f- ,-. t . ~ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 25, 1941 t r I i % . > DOMINION DAY LONG WEEK-END Reduced Fares Btwea all points in Ccnada aad to certain destinations in the United States I "*" > svu^*c en. uia^a. 3 cxracu f o*?^ ^^^ CO: F^oTFrfdS^nfruntil i ^^w^J t ^ SWINTON PARK Mrs. Doug. Chant and babe, Miaa Isabelle McMillan of Toronto, and Mr. Mervyn Little of Berkeley spent the week end at the home of Mr. Hugh McMillan. Mia* Lois Stewart of Toronto U , enjoying a week's vacation witn hr | parents, Mr. and Mra. Will Stewart. A very large crowd of friends and i relatives gathered at Black's Beach 2.00 p.m. Tuesday, July 1. RETURN: Leave destination, not later than midnight Wednesday, July 2, 1941. MINIMUM SPECIAL PARE - 25 Fall particulars from any a?ent. Send in the names of your visitors. Summer Time Table Effective Jat. June 28 Leave Flesherton TO TORONTO a.m. b 7.:o p.m^ TO OWEN SOUND p.m. d 7.45 p.m. b : Son. and Holiday; e: Sat. only ; d : Friday only Standard Time Grey Coach Lines ing an address was read by MLsa Laverae Mcachnie and the young couple were presented with a beauti- ful dresser and chiffonier to match. The groom very ably responded and thanked all for their kindness. Little Shirley Hardy retained home Saturday, having spent the past two weeks wifh Toronto friends. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. G. A. Black on Wednesday last, when a very large crowd was present and a very enjoy- able meeting held. Mrs. Mary Hardy and Mrs. Rofet Knox spen: Friday with Mrs. Bessie j Hill :n Dundalk. Mrs. J. L, Ferguson returned home CEYLON Mrs. W. T. McLeod, Oregon, U. a A., is visiting her brother, Mr. Alex McFayden and Mrs. McFayden and >ther friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chislett, -tr. and Mrs. Chaa. Chistett, Toronto, Mrs. Jas. O'Brien and children, Paul- ine and Jack of Oakvilie, Mra. Geo. McTavish and Evelyn, Flesherton were callers on Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chialett recently. Mr. T. Collins and Mr. J. G. Col- hnson. Brantford were visitors with EUGENIA The Y.P.U. held their final me*nng on Thursday evening last, when Mrs. Cairas presided for the devotional and business periods. Mrs. Martin, the ' missionary convenor, was in charge of the discussion period. She read a short story "The Torch Bearers," based on "God so loved the world that He gave his 'only begotten San, etc.," after which she called on Mr. Pentlaad of Hanover, who gave an educative and interesting' address on the pyramids of Egypt. He also unson, erantrorti were visitors with the Utter's brother the first of the ' broo * tl ': alon S' h Wln 90m * ^"^ , week. i sting things from the Weart Indies, j Miss Agnes Macpoail was speaker 31lch ** cocoa **?*' nTOn **- * j at the Folk School Picnic and Re- which eacil * Qe Vlewed - Jean Tudor union held at Holstein on Saturday i gave a r 8 ** 111 *- Collection amooat- Misses Marion and France CoHm,* ? to 88c went to the M. and M. . Misses Marion and Frances Collinson, Bill and Keith Cairna also attended the picnic. Mrs, Jas. Sinclair was in Toronto . the first of the week. Fund. Only about two dozen were in attendance to hear a ftne address. We hope to h^ar Mr. Pentland again at some future meeting. Mrs. Nellie Hughes and daughter The W ,' A " met ^ eadA 7 evening of - | last week at the church. It was de- V'jncoaver B. C. visited Mrs. Archie Stewart last week. The Ladies' Aid meets at Mrs. Snowden McLecdft on Thursday afternoon, when Mrs. Rev. McMillan and Mrs. McLeod will have charge of the program Mr. Ken Ferguson of Toronto spent he week end with his