THE FL1SHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, December 31, 1941 t- * t 4 OUR BEST I WISHES To Our Friends and Patrons: We sincerely thank you for your patron- age of the pasts and hope we can be of fur- ther service during 1942- We wish you all the best of health' happiness and success throughout the coming year. 0. W. Phillips & Son M HI 1 1 1 1 III t >** > I *** MM 1 1 1 1 1 I > H >>* mini ***f *'* MI 1 1 n n M it* " * C 4" V Sincere Appreciation Even though the past year has been one of trouble and anxiety, the New Year is htre and we want to express our sincere apprecia- tion of your friendship toward us, and to wish you and yours the very best- We sincerely hope that 1942 will be much brighter for us all. F. W. DUNCAN ! : HARDWARE FLESHERTON ' ' "~ :"- r~ f\ * 4' Our Appreciation As manager of the Osprey & Artemesia Co- operative Store, I wish to thank the citizens of this district and our many friends and customers, for the increasing business we have enjoyed during 1941. It has been a pleasure to serve you. We have tried to give you the best service and quality that was was possible to give. I take this opportunity to thank you one and all and to wish you a most Prosperous and Happy New Year and an abundant life throughout I y 42. JOHN McWILLlAM O. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON >****<*** **+******+** !* tl* . 4 * Happy New Year Thanks for all the times you've given us a chance to help you. We're happiest when we know we can be of some service to you. Wishing you all a Happy New Year- over- flowing with the good things of life. On and after this date the Creamery will remain closed Saturday Nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. ! : Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager fr SWINTON PARK (Intended for Last Wek) Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hardy and Shirley motored to Toronto Sunday and will spend Christmas week there Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell spen* the week end in Toronto. Miss Ethel Campbell of Queen's University, Kingston, is spending Christmas holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mn. Neil Campbell. Quite a large crowd gathered in the hall Friday evening for the Christmas concert. A splendid pro- gram was given by the children. The quilt made by the school child- ren, on which they sold over S18 of tickets, was given to the Christmas cheer fund for British children. Mrs. McCannell won the quilt. Santa Claus came, to wind up a very happy evening for the children. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Fred Knox. Officers for 194B were elected: President, Mrs. R. Hardy; Secretary, Mrs. N. Campbell; Treasurer, Mrs. Walter Knox. The treasurer reported a very successful year in 1941, when a sum of $315 was raised by the Society. Miss Irma Dingwall is spending Christmas holidays at her home t Hopeville. Miss Marjory McLeod, R.N., of th e Durham hospital staff is spending a few holidays at her home. Mr. Everette Martin has returned home, having spent the past few months with the Hydro at Port Elgin. PR1CEVILLE The December meeting of the W M.S. and W. A. of St. Columba was held at the home of Mrs. R. H. Mc- Conkey on Dec. 17th. Rev. Mr. Bell- smith conducted the election of offic- ers for the w. A. which resulted as follows: President 'Mrs. Wm. Meads. Vice-Pres. Mrs. Bellsmith. Secretary Mss. W. Frooke. Treasurer Mrs. Ritchie. Cor. Sec. Mrs. J. Harrison. The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt. The W. A. planned to have a crokin- ole and social shortly. Our sympathy is extended U Mrs. Aldcorn and Mrs. Jos. McKee in the death of their brother, Charles Mc- Kmnon. who was buried last Friday in Durham. Congratulations to Mr. Hermie McLean and Miss Mary Aldcorn (of Regina) who were married on Dec. 25th in Toronto. Miss Mabel Parslow is visiting her brothers. Bob and Dick, on the Old Durham Road. Visitors home for Christmas were: Winnifred and Ross McConkey, Ail- een Karstedt, Anna, Catherine and John McVicar, Shirley Campbell, Margaret and Jack McArthur, Tom, Walter, Neil and Donald Aldcom, Jean Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Don Reiley. Walter, Bill, John and Mike Sauchuck all visited at their respective homes. Mrs. C. Ramsdell of New York is visiting her brother, John Stothart. Miss Anna Shortreed visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Short reed at Pickering. CEYLON (Intended for last Week' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Miss Mary McDonald is spending the Christmas-New Year recess at her home near Aurora. Mrs. George Fisher is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Victor Hall, Sudbury. Mrs. W. Carnahan of Toronto vis- ited on Saturday with Mrs. Anna McMillan. Miss Marion Muir, Warkworth, is spending the Christmas-New Year recess at the hon\e of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. LADY BANK Happy New Year to all. Sgron. Frank D. Graham, R.C.C.S.. of Debert, N.S., and Mrs. Graham spent a day last week with the for- mer's brother, Mr John Graham, wife and family and called on rela- tives in Flesherton. Mr. Basil McConnell of Flesherton and Mr. Joe Cooper spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple. We are sorry to learn of the ill- ness of Mrs. "Win. Seinple, who was stricken with a heart attack Christ- mas day. The doctor had to be called and she is recovering nicely at present. Those attending Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seinple were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Semple and three little arirls of Eugenia aid Mrs. S. Sutton of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson and Donald spent Christmas with the Litter's parents. Mr. an<l Mr*. Jas. Sayevs, townline, Collingwood. 8TH LINE OSPREY Once again the joyous feast of Christmas has passed on, but let us keep the spirit throughout the year. Pte. Jack Courvoisier of Dromore, who is stationed at Petawawa, visited his niece, Miss Marjory Courvoisier, here on Friday last. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hanley of New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt and George of Rock Mills and Miss Mar- jory Stewart of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Somers of Fern Glen and Mr. Vernon Somers of Guelph spent the holiday at the par- ental home. Mr. Alvin Campbell of Collingwood visited on this line on Christmas day. Miss Evelyn Hale of Badjsros spent the week end at her home. Mr. Roy Helmkay of the R.C.A-F. at Ottawa spent a few days at the H-anley home, returning to Ottawa on Tuesday, where h takes part i the Churchill ceremonies, being a member of the band in attendance. Mr. Walter Saijeon spent Christ- mas with his son, George, and fam- ily at Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Somers of Fern Glen, spent Friday with friends at Orangeville and Orton. Mrs. Wm. Hanley is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Akitt, at Rock Mills. Gospel Workers' Church Fevenham, Ont. Rev. C. Mc.Vk-hol. Pastor Feversham Appointment Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11. Sunday Evening Service 7.30. Olivet Appointment Service at 3 p.m. Flesherton United Church REV. G. K. MCMILLAN, BJL, BJD. Minister 11.00 a.m. Worship, Flesherton 12.00 ajn. Sunday School, Fleshcrton 2.00 p.m. Sunday School, Ceylon 2.30 p.m. Worship, Ceylon 7.30 p.m. Vesper Service, Flesherton The service in St. John's church next Sunday morning will be related to the request f our government that we begin the New Year ,with special prayer for the nation. You are cor- dially invited to join ii remmbnns that "Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord." At the evening service Mr Mc- Millan will take as his subject ' A Cur for our Pessimism." Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER, 3.D., D.D. Minister SUNDAY SERVICES OF WORSHIP JANUARY 4th, 1942 11 a.m. Eugenia. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell. Notes: There will be no service of worship at Mt. Zion next Sunday afternoon. A Watchnight Service will be held in Eugenia church on New Year's Eve, Wednesday, Dec. 3-1, commenc- ing at 11 p.m. The annual congregational meet- ing, to dispose of the business of the year ending Dec. 31st, is set for Friday, Jan. 2nd, at 2 p.m., in the church at Wareham. During the first month of the new year. Maxwell charge will aim at meeting in full the allotment request- ed of our four congregations for the missionary and benevolent work of our church for the year 1941. The amount assigned to this charge is $150 o r approximately 2 CENTS per week per family. One month only, until January 31st. remains in which to complete and remit our allocation. This note is written with the hope that, as far as possible, every mem- ber and department of our congrega- tion will co-operate in a practical wav with the minister in this effort FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS B ' PTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys, Pastor ROCK MILLS SERVICES Sunday School 2 p.m. Church Service 3 p.m. FLESHERTON SERVICES Church Service 11 a.m. Sundav School 12 o'clock PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVERSHAM Rev. R. Forbes Thomson, B.A. Minister Evening Service at 7.30 Toronto has had 100 traffic deaths so far this year. That is 28 more than during 11)40. It is not good for man to keep too much to himself, states a pyscholo- gist. The income tax authorities evidently share this view PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Frank MacArthur of Collingwood and Mr. Bert Hopps of Sudbury spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Hoppa. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum of Toronto ate their Christmas dinner with C. D. Meldrum and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lougheed spent the festive season with their daughters in Brampton and Mr. and Mrs. John Lougheed spent Christ mas with Mrs. Lougheed's par-nts at Claremont. Mr. John Little is spending- a few days with his daughter, Mrs. R. Kelly, in Toronto. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 23, a group of friends 'gathered in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, to spend a few boon with Pte. Wildon Lough- eed, wh is home on a few days leave from Rd Deer, Alta. During the evening Wildon was presented with a handsome wrist watch, the address was read by Mrs. Emerson Wright and the presentation made by Wilbert Fisher. Wi'don replied in a few well chosen wordz, ar 1 all joined in singing "For he's a jolly goodfellow." Lunch was then seiv- ed and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce wer-*: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyce and family of Mark- dale, Mrs. Art Wilson *nd family of Wareham, Mrs. A. Slater and on, Wayne, Florence and Geo Boyce o^ Toronto, Mr. and MM. Clarence Londry and iPatsy of the Valley, Mr. and Mrs. L. Fisher and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft and girl? and Lewis Boyce, their *on of Ar- raid, Sask., who has not bejn home for 17 years. Old friends and neigh- bors gathered in the Boy? home on Christmas nig-ht and spent a very joyful time with their family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn and Mabel spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. WJ^Aackburn, Saugeen Junction, ^fjf^ Mr. and Mrs. John McKee and Sadie entertained a number of their friends on Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor and Mr and Mrs. W. J. Chard and family had Christmas with Mr. and Mr- Ln&lie Chard. Mrs. Roy McMullen of K^mberloy spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shier. R>/ joined the family for the Christmas holiday. Mr. Archie Fisher of Peteiboro spent a few days with his brothers, Harry and Robert, and his sister, Mrs. Jas. Pedlar. Miss Mabel Blackburn of Toronto spent the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedltr enjoy- ed their Christmas in the hm f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Flesh- erton, with other members of the Winters family. Mr. Roy Lyons attendei the wedd- ing of his niece, VI* ?s Amanda Fisher, who was mar-iec 1 to Mr. Wes Stephenson in Guelph on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar ar.d daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. joined the Fishor family on Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt, Mt Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton mot- ored to Dundalk to Stanley's par- ents for their Christmas dinner and was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Patton. Two Italian generals are reported killed in Russia. They must have been bagged by guerilla troops work- ing far behind the Nazi front line. SUPