Flesherton Advance, 7 May 1941, p. 8

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Wednesdap, May 7, 1941 THE PLEStifekTON ADVANCE Clydesdale Stallion For Sale "CRAIGIE LORD ROBERTS" (20895, Imp.) Apply to H. Lougheed, 682 Broadview Ave., Toronto, or John Lougheed, Dundulk. Consider the postage stamp it gets there simply by sticking. A man who really believes in the good neighbour policy will have the lawn mower sharpened before he lends it. Toronto Star. Iron ore enters a modern auto fac- tory one morning and by noon the next day is going out of the delivery doar as part of a finished car. And after that it has a fairly good chance of coming back again as scrap metal. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF Spring Seeds FOR Garden and Field ORDERS RECEIVED FOR "Fertilizer" 'Delivered from Dundalk." Inquire for prices. 9 & A. Co-operative Company, Lid. FLESHERTON. Ontario Presentation to Norman Williams at Eugenia (By Eugenia Correspondent) A party was held in the hall on Friday evening in honour of Pte. Norman 'Williams of the Tank Corps, Camp Borden. During the course of the evening an address was read to Norman by Elward Campbell and a presentation of a -n and pencil set and a sum of money bv Wilfred Ma- gee and Ben Shortt, on behali of the community. Following is the ad- dress; Dear Norman; We, your friends, are here to nio'ht, To wish you luck ere you enter the fight, To spend a pleasant hour with you, And clasp your hand in friendship true. We're glad to have had vou with us here, In happy friendship from ytar to year, We can't forget you as Santa Claus Bringing from all a hearty ap- plause. I To our Empire's urgent call you re- plied, From its duties and dangers you did not hide, But hastened awn-- to do ->ur bit To help to make the Germans git. And so before "ou go from us, O'er you we'll make a little fuss, Present to you this little gift, And give your yearning heart a lift. May God above lead your steps aright And make you victorious in the fight. May His protections be over you, Bringing you back when the battles through. Signed on behalf of vour friends and neighbours, Elward Campbell. Ben Shortt and WilfrcH Magee. Norman made a neat replv thank- ing all for the lovely gifts presented to him. Send in the names of your visitors. Local and Personal <<M$N$M$M3MjM$N>*^^ *? t Hill's Specials OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF THE SMARTEST AND NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS, DRESSES AND BLOUSES. Prices to suit everyone. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS In some of the newest materials and styles, sizes 14 to 20. Special .. $14.95 MILLINERY We nre showing a wonderful range of the icwest and smartest styles and colors in Ladies' Hats at very moder- ate prices. MEN'S PANTS M'ade of durable blue drill, sturdy and strong for general knockabout wear; waist band is wide with two dome-type buttons and belt hook; front pockets have turn-back button flaps with zipper closed pocket on right side, sizes 36 to 38. Special per pair $1.95 MEN'S WORK PANTS Made of durable 8 ox. blue or black denim, front pockets have turn-back button flap with zipper-closed pocket on right side, belt strap and cuff liot- om, sizes 32 to 42. Special, pair $1.85 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Made of sturdy, strong material in popular two-tone effects or plain ad- justing for neat fit at waist, zipper closing, two front pockets with button flap, sizes 34 to 44. Special $1.69 Boys' sizes 26 to 34 $1.48 FLOOR COVERINGS Felt base borderless Rugs in several new patterns- sizes 6 ft. by 9 ft. At a Special price of $1.48 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Men's heavy work boots, good strong wearers with panco or leather soles. A big assortment from which to choose, sizes 6 to 13 $1.69 to $5.50 MEN'S FINE OXFORDS This smartly-styled shoe, correct to any dress-up occasion with good black leather uppers. Made on a good fitting last with sewn soles and rubber heels, sizes 6 to 11. Specal, pair $2.50 BOYS' OXFORDS Mothers! Here is splendid value in neatly-styled long-wearing blucher ox- iords in black side leather with sewn leather soles, rubber heels, sizes 1 to 5. Special $1-95, $2.45 WOMEN'S SHOES A popular choice for growing girls and women ; made of good durable leather with good weight soles, built (in a full-fitting last with low rubber heels in black or tan, sizes 3 to 8. Special, per pair $1.95 Guard Norman Stoddart, R.C.A.F., Toronto was home over the week end. Jim McFadden of Hepworth was home over the week end. Miss Kate McMillan was home from Toronto over the week end. Mr. Robt. Ferris has rented the L. A. Fisher farm in town. Mrs. C. Stewart of Markdale was a visitor in town on Saturday. Mother's Day, Sunday May 11. Order your flowers for Mother's Day from 'W. A. Hawken, phons 17. Mr and Mrs. Hartley Blackburn of Port Credit and Georgina of Toronto were home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harr" Meldrum of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum, Portlaw. Miss Ruth Blackiburn spent the week end with her friend, Teressa Harvey, Cherry Grove. Mr. Wilfred Best, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Johnson visited at their re- spective homes over the week end. Mrs. Thos. Brady of Toronto spent a few days the first of the week in town. Mr. John McKinnon and Lome Paul of Holyrood visited at Richard Benth- am's on Sunday. Pte. R. Whitehead of the Forest- ers, Toronto, was home on week end leave. Mr. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark "Wilson. Mr. Emerson Thompson left last week for Northern Ontario, where he is employed as a prospector. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavish and two children of Oshawa spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley, Janet and John, of Toronto were in town over the week end. Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite and daugh- ter, Beatrice, returned to town on Saturday, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto are spending a fw weeks at their summer home in town, and will enjoy some fishing in the district. Mrs. "W. P. Crossley returned to her home in town on Saturday, after spending the winter with her child- ren at Detroit, St. Thomas, Harris- ton and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts, Mrs. J. Thompson and Mr. and Mr . Howard Millican and son, John, visited with friends in Alliston last Thursdav. Mr. Betts attended a Cockshutt deal- ers' meeting held there. \JMrs. R. Whitehead has moved to tne Wilcock residence on Sydenham street, vacated by Harold Fawcett and Mr. Wallace Hamilton moved to the residence near the high school vacated by Mrs. Whitehead. A special song service was held in St. John's Church on Sunday even- ing, when a choir of men led the singing. A male quartette, compos- ed of Messrs. F. Duncan, Rev. Mc- Millan, F. J. Thurston and Geo. Cairns, rendered two numbers. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stauffer of town attended the funeral on Saturday last of the former's father, Eli A. Stau- ffer, who died at Stouffville, on Thursday, May 1st, in his 86th year. Interment took place in the family plot in Stouffville Cemetery. Ser- vices were conducted by the Rev. G. K. McGregor. Grey Chapter No. 170, O.E.S., en- tertained Mrs. Zelma Smith of Palm- erston, D.D.G.M., upon her official visit to Flesherton on Tuesday even- ing. The Worthy Matron, Sister Bradey, of Markdale presided. The banquet was held following the Chapter meeting. Drop in and See our Special on Pot Roasts for the week end Home-Rendered LARD and Homemade Sausage on hand. BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont. PHONE 47W Canada First Lest We Forget! ******* ***+* >*+'! '!"* 1 1 1 i I 1 1 * QUITE UNPRINTABLE The new reporter had been sent to interview the famous pugilist. About an hour later he staggered into the editor's office. "Well," barked the chief, "did you get anything?" "Yes, sir," complained the other, pointing to two black eyes, "these!" "We can't print those!" shouted the editor. "What did he say to you?" "You can't print that either," wan the calm reply. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ESTATE OF WILLIAM JOHN BURNETT, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of William John Burnett, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the Fourth day of April, AJD. 1941, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned, on or before the Seventh day of June, 1941, after which date the Estate will be distributed, hayinc regard only to- tl"} claims of which the undersigned ! she.ll th i have ha- the notice. A place may be some distance away, but when the tax rate starts going down people become interest- ed in it. D VTED at Durham this Seventh day of April, A.D. 1941. 3. H. McQUARRIE, Durham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administricei- Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Young cow due May 5. Oliver Thurner, Eugenia. 48p2 FOR SALE Clover seed, |9 per bu. Leslie Chard, 42 r 2, Flesherton, R. R. 3. PASTURE Cattle wanted for pas- ture. Chas. McDermid, phone 45 r 13 Flesherton. 48c3 PASTURE For rent by month for cattle, sheep or horses. Donald Stewart, Ceylon. 48c3 FOR SALE Misses Coat, size 16, good as new, cheap, may be seen at The Advance Office. True Economy in Food Values at Mil's First Training Group Called For Active Service FEATHERS Will buy new or used feathers or exchange for spring mattresses. Phone The Advance, leave name and address. PASTURE Pasture for number of year-old cattle, abundance of feed, shade and water. J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. 48 FOR SALE Doherty Banner Range in good condition, will sell cheap. Pasture and working land for sale or rent. Mrs. L. A. Fisher, Flesherton. 49c3 FOR SALE 4 steers rising 2, 4 heifers, 2 years old, in calf, work horse, 2 brood sows, single furrow riding plow. Richard Allen & Son, Flesherton, phone 45 r 21. 48c2 WANTED Reliable girl for gener- al house work, over 20 preferred, permanent position if satisfactory. Mrs. Lyness Myles, Thornbury, Ont., phone 16. 47c2 FOR SALE House in Flesherton, with seven rooms, hard and soft v itiT, double lot amd barn. Foi full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Execi tor. 30c Sweet Mixed Pickles 27 oz. jar .... 