Wednesday. October 8, 1041 THE FLESHERTBGN ADVANCE PORTLAW Donald Meldrum and Fred Shiei left Monday for Thornbury where they will pick apples. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher and daughters spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Art Wilson, Wareham. Pte. J. A. Lougheed of Camp Bor- don was home for a few days. While home his friends and neighbors pre* scnted him with a lovely wrist watch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons are visit- ing with Elmer Jamieson, who is home on leave. men's stockings, 28 turtle neck sweat- ers, 12 army scarves, 7 V neck sweat- ers and 40 pair of socks. Our quota ha* been increased a great deal for the next three months and more knitters will be greatly appreciated. Sewing Tuesday and Friday after- noon and it is hoped more help will be available. RED CROSS NOTES The Sept. shipment went out a few days ago and consisted of: 24 quilts, 16 aero caps, 15 pair ol whale navy mitts, 29 pair of army two way mitts, 12 alternate caps, 17 navy scarves, 44 pair of long sea It's good advice to lay in your stock of winter fuel now. APPLICATION FOR SECRETARY FOR FLESHERTON HYDRO Applicatioins for the position oi Secretary of the Flesherton Hydro Commission will be received by the undersigned up to 6 o'clock, p.m Friday, Octobr 10th, 1941. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk STOVES NEW AND USED STOVES If you are interested in a new Stove this fall, it will pay you to call in at the Cockshutt Agency and see our new line of Renfrew Ranges. Prices right; good allowance made on used stoves. Agent for Fleury-BMsell Implements and Repairs W. EDGAR BETTS Cockshutt Implements Flesherton, Ont. Local and Personal Mr. Roy Thistlethwaite of Toronto spent the past week with his mother. Mr. Jos. Banks of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kaitting of Feversham moved to apartments in the McDonald residence on Monday. Mrs. Don McCollum of Winona visited a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thuraton. Mr. Emerson Thompson has re- turned to town after spending the summer prospecting in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bellamy of Toronto spent the week end with the former's father. Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite left last week to teach in a school at West Monkton. Mr. Bob Bellamy of Toronto was home over Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard and family of Shelburne spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mr. A. E. Bellamy, C.B.W., and Mrs. Bellamy of St. Thomas are hol- idaying with the former's father, Mr. W. J. Bellamy. CEYLON KIMBLRLEY Miss Agnes Macphail and Miss L.J The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. i_ JAJ..! i_^i -Kg ,!.. * TO. ..^ *-,-, Art. rHl* nn Thursday afternoon laat. CATERPILLAR TRACTOR No. 3 Harrow Plow; am prepared o do any quantity of plowing at fl.BO per acre for stubble and $2.00 per acre on sod. ' *' ^'"r" WAINE WEBER, phone 48rl 1. Kimberley, Ont Whittaker left Monday for Toronto, where they will reside for the fall and winter. Mrs. M. Reaney, Jean and Edith of Palmerston were Sunday visitors with Miss Macphail. Anniversary services we're held on Sunday with Rev. Holland Centre in charge. There was a pleasing congregation at both afternoon and evening service. The music at the evening service was under the direction of Mrs. Black- burn and the Flesherton choir. This was followed Monday by a hot meat supper, served by the Ceylon Ladies' Aid, in the former Pattison store. A program in the church followed the supper. Competitive singing of nur- sery rhymes opened the concert. Miss Swanton's pupils gave a couple of choruses, Mrs. W. I. Henry of Flesherton recited as also did Rev. McMillan. Flesherton church quar- tette of Mr. and Mrs. G. Cairns, Mrs. Alf. Down and Mr. F. Duncan gave special numbers, and a trio of Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Down, accompanied by Mrs. Buchan- an. Miss Mary R. Stewart sang. At the close of the program the sale of baking added to the funds, whlcr, amounted to about $50. Mr. I. B. Whittaker acted as auctioneer. The Ceylon church appreciates the help given by one and all to make the service, te a and concert the success they were. Mrs. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa visited with relatives and friends last wee.k. Misses Kelso, Hicks and Andrew of Barrie visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson and Art Idle on Thursday afternoon last, owing to the storm, the attendance was not as large as usual, Miss Annie Burritt and Mr. Ross MacDermid of Toronto and Corp. Fehr, New Westminster Reg* Camp Borden and Mrs. Fehr, (nee Edith Burritc), visited with Mrs. S. S. Bur- ritt and other Kimberley friends for a week. Rev. Buchanan took the services at Mclntyre and Nottawa in ex- change with their ministers, who took the morning and evening anni- versary services at Epping. Kim- berley also assisted in the music at the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Myles are glad to have Mr. Jimmy