Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1941, p. 3

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GENERAL SIR ARCHIBALD WAVELL In Egypt or India, man miut have hi* paper with breakfast. HAVE YOU HEARD? A* te was drilling a batch of rcri1s the sergeant saw that one of them was marcLiing out of step. Going up to th man as they marcbed. he said sarcastically: "Do you know they are all out of step except you?" "What?" asked the recruit In- nocently. "." said they are all out of step xtfH you." repeated the sergeant. "Well,' 1 was the retort, "you tell 'em, yi ii're In charge." v "Ycur frocks j.-e all so EKimpy!" complained the im- possible customer. "I think I'd look nice In tomething flow- in p." "Madam might try the riv- er," ssld the exhausted assist- ant. An Albany court official, after x plaining the history of the Am- erican F>ag to a group of aliens *-< .- ? j: citizenship papers, asked .one of them: "Tftll me. what files over the city hall?" The alien blinked a minute and rep)>d: ' PeeJIns." Doctor And If he loses con- e . . >r>rss again, give him a tea- Sficcnful of that brandy. Patient's Wife while he's unconscious? Oh, doctor, he'd n-er forgive me! v Mother: "I don't think the man upstairs likes Johnnie to play on his drum." Father: "Why?" Mother: "Well, this afternoon he- fave Johnnie a knife and asked him )f he knew what was Inside the lirum. Sentry: Halt: Who goes there?" Voice In the Oark: "Cook, with doughnuts for breakfast." Sentry: "Pass, Cook. Halt, dcjghnuts." Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What Is the bad habit many peoi>je exhibit when leaving a liouie they nave been visiting? 2 Is it obligatory that a girl apolopizo when she makes a mis- step while ancing? 3. f it all right to remove seeds from the mouth with the fingers, when eating an orange at the tftbk-" 4. SliouUl one be announced when calling upon a woman at an apart, ment bouse? 5. Is it all right to have trailing ribbons or fancy paper for decora- tlonp over the dinner table? 6. When a woman ncepts/ an In- vitation, what should be done \vben she finds that, it Is displeas- ing !o hfir husband? ANSWERS 1. That of prolonging iheir leave- taki:ig, often standing for many minutes at the door. It Is much better to leave as soon ns possible once the intention has been de darted. 2. No, but her partner ihoiui! say. "I am sorry." .3. It woul'i be better to use the spoon with which the orange Is being eati.n. 1. Yes. Unless the woman hi an intiinrite friend, request the hall boy to telephone her before goini, up. 5. No; a hostess with ny daini to good taste will use thesf ijpporatlons only on such an ccasicn as a fancy-dress or n chilii: c-n's party. 6. As the Invi. tatiun already has been accepted, f'o husband should attend and try to C'ineral his (l Grow More Cereals Advises Mr. Dewan Good advice was given Ontario farmers by Hon. P. M. Dewan, Provincial Minister of Agricul- ture, at Sault Ste. Marie, when he urged on them the necessity of increasing cereal production next year, says the Windsor Star. They have had an object lesson this year of what it means to ba short of feed for livestock at a time when the production of ani- mals must be increased. The feed situation U being solved just now, but only through extraordinary measures which have been taken by the Dominion, in the way of assisting in th payment of transportation costs from the West. This is an expen- sive system. It ia far better to have tha fodder available on th* ground, and only by taking thought now can the farmers hav assurance of adequate supplies when they are needed next year. What Science Is Doing HAIRS LOOK LIKH TREK TRUNKS Imagine a human hair magnified so that It looks like a tree trunk, or a cricket ball enlarged so that Its diameter appears to ba four and a half miles! These are the latest miracles of science. An or- dinary microscope that Is on that uses ordinary light can b made to magnify 2,000 