Flesherton Advance, 9 Jul 1941, p. 2

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I SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Rich Fugitives Live in Bomb-free English Resort LESSON II CHRISTIANITY EXPANDS IN ASIA. Acti 19:1 21tl7. PRINTED TEXT AcU 19:8-10, 23-32. GOLDEN TEXT. So migbtiir (r*w the word of the Lord and prevailed. AcU l'J:20. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tim*. The chronology of tin Apostle Paul's life is a subject in which great differences of opin- ion are held, but we may date th vents of our lesson, approxi- mately, A.D. 54 to 68. FUc. The great city of Lph- esur was on the western coast of Asia Minor, Miletus being about 20 miles below. Troas was on the same coast, though far north. The cities of Tyre and Caesares were in Syria. In this lesson we have another illu-tration of the profound truth, which is continually emphasized in the narrative of the Book of Acts, that the gospel of the King- dom of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ, must face a host of an- tagonistic forces faUe philoso- phies, pagan and sensual relig- ion*, the power of sin in the human heart, and the selfish- ness of human nature itself. Tht -i must all be overcome if the gosju'l is to conquer, and conquer it did in these great events here recorded. Paul in Ephetu* 1'phesus was one of the great- fist cities of the ancient world. The first experience of Paul in Ephesus of which we have record is his meeting with a group of dunplcs, the followers of the teachings of John the Baptist, a situation similar to that in which A<iui!a and Priscilla found Apol- !<>s, in the section immediately preceding the opening paragraph of our lesson. Acts 19:8. "And he en'.cred into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, reasoning and persuading as to the things con- cerning the kingdom of God. 9. But when some ^were hardened and disobedient, speaking evil of the Way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separ- ated the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus. 10. And this continued for the space of two years; so that all they that dwelt in Asia heard the word of the L;ird, both Jews and Greeks." Piul's ministry here was marked by special thoroughness of teach- ing, due probably to his experi- ence of errors among his earlier converts; by extraordinary mirac- ulous attestations, which seem to h:ive liecn intended specifically to offsft and overcome the power of magic and sorcery in Ephcsus; by varied and widespread success, so that through the entire prov- iii i his influence extended; by fin-re opposition, of which the cx- ciMig demonstration caused by 1) nr rius was only one, und jiri'li.ilily not the most serious; and finally by constant attention to the difficulties existing in dis- tant churches, the care of which l> (d upon him daily. The de- tails of Paul's life- in Kphesus wiiild furnish a story of physical, intellectual and spiritual acti- vity, marvellous for ita intensity and versatility. Paul Preaches Against Diana At the end of three years, 1,'ik" (ells us, Paul determined in his heart that he mu.st leave f"i Jerusalem, and then pro- cocci to Rome. Paul struck at all the great cities he- could reach in the Roman Kmpire, at least north of the Mediterranean, and (lie greatest of these was Koine, which lie had not yet seen. ' -'!. And about that lime there arose no small stir con- cerning the Way. 24. For a in man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver lnir.es of Uiana, brought no little business unto the crafts- men; 25. whom lie gathered to- gether, with the workmen of lik* occupation, and said, Sirs, y know that by this business w have our wealth. 26. And y we und hear, that not alone at Kfihvsus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuad- ed and turned away much people, saying that they are no gods, that are mane with hands: 27. and not only is there danger that this our trade coma into disrepute; but also that tho temple of the great goddess Diana be made of no account, and that she should even be de- posed from her magnificence whom all Asia and the world worshippeth. 28. And when they heard this they were filled with wrath, and cried out, say- Ing Great it Diana of the Kph- esians, 2'.>. And the city was filled with the confusion: and they rushed with one accord into the theatre, having seized Gaiua and Arislarchus, men of Mace- donia. Paul's companions in travel. 30. And when Paul was minded to enter in unto th people, the disciples suffered him not. 31. And certain also of the A i H In. being hli friends. "You'd never know there was a war on" is a conversational bromide around the luxurious Imperial Hotel, above, at Torquay, famed Knglish Channel pleasure resort. ent unto him and besought him not to adventure himself into the theatre. 