i t\ SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON THE TRIUMPHAL ENTRY Luke 19: 28-40 GOLDEN TEXT Ble*ed . he tlut comth in the name of the Lord. Mark 11:9. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time Sunday, April 2, A.D. 30. Place The Western slope of the Mount of Olivet;, opposite the erty of Jerusalem. Lt Journey to Jerusalem Luke 19:28. "And when he had thus spoken, he went before, go- ing up to Jerusalem. 29. And it came to pass, when he drew- nigh unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that ia called Olivet, he sent two of the disciples." The order of events was probably ai follows: Jesus left Jericho on the morning and reached Bethany on the evening of Friday. There He remained with the Twelve, our Lord doubtless being with Lazar- us and his sisters. The next day, Sabbath (our Saturday), He spent in quiet at Bethany. In the eve- ning He was at supper in the house of Simon the leper, liii disciples, with Lazarus and his istn>. being present. At this feast he was anointed by Mary. During the afternoon, Jews of JIM limit m, who had heard from pilgrim?- of His arrival, went out to see Him and Lazarus. This coming to the ears of the chief priests, a meeting of the council was held at night to consider the propriety of putting both Jesus and Lazarus to death. On the morrow (Sunday) the narrative of Luke resumes. To Fetch a Colt 30. "Saying, Go your way into the village over against you; in which as ye enter ye shall find a colt tied, whereon no man ever yet sat: loose him, and bring him. 31. And if any one aik you, Why d.. ye loose him? thus shall ye say, The Lord hath need of him." The sending of the two disciples proves the deliberate intention of Jesus to give a certain solemnity to this scene. He wished to show Himself at least once as King Messiah to His people. He knew that in any case death awaited Him in the capital. 32. "And they that were sent went away, and found even as he had aid unto them. 33. And as they were loosing the colt, the owners there- of isid unto them, Why loose ye the colt? 34. And they said, The Lord hath need of him." The disciples' faith was splendid in the hour of miracle, when in the name f Jesus they were might; but it waw not less splendid in this un- noticed hour, when they were sent to fetch the ass from Bethphage. Acclamation of the Multitude 36. "And they brought him to Jesus: and they threw their gar- ments upon the colt, and set Jesus thereon. 36. And as they went they spread their garments fa the way." The companies of pilgrims from the_vnrious towns nd districts of Palestine, or from Jewish settlements abroad, were wont to make public entries into the city before the great feasts. fiin h sn entry Jesus would make, Himself its central .figure. It would* be a day of joy and glad- new to Him and to others, as when a king enters on his kingdom. He would no longer check the popular feeling in His favour. His last entry to the Holy City, at the Feast of Tabernacles, had been designedly secret; but this should be in exact contrast, for He knew that His kingly work was now ver, so far as it could, for the time, be completed, and the en- thusiasm of willing consecration to death, as His path to eternal triumph, filled Him with a serene and victorious joy. Misconception f His claim would be impossible, In honest minds, in the face of facts. Israel should now see Him <ome openly, as 'He, who alone, if they frankly accepted Him, could eewc them, by leading them as a ation, to true repentance and a higher spiritual life. He knew be- forehand, that they would not; fcnt His work could not be said to i completely ended till He had sjiven them and their leaders this Jaet public opportunity. Hitherto He had entered the Holy City on foot; this day, like David ami the Judges of Israel, he would ride nn an ass, the an- cient symbol of Jewish royalty. HI. ..<.! ! the Kins;'' 37. "And as he was now draw- ing nigh, even at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works which they had socn; 38. Saying, Blessed is the King that eometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest." These cries clearly re- cognized Jesus as the Messiah. The Psalms from which they come were nung at the Passover and at the Feast of Tabernacles, and hence were familiar to the people. The Phariiee* Rebuked 39. "And some of the Pharisees from the multitude said unto him, Teacher, rebuke thy disciples. 