times. That Is Its limit; but science, wanting to go further, made a microscope which uses ultra violet light rays which are Invisible to tht> human eye but not to the lens of the cam- era. With this photographs wer* obtained 5,000 times life size. Not content, with this. Dr. Zworykln and other specialists of New York have constructed an si- ectron microscope using rays so short that objects are magnified up to 30,000 diameters. Photo- graphic enlargements have Increas- ed these up to something like 200,- 000 diameters. DANDELION RUBBER While touring tha Tien-Shan Mountains in 1931, a young Soviet studeut, named Bukhanovich, and a farmer, Splvachenko, found at an altitude of over 0,000 feet above sea level a variety of dandelion, now known as the kok-sagyz, which proved to be a rubber-making plant. Scads of the dandelion have since been disseminated all over (he Soviet Union. In 1940 an area was planted ten times as large as In 1937, and thousands of acrei were to be added this year. A com- mercial crop of Brazilian hevea can be gathered only In the fifth year after planting, but kok-sagyz can be utilized as caoutchouc In th first year. And the caoutchouc 1* said to l>e satisfactory^ Steel production in Canada dur- ing the Tlrst seven months of 1941 amounted to l,34u,Y51 tons as against 1,127,828 tons and 691,290 tons in the correspondng periods nf 1940 and 1fl.'!9, respectively. "Grouchy" Husbands and wlveB, may ba BUflutnf (rom at(Tt- ln( bowal gu, tout stomach or hudncb*, caused by iptlli ol coiutlpatlon. Try AD- LEEIKA. It edacUTtly hlendi 1 c*rmina- tlTM (or Ttlitf ol gas palm, and 3 luatlrti (or gentle, quick bowtl action. Tour drni(1il bai ADLIRIKA. Is Hunting Sport? I hold no particularly human- itarian views about .-.hooting and fishing, although as I en- ter the last stretch of life's race my sympathy for the hunted increases. My concep- tion of sportsmanship is chang- ing the cards are too often stacked against the prey and the rules of the game give the lords of creation all the high cards in the deck. I have no right and no wish to criticize any citizen who wants to hunt a misnomer provided that he observes the regulations, but for goodness sake don't let us camouflage this as "sportsmanship." Vancouver News-Herald. Topper Or No Topper Mr. Winant Licked United States Ambassador John G. Winant told an Overseas League luncheon that "I really have no qualifications as an am- bassador. "I remember," he said, "that when I came over here many year.-i ago I thought I would like to go in the diplomatic service. "We were asked to Bucking- ham Palace to tea and I wanted to be very correct. I remember get- ting a tall hat the first I had ever worn and a tail coat. "We presented ourselves. But everybody else wore a straw hat and a short coat. A few days later we were asked to tha races. I told a friend I would not make a fool of myself again. So I wore a short coat and a straw hat. Everyone else had a tall hat and a tailed cout. "I retired then from the diplo- matic scene." TO WASHINGTON Top-flight Japanese diplomat Saburo Kurusu, signer of the pact with Germany and Italy, is flying to Washington for conversations that may decide peaca or war with the U. S. for his nation. Queer Trick Played By London Bomb The behaviour of the average Londoner in an air raid is typi- fied by tlie experience of a friend of mine who was walking one night through a neighboring square when one corner of it was blown up. From the resulting mess there emerged a young wo- man. Now bomb blast plays some queer tricks, and her cos- tume consisted of a thick coating of plaster dust and one shoe. Sha addressed him very precisely: 'I left my hat on the hall table. If you wouldn't mind fetching it I can get a bus'. CANADIAN OIL INDUSTRY YOURS FOR THE ASKING A series of 5 articles and 28 page booklet giving you a complete outline of the world's most discussed commodity. OIL No Obligation Merely send your name and