Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1941, p. 2

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Main to Sun Canal Railroad* Oil Pipelines ar British Base* Kayser W $ Supply port for Turks U Istanbul, west Turkey fall French army here might resist Nazis, submit, or even aid in attacking Suet \pMtt. Beirn Mediterranean Sea MM* paths Oennar. air .cks on Sues ^- UB oucmi - x?7A Xs British warship power would be SAUDI ARABIA Any Uerman drive on the Suez C'anal will have to be a land and air campaign, for British wars control the eastern Mediterranean. Map show* highways and railroads Xazi troops would probably tn a pincers us-ault on Suez from positions now held in Greece and Libya. hips use HAVE YOD HEARD? The highspeed salesman had joined the Army, gone into action, xisn wounded. For several days 4t* lay delirious, but eventually * turned the corner. On the first day of his recov- ery he was surprised to see all .th nurses standing around his ft*i, offering him money. "What's this for?" he aiked. "Why for the radio and refrig- erators, you sold us whil you w*re unconscious," they chorused. Teacher: "Robert, what ar* you going to do when you grow up?" Robert: "I'm going to be a grandfather and juit tit round telling everybody how cold the winter* were wken I wai a boy." One of John's best friends had 4ied so he called on the widow express his sympathy. "John and I were friends," he aid. "Isn't there something I could have as a memento of him?" She raised her velvety brown eyes, which a few seconds before had been wet with tears. "How would I do?" she asked. Brown: If you had $20 in your pocket right now, how would you feel? Hawltin: I'd think 1 h.d lomeone eUe't trouien on. The prisoner was a very tough- looking customer. He was asked whether he could read or write. ''I can write but I cannot read," was the reply. He was then asked to write his tame and after he had scrawled huge letters over the page was asked what it meant. "I dunno," said the man, "I told you I can't read." The Nazi leaden wer playing contract bridge in Hnl< I'N mountain retreat. "Three diamond*/' laid Coering. "No bid," (aid GoebbeU. ''Five diamondi," laid von Ribbentrop. "One club," a!d Hitler. "P.M." "Paw." "Pa..." Dog Often Has Cause to Bite Toronto Human* Society De- fends Canine Offender*, Un le*i They're Plain Vicious A'.tUough the Toronto Humnue <4lety kennels frequently have 4w undor ohscrx ulion fur the city heaJtb depurlmeut, they have never *n.,.. a .nine ctute of rablen. "TbU Indicates how litlle tlie To- ronto piililin tins Io (ear 'dog duys,' " V i. B. i; i.Mnii n eiitliimiaHlic b'Unaitu sorirly worker, states. 'or J'J >'-.ir~, Mrs. hamh has haard (iim>|)liilius lodged with th* eoclfety. 'Most .i.,.^ bite oulv for etauiHlila icusona, not betaus* th*y ** vlnUiim." sh* contend*. THASUD BY CHILDRIBN Mr*. l,nu, i, enplaU!*d t*At doy* 4*Ji >. i for uli.M' vuiinii lik-. h**n MJI(> of lilting- some IM. rsofl. *The animal may b* atari led; %(Mru i.,M8 and annoy hUu, or OUIIKJJII imknowlntly troad* on tiU fuet r Ull. i'n r*ai)on* U auto- m**l* and usually th* do* I* M torn m* his rlotlm for hli momen- BIT ! '" of self control," she said. Begin Building Seven Airports To Connect Edmonton nd Whltehorse In Yukon: Will Aid U. 8. Coincident with the report from Washington that United States has embarked on air base ami other defence projects in Alaska to cost more than $55,000,000, transport department official! In Ottawa late la April were advteed work on each of the> aeveu airport* conuecting EMiuonton with Whltehorse In the Yukon has been itarted. "Men are on the ground at ev- ery sits chosen for an airport across northern Canada from Ed- monton to near the Alaska border," a department spokesman said. "W are confident all the bases will h completed