40. Pup's Protection This big kenuel doesn't appear to be much of an air-raid shelter for tiny pooch somewhere in England. Maybe he'll crawl un- der the helmet And he answered and said, I tell you that, if these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out." Jesus and His disciples were un- der the ban of the hierarchy. The Sanhedrin had issued a decree that, if anyone knew where He was, he should give information, that they might arrest Him. And yet, here are His disciples bring- ing Him in triumph into Jerusa- lem and the populace enthusiasti- cally joining with them. The Pharisees were horrified. Never before had they witnessed such a demonstration. They saw no way to stop what to their ears was blasphemous) praise of Jesus, ex- cept an appeal to Jgus himself that he rebuke this enthusiasm. His answer stunned them. Gardening . . . ARTICLE No. 6 Shrubs, trees and perennial flowers have a fearful habit of taking up more room when grown up than the average gardener an- ticipated. Generally speaking, when setting out such thing!, al- low half as much space between, und away from fences or walls, as the natural heights for these plant* in the catalogue. Thni the most common type of 8nirea, the Van Houttei, which reaches a full height of from six to eight feet in most parts of Canada, should fas planted from three to four feet apart or the same distance from walk, wall or fence, for decora- tive effect. For a hedge, however, it may be planted closer. Again the common peony, which grows to a height of two and a ha!f feet when full grown, should have about 18 inches between plants. Have Vegetables Hand? In the kitchen garden, at the d'.or, it is advisable of course to keep a plentiful supply of salad material like leaf and head let- tuce, onions and, possibly, celery. The latter is set out in the gar- den as well started plants usually after all danger of frost is over. For vegetable rows, there are small cultivators pushed by hand which will cultivate a plot 100 by ISO in well under an hour and these can be procured in larger size for horse or tractor. For Cut Flowert If a supply of cut flowers is wanted for the table, blooms with long stems that will keep well In water, horticultural authorities urge the planting of sweet pca., snapdragons, cosmos, zinnias, lu- pine, African Marigolds, scabiosis, asters, tingle and double, verbena and salpiglosis. If preferred these can be grown in rows in the vege- table garden. Coffin Rider Near Barcelona, Spain, a pea- sant hitched a ride on a truck carrying an empty coffin. As it was raining, he crawled inside the toffin. Soon, the truck took two more passengers aboard. As they drove on, the peasant raised the .Id, ejaculated: "It's stopped raining." Over the sido went the other riders in terror. One was killed, the second badly hurt. Easter Island There lies lone isle in the tropic seas, A mountain isle, with beaches shining white, Where soft stars smile upon its sleep by night, And every noonday fans it with a breeze. Here on a cliff, carved upward from the knees, Three uncouth statues of gigantic height, Upon whose brows t!ie circling sea-birds light, Stare out to ocean ovtr the tall trees. For ever gaze they at the sea and sky, For ever hear the thunder, of the main. For ever watch the ages die awny; And ever round them rings the phantom cry Of iome loat race that died in human pain, Looking towards heaven, yet seeing no more than they. Frederick George Scott. Saving Ontario's Naturai Resources G. C. Toner Ontario Federation of Angler* nd Hunter* (No. 37) MAINTAIN FISH STOCKS One of the functions of the Department of Game and Fisher- ies is the maintenance of a stock of fish in our lakes and rivers. I am going to quote Mr. H. H. MacKay, Biologist of the Depart- ment, on this subject, for he knos more about fish culture and fish stocking than any other man in Ontario. Mr. MacKay has full charge of all the hatcheries in Ontario and with his assistant, Mr. A. H. Warner, looks after the scientific side of the Department's program. Quoting from an article written by Mr. MacKay: "A restocking policy must be followed by regu- lation, conservation and main- tainence of the fish supply, con- sistent with the demands made upon H. The ways and means by which the Department are endea- vouring to realize these objec- tives are by means of fish culture, legislation, research and the edu- cation of i tit- public." Preirve Natural Conditions "The raising of young fish in our Government hatcheries will not improve fishing unles* the water in the streams and lakes into which thete little fish are planted, i suitable for them. Many streams which formerly supported trout will no longer do so and to plant young fieh in such waters is pure waste. Angler* must therefore work for the pre- servation of natural conditions in the lakes and streams of our Province if the splendid efforts which the Government is making to restock depleted waters is to be of any avail." "Prevention of pollution is one of the first essentials in the main- tenance of natural conditions in our streams. Anglers should bring to the attention of the Govern- ment every case of suspected pol- lution. The next essential is the maintenance of a uniform stream flow. In cleared and deforested areas the melting snows in sp'-ing cause floods and summer droughts both destructive to fish life." "Of course, we cannot reforest our agricultural areas for the sake of having a steady flow of waters in our streams, but anglers should take an active interest in the re- forestation of waste lands. They also should take an interest in preventing the drainage of swamps and the deforeststioa of areas about the head waten of our river systems." The Book Shelf "RANDOM HARVEST" By James Hilton The author of tbe celebrated "Good-bye, Mr. Ohlpt!" has jut written hi* first full-length novel in seven years. And it is topping the best-sllr itais all over the continent. "Random Harvest'' te Uie'story of a man who