address. CANADIAN OIL ROYALTIES 45 RICHMOND W. TORONTO ,You GIRLS WHO SUFFER N DYSMEIORRHEA If you suffer monthly cramps, back- ache, distress of "Irregularities." nervousness due to functional monthly disturbances try Lydla E. Piukhain's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added Iron). Made especially /or women. They also help bullet up red t>!,x>d. Made in Cumuln. How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I renovate black kid gloves? A. Touch the worn spots with a camel's hair brush dipped Into mixture of olive oil and Ink. Q. How can I destroy plant In- sects? A. Soak ono tablespoonful of tobacco In one quart of water over nlglit. Pour this solution on th soil about every thirty days; It will destroy plant Insects and also fertilize the plant. Q. How can I remove spots on tablecloths caused by candle wax drippings? A. Rub the spots with cold lard or turpentine and then wash In warm soapsuds. A. What are a few of the stand. ar<l kitchen measures? A. One salt spoon equals three- quarters of a teaspoon; three tea- spoons equal one tablespoon; six- teen tablespoons equal one cup; two cups equal one pint. Q. How can I retain the auburn tint In my hair? A. Five cents worth of salU of tartar diluted In a pint of warm water is one of the best prepara- tions for retaining the tint of au- burn hair. Rub this into the hair until a goo lather Is worked up; leave on the hair for about an hour before rinsing in clear water. This is a cleansing process and also brings out the auburn tint in the hair. We Might Well Do The Same Rural and suburban dwellers should start vegetable gardens and raise their own pigs and chickens for national defence, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt told 1,500 persons recently at a forum sponsored by th Foreign Policy Association. Such a move, she said, would take them out of the "consumer market" and leave mort food to be shipped to England and other democracies resisting German g- gression. Nursing Sisters For Sailor Boys Establishment of i Nurilna Service In the Royal Can- adian Navy A na\'7 spokesman described U) new service as an offshoot from the army nursing servlc* which formerly looked after navy ned. H said the service, would b "on a small scale." Navy hospitals were being built at Halifax and Esqulmault and th nursin? service would staff them. It might also staff other small units at other places but "defin- itely none of the nurses will go to sea." Highest rank in the service- Is that of matron.ln-clilef, equivalent to lieutenant commander, and the pay it $7.75 a day. Matrons, who have corresponding rank to llemt- enanis, draw $6.50. A nursing sister and, dietician geta $4.25 and has rank equivalent to nub-lieutenant. Her paylncrtMUM* to $f> after sis month-!. A nursing sister who is an assistant matron or hi ofharge of a hospital of from 100 to 175 beds gets an extra 60 catitsa ay. Home sisters and phys- iotherapy aids, with corresponding rank to midshipman, are paid IS. Sub Crews Rescued Now Number 1,276 The Admiralty has announced that a total of 1,276 officers and men have been rescued from an undisclosed number of sunk** axis submarines. A communique said: "Royal navies, with the assist- ance of the coastal command of the R.A.F., continue to protect our shipping and to levy a heavy toll on enemy U-boats. For reasons well appreciated, particularly by the enemy, our successes against the U-boats are rarely published. "It is possible to announce, however, that a total of 1,278 of- ficers and men hava been rescued from sunken enemy U-boat* and are held prisoners of war. Of these 467 are Italians. "The relationship between th magnitude of the enemy claims and his own lack of success was illustrated recently when th Ger- man high command claimed to have sunk 14 ships totalling 47,- 000 tons from a convoy homeward bound from Gibraltar. In fact four ships totalling 8,772 tons were sunk. This was only achiev- ed