MAPPING BRITISH DRIVE INTO LIBYA StnrtSH THRUSTS Q BRITISH BASES AXIStASES The five prongs of Britain's sudden, lightning drive into Libya are shown on map above. Ameri- can equipment was in the van as British raced more than 80 miles into Italian territory close to long- besieged Tobruk. Great tank battle raged for ita possession. What Science Is Doing SEEDLESS WATERMELONS Dr. C. Y. Wong of Kwantung, China, has achieved the seedless watermelon. He worked naphtha- lone acetic acid, indole butyric acid, sulfanilamide and colchicine, all growth-producing substances, into a salve and with it smeared the pistils of watermelon flowers. Not all the watermelons pro- duced were seedless, but there was always a notable effect. Some- times the seeds were small, some- times there wee just bits of seed, sometimes there were the usual seeds but without hard coatings. Dr. Wong found that the seedless or almost seedless melons, though of the right size, were not as juicy as the ordinary kind. DIAMONDS AND WAR Diamonds are needed in the machine-tool industry. As a re- sult they figure in Anglo-Russian trade relations, and this because the Russian supply is greater th;in Russian industry can absorb. Now that Great Britain, the Un- ked States and Russia are work- ing together in an effort to beat Hiiler the demand for diamonds is met. Stones used to be ship- ped from Brazil to Europe via Lisbon by Italian airliners. The Brazilian supply has been corn- ered by American and British dealers and Axis funds have been frozen with the result that Ger- many is getting no more dia- monds. "CHERRY" "Cherry," a cow, is making his- tory at the British National In- stitute for Dairying. A pellet of synthetic hormone (diethystilboe- strol) was planteu beneath her skin, whereupon the fat in her milk went up 28.6 per cent. It is till going up, according to the last report. The hormone is cheap. It looks as if the proced- ure will be generally recommend- ed to dairy farmers to obtain richer milk for Great Britain. How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I keep baby's rubber toys in a sanitary condi- tion? A. Baby's rubber toys should be washed in a boracic acid solu- tion every day. They are usually in his mouth, so it is the wise plan to keep them sanitary. Q. How can I prevent sewing machine oil from spotting mater- ial? A. After oiling the sewing machine, it is well to sew through blotter, which will absorb any excess oil and thus prevent spot- ting any valuable material. Q. How can I have whiter clothes when laundering? A. Try slicing a lemon with the rind into the boiler of clothes. It will make the clothes beauti- fully white and remove stains from pocket handkerchiefs, under- wear, anil table linen. Q. How can I make a good stiff cner for dimity and organdie? A. Dissolve 2 ounces of gum arabic in I pint of hot water. Use 2 tableapoonfuls of this solution In 2 quarts of water. It gives body to the goods without ap- pearing starchy. Q. How can I prepare can- died apples? A. Make a syrup by cooking one cup of water and one cup of sugar together. Select small apples and let- them cook slowly in the syrup until soft. Drain, sprinkle with stignr, and leave to dry. World's Record One day within the last month, no less than 5,931 tons of bulk grain were discharged from a cer- tain vessel in the Port of London between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. It will scarcely be disputed that this was a phenomenal rate of out-turn, and a record which lias probably never been approach- ed at any port in any part of th world. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. When getting out of a taxi with an escort, should a woman open the door and get out first if she happens to sit nearest the door? 2. If there is a punch bowl at a dance and no one is there to serve it, should a girl serve her partner and then herself? 