was. The setting te England; the ti:n- the yea-re be- fore the present war. That's a/H we're going to tell you about th contents of the* book, so that you, M reader, may enjoy the full pleas- ure of discovering Mr. Hilton's touching tore tale and magic story- telling for yourself. Suffice it heve to say that the i ' ,,,. KK greater RADIO REPORTER By DAVE ROBBINS GOOD FRIDAY MUSIC "The walls, windows and col- umns of the church were hung with black cloth and only one large lamp, hanging in the centre, lighted the solemn and religious gloom . . ." This is the setting in which Haydn's great oratorio "The Seven Words of the Saviour from the Cross" was first per- formed in the Cathedral at Cadiz, in 1786. Thl* work, which will be heard on the CBO National Network from 9.00 to 10.00 p.m. daylight tune on Friday, April 11, will be the climax of the religious broad- casts scheduled for Holy Week. A Fifty-piece orchestra directed by Jean-Marie Beaudet, with soloist* and a choir led by Victor Riault, will take part in the pre- sentation. * * "FORTUNE TIME" Then from CKOC comes * new radio game and it gives good prizes too. It's Fortune Time, a program that Is heard every Tues- day and Friday at one o'clock from 1160 on the dial. Fortune Time Is entirely new as an air game for everyone can win prizes, and them are no ques- tion.", rhymes or what-not to get in the winning column. Dial In either Tuesday or Fri- day at noon, and watch the wheels of fortune spin out the winners 1 AROUND THE DIAL Joan Edwards, Girl About Town, is a fine new feature on CPRB each Monday and Wednes- day nights at' 11. 30. 'Tune in this exciting lass and do the town with her. Diversion of an NBC sound- effects man is playing recordings of. African cannibal drummers simultaneously with hot Tommy Dorsey or Benny Goodman num- ber. They blend perfectly he says. Radio Slants: Crane Wilbur, producer of the Edward G. Rob- inson "Big Town" program over CBS, was in England shortly be- fore the start of World War II and paid a visit to old friends hi Cornwall. There, in a local "pub," he came face to face with a re- minder of earlier days when he was an actor in London a dusty portrait of himself which bore the legend: "The King of the Theatre World" . . . Time is turning back- ward for radio actor Marvin Mueller. He played his first radio character a man 60 years old when he was 19, and since then his parts have been getting young- er. Now he plays the youthful but hard-boiled Sergeant Monihan in "Dear Mom" . . . Popular tune "Cathedral in the Pines" sounds an awful lot like "The Old Rugged Cross"; play 'em together your- self sometime . . , Comedian Bob Hope threw a big "Wild West" party for a bunch of British re- fugee children living in or near Hollywood . . . Benny Goodman broke down and named Artie Shaw's recording of "Dr. Living- stone I Presume" the waxing of the month; Shaw is Goodman's chief rival . . . Radio and movie actor John Barrymore is 89; Konald Colman is ?>0. Interest and suspense than did that ot "Lost Horizon." Its leading char- acter* are as appealing as Mr. OLIps himself. "Random Harvest" ... by James Hilton . . . Toronto: McClelland & Stewart . . . $2.76. * "America is still in a medieval state of mind about the place of women." Pearl Buck. Cravats of Fiahskin Xeckties made from^the skin of sea salmon are the latest style in- novation in Germany. The mater- ial is available in twenty-four col- ors. The advantage claimed, in addition to saving on Cotton, silk and wool, is that the ties do not become soiled easily. THIS CURIOUS WORLD By William Ferguson vesuvius, PRECEDING ERUPTION 1*531, DURJNK3 WHICH WERE KILLED, HAD CkOVO O= THE ATTECINAME, IS THE STUDV OF ANSWER: Hie study of trees and shrubs. Vesuvius is estimated to be at least 10,000 years old, .-.IK! there to nothing In iU history that suggests that it is on the wne, since ne of its greatest eruptions was in 1906. How many oeMS arc there? __ BREAKFAST FRUIT HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured fruit used for food and Juice. 7 Frolic. 11 Conscious. 12 Its tree has hard yellow 13 Nights before. 14 Secular. 16 Waistcoats. 18 African tribe. 19 Ye. 21 Either. 22 Gypsy. 25 To bare the head. 28 Be stilll 30 Chalices 32 Rabbit. 34 Shower 35 Era 38 Slovak 39 Measure of length. 40 Peasant. 41. Skirt edge. Answer to Previous Puzzle 43 Exclamation. 44 Steering apparatus. 45 Coins. 47 Baseball teams. 60 To do wrong. 52 Staff officers. C3 Cloak. 56 Field. 57 Toward sea. 58 In botany it is classed as 59 Its rind yields 60 Its blossom is . VERTICAL 2 To be furious. 3 Inspires reverence. 4 Disgusting. 5 Grain. 6 Ever. 7 Southwest. 8 Pertaining to poles. 9 Chestnut horse. 10 To redact v 13 Its tree is in type, 15 It is a widely d fruit. 17 Spirit. 18 NortfTeast wind. 20 To open a letter, 23 Verbal. 24 Correspond* ence. 26 Indian. 27 Anesthetic. 28 Tissufr 3 29 U.S. State. 31 Within. 33 Postscript. 36 Grapefruit 37 Sung in chorus 40 Fretful . 42 Parrot 44 To listen 46 Girdle, 48 Frozejh water 49 Neither 51 Portuguese coin 53 The gftds 54 Rodent. POP Geographically Speaking By J. MILLAR WATT WMAT COUNTRY IS THERE TO TOUCH ENGLAND I.:.. '..1 hi Tllf P,!i ::.*< IM.I^ -THERE'S SCOTLAND ''