by the enemy at a cost to him- self. Soldiers' Talents Will Be Utilized Soldiers are no longer jiurt *o many men to b put into uniform and assigned haphazardly to whatever duties happen to netd doing at the moment. It may sound like faddism to apply psy- chology to the army, but It U paying dividends. There is a recognition in th Canadian Army today that man have aptitudes or training for cer- tain trades and vocations. A spe- cial section at headquarters ha the duty of seeing that th in- dividuals are allocated to the du- ties they can do best. The result is an army of specialists, compar- able to nn efficient business or- ganzatiou In which the employ- ees art set at the task* for which they aw most apt. It may sound like "new-fangled claptrap" to the Old Army soldier, but It makrs a better Army. Windsor Daily Star. ITCH STOPPED / /r a Jiffy -or Money Back __ ___ F.ie traick relief from itchlfif of MWRU, pimple*, alb- lete'nfoot, seal*"*, acabiM, rtihm and othor externally -n ..-.I skin trouble*, use fast -acting, (tooting,, nu- aeptio, Hqnld D. D. D. Prescription. GraMiic ntiiiileu. Sonthefl irritation and quickly ttop* IBM itching. 35c trial bottle pr"Tf*it, <* mouer tuck. J drnncUt today for D.D.D. Round up Ogc/en's for a Real Smoke Take a tip from old timers who have been rolling their own for twenty years or more. Their brand is Ogden's and they wouldn't think of smoking anything else. They lika it because it has a taste you can't match a taste which comes from its distinctive blend of choice, ripa tobaccos. Try it. You'll find it's not just another tobacco it's Ogden's. Only tha best cigarette paper* "vogue" or "Chantecler" are good enough for Ogden's OGDEN'S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pipe Smokers I Ask for Ogden's Cut Plug Very Real Danger Of Raids On U. S. A Yale physiologist who stud- ied the effects of bombing on human beings in Britain said re- cently that the United Stat faces a "very, very real" danger of aerial attack and that Ameri- can doctor "must all know about bombs." "If Labrador becomaa a Crete, Boston in a short time could expect showers of high ex- plosives and incendiary bombs," Dr. John F. Fulton told doctor* than Friday, October 31st. attending a "post - graduata" meeting at Harvard. Mrs. Leroy's Female Pill* For painful and delayed period* Extra Strength, $4.00 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. SKY'S DRUG STORE 1981 Davenport Rd. Toronto Th< BuckUy >. Tht new impiovtd Bucliltf formula now ill indication no lyrup, not onrf bcinji quicker relict but jivet you more (of yet> money. But be lute it'i Ike genuine ... W4 UCKLEY MIXTURE ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. IIAUV CHICKS TWO MORE EGUS month from avary farm hen." That'i the call to Canadian poul- trykeepers. Get these good mar- ket*. Day-old to two woek chicks. pullets ur mixed, immediate <le- Uvury. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street North, Hamilton, Ontario. BUTCHKHS' MACHlJIliS BVA.CTOKY H13BUII..TS. ALL, MAKES prices low, easy terms. Write for full particulars. Ucrkel Products Ltd., 533-535 College Street, To- rotito. __ II. C. I'HOI'KliTV BRITISH COLUMBIA IS UKCE1V- Ing many Eastern settlors. For (arm lands or city property, writ* H. A, Huberts Ltd., Vancouver. B.C. _ __ I'ATKATS FICTHKH.STONHAUGH Ac <JOAU'AN V Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on r*- quest. _ 11 A II HIT'S W A N T Ji JJ UVJi DOMESTIC rabbits. Any quantity, price IDc par pound. You pay express. Llghtloot, St. Lawrence Market, Toronto. CAHS NEW A.\D US ICO MOUNT PLKASANT MOTOifB L/m, Toronto's oldest Chrysler, t'lym- outh dealers; three locations, tiSi' Ml, Pleasant Kunil. :;u4u Voime St., 165U Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cars make us many friends. CHIHOrilACTOUS UL.I2CT1IIC MOTORS KOil SAI,H FAHM DI.'TY KI^KCTRIC MOTORS, hundreds to choose from. Joncn & Moore Electric Company I, unit ed. L'iKi Adelaide Weal, Toronto. FAlKHANKS-MOKSi: 6 H.!