mother. Mrs. Belle Ecctes aad so-. Harold v^ited on Sunday at the horn* of Eby Ostrander Mrs. Lorraine Bafley of Toronto d mt * Mrs. - Mullen Cake: Mrs. Kaox and Sandwiches: Mrs. Mc- Mrs. SnelL with NOTICE Will all those to whom I am in- debted render a detailed statement of their claims on or before Fridav. August 1st, 1941. J. P. OTTEWELL. Quick-Eosy-No Worry-No Guesswork JAMSandJetiJK turn out RIGHT cided to have the Associations of the other three a.ppintments join as on Thursdav : Weiiae9d * y ?Jn " July 16th ' in the : annual reunion, the visiting societies to soppty the program. Mrs. J. Cairns and Mrs. C. Martin j accompanied Rev. Dr. Mercer to | i Pricevil'e :.-. :he Sunday School con- i ventioa on Wednesday last. Mrs. elected Vice-President 8TH LINE OSPREY Our teacher, Miss Janette McN'ieol, of Nottawa has tendered her resig- nation. We are sorry to lose her as she has proved herself a very effic- ient tieacaer daring her three years with as. . . Mr. P. J. Somers, accompanied by his son, P. J, spent Monday with friends at Tottenham. Mrs. 3. R. Hawkins is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. J. Squire, as Markdaie. Mr. Geo. Saigeon, who '*-? taken a position at Hanover, spent the week end with his wife and family here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Haley, accompan- ied by Mr. Jim Murphy, visited the Martyr's Shrine at Midland Sunday. Mr. W. Blasehke, Ronald and Miss Joan Crawford cf Preston, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moffatt on Sunday Last. Messrs. Tom, John and Bill Steph- ens of ColKngwood visited recently with their father and friends here. Sergt. Arthur Law'.or and gentle- man friend of AUiston spent a day with the former's parent* her*. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fenwick are ing from their home on the 8th, to taeir nwly renovated residence in MaxweiL Mr. Harold Fen wick and family will occupy the vacated pre- miaes. M.-- ELr -.. who has bn spending the past few weeks with her father, Mr. H. Coolthard, retained to brr hi>me in Toronto this wek. Mr. Bob Morris of Coliingwood and Mr. Deiben Scutt of Banks were re- cent callers on oar line. Seven young Ladies were driving ; in ear near Sarnia, and tevea young Ladies were taken to the hos- pital after dae ear went into a ditch. CHANGE IN MILK PRICES The following prices are now betnf taarged: for ilfc delivered: Quart: lOe. Cream: 15c Hatf pint Cream 3c quarter pint. THLSTLETHW.UTE DALEY Mr. Pattern is 'iviag wi* heri" t iaogntw. Mrs. Aubrey Foster. Mark- 1 ^, ^^ ""t^ *^ F1 * 9h f r ' ' ' dale aad the misfjm-j r.- fi" - ''." ----- -- ----- - :.-.: :: dale had the Thursday. breakirLg many friends ciier and TO- and :~>i~ ---. ir: Ptrk h^re. i-i<i wl decided :o join in ; f^:. ^1 : j. s jame S.--2 sci-ocls, Taere wtlT be a yragxm >rf crimes, races, etc. Everjrbixrr sr-jsg !=zct. Mr. a-i Mrs. D. Cameron and Joan T and Mrs. Cameron's mother. Mrs. ' ' Smith, af CTarksfmr? aad Mrs. Ed. McEeaa of CoUiawood vted wftk Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and fam- ily recently. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bikini aad two children of N'iasrara Falls were re- : cent visitors at the Cairas home. We were very sorry to hear that Mr. Ed-w-:n Parvis ->f Toronto, son of ! Mr RobT. Purvis of this place, had | the misfortune to have h's arm brok- en in foo? places while operating an ', electric drill. We wish him plete recovery. Pte. Jack Traycor ->f Camp Borden spent the week end with Mrs. Wilson a com- J BtwJfc of 72 Tested Recipe* tinder the label of every CERTO bottle. Much less Bo/ /ing Tim* For jam TOO ne*d jive