Flesherton Advance, 12 Feb 1941, p. 3

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I Pledge for Wmr Savings SALADA ^ • SERIAL STORY DANGER ROMANCE AHEAD j^ BY TOM HORNER ^iV:S!S^UI&. CAST OF CHARACTERS MONNIE MILESâ€" her mania for fast driving almost wrecked her romance. LARRY COLLINS â€" newspaper reporter, hunting the murderers of bis brother. MIKE BENTLEY â€" wealthy rancher, knew too much about auto accidents. • • • LAST WEEK: Larry questions i'.f- Monnle about her car, learns she was home all night. Later he finds tracks that indicate two men stole her coupe. He tells Barnes he has seen truck tracks, fears rustlers. Barnes puts him on night herd. Larry waits for the mystery plane to return. One night, as he watch- es from a hill, he hears someone coming up behind him. He gets his gun, waits for the intruder. Btautiful Pictures (â-  to cokw of Britain's Fiflitini Plants H>iTFiRC mmmcAiic defiant. SUNDmiANO FLVIIKt BOAT, WEU.INCITOW BOMKR AND â- LKNHEIM BOM*OI Don't miea tliis opportunity 1 Just take a label from a tin of CHOWN srRUP â€" write on the back your name and address and th* title of the picture >"0U ivamt ... (1 label for each picture.) Mail the label to Dapt. Jo, The Canada Starch Company Ltmited. « WelllnKton St. Kaat, Toronto. The picture will k« sent immed- jately, absolutely without L'liarKe. CRDWN SYRUP ^^. CHAPTER X The person riding up the hill was making no effort to con- ceal his coming. .A. white hat top- ped t!ie crest, the horse and rider came into view. Larry relaxed. It was Monnie. "What do you mean, trailitig.out here after midnight?" h© demand- ed as she rode up to him. "I might have shot you." "I never thought ot If," she laughed as she dismounted. "I've been watching you ride out every night. I was curious, wanted to find out what was going on. So I • followed you. My, but it's pretty out here â€" I never realized the ranch could be so beautiful st night." She stood there in the starlight, her hat pushed back on her curls. trim and boyish in leather jaoket, fitted riding pants, and cowboy boots. Larry wondered If she realized how beautiful she was. Turning back to him, she asked: "What is it, Larry, rustlers?" "Yeah. I found some tracks, told Barnes about them and he thought we better keep an eye open for a while. Those calves in the canyon pasture might look easy." This Coupon Worth $4.11 Introducing our lateat Autwniatio Television Type PRESTO â€" I'u.'ih the bullon. ivat(;h It fill. This coupon and only .89c entitles the sender to one of our reg:. $5 Television Fountiiin Pens, with a written life guaran- &Qo tee, for only •. . *'^** Puslithe Button » Any 3 initials engraved on thi.s pen In gold leaf only 10c extra. Names above 3 letters, 6c extra per group 3 letters. This pen free It you can purchase one like it else- where for less than $S. Coupon Is good only while advertising sale is on. Limit: 3 pens to one coupon Men'« Style ka* Rlns Clip See It FUl! Pens come in brown, green, maroon or black. Send 6c extra for postage Res. fLOO I'caclU to CQf. match I'n. Extra . . •"^ Same initials free on pen- cil with purchase of set. Starr Pen Co., Regina IN MONTREAL men of iSnirs naturally stop at the Windsor because of its rcpa- tacion for digaificd comfort and unobrrusivc, courteous service, iu convenient location â€" and be- cause the Windsor is recognized as the proper place fur business and social meetings. ON DOMINION SQUARE |. Aldcilc RaTmoaA Prcnident Lif* CouW Begi« "1 dou't believe l!," she roplled. "If you were afraid of cattle thiev- es, you'd be down closer to the herd, not perched up here on a hill, two miles away from them. You're not riding night herd. I.iarry. You've got something else up your sleeve. What is it?" "I'm watching these calves, and how and where I do It is my ov.n business," Larry answered hotly. "If a truck comes in to take a few, it will come down the canyon rt)ad. right below here. I can trail the thieves then, surprise them. But If I'm down with the herd, they might surprise me. I know what I'm doing." "You're a rotten liar," Monnie laughed. "Liar or not, you've got no busi- ness here. Go on home, and l<>t me alone. I've got work to do." "I won't! I'm not going home until I find out why you spend your uighla sitting out here on a hill." "You're going back now!" He caught her horse, led it to her. "Are you going to get on this horse, or do I have to put you on? " Her eyes challenged him. He caught her roughly in his arms, lifted her from the ground. He was surprised that she did not struggle or try to escape. But wlicji he neared the horse, she kickeil Its flank. The hor.se wheeled, jump- ed away. "You â€" you" Larry muttered. He felt her relax in his arms, felt her black head snuggle closer to his shoulder. She was looking up at him, smiling. He kissed her lips tenderly. "Monnie, 1 love you,' he whis- pered. He klaaed her again before he put her on her feet, let her so. But she was hack in bis arms in an mstant, lifting