32. Some therefore cried one thing, and some an- other: for the assembly was in confusion ; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together." Their Concern li Money Suddenly the whole city of Ephesus ww inflamed and rising against the apostle and the dis- ciples, because so many wera turning in disgust from the temple worship of Diana, and were no longer buying images either to offer as sacrifices or to carry home with them as objects of worship. The silversmiths who grew rich on thii kind of traffic were afraid their business would be lost, and they would be de- prived of their large incomes. These silversmiths cared nothing for the truth of the religion their shrines represented but, their concern being money, they were determined that this man must either be put out of the city, or b* put to death. What an ack- nowledgment of the power of the gospel, that the whole city should be in such an uproar over the message of one Jew, by the name of Paul concerning a crucified person by th name of Jesus! One thing the authorities couldn't do was to "laugh off" this gospel message, for it wa actually trans- forming the lives of great multi- tudes of Kphesian citizens and visitors, and everyone in Ephesus knew it. Canada Builds Big Warships Rank Between Destroyer ind Cruiser in Size Munitions Minister Howe told a group of 10 United States news- paper women visiting tlie capital recently that Canada now U con- structing a naval craft which ranks In size "between a destroy- er and a cruiser." Ho declined to disclose the ton n&ffe of the vessels which ha said wer "long-range and larger than the usual destroyer," nor dM he dleclose the number under ooo- Blmctlon. "Those now under construction will be launched about the end of 1942," Uie minister eald. One of the newspaper women asked If the dhlp* would be used for conroy duty and he said they would be "useful for that purpose but will be iu.i-1 for patrol work off the ooast." MI Howe some time &go an- nounoed it was planned to launob a destroyer-construction program In Canada and that British teohnlo- al experts were coming to the Do- minion to help get It under way. ] THIS CURIOUS WORLD C'l m 1 i .- i ' WITH THE AID OF THEIR TENT/&OJE UFT ABOUT O77A/ THEIR. OWN IN I93<S THE UNITED STATtt FOREST TIRES. WITH DAMAGE EStl/V\AT%lD GARL.ESS \WERERElSPONSl6l_EPOH 23 PER. GKW - . )(=- THE FIRES AND /O PffCNTO^ THE DAMACoB. apf* mi vmj|Bpcc, INC ?* ; REPORTS of th U. I. forwt Srvlct for th year 1936 show thai about 80 per cent of th acrMBt burntd over by foret flrw Was unprotected land. Approximating 187,122,400 acres of natlon- illy owned land A undo prOUtfOtl of orjanim! fire control yi- Jterni. bat millions of acrm of nfftalt "! rtt*-owntd fornt r*Bs 'ri not. y NEXTi What wouM )i.n> u tf tM Mrth itapiMd movinr In Ht orhltT SCOUTING. . A former Boy Scout of Brock- ville and Ottawa, Scoutmaster of the Hothcsay School, N.B., snd a Rhodes scholar, Sub.-Lt. A. 0. ('. Whalley, of the R.C.N.V.R., was credited with the saving of three seamen when the destroyer Mashona was sunk by dive bomb- era following the destruction of the German battleship Bismarck, ieut. Whalley dived from the deck of the destroyer Tartar to take a life-line to the men, who were thus brought aboard. Sub.-Lt. Whalley is the son of Very Rev. A. F. C. Whalley, himself a former Scoutmaster. The part being played by Chin- ese Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in the war-transplanted life of that country, and the value of Scouting and Guiding in helping shape the character of the boys and girls of future China are ack- nowledged by Madame Chiang Kai-Shek in her recent book. Writes the Chinese President'* wife: "When we came to this river we were met by a proces- sion of Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. I was surprised to see them in this far-away part of Western China, yet we encoun- tered them everywhere. The Boy Scout uniform is now part and parcel of the student life of China, no matter how far or in what direction one may travel. "I have seen them here in sight of the snow-clad mountains of Tibet, away in the north-west near the burning sands of the Gobi Desert, in the loess regions of Kansu, in the tropics of Yun- nan, in the remote Kewichow, and everywhere through the vast provinces from North to South China. "They should have tremendous influence in time to come upon the character of our people, es- pecially the illiterate ones, so yon boys and girls must always be 'good Scouts ' " Improve Your Conversation Hare Are Some Suggestions On How To Do It Tips on conversation are offered by Ruth Millet who believes that the average person (and that In- cludes tbe majority of us) hasn't a chance of becoming a witty or a brilliant conversationalist, In spite of the claims of all the "how to" books. It Is possible to Improve the quality of conversation In general, Bhe believes. Remember these do's and don'ts (it's surprising how tow people do remember them) and your talk will be Interesting en- ough and of a high enough qual- ity to get you by without Irritating or boring your friends, sho advise*. To begin with, don't feel that when two persons are together for SOT- oral hours one of them has to be talking every minute. Learn not to be embarrassed by silences. The person who Isn't afraid of OOCM- onaJ silences Is a restful parson to have around. Don't <rrn,b the conversational iball the moment your opponent drops or fumbles It. If you pick It tip throw H back to him once. That U, If your companion Is telling a fltory, don't wait eagerly for him to paufle long enough for you to ay, "That roralnds me" and plunge Into a story of your own. Ask him a question, or maks comment on his story when he's finished. He thinks It is worth that much of your attention, or he wouldn't have Imthered