during the summer." He said that with the completion of these seven bases. United States plaues could cross the border at any point, connect with tlie trans- Canada air route and us* In beams and other facilities to Kdmonton where they could swing onto th* Bdmouton-Whitehors route also provided with ail modem facilities to take them Into Alaska. The Edmonton-Whlteborse rout* was decided upon following recom- mendations from the Canada-Unit- ed States defence commission and the bases are being built by the transport department. What Science Is Doing BRAIN FLUID SLOWS HEART The brain Contain* chemical which can slow th heart beat, and lemon peel another that re- duces blood pressure. These Ii coveries were reported last week to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biol- ogy. The brain chemical seams to b* produced continuously in th* head, and presumably in the brain itself. It passes along the blood stream and acts directly on th* heart, o NEW SLEEP DRUG A new sleep-producinif drug, oxazoledione, which is safe be- cause an overdose is virtually im- possible, was announced last week to the Federation of American Societies for Kxperimental Uiolo- by. More than half a pound can b* riven a 160-pound person without bud effects. CANCER AGENT EVERY- WHERE Kvitknce that the mechanism of cancer is dormant in all healthy tissue relis in the form of ntiuute particles about one three-hundrod- auit fifty thousandth of an inch in diameter was presented last week. The suspected particles are known an mitochondria. PLASMA FROM CATTLE BLOOD Blood pla.'unu, the life fluid ;ir- Kently needed l>y bonili-.-trickcn Hritain. soon may he obtained from the blood of slaughtered rattle, Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the journal of tht American Medical Association, declure*. Re- Marchers working toward that *n4 have produced promising remit*) Dr. Tlshhein Etiquette BY KUBER1A LEE 1. What reply should ons mak* when being introduced to a stranger and he says he remem- bers a previous meeting? 2. Isn't it rude for wedding guests to throw rice at the bride and bridegroom? 3. When a hostess has waited 15 or 20 minutes for a tardy din- ner guest, should she telephone to see why he is delayed? 4. When entertaining a group of persons, whose duty is it to see that conversation doei not lag? 5. Should a husband or a wif* ver criticize tho other about per- sonal things, when in the com- pany of others? 6. Should one use a knife or fork to place butter on a potato? Antwer 1. Be tactful enough to say, "How kind of you to remember me," and try to recall the meet- ing. 2. No. This is an old cus- tom that is still observed, and ne one should resent it. 3. No. Sh* is privileged to go ahead and have dinner served. 4. This is thi duty of th* hostess; but a con- genial group " . never at a loss for conversational subjects. 5. Never; not even jokingly, b'. Th* fork should he used. Trained Coyote Claims of extraordinary hunt- ing ability are made bf Arthur Nelson, of Springfield, Idaho, for his favorite hunting companion a full-blooded coyote. Th* ani- mal was taken from a litter of five coyotes. It has been raised liUe a dog. Nelson says the coy- ote has no peer at pointing pheas- ants. His speed also makes th* coyot* a good rabbit hunter, h* said. SAFES l-...i,.i .MI, HOOK* mill < ASH from i . ,< i Hnd i in i v !:*>. We have .< HII, I type of - ..i, or ' .'.MiM-t. fur aur iiurpone. Vlll UN, t.r v.ii.,- for i-.i. ,-v etc. to II.-IH W. J.6CJ. TAYLOR LIMIT co TORONTO SAFE WORKS tin i mm >. i:,, i ...i. in,. I'JultiblUhril is.-..