS- sorbo" for relief. J. -V. Johnston Co., in King St. E.. Trinity 1557. DON'T WAITâ€" EVERY Sl'KFEKEli of Rheum.itlc Pains or Neuritis Bhould try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store. j".i Elsrtn, Ottaw.n. Fostpnid $1.0''. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New !irEci.\i.rAi%(s IN Ki'iiiii.r mu- TOR«. ••OWER-lNlrS. Ilydraiilie H o I a t â-  , WInchea. Geaoratora. 9tartent, Mnsaetua. Carhiirefor*. Radiafara â€" Excliance S*r*lo«, Glaaa â€" ^aitarnoilna nr refaati. LcTT Aofo I'arla, Dept. J.. Taraala. â- <

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