to tell It Steer clear of talking about your health, your husband's or wife's health, your children's health, your parent's health. Keep your stories as short as you can make them. Remember how pleased you always are whon an after-dinner speaker talks for two minutes and then alts down. Don't bother too much about de- tails. The "let's see, was U Mon- day or was It Tuesday" stuff drives anybody crazy. Don't tell a story that doesn't have any point. It your stories al ways seem to ramble and fall fiat at the ond, try writing them out ond you'll be able to discover why. Following this advice won't make your talk sparkle. But U you follow It, your talk will be good enough to get you by. RADIO REPORTER Bj DAVE ROBBINS "BETWEEN OURSELVES" Comment CD world events, his- tories of famous regiments, and stories about famous musicians, artists and statesmen come within the wld scope of R. B. Farrell, whose talks, "Between Ourselves" are a feature of CBC'S network at 12.15 p.m. on Sundays. Born In Halifax, N.8., Mr. Far- rell was educated in England and at Dalhousie* University in the Maritlmes. Durlig the World War No. 1, he served first In the Can- adian Nary, then as a recruiting officer throughout Canada, and as an Infantry officer in England and France. After the war he did a great deal of work for the Federal Dppartment of Labour before going Into journalism, (he Is now Assoc- iate Editor of the Ottawa Journal). This varied career may In part account for the wide scope of his broadcast talks. During the past four months, Mr. Farrell has received more than twenty-five thousand letters from listeners. These came from all parts of the continent, from th North-West Territories and the Yukon and from below Canada's southern borders from house- wives and archbishops, from sol- diers, and even from Inmates of prisons. A large number come from the United States, although Am- erican networks do not carry Mr. Farrell'a talks. These talks are haerd In this part of Ontario from ('BY and f'KOC. AROUND THE DIAL Fair warning to sourdoughs, Eskimos, trappers, and other resi- dents of the territory of Alaskal The Yukon won't be the same nert month . . . Henry Morgan. WOR's wacky humorist, leaves New York on a three-week vacation June 29th and he's going to Alaska. No fooling! Morgan really is tak- ing his vacation In Alaska! Jim and Vera, who are really songstress Vera Holly and Jim Frleliiig of Oh* Three Treys, moved up to a new Monday after- noon spot on WBBN's sohsdult* 12:45 o'clock. This is a son-; in 1 L>ui.Ur pro- gram la which two favorite WBEN singers flown a bit, sing some of the day's top songs and torn a lew "gags." Comedians Lou Abbott and Bud Costello whom you recently aaw in the film "Buck Private*," hav ciine Into t.ii* cauliflower boaluoa* with the purchase of Ritchie Fon- taine, promising lightwelgbt con- tender. They Join numerous otlu-r radio and film folks who hav done tbe same thing. AI JoUoo. Dick Powell, Blng Crosby and oth- f.rs all have A fighter under con- tract. Usually U'a a "break" f->r the fighter In that being "own#-l" by a big film or radio name help* him get fights. Trivia: Swing-catt Benny Good- man is much In demand for "Lon* Hair" dates as featured clarltiat soloist with various high claas sym- phony orfcs . . . Ork-leader An*nn Weeks lost the use of hla rishi: arm in auto crash . . . Austri ui tenor Richard Tauber Is now gl<r~ InK concerts In England . . . Radio news-spieler Raymond Gram Swi"< Is enroute to England for first hand dope. Refrigerator Care In Summertime Absolute cleanliness in ban I - ling and storing foods becom :* more important as the weather becomes hotter. Refrigerator* should be kept spotless. Wipe up spilled foods immediately. Keep an eye on leftover foods; don't allow them to remain in the ioa box too long. Besides ordinary daily care, give the box a com- plete cleaning at least once a week with lukewarm suds and a c'?ar rinse. BOAT BUILDER HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured inventor of a war vessel. 13 Shoe. HRatlt* bird. 15 Hammer. 16 Black. 17 To lift up. 19 Couple. 21 Pile of fabric. 22 His boat had revolving 24 Fish eggs. 25 Swamp. 26 Additional message (abbr.). 28 Surmises. 31 Dispositions. 34 Brads. ?5 Stormed. 3GHole for a shoelace. 38 Fuel basket. 39 Sneaky. 40 Ell. 41 Battering machine. 44 To splutter. Answer (o Previous Puzzle 49 Varnish ingredient. 51 Long aperture. 53 Magistrate. 54 Shoe bottom. 55 Street car. 57 Yes. 58 Emanation. 59 Name of his boat. 60 His type boat is used for coast . VERTICAL 2 Father. 3 Boat deck. 42000 pounds. 5 In. 6 Stingy. 7 Arabian commander. 8 Trick. 9 Court (abbr.) 10 To soak up. 11 To fly. 12 Potpourri. 16 He was a Swedish (pl.). 17 Carpets. 18 And. 20 His was in America. 22 Stone supports. 23 Sprinkler. 25 Gongs. 27 To spealc crossly. 29 No. 30 Sound of disgust. 32 Bugle plant 33 Encountered. 37 A model. 42 Singing voice. 43 Morning. 45 Armadillo. 46 Your. 47 Touched with toes. 48 Noun ending. 49 Bereft. 50 Exclamation. 52 Japanese fish. 54 To woo. 56 Mountain (abbr.). 58 Africa (abbr.). POP No Time Lot By J. MILLAR WATT WCR& IS YOUR LCAVC- WARRANT* AND -MEE- ARt YOUR INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROCCCOINJ6 ON U9AV& | TWANK3 ! I WH.L LOS& NO TIM& IN THEM!

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