>. Claa- oline Engine. Type Z. Jn good running order. Priced to sell at taO.QiJ. .1. H. McCaw, llarrle. <;IS.M<:H.VTOIIS WA.vrmi WANTED DODUK 12 - VOLT I.JWM- "erators. Pay S3. Shipping E'olnt State Model. Chas. Warner, Mat- lork, Man. _ ii vmnui >MM. L. re A II X .HAJBUBESSINa THB Robertson -Method. Information on request regarding fall c:laas, now hoKinnitiK. Robwtspn'a Halr- diessitm Aonilemy. 1"7 Avenua U.. 1,1. Toriillto. I KI.AI, J. N. LINDSAY. LAW (JFK1CK CAP- Itol Theatre Building. St. Thomas), Ontario Hpeolnl Department fot fnrmera collections. M\KK MONEY 120 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY. Booklet c.f 12') page?, size 6 x *. Price 11.00. Mike Ignash. 441 Mnriitoliq Avr.. Winnipeg, Man. i SCIICNTLKIC (ilONKHAl. Health Service. Write for partic- ulars. I:.' Queen 10., Toronto. FAHM KlMl SA1.K 100 ACHES, GOOD IXJCALITY, Rood lund and buildings, flowing well and creek. Ik milo from high- way 26. near Uarrie. For particu- lars. apply Ueorge Pain. Anten Mlllp. Ontario. 100 ACIiKS, DUNDAS COUNTY, 90 acre? cleared, good soil. UarK house, llama, four ontliulldinKH. Now occupied. S. K. Thorpe, Wll- llamsbur^, Ontario. 320 ACRKS. 75 Ct,'I>TlVATKI>, HAI, ance mostly light bush. Good house, b;mi, eaulpraentj HtocU. feed; on Ti.'ins-Cnnnd:i HiKh\v:i> and on Ijako. Kcnrrd: suitable mixed f.-u minm elfin- lillc: fifti'di dollars prr tirrr. Mv-. l>on Ilick- nall, Waliisoon, P.O., Out. ML'MCAI, MKXTS ASK Yorn moAUCR FOR DENNJS guaranteed suitors, or write A. Dennis A Company, 381 Nairn Avenue. Winnipeg. _ mono Aii m.XON'S UKMMOY -- FOR NEOK- Ills anil RheumatlQ Pains. Thous- ands .intlsfied. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Klirin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. MAI.K HRI.l' WANTIOII M1JNT RRTWKKN' 20 AND CO ARB earning Thirty to Fifty dollar* weekly throughout Canada taking order* by appointment. Some prof- itable exclusive territories are now open possibly In your local- ity. Sales experience not nereii- sary. We help and train you. For information writ* Fuller finish Company. Sanfonl Avenue, H.'imiltiin. _ OI'M'-KII TO I1VVKNTOIIS \N OFFKIJ TO ICVI'TRY (\VIONTOR List of inveniiiinf! Mnrt full Infor- mnticn -cut free Thr Hamsny <'o.. RociRtoi-f-d, Pnlc-nl Mlornoys. !7J Hank Slrooi. Ottawa, Canada. OI-'KIC'K II'MU.XT UKBU1LT TYl'l; WRITERS. UIO tiiphones. Adding and Calculating Machines. Querantead like neir. Nitarlo Typewriter Co., 81 Ad* l'\ide Street \Vest. Toronto. IIIIIOI MATIC I'AIXS Iti:.\J) THIS EVK11Y Sl'FFKRlSR of Rheumatic Pains or Xeuritt* "hould try Olson's Remedy. Mun ro's DI-UR- Store, 33o Elgin. Ot- niwa. Postpaid $1.00. STAMPS KOIl S.VM! ST \MP COI,I,lcrTOP.S AM BREAK. MIK; up lurice collection at special ili^cinints. Free ci-o\vn colony cor 'nati(ti sot to approval applt* .ants. Rny 1'ennell. S6 Urock Avenue. Toronto. W \\TKH 1 Si-Ill SAFM si-;xn r.-MtTici'LAus AS TO 01- menslnns, prohahlp age and mim* of maker. Box !>8, 73 Adelaide W, Toronto. WOMEN SI-;i,L PAMIT^EX PRODUCTS IN \.nir home, territory and be In- dependent! Constant year round repent business assures you of sleadv profits. N'n better work nnywhcrs. \ped no experience to start. No limit to earnlnc possl- hilltios. Catalogue and Plan tell all no obligation. Fnmlloi, 571 St. Clemi'Mt. Montreal. W O MIO N U A \ T K O WANTKU: WOMEN TO DO HOMB sewltiR. Host pay. Postage pala en all work. Sent anywhere. Bontex Specialty Co., Rox 17. Chaso. ri.c. Play Safe! Send Your Films To Imperial For better results and faster ser- vice, li or 8 exposure films 2>c; re- prints 8 for 25c; both with free en- largement. Photographic Xma* Cards made from your own nega lives la 2 attractive stylos folder type with mounted picture 12 for $1.',!5; flat type with embossed mnrsln. 12 for SHc. No orders for less than six. Illllll . .Ill I'll.,!.. -.,-!.(., Station I Tnrnnlo ISSUE 47 '41

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