Flesherton Advance, 25 Jun 1941, p. 8

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canvas ~ oer soles. JL 5 75c j 69c j^ JES X T , from ^fi> 3 , sand- '* . and high *j* i hem in tw.ci V $1.88, $2.48 V 1 I . *> I ** X %irts and Draw- ^ '^iff sleeves, jt .. 49c *f of v S8 .ced .d Mrs. .irs. Shaw and Mr. and -at week at Guy -6. Cecil Alexander and .id Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cul- -i .pungannon spent Sunday Mrs. Alexander and Mr. and Geo. and Isaac. Dr. Cyril and Mrs. Dyer and daugh- ter, Betty, of Detroit spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Jos. Black- burn. Bietty went to Port Elgin camp to spend a couple of weeks. M.. and Mrs. W. I. Carroll and four children, Kenneth, Willa, Glenn and Uonald, and Mrs. Fairgrievos, all of Mitchell called on friends in town on Saturday morning. Miss Doris Taylor has returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks at her home here. Miss Ethel Taylor returned with her to upend a couple of months, Mrs. Clara Wiley of Markdnk- was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ben- iliam over the week end. Mrs. Wiley jrpcrts to leave shortly on a trip to "ie West. Mrs. Jas. Caushk-r Sr., Mrs. Ja. iiushier Jr and Mrs. T. McConnack (luerph, Mrs. D. L. Weber and Mrs. rl Alexander of Kimbcrley and is. Alexander of town left last rsday and motored to Ottawa, NdHh Bay and Callcndar, returning nkty night. TIPS FROM A FIGHTER PILOT e P j 8 ft<t '' c f actort -rhnii-al flying mat- pilot These are A.*! he must alao reieraber oilier . Jfor inslanrf how totalk on his aircraft telephony )T Iwylpeak dearly and 'oncisely. \ VTith telephone line* tarrying an extra heavy load directly toneerned with Canada's war effort, yt can help trie- phone workers maintaiiVood irrvire by^ adopting fighter pilot trlk m e technique.- When your J&d^*t>b' on( 'tin|?, .anwr promptly, andpWn't wai4jnir by saying "Hello" insteafl give yol name inime- " lfc -ly. Speak diarinctly, *ctly into the mo "'-jiece. anijfce iiir<- I replace the receiver th&fe$>k w\ yfc, have finished ,,. , ,,BWT Your ro-operatia ("' will help us to provide fast, ac- ''. curate telephone erviee for a offer I nation at war. G*f "''l^n Small Ad. ColVmn OR SALE Eighty acres of hay | WANTED Any d on the field. Phone 38r3, A. C. ! ground hogs 15c >J ! n K Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE - F. & W. oil bath mow- er, like new. Geo. Allen, R. R. 3, Flesherton. 3c2 FOR SALE Extension table in good condition. Apply at The Advance office. FOR SALE Good dairy cow, due to freshen soon. Fred Jamieson, Eugenia, phone Feversham 52r4. .69 23c for 19c or27c 19c 5c K IMBt RLEY Dickinson of Toronto, head of d Church Publishing House, cry earnest and excellent missionary and extension .f the Church in Canada and tion to missionary work in countries of the world. We ited Rev. Dickinson's address. Oes. Lawrence of Barrie spent ok end wi(h his mother, Mrs. rence. moasles are now on the wane. >- glad to say. There are few .es who have not had them and i! are not of school age. fr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt, and ce, Miss Cunningham of Edmon- -II, Alta., visited Mrs. S. S. Burritt >n Monday afternoon. Miss Dunita Lawrence returned to Oshawa on Monday. We are glad to 'say that Mrs. S. l>obson is able to be home from the hospital much improved. Mr. Buchanan, Mrs. W. Grieve, Miss Tena Hutchinson and Mrs. S. S Buiitt attended the Ewphrasia S S. convenv.^, at Temple Hill, where they wert hosjtaibly entertained by Rev. War%, an , people of the com- CO! vent ion was a real A \"m4er of workable and were given. We '.vone will co-operate i good suggestions LIME r- Kiln of fresh lime ready by May 31 Earl Fenwick, Eugenia, phone Feversham 23r4S. FOR SALE Philco car r adu>. com- plete, in good condition. Lawson White, Proton Sta., R. R. 3. Ip2 KOR SALE "26 Pontiac sedan, runs good, 4 nearly-new tires, for quick sale will sacrifice for $75. Harold Best, Flesherton, phone 79w. OIRlL WANTED For general housework, no cooking, sleep in. Mrs. Brown, 17 Haddington Avc. Toronto. munity. success spirit-filled hope that ! t to work * given. JL Mrs. S. S. 1 1 unjoyable ** who i8 with the Pretty and received a very Yarmouth, N 4 S., aid that Mrs. al- FOR SALE Young pigs; choice breeding sows and boars from ad- vanced registry sows. Elwood Stecens, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR RENT Brick house, 5 rooms, stable and pasture, situated half mile from store, church and school. W. H. McNally, Flesherton, R. R. 3, telephone 41 r 33. FOR SALE House in Flesherton, with seven room*, hard and soft v :Uer, double lot and barn. Foi full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Execi tor. 30c WANTED Middle aged housekeep- er for home of three adults, no children. Reply giving full par- ticulars to Dr. J. P. Ottewell, Flesherton. 4c2 of fresh Jas. R. 48ctf FOR SALE 3 Sticks 36 ft. long 12 in. flat, 2 rock elm, 1 maple; 8 sticks rock elm 26 ft. long, 12x12; 2 sticks, 33 ft. long 12x12, rock elm; stiff-tooth cultivator. Chas. Stafford, R. R. 3, Fleafcerton. FOR SALE 7-room br Flesherton, well, must of the ' FOR SALE Horses mr OU ld ex- change for pigs or ;^ cattle. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon FOR SALE Model A P*1929, new tires, license, 15 plalftittery, $60. Dcnald S. DinnickMtaptist pastor, Feversham. FOR SALE 1921) Chevro| in good running order, priced right for quick salj Brodie, Maxwell. ledan ires, NOTICE Paper hanging and Ait- ing at reasonable prices. Es free. Ross Mitchell. Dmi telephone 77. YOU'LL BE SORRY to lose cutl next season's good egg because you'r* short of puB Stock Bray started pullets, horns, B. R. Order summer chic last regular hatch middle Ja See John McWilliam, FleshdrtonJ FAHM FOR SALE Lots 14-16. Con. 1, S.D.R., Uru-l mesia, containing 100 acres, on MUCB * is situated bank barn 45x65, ig * large driving shed. This prujjwtj 'nust be sold to wind up estate. nil-rested communicate with Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- v-cutors for the estate. 4? r PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON on Lot 10 on folliug-wood St., which is situated a 7-aoont well and stable. Will sell at JSJcrific* for quick sale to close estate of Ella Gibson Estate. Communicate with I. B. Lucas & Co., Markdale. BUSINESS CAK.>- ( DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEOfi Graduate of Ontario Vtterinary*CoH- ege. Phone: 91 day or night >v MARKDALE, ONT. I i!

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