her lips again. "I love you, too, Larrj'." • • • His happiness shut out all thoughts of Hugh and the task he had set out to accomplish. He had Monnie in hia arms . . . She loved him. Life could begin for him now. "Will you marry me, Monnie?" Her lips, the tightening of her arms ai-ound his neck gave him his answer. At last he released her. She smiled again. "That's why I fol- lowed you here. I wanted to hear you say It. I wanted you to know." "They Stole Your Car" 'What about Bentley?" "I fold him our engagement was off the day after you ran away, the Sunday we quan-eled," she ex- plained. "You were awfally o")stiu- ate. Larry." "I'm sorry. I thought yon had been to Bentley'a the night before. Someone stole your car, met a plane at Bentley's landing field. I saw the car on the canyon road." "So that's why Pete made me keep it locked." She sat down, pulled him down beside her. "What's this all about, Larry?' (To Be Continued) JHonesty Make yoiuselt an honest man. and then you may be sure that there la one rascal le«8 In the world.^ â€" Carlyle. Houesty is oue part of eloquence. We persuade others by being in earnest ourselves. â€" Hazlitt. â€" â€" Honor is worth its danger and its cost, and lite is worthless wi*h- out honor. â€" G. Bernard Shaw. â€" â€" Justice, honesty, cannot be ab- jured; their vitality involves Life, â€" calm, irresistible, eternal. â€" Mary Baker Eddy. â€" â€" bo your work, be honest, ke-jp your word, help when you can, be fair. â€" J. P. Morgan. â€" â€" We enjoy ourselves only Id our work, our doing: and our best doing is our best enjoyment. â€" .lacobi. UqM HOI •xp«Mive Pa)sf«-ltsc>f-Biim94%Mr,e%M Vou II love the abiimlant while lijthi of Maddtn. l'iT9urpa«sed b> ctrctricity forMeftdinefynndQualiiy. Kind out how easily and cheaply Alatidmt can b« convened to electric use. Don't put oB havinf modern white light. Kyes are too pre^^ui to strain by rrading. studying, tewiig with <)\m vcHow light. Too iifte:i this leads to iiiii>aired vision. exprn»iv« tredtments. gUsfes, etc. Aladifln Is economical too. Hurnn .M> hours on a single gallon ot k> r >«c^:ic. IVa only 0% oil and M% air. JkUDDiN DEAUR HAS NEW MODELS Vijit your dc^ilrr, and K« the beau- tiful new .'Matldtni and the colorful ahaJft. If ynu don't know htm. write and w-c II aend his name, our f^ McwMt tukler of Aladdin tampa ami shade* and FREE TRI.AL OFFER Mantia Lam* C*invaiay «0* taaaa A**., TarMrtalSXtal. Aladdin Shoes Step Out In Radiant Hues Smart Oeaigni Also Are Seet< For Spring Wear â€" Pumps Win Popularity Poll Proudly :iiepping along iu i)i> vanguard of spring fashions are sitoes, introducing to tlie new sea- son a legion of colorful, smart, and wearable styles. The keynote to feminine footwear styling, as set at Chicago's recent Nation.-i! Shoe Fair, Is slighly paradoxical; more dressy details for tailorod shoes and .stronger tailored trends for dress-up types. 1'our preference for pumps, as evidenced during the year past, has been heeded by d>v signers, and once more this typ'i will be winning the popularity poll. Again in the uew.s are pumps wiih low-cut and rounded insteps, an.t an amazing assortment o( bow-like trims. Many ot the shoe styles siem from America's own exciting pion- eer period, and highlight We8te,ii designs and themes from Indiiiu footwear. Others, are born from to- day's stirring times, and portray a strong liking for patriotic motifs and colors, including many clever derivations of sailor designs. Shoe authorities declare tbac modified heels tor the first time in years will stand on a 50-50 foot- ing with heels of the ".spike" cl:i8S. Women & Wallpaper American realtors last week were told that little things like wallpaper borders influence wo- men in buying homes. That advice was given by Irene Constance of Oklahoma City, • Okla., a home builder in her own right, in an address prepared for delivery of the National j\.ssocia- tion of Real Estate Boards. "Women," she said, "pii-efer plain wallpaper but they love borders, large and showy ones, gayly papered closets and beauti- ful ceilings. Style With Striking Contrast By ANNE ADAMS You'll have a "stand-out-from- the-crowd" air at gaia occa.sions â€" in this bewitching new Anne Adams frock. Pattern 4681. Its •implicity spells good ta.ste and distinction; its novelty details spell youth. Just see the unusu- ally attractive lines of this frock! The bodice panels are very soft anil gathered below the curved yokes; the high waist seaming is gayly .scalloped. The slim prin- cess lines of the b.-'.ck are easy to stitch up. Let a belt buckle in back or tie in front, or have a sash «f .i;ay ribbon. .Aren't the panels attractive made in flower- ed print, with the rest of the frock in solid color? Pattern 4»>81 is available in misses' a.id won-.en's sizes 1'2. 14, 16, 18, 20, .30, :i-_'. 34, 36. .'58. and 40. Size 16 takes :i yards 3;> inch fabric and 1 yard contra.