McKee as their guest, who is convalescing after an air crash overseas. Mrs. R. Maville of Sask. visited Mrs. E. Boyle and friends this week. Miss Lois Weber left on Monday for Preston where she has secured a position. Mr. Stan Wallace and Collingwood friends visited with Mrs. D. Wallace on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ellis at Rocklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Semple and two daughters and Mrs. Semple's mother visited with Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson on Sunday. Miss Tena returned with them to her school near Harkaway. Anniversary services In the United Church will be on Sunday, Oct. 19. Mr. McAuslan will be in charge at ;he morning service and it is expect- ed Rev. McMillan of Flesherton for the evening service. There were a great number of par. ents who brought their children to the clinic at the Community Hall, conducted by Dr. ReevetNewsom and Nurse Hall. ew Fa " Goods SCRUB HUNT A scrub hunt will be held in Flesh- erton on Thursday afternoon, October 30th. Two teams will be chosen and will leave the village at 1 o'clock, to seek the bountiful game in this lo- cality. A certain number of points will be given for the different species of bird or animal which will be in season at that time. Now here is where the fun begins; the two teams will report back to the B-A Service Station not later than 6.30, and the captain of each team will have the game on display and a record of who shot the different speres. The team having the lowest number of points will have to pay for the fowl supper of the winners, at the United Xlhurch, which will be held that same evening. Anyone wishinjf to enter can do o by leaving his: name with Harold Best. Also anyone wishing to give a prize to the indi- vidual getting the most game that day will also be accepted. A booby prize will also be accepted. Send in your Renewal Now Small Ad. Column MEN'S WEAR MEN'S SUITS Made of fine English worsted, all new patterns in stripes and checks with two pair trousers. Special $Z3-9i> MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS Some very snappy styles and pat- terns in grey and brown shades. Special values $10.50 to $18.00 BOYS' SUITS In a big assortment of patterns, a wonderful range to choose from. Special $5.95 to $13.95 MEN'S SWEATIER COATS A wonderful range of different col- ^ ors, in plain or jumbo knit, size 36 to 1 44. Special $2.35 to $3.95 * BOYS' SWEATER COATS In plain heather shades, good heavy weight with shawl collar, size 28 to 32. Special 98 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS All the new patterns, in stripes or checks with fused collars. Special prices of 89c, $1.19, $1.39 LADIES' WEAR children O f Toronto week ended with Mrs. Archie Stewart. Mrs. E. J. Swift, who has spent the past three weeks with Mrs. Stewart, re- turned with them to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson, Frances and Marian and Mrs. Col man visited friends at Wilder's Lake on Sunday. Tk Mr. Percy Hunt is the new mail carrier, succeeding Thos. Stewart. Miss Agnes Macphail was a caller in town on Saturday. Mrs. Gordon Mix and two child- ren are occupying Miss Macphail's house for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haw, Eric and Billy of Swinton Park and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk at- tended the anniversary >supper on Monday of last week. Mr. Fred Field has bought and is occupying the John D. McLeod pro- perty in the village. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Collinson Thursday evening with a fair attendance. Mrs. McWilliam presided. Mrs. C. Alex- ander had the Scripture reading. The sewing and knitting, both com- pleted and in the making. 'wer? on exhibit Ceylon Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) McMillan for their September meeting, when a very enjoyable program was given by the Flesherton Ladies' Aid. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rumsey of Meaford visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns on Sunday. Miss Marjory Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Lewis and two children of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. FOR SALE 50 Rhode Island Red pullets, 5 mos. old, good layers. Mrs. A. Stewart, phone 32 r 11. LOST Brown Water Spaniel, ana wers to name of 'Tony." Finder please see H, Best, Flesherton. FOR SALE Oxford Down ram, 2 years old. Chas. McDermid, R. R. 3, Flesherton. 19p2 WANTED Someone to paint a steel roofed barn. Apply at once to Claude Akins, Flesherton. FOR SALE Yorkshire Pigs ready to go. S. Fitzsimmons, R. R. 2, Flesherton. Ip2 FOR SALE Good horse about 1,100, good worker, sound. Apply to W. I. Henry, Flesherton. Igpe FOR SALE Durham Cow 5 years, about due; Oxford Down ram lamb. Geo. Cairns, phone 44 r 13. 18 FOR SALE dO Good breeding Ewea- and 3 Oxford Down rams. Herb CoPbett, Proton Station. 