only a oa* minute to two-minute fall, rolling boil for jelly only j half-minat* to a minute. More Jam and Jelly For this <hort boil very little joic can boil (way. Too |et op to one half more jam or jelly from the jame amoont of frail. Natural Taste and Colour Boiling time u so <hort it doe< curt ipoil the Uste or darken the colour. Sore Results If you fallow exactly the letted m'ipea given with Crto yao will always hare good result*. E1SI CERTO IS PECTIN EXTRACTED FROM FRUIT CREAM If you were to comply with the wishes of our government, which we are obliged to do, especially during war-time, you would produce more cream, because dairy products are very essential to help feed the British. You would sell your cream to your nearest cream- ery, thereby eliminating waste of fuel and labor, which are so important at die present time. Hence by eliminating waste, you would help maintain a higher price for your own product. Deliver your cream whenever possible and take advantage of the tfxta cent, or have our truck call and you will be satisfied with our efficient service. MEAT STORAGE Many patrons have taken advantage of our meat storage service. All are satisfied. It naesni a great saving and convenience. With UM possibility off meat prices rising, many patron* art- storing their meats now, thus guarding themselves against higher prices. We urge vow to take advantage wbJe there u itifl available star Opa* Wednesday and S-tanmy Nfefcto eshertoD Cramer y & Produce ( Angm. AVM, 10 cent tea to the ladies of the on Thursday afternoon last. ,Ta proceeds were for the W. A. A verj enjoyable time was spent Miss E-velyn Campbell spent a few days the past week at the home of Mr. Levi Duckett. MartreH. School closes or Friday and Marie Phillips. Marsre Martin and Douyias Falconr are writing the Entrance examinations at Fleshenon. to fail . aer hip. Her wiii h ^ Miss P. Pri:chard a=d Mrs. G. H. Holmes. Owen Sond were sailers on Saiorday on Mrs. Anna McMULae and Mr. Fred Chislett. Mrs. Wilson MeMollen, Toronto, is spending the summer with her jcn Mr. Jim McMoIIen ind Mrs. McMoI- len and family. Mrs. Geo. Wright, Toronto was a week end visitor with her sister. Mrs J- K. McLeod and Mr. McLeod. Ont. Mr. Wellington Whittaker, Montre- al is visiting his mother, Mrs. R. Whittaker and brother. Mr. I. B W"h-:taker and family. Mr. Gordon Sfroart has disposed 1 of the property and store, formerly die Pattison Store, to Mr. A. C. Mui'r who gets possession Aug. 1st MLss Grace Dorhan: and Mr. Jack- son. Scewart. of Thistletown spent the week end at :he Utter's home. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alexander and - ! babe of Dungannon were week end T* ^ 'Tl^ witk Mrs ' Wn3Oa : visitors with the latter s twre PC5 , yr r f d "* McMillan and Jamiesos and Mrs. G*o. Sneil. ' ***&** Trooper Norman Williams of the ppiprrvil-r i Armored Division. Camp Borden. it-C,>li-L,t j spent the week end at his home. ' 3i[rs. McMillan g-ave a quiltiay and Anniversary services will be held i St. Andrew's church on Suirfay. July t>ch. and sex: Sunday. Jane 2s? a Masonk- service will be held at 7.30 ST. Andrew's church. Everybody is cordially invited to attend" this ice. The morning service will be Mr. ? nd Mrs. J. A. \ichol and fam- ily visited friends in CoIIingwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. f-^nley Harrison and mi'.y and .Mr*. Harrison Sr. and Mr Dave Hincfcs visited last week a- At wood. Mrs. F. McKinnon and Mary visit- ed Thursday at the home ,f Mr. Alex. Carson. Mr. H. B. McLean was arocad last ?ek takingr the census. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Mclntyr* of visited on Sunday with her Mother. Mrs. T. Xichol. who rvturued home with her for a visit. Mrs. Ge^.1. McLehan and two friends ' Niagara Fails spent last week at the home of Mr. Dan Campbell, and whili' there was taken ill. Her hus- tnd came for her at the end of the week and word was received that she w.u< to undergo an operation Monday Her sister. Mrs. Campbell, left Mon- day morning to be with her. Her many friends here wish for her a complete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black and faro :I.v. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hay and Marie of Swinton Park visited early m the week at A L. Hincks 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur of Colhngwood spent the week end with . the former's brother. Dan. The play "Craiy t-> Reduce" was again Friday nigh' at Mt. Zion. ROCK MILLS School will clow* this week for the summer vacation. The annual School picnic was held on Saturday last at Harrison's Pary. Owen Swind, when there was a good attendance. Mr. Frank Taylor of Fleahertoa took a truck load of child- ren up whil* others took their own caw. INTRODUCTORY OFFER We are moving into the store formerly occupied by the Marfcdale Dairy and as aa Opening Special we r? giving a I FREE ENLARGEMENT With every roll of film developed at Chong's Studio from June 14th to 30th yo will receive a 4s* enlargement free. (When sending in roll please state which picture you wish enlarged; either give number of picture on Sim or describe the picture you wish enlarged. ^ DEVELOPING = Up to 2 1 4X3 1 4 25c. Z^x^' to poet card size . 3<k. Mail order customers are asked to enclose price of developing aad 3c extra for return post?e. FILMS AND CAMERAS FOR SALE CHONG'S STUDIO BETWEEN THE_ DRUG STORES. M.VIX ST, MARKDALE Films may be left ai tae George Cafe when the Studio is closed. BUCKINGHAM Miss Mi:i--rva Conr. _ home CL> spend a two months holiday A-;h her parenjs. Mr artd Mr?. W J Conn. Mr aad Mrs. Jas. MacOregi/r ar.i lUghter. Coleen. of Brancford spent , the week end wth Mr. and Mrs. A Brownridge. Mrs. MoGreg-'r and C - !e*?n remained for two we?ks. Mr. Bruce Taylor of Toronto visited one day the past we*fc a: his h The July meeting o<f the Commun- } ty Club will be held ."ed.. Juij- l'- i at the home i>t' Mrs. A. M'.s'.'ir- Chfa com.. Mrs. W. J. Conn, Mrs. Jamea Hudson. Mrs. M. Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Will Armstro-c : Sheila and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby and Jon. Stephen, of Barrie jpnt Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J T Mr. Toro Davidson of Toronto vi ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. "-" l RE\P THE "SMAJ.t ADVTS" MONSTER Street Frolic AND DANCE FLESHERTON Tucs., July 1st Sponsored by Flesherton-Artemesia Red Cros* Modern and Old Time Dancing to music bp the Reuben Kirk Orchestra of Owen Sound, with loud speakers 12BOOTHS Featuring^ B ng Lamp \\"heel. Grocen- Wheel, Fish Pond. Hum and Bacon Bumper. Kitchenware Wheel. Ball Toss. etc. LUCKY NUMBER DRAW for Blankets. Gladstone Rag; or Aero Pack. War Savings Certficates and Stamps Sam Phillips and Bvelyn visit- = i with friifc in Own Sound SB:- arttey aad also attended th sehoo' pemc. Ifc-J. BaiH smot tke wwk ad m Own Sound. Mfe* Hikb B^t, ^at Mr. aad Mrs CW Ve Mr. aad Mrs. Ehrod Pwtridc* aa Sundmy to visit with Mr aad Mrs. aaa Fi*her UM*. * <* tk* frwe ,r prepar- a to oomta hayia, this tn hay crop Is Hkt this rr. *re Mdi fw Aetir. Snriet What ftbout TOUT Sure I'm \vell fed! My mother trades at ^^ Bailey's Meat Market FRESH and CURED MEATS Home Rendered Uard 1AILEYS HHMi flanaaV Pint Let We Forget!