-it. Send Twenty Cei.ts (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- •d) for this Anne .Adams pattern. Write plainly Size, Name, .Ad- dress and Style Number. Send your order to Anne Ad- »nis, Ro^m 425. 73 We.st Ade'aicle St., Toronto. ISSUE 7 -'41 HERE'S HOW TO CORRECT CONSTIPATION WITHOUT DOSING I If you have suffered from constipa- tioo, you probably know from ex- penence that harsh purgative, give, at beat, only temporsry r::lief. That's vi>hy doctors will tell you to get at the cause. If your consti- pation is the conunon type due to lack of the right kind of "bulk," try KELLOGG'S ALL-BRAN . . . m truly delicious cereal that can help to keep you regular by sup- plying the "bulk" you need. Eat ALL-BRAN every morning . . . drink plenty of water . . . and tee if you don't notice a big differ- ence in the way you look and foelf Available at all arocers' in two con- venient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. By SADIE B. CHAMBERS Valentine Suggestions I am not giving you any par- ticular menu in the column this week but first we'll have a gen- eral discussion and then some re- cipes. Your entertaining might take the form of a buffet sup- per and for that we right away visualize a lacey tablecoth de- corated with hearts accordii.g to your own ta.ste and maybe a nose- gay bouquet in the centre, (which might be flowers or could be made out of gum drop candies on a paper doily). The whole should convey the impression of an old fashioned valentine. Pretty white porcelain candlesticks bearing red candles would add much to the efect. On your table, whtthei" a party butlet supper or family suppyr, your color scheme throughout should have red pve- dominatiflg as much as possible so with that in mind, we would suggest your table have the fol- lowing goodies: PLENTY OF RED Tomato juice is Micomparable for the above purpose, especially if placed in tall clear glasses. Then again it might be tomato soup peeping out, which is very appu'aling after a skating oi ski- ing party. Did you ever try add- ing chopped browned almonds to your soup - â€" it really gives it quite a zest. Potato rolls, (which recipe has been given several times) always make a splend accompaniment to any meat dish for this type of supper. Then again potato chips are always ap- petizing. That meat dish might be cold sliced ham or a chicken or tuna jelly. Then did you ever make tomato tarts'.' Make same tart shells â€" and fill with a to- mato jelly made thus: â€" 1 package of strawberry jelly powder and pour over it tomato juice (strained) and boiling, of course; when luke warm add 1 tablespoon of horseradish. When the mi.\ture reaches a honey-like consistency, pour into the tart shells â€" then chill. These tarts are an excellent accompaniment to any meat dish. For your dessert you are probably having jellies or ice cream and if you wish a new cakd recipe, try this one: â€" Almond Layer Cake 2 cups sifted flour (cake) 2H teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon salt H cup butter 1 cup granulated sugar (very fine) 2 eggs I cup milk 'i teaspoon pure vanilla i teaspoon almond extract Measure flour and sift, twice with baking powder and salt. Cream the butter and gradually blend in sugar. Beat the egg yolks well and add. Sift in the dry ingredients alternately with the milk combining after each ad- dition, and adding the flavorings with the last measure of tnilk. Lastly fold in the egg whites well- beaten. Turn into two greased pans (9 inch). Hot oven for 30 minutes. When cold put to- gether with a butter icing â€" tinted red. Sprinkle with nuts. Minn CIsHiiilierfi tvirlcoiiica i>erMt»nal ieliera frniu inlerealcd reudrrx. She la pleaacd tu receive auKKoOona on toiiit'* for >><â- '' colaiiia. anU la evrn renily Iu IImIcii tu yuur -'pet lie«vea." Kcqiivats (or re<'i|i«M of Mpcflul iiieaua lire in urder. 4«ldreaa Suur letters to "Sliaa Mudle II Cbiltn- hera, Ta Went Adelaide sir«-et, To- roato." !!^end atuiiiped, seU-addrcMsetl envclupc If >oii «Tlab a rrtily Meals a la Carte There are 190,000,000 people in the world who still take their meals in primitive fashion, while 25 per cent object to the eating of pork. â-  * Calumet is one of (be world's largest- selling baking powders because »/ gives such fme results, due to its double action. It leavens during mixing â€" con- tinues to leaven in the oven. Easj-- opentng, won't-spill container, with handy measuring device under the lid. AND THE PRICE IS SUR- PRISINGLY LOW. Meer/^y j "Jim Barton would drink cof- I fee any time you'd make it. So I I soon welcomed him to my I nighttime stay-awakes! Caffeine I nerves wouldo't let him sleep a I wink . . . that is, until be beard i about Postum. Curses I He kick- I ed mc out in no time when be * switched to Postum instead of I coffee and tea." Many people can afcly Jriak mlfee and tea. Many others â€" and all chiMreti â€" should xxvvi drink them. If you are I one of thc^r. drink delicious, Kooomical Pottum. S« how [ much better you fied! PI8I

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