-, . Ask your Corn entalive. or write: SELBY DISTRIBUTORS, Ltd. Stlby, Onlirla MIDDLE-AGE WOMEN HE to I Hit ADVICE 1 1 Thousand! of women KoamUlngtbru'trjnai nmM" with I.yiit T r nkimiu 1 . Vegetable imp on ad famou* lor over W y*an In re- Unvlnt female func- tlotml troublei. Tiy It! Con I? BV ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make my teth whiter? A. Apply a solution of perox- ide of hydrogen diluted with on*- half water to tho teeth. Q. How can I cause paint to adhere to new tin? A. Rub the surface of th tin first with pumice powder, or sandpaper, and apply shellac. Be sure the tin is free of grease be- fore beginning the work. Q. How can I clean whit* woodwork most effectively? A. Heat a pint of milk in a pint of water, and then add ona tablespoon of kerosene. Apply and polish immediately with a soft cloth. Q. How can I remove shin* from serge? A. Sponge the serge with hot vinegar before pressing it. Q. How can I remove perfum* spot* from furniture? A. Perfume spots on furniture should be smeared with linseed oil, olive oil, or camphorated oil immediately. Mop up, and apply more oil on a woolen cloth. Q. How can I keep a kitchen sink free of grease and disagree- able odors? A. Try pouring a strong solu- tion of hot water and salt through the sink and drain at least once a week. Four Main Factors In Dairy Success Good Farmers Must Combln* Them to Develop Worthwhile Business Efficiency Is Es- sential K building up a successful dairy business, states the War Time> Pro- duction Series bulletin "Success In Dairy Farming," issued by the Agri- cultural Supplies Board, good farm- ers pay particular attention to four main factors rates of production of live stock and crops; efficient nan of labour; efficient use of cap- ital including farm Implements; and a sufficiently large output with- out which low operating costs can- not in, established. Tbr four fartors are related and must be combined to develop successful farm business. Full iu- formrtlou un the various angles of management are given in the bul- letin. It also contains tabulated fig- ures showing a financial summary of the average farm business from which milk was sold for fluid con- sumption In Onario, 1937-38, and GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO second table of figure* giving a comparison of lh revenue from different saurcei (crops, dairy, hogs, and poultry on all farm* with th revenue from the two most successful farms on each milk marketing zon-e of Ontario from which milk wa sold for fluid consumption. The bulletin may be obtained free on request from the Publicity and Extension Division, Dominion Department of Agricul- ture. Ottawa. World War Map A World War Map in colour ihowing all Important event* up to date clearly marked if be>ing sold by direct mull. The dates of events. population of different countries. also agricultural and mineral areas are bhown. This map U very use- ful la following the war day by day and you would be well advised to order a copy. Simply send 26c to tu< Colonial Distributors, Limited, 253 Qtiee-n St.. West, Toronto and your WORLD WAR MAP will be st-nt to you immediately. Ancient City Of Salonika Wars, Quakes and Trad* Highlight of Greek Port Salonika Is described by an an- oient writer as, "The covered city crouching on the side of a hill and touching tlie sea with her feet," nays Ernest D. McCurry in the Kan- sas City Star. "THESSALONICA" This second city of Greece was of little importance until Klug Cas- sandra of the Macedonian line took possession of it, and re-trained It "Thessalouica" in honour of his wif t >, the daughter of Philip, of Mafn!on and sister of Alexander the (.ireat. It was called "Salonique" by th French, but the Gre-eks, in the Interest of brevity called it "Salonica" which In moilorn times has been changed to "Salonika." CITY OF THE AGES This city on the shore of th* Aegean Sea is a veritable city of the ages, aud so ancient that Uu time of ito beginning la loot in obscurity. It was the second stopping plac* of the Apostle