27c Tasty Sodas 2 Ibs. for 25c Fancy Sweet Biscuits 2 Ibs. 35c White Beans 6 Ibs. 25c Medium size Prunes 3 Ibs. 23c Seedless Raisins 2 Ibs. 21c Cowan's Cocoa 1-2's 15c 1's 25c Pastry Flour, 24's - 63c Soap Flakes- family size pkg. 23c Urd 2 Ibs. 19c Pure Raspberry or Strawberry Jam 22 oz. jar 25c Mild Cheese 22c Ib. Old Cheese 2c Ib. Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, reeular size Pastry ".*< I ( f *.4ll Ml 4 J I ' ' * F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Graduates of the first group of 4, 840 twenty-one-year-olds called un- der the National Resources Mobili- zation Act for a four-months train- ing period will be kept in the Army indefinitely for defence work in Can- ada, Honourable J. L. Ralston, Min- ister of National Defence, announced at the week end. When they have completed their training in July they will go on dty for coast defence at the Pacific nd in the Maritimes, and on mternal se-curity and guard duty in the in- terior to relieve men now preforming this work who have signed up for overseas. Where posisble thc.ie young soldiers will serve in the localities from which they came. Whether those called for the second camp will be likewise as- signed to home ''pfpnce on comple- tion of their tr; inin<* in August will depend on developments, the Minister stated. Many of those now in training un- 5 tli plan have simed up for C*h"8 service in the various arms of li< Mence forces, the Minister re- portod, stating that wl e there is a surplus of mannower for certain of thwte units, these men will be trans- ferrod to arms of the service where thpv are mist needed. A total of 0,830 voiine men called for four months' training period are now in training. Of these f.,840 will finish thoir course in Julv. and 4,990 in August. In thp second draft 468 j of the 5,458 reporting, failed 4 o pass ' the medical examination at the trnininrr centres. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate | of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. POTATOES FOR SALE Grade Canada No. 1, early varieties Warbas and Cobblers; later var- ieties, Katahdins and Dooleys. Alex. S. Muir, R. R. No. 1 Ceylon, phone Flesherton 47 r 14. 44c4 LAST YEAR a Bray customer bought 250 April chicks; by Octo- ber they averaged 70% production. Bray chicka are for poultrymen who want results. Started chrcks, pullets, many breeds, cro-ses. See John McWilliam, Flesherton. FOR SALE Stable to tear down for lumber. Mrs. W. E. Morgan, Flesherton. 49cl FOR SALE or RENT for pastuer Lots 167 on East Back Line. Har- ry Patton, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE Corona kitchen range, in good condition, bargain. Mrs. S. E. I. Holley Flesherton. 48p2 WANTED Any number of fresh ground hogs lOc each. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. 4So if FOR SALE Two Colony Houses for chickens. K Robt. Purvis, R. R. 4, Flesherton, phone 43 r 2. 49c2 FOR SALE Cows, horses, oat* (with a little mixture of barley. W. J. McFadden. R. R, 5, Marie- dale, phone 33 r 3. 40c2 FOR SALE Good used car, lately overhauled, new rings and brakes; good truck car, cheap. Mrs. J. W. Cook, Flesherton. 48c2 FARM FOR RENT Lot 20, Con. 9, Osprey, formerly McQueen proper- ty. Apply to I. B. T ucas & Co, Markdale, Ontario. 47c3 NOTICE Paper hangind and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. Ross Mitchell, Dimdalk. telephone 77. CAME ASTRAY Came to my premises, Lot 24, Con. 10 Artemes- ia, 4 yearlings and 1 two year old cattle. Owen prove property and pay expenses. Oliver Turner, R. R. 1, Fugenia. 49c& FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn -15x55, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville. Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47e PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood St., on which is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Those interested communicate with I. B. Lucas, Mark- dale, Solicitor for the Ella Gibion Estate. BUSINESS CARDS f. 1 FOR SALE 180 acre*, Lots \8l 182, 2nd Con. N.E.T.&S.R., Arteme- sia, Very cheap ; also 13 year old mare 3 year old korse, cow, cattle, dog heavy harness, light harness, cut- ter, plow, mower, gravel box, hay rack. Very reasonable. Apply tr Geo. Allen (Mt Zlon), R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 100 a*re farm, 5 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, comfortable dwelling, barn and hen- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh- erton on No. 1 Highway, reasonably prked for quick sale. Apply te Fred Irwin, Flesherton, 0t. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU TETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Cell- ege. Phone: 91 day or nijkt MARKDALE, ONT. j DR J. E. MILNE Office _ DorHsM 81 Hours _ Afternoon*. l.SO to fc Ermines, 7 to 841. Sundays and Thursday aftwBoaw fey appointment only. Prince Arthur Lode* No. US, AJ. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal HaQ. ""lesherton, the second Friday in e*e month. W.M., Her*. Corkett; Sec- retary, C. J. Bellamy.

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