19p2 FOR SALE) Cook stove, extra large fire box, economical on wood, good baker, cheap, moving. Will Hut- chinson, Kimberley. FOR SALE 8 small pigs, 8 weeks old, 2 Oxford ram lambs. Fred Jamieson, Eugenia, phone 52 r 4, Feversham. FOR SALE One Renfrew Cookf- rite Cook Stove in good condition,, warming closet and reservoir. Coal and wood grates. Also OM Gem Cook Stove only used for 6 months. Coal and wood grates. E. F. Fisher, Flesherton. 18cl9. FOR SALE Coal Heater, Cutting Box, both in good condition, will sell cheap. Stanley Campbell, Eugenia. 19pJ WANTED Good prices paid for aged or crippled horses, suitable for mink feed. -las. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. WANTED Aped, injured or dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Frank Baffles, phone 41r3, Flesh, erton. LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Some very smart styles in a good range of colors, with spot or Paisley patterns. Special |1J > 1 - 9 - MILLINERY See our showing of all the latest styles and shapes in Ladies Hats. Priced at $1- 95 and up SHOES FOR LADIES' & GROWING GIRLS' Some very outstanding values in these lines in black or tan, wthi Cuban or low heels, sixes 3 to 8. Special, per pair $1-95 CAIRNS GRAHAM A quiet wedding of interest to many people in this community was solemnized at 3 o'clock Saturday, Sept. 20th, at the United Church parsonage, Maxwi>ll, when Mrs. Lily Graham of Eugenia was united in marriage to Mr. Frank Cairns, also of Eugenia (formerly of Ceylon). Rev. Dr. Mercer officiated. The bride was prettily attired in a costume of Queen's blue. The couple were unattended. After the ceremony they left on a honeymoon trip, motoring to Montreal and othei points. They will reside in Eugenia. We extend to them our heartiest congratulations. FOR SALE 200 used records Cowboy a"d Modern selections 15c each. Harold Best, Flesh- erton. lUpl LOST Tire and wheel from Ford truck, between Pricevillc and Rock Mills. Finder please call pos office at Priceville. 16p2 ENGAGEMENT I 1 I \ FLOOR COVERING We are showing a complete range of Linoleum, Congoleum, Feltol Rugs, in all sizes and at very special prices; also a big assortment of 2, 3. and 4 yard wide floor covering, by the yard F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Alex English, Rock Mills, wish to announce the engage- ments of their youngest daughter Loreen Marjory, to Mr. Arthur Bailey- son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey of Cress-well. The* marriage will take place the latti r part, of October. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. M. Teeter wishes to announce the engagement of her second eldest daughter, Mary Ellen (Mayme) to Morris Cousins, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Cousins of Toronto. The mnrr iagc will take place quietly on the llth of October, in Toronto. Aid to Russia needs rushin'. FOR SAL.E Moffatt cook stove top heater, grand cooker, in goo- repair, sell cheap, rason I'm burn ing coal. W. J. Ca well, town. BOARS FOR SERVICE Registered Tanworth and young forkshire Boars are being kept for ervice on Lot 170, 2 N.E., north of Vo. 10 Highway. Fee: $1.50. R. Allen & Son, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 a?, Con. 2, N. D. R., Arte- misia, containing 100 acres more or ese, good wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at once. Mrm, R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, SJXR., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x65, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Thos* interested communicate with Joh Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47e FARM FOR SALE uhfap, about 45 acres, good bank barn, 30- acres under cultivation, resx pasture with good spring creek. Apply at The Advance office. FOR SALE or RENT Solid brick 6-room house in Flesherton, hard- wood floors throughout, bathroom, furnace, soft ar ' hard water. Ap- ply to Mrs. C. Wilcock, Flesherton. CAME ASTRAY Came to Lot 22, Con, 10, Artemesia, about Aug. 1, 1941, 2 young cattle. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Jos. Buchanan, R. R. 3, Flesherton. LOST Between Belts' corner a:ul Purvis' Friday night, Sept. 19, wrist watch with name Tpr. Hoadley on back of case. Finder please leave with Chas. Williams, Eugenia, or at The Advance office. 17p3 FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew CHlckrk* Ap- ply to John Stewart. Executor, Pro- ion Station, phone 82 r 4. FARM FOR SALE Lot 168, Concession 2, Township of Artemesia. Land is all in good state of culivation. Possession giv- en to suit buyer; ill health reason for selling. For further particu- lars apply to Geo. R. Blackbvra, R. R. 8. Flesherton, Ontario. PROPERTY FOR S \LE IN FLESHERT ' v Tot 10 on Colling >d St., on .'h is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Will sail at sacrifice for quick sale to close estate of Ell Gibson Estate. Communicate with L B. Lucas & Co., Markdale. BUSINESS CAR.S DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE on ice Durham St. Office Hours Afternoon*. 1.30 to 4 Evening!, 7 te 8.3t. Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 888, AJP. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W.M., Herb. Cerbett; Seo- retary, C. J. Bellamy. A',