Paul, who in re- sponse to a call which had come to him in a night vision, crossed the Aegean Set and landed In this city. Late? from Corinth in 54 A.D., he wrote the first of his many 'ettera to the church which he had found- ed at Thessalonlca. MODERN SALONIKA The city of Salonika is a modern Babel, not only of languages, but also of races and religions, cus- toms and now German by occupa- tion, its population Is predominant- ly Turkish, with the Jews ranking second, and the Greeks themselves a poor third. CREAM Why not support your own Company? Highest prices. DAILY PAYMENTS Write for Can* Toronto Creamery branch of raited Farmers Co-operative < .... Ltd. < ->r. Duke * George M. Toronto ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... li. I \ is WAVI'EO XHnra ROP AGENT WANTED to aell I'hlllips Lightning Protec- tive System. B. Phillip* Company Limited, 32 Osborrm Avenue. To- ronto. II UIY CHICK!! Ql'AUTV KMBHVO I'KD CHICKS from Purina Fed (locks, Barred Rocki and White Leghorns, bred for meat and eggs, blood tested, our flock* are rigidly culled 110.00 per hundred. $15.00 for two weeks old. Kelly Chick Hatchery, Uarrie, Ontario. PRODUCERS OF CHICKS FOR It years, barred rocks bred to lay and S. I,'. W. Leghorns Barroa train. None but large eggs set. Bock* and leghorns as hatched 8 cents, Hock pullets 15 cents. IjOffhorn pullets 18 cents. Every chick Is from blood tested breed- era. Satisfaction guaranteed. $1.00 Looks your order. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Out. LAST YEAU A BRAY CUSTOMER l...:ttfht -.".0 April chicks; by Oc- tober 1 !><> averaged 70 Vo produc- tion, liray chicks aro for poultry- keopera who want results. Bruy jturted pullets are good bets for th early market money. Rocks, Reds, N.M. x L.s. wise choices for present buyliiK. Bray Hatchery, ISO John N.. Hamilton, Ont. IMiKr. YALt/AHLE GIFTS FOR uvevyone In th* family providing you pines your order for Tweddle Muy and June chicks at least ten dnya In advance of delivery date. Send for illustrated folder show- Ing premium, also IDll catalogue ii Md new low price list for May and .hiiio. 16 pure breeds, g Hybrids. 4 breeds of turkeya to choote from. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. 3S fin I CHICKS wiT.li BVKnr 100 PULLETS or ion mixed chicks ordered, we give 25 free chick*. Pullets $15.00 to $19.00 per 100: Mixed Chlcka $8.00 to S10.no per 100; Cockerels per 100 Iit?ht breeds, $1.50; heavy breeds. Sjl.flO. Immediate delivery. Goddard chick Hal'chery, Britannia HoieMs, Ont. IM.VIIIIKHS 1 SIH'I'MKS BAIS<;.\1N riUCKS, VJATHTUBH. toilets, sinks, furnaces, alr- oondltlonlng, pipe, valves, fitting*. Shallow Well electric pump com- plete with 30 gallon tank, $74.50. Inquiries welcomed. Patkin Supply Company, 216 Bnrton Street K.. Hamilton, Ontario. ii llvf.lt 1 EQUIPMENT tAKKTtS' OVENS AND MACH1N- ry, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hanrt. Termi arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hubbanl Portable Oven Co., 10S Bathurit St.. Toronto. CARS, NEW AND USED MOl'NT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three location*, II! Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yongre St., 1650 linn forth Avenue. Our Used Cara mnko II.H many friends. FOR HvrcHixa BUFF OKl'l.VGTON" lll'CKS, 300 Kg? strain, Ideal meat and white egg variety. Buy th best. Kpg $1.00 per d0S*ML I.arger lots eight Cfnts each. Buff Valley Farm, Em 261. IHindna. Ontario. _ T.XHAl'ST EXHAUST FANS, NEW GENERAL Electrics, way under wholesale. Toronto Mercantile. tJ Mcllnda, Toront 1. $$$ \\K BUY HUNDREDS DIFFER- ent Herbs, Koots, Barks. Write Dominion Herb Distributors, Dept. u, 1I2S Main, Montreal. _ HKI.1 WAXTKD DOMESTIC HKLP IN TORONTO doctor's home: two children. State salary expected. Mrs. Malowuey, 3'j F.'.ir'uik Avi'.. Toronto. _ J. N. LINDSAY. LAW OFFICE, CAP- llol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for f.'rmc-r-i collections. _ I. II. II I MM. RODS I.UiHT.N'INU lions. BUY FROM manufacturer. Save thirty to forty per cent. Phillips Company, 82 Oaborne Avcnuo. Toronto. MKIIICAf* IT'S I. Ml 'OUT A NT EVERY SUF- ferar of Ithcumntlc pains or Neur- itis should try L'xon'H Remedy. Munro's Druar Store. 335 Elgin St.. Ottawa. Jl.OO postpaid. KU. Mcl.IWIvs STOMAC'HK' MK.VI.S obstinate Stomach Trouble: L'ser Htates: For years I suffered Ter- rlblo snawin.ir pains below Breant- bone, few hour." after er.tinfr, causing: KS and bloaliiif*. My only relief win soda and that only for hort time. Then I took Dr. Mc- L,eo<l's Stomachic. Aftc-r three bottles 1 iv, * free from pain. I Itept on Impi'ovinK and hnve now been "well for Hpv,.-r:i! years, en- ,<oyln;r moalw without medicine. Clood for all forms of iB&jLKMtlOB. r>ru(f Stor or write Dr. Mcl,eod' Stomachic Co.. 53S Mathiirnt, To- rolitu. tl.i.'i ptT hottle t>tisl|)nid. M ll-l in STOCK IIIGDKST $1,00 (J.UIOEN! 21 PKH- eiinlals jUelphlnlum, Dianthua f jovellnoss, Concflower. K?al Lily, Oriental Poppy, Chrysanthe- mum, others: Sugar Maple; Cedar; 4 Shrubs; 260 Seeds. Prepaid. Two orders $1.80. DOLUAR NURSER- IES, Fonthlll. Ontario. CUAMKR NURSERIES, R I D a BJ- i lie. Kask., I .iln.vi. Honoysucklea, flowerinff 6, $1.6"; Flowering perennial collection 30, $1.00; Car- iiKana or Asparagus three years 100, $1.25. DAHUA SI'ECIAL 15 BULBS, 18 varlotld exhibition Champagne, other beauties $1.00 postpaid. Gladiolus speol.il from named var- ieties, I'ic.'irdy. C;i rinni, Sylvln, other K.-UHIU-S. 10ft for 11.7". post- paid. K. Walker, Scotland, Onlariu. MK.V A\D WOMK.V WAM'ED MAKE EXCEI.I.K.NT I'KOKTS full or spare time. su-lllng from d<x>r to door 200 products of the highest Duality, gulolc Sales. Low- Price?. Blsr repeat Orders. Medium territory will yield bnt returns. Only expeii.se to start: i'ASI-[ POR- CUAS1NO ttERCHANOISB. Work on foot In a local territory. FltKhJ l>ETATLf and CATALOniiK: S70 St. flpim-nt. Muntrr.'il (I.'AMII.KX.) PATRIOTIC' STICKKHS HL'XI>RBr T'ATRIOTli' MAILING stickers. Thoro'll Always He An England Sue postpaid. Znlek YiM-tliM), AV.'uvbew.-nv:., On . io. OFFER TO IXVK.VTORS AN OFFER TO EVIH'.V INVK.NTOR List of inventions and full Infor- mation sent frpe. The Rnmsay Co., Registered. Patent Attorneya, 27S Bank Street. Ottawa. Canada. coou ADVICK: EVEIIY st'r of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Pixon's Rcinody. Mun- ro'si Drugr Store. 33.') Elgin. Ot- t;iwa, $1.00 postpaid. SNAPSHOTS TO-DAY TREASURES TO-MORROW Your films are carefully and scien- tifically processed by Imperial, to make sure they last. or 8 i \INIM id i ii M . SBe with beautiful enlargement free. 8 reprints with enlargement 2Bc. Thousands of letters from satiafled customers testify to our superior quality and service. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERV1CB Uept D, Station J, Toronto. CXCiRAUED vx \\ n;n WW SUPPLY CASES AND PAT highest Market Prices. Further particulars apply Canadian Pro- vision & Supply Company. 10> Front Street Bast, Toronto. ITSEU CLOTHING MODERN, CLEAN 1'SEU CLOTH - lug. Ludic.s', Men's, and Children's wear. Lowest prices, 327 Queen East. Toronto. Agonta wanted. WAXTKD TO PVRCU1SF! FEATHERS WANTED NEW AND USED GOOSE AND Duck, also feather beds, Hlglicat prices paid. Send particular* to Queen City feather, 23 Baldwin, Toronto, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used New K< I Vl.l/.l \l. |K roits. l'0>\ KIl-lMT.S, n, dr. Klli llul.lH. WlllVhM, l.rni'i-m,.,!, ttUrl- er, Maoeto*, Curbnretor*, H4I(- or* Kxchance Nervier. <<lna MllUr,,.-!!,,. ,.r r. I ,l,,il. I " ~ I'urU, it.-iu J., -i ..,.,,!.

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