3. Should black-bodered sta- tionery be used by a person in mourning? 4. When introducing a man to a group of persons, is it all right to introduce him to them collec- tively? 5. Should one prepare only cold drinks at a meal when only cold food is served? 6. Is it obligatory to answer notes of sympathy that are writ- ten to an invalid ? An*wer* 1. No; she should wait and al- low her escort to open the door and then asist her. 2. No; th man should serve his partner, and then himself. 3. This U not necessary; plain white stationery is preferred. 4. No; introduce him to each person individually, but if possible, mention two or three names together. 5. No; serve both hot and cold drinks, as some of the guests might prefer a hot drink. 6. Yes; if the in- valid is too ill to answer them, some other member of the family should do so. Good Neighbor Aids Red Cross Recently a resident of Virginia, Minnesota, paid a visit to Winni- peg and on his return a railway official noted that there should be an adjustment on the price of hi ticket. The matter was re- ferred to Walter Dobbs, General Passenger Agent, Canadian Na- tional Railways, who quickly sent For quick relict from itchinl <>( ecem. pimpta*. |j> lte'i foot, KilM. K*M~. rohM nd otW .lcnllr , mitr.l nkin trouble*. OM fM-eUn. oouh4, ""- . liquiH D. D. D. Fre.oril.lion. 1-reM.l.M. .tminloM. S>otl Irritation Mid Quickly o pl"J l 'J itrKinl. Me uinl bottle pca'ti It. or ""?"'?,?*?!.; .our dmirit to.l. for I). U.l>. PRESOMrTION. out a money order to cover difference. A letter was received from the passenger by Mr. Dobba return- ing the money order, which had been endorsed back to the com- pany. His letter read: "We are returning to you C. N. Express Money Order N QQ 975474. We have signed this order and would thank you very much if you would hand this money to the Red Cross. Wishing for Britain a crushing victory against ita enemies." Mr. Dobbs passed the money order along to the local branch of the Red Cross Society. Higher and Lower Motorists driving east from Wendover, Utah, on U.S. 40-60 during daylight hours are asked to observe a speed limit of sixty miles an hour, Engineering News- Record points out. However, If they use the same stretch of high- way after dark, they will find the same signs reading fifty miles an hour. Signs are so marked that a higher speed limit is shown by natural light than by automobile headlitrhts. SKILLED LABOR WANTED WE NEED THE MEN TO GIVE CHURCHILL THE TOOLS IF YOU ARE NOT ON WAR WORK YOU SHOULD BE V...-V WANTED AT ONCE: Tool Designers WHO ARE CAPABLE OP ASSUMING LEADERSHIP Experienced Tool Makers Machinists Fitters MACHINE OPERATORS on Horizontal Boring Machines, Turret and Engine Lathes, Milling Machines New Building. New Ma- chines. Best of Working Conditions. INTERVIEWS DAY OR NIGHT, SUNDAYS IN- CLUDED. Applications not considered from those now on war work. Canadian General Electric Company Peterborough, Ont. HAVE - YOU HEARD? Recently a Canadian editor wa in a gun plant where extremely fine tooling operations were being carried on. "What are your tolerances on this job?" be asked a man at lathe. "One five thousandth of an inch," replied the workman. The figure conveyed little to the editor. He asked, "How fine is that?" The workman, too, seemed puzzled. He called to his neigh- bor on the next machine: "Bill, how many five thousandths are there in an inch?" Bill scratched his head. "Gee, I don't know. But there must be millions of them." An English paper publisbei tliis advertisement! "For tale: Baker'* busi- ness; good trade; large ovent present owner been in it for seven years; good reason* for leaving." Distrusting all mankind, and banks in particular, Ellen kept her savings in her room. But Cupid was too much for her at last, and she agreed to marry the local butcher. She asked her mistress: "What's the beat way to put my money in the bank?" "But I thought you didn't trust banks," exclaimed her employer. "No more I do, mum. But It'll be safer in the bank than in the house with a strange man about!" Visitor: "Well, young man, jnst what do you do on this submarine?" Fed-up Sailor: "Madam, it's my duty to run forward and hold her nose whenever we dive." The energetic salesman walked into the factory and sought and obtained an interview with the superintendent. "Look here, sir!" he began. "I'd like to speak to some of your men and try to sell them my correspondence course on how to put fire and sparkle into their work." The superintendent, turned pale: "Get out of here," he roared, "this factory is working on a de- fence order making shells !" Small Girl (to seven-year- old friend): "Oh. I think you're lots better looking than your daddy." OIL ROYALTIES Pay 25 to 30 Percent per year jn the Invented Capital. Cheque each month from Trut Com- pany on Production. Inquiries Invttrd prrlnlnla* to Mil. plan. 14 years IB bulne RE1LLY INVESTMENTS !0 Adelaide Street TORONTO Boy (true child of the motor era)t "Well, I ought* be I'm a later model." Forced to put on his brakes suddenly, the driver of the sport* car found it shooting crab-wiae across the road, just missing a lamp-post before it stopped. Up strolled a policeman. "Well," he remarked genially, "you got a nice skid there, air." "Pardon me, officer," was the haughty reply, "this lady i my wife." Animal trainers agree Uiat the female of all species are easier to train than the male. Churchill's Message To Libyan Forces Follow I* Is bh text ot ttie message Prime Minister Churc- hill sent the British force* in Africa when the Libyan of- fensive was launched: "I have It In command from the Kin* to express to al! ranks of the. army and the Roy- al Air Force In the western desert and to the Mediterran- ean fleet His Majesty'* confi- dence that they will do the-lr duty with exemplary devotion In the supremely Important battle which lies before them. "For the first time British ind Empire troops will meet the Germans with ample equipment In modern weapons of all kinds. The battle Itself will affect the whole course of the war. Now is the time to strike- the nardeet hlow yet struck for final vic- tory, home and freedom. The Jesert army may add a page b history which will rank wlUi Blenheim and with Waterloo. "The eye* ot all nations are upon you. All our hearti are with you. May God uphold the .-ight." Rainbow tints of an opal are) iut in the stone itself, says a mu- seum gem curator, who explains that light transmitted through a opal shows its true color to be) gray or orange or flatly color- less. Mate's Flatting Plants ami WanMp 29 NOW AVAILABLE ^^^i - MA.t UH4*nl ^TWM* r*CWS*B , WtJSWt Ma ! M * a^^f^^ V" ^nrf ,, ^H,H*.V. IMW* 1MV - * * * For eacb picture deairaa. nd aompleto "Crawa Brand" labvi, wlUs rour nun* and addr*u and :be aani* o{ tfa* plctur* you want wrlt- t*n on tb* back. Address Dept J If. Tb Canada 9trch Company ..Id.. * Wtlllng- ton St. . , Toronto HONEY Prompt payment promised for ihipmcnt* of light honey. Send sample* and estimate of quan- tity to MacFEETERS CREAMERY 52 Jarvis St. - Toronto ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... BABY THICK* WE'VB STILL SOME PULLETS. retdjr to lay and sr* hatching wskly. Order now for December dellrery chicks. Wide choice of breedi. Bray Hatchery. 130 John St. V.. Knmtlton. Ont. _ BIRTH CONTIlOIj BIRTH CONTROL. SOME TNTWR- stlnir facts about. Send ten centi for Booklet. Hyirlene Company. Box 91. Station F. Toronto. On- tnrln. BATCHERS' MACHIVKS FACTORY REPTTI^TS, ALL MASKS. price* low. easy terms. Write for full particulars. Berkel Product* Ltd.. 533-535 Collesr* Street, To- ronto. CARS. NEW AMI I'SKD MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD. Toronto's oldest Chrysler. Plym- outh dealers; three locations. 8,1! Mt Plensnnt Road. 2040 Yonfre St., 18SO Panforth Avenue. Our Fsod Cnrs ninke us mnnv friend." COMPLETE or-mr DOUBLE BKn SIZE. INCLl'PKS beautiful washfnst Prints and Broadcloth p.-itches, full sited butt. 700 yd. spool, excellent white sewlns thrend. enough fac- tory cotton for backing quilt .11 for $1.7?. postage (Ontirlo> Sic. Buy for yourself, nlso ex- cellent for sift. Textile .lohhors, Pept. W., MS Queen W.. Toronto. FARM KOU SA1.R Too ACRES. GOOD LOCALITY. good land and buildings. flowing well and creek. H mile from hlRh- way 26. near Bnrrle. For particu- lars. apply Oeorsre Pain. Anten Mills, Ontario. DOMKSTIC in-i.i- W,V>TTRD OOOD COOK FOR ORNERAI. house work, live, In. Other help kept. Mrs. Cnssels. 24 Thornwood Koad. Toronto. DISTRIBUTORS~WANTED~ TO SRLF, KAHMBRS. TR \CTOR or Farm Implement Dealers a timely i>*Halty item. Rox 71, 73 ft Street West. Toronto. I;AM>I.I\R PAIRBANKS-MOHSR H. P. Gas- oline Engine. Type Z. IB Koort running order. Priced to- .sell at .T. H McCaw. Bnr>l. HAIBDHESSISrd 9CHOO1. L a A R N .H.MRDRBSSINO TH Robertson Method. Information on request regarding fall , now beginning. Robertson's Hair- dressing' Academy, 1S7 Arenue Road, Toronto. IRfiAL J. N. LINDSAY. LAW OFFICE. CAP- Itol Theatre Building. St. Thomaa, Ontario, Special Department for farmers collections. MUSICAL INSTRVMENTS ASK YOfR DEALER FOR DENNIS guaranteed guitars, or writ* A. Dennis & Company, SSI Xalra Avenue. Winnipeg MALE HKI.P WANTED MEN BETWEEN 20 AND ARJJ earning Thirty to Fifty dollars weekly throughout Canada taklnz orders by appointment. Some prof- itable exclusive territories ar now open possibly In your local- ity. Sales pxperltnr not necM- sary. We help and train you. For Information write Fuller Brush Company, Sanford Avenne, Hiimllton. MEDICAt. GOOD ADVICE! EVERT S er of Rheumatic Pnlns or Neur- itis should try Dlxon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. !J5 Klgrln. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVKRY IWENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free The Ramsay Co.. Registered. Patent Attorneys. 171 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada PIANO I.KSXON* l.RARN TO PLAY TUB PI \NO Personal Instructions DIRECT Til YOPR HOME by Canada's foremost modern Instructor. SIMPLIFIED POPI'LAR COI T I?SE now featured nt SPECIAL CHRISTMAS IJATK. Vor full par- MouPira tt'rlt** n t once Corres- ponclencft. Cnn-*rviitory of Muslo, 22 McCid Si . Toronto. OFFICE! EQVIPMKJTT REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Dic- taphones. Adding and Calculating Machines. Guaranteed Hk new. Ontario Typewriter Co.. SI Ad- Islde Street West. Toronto. STAMPS FOR AI.P! STAMP COLLECTORS. AM BRRAK. Inn up large collection at special diHcounta. Free crown colon* coronation set to approval ipplf- runts. Roy Pennell, S64 Brock Avenue, Toronto. RHEUMATIC Sl'FKFHKRS IT'S IMPORTANT EVERY S ferer of Rheumatic Pnlns or Neuritis should try Dlxon's Rm- ily. Munro'a r>rusr Store. "I niiRtn. Ottnwn. PostpnM 11. no. _ TUUKKYS _ WKl.L DEVEI.OPED RANGE RA18- d Exhibition Narrasransett tur keys. Toms. $8.00; nous. < U. Sanderson. Dunnvllle, Ontario. STAMMFIHUH WH CORRECT STAMMERING OH \"No Cur* No Pay" baais. Writ* urum Speech Clinic, Orton, Ont, WANTED VEU AFK SEND PARTICULARS AS TO DI- meriBlons, probable aee and iinm* pf maker. Box !>8, 7S AdclaldB W, Toronto. Piny Safe! Send Your FUmi To Imperial For better results and faster sr- r\<. t or i exposure film* ZRc: r> prints 8 for 25c: both with free e- fareement. Photographic Xmas Cards mad* from your own negatives t attractive styles folder type with mounted picture 11 for II 2i| flat type with embossed margin, 11 for S9c. No order* for Itsa than Ix. Imperial Photo <erTl<- Station .1. Toronto Thera are more than 2,500.009 bicycles in use in Sweden, or fiv for every 12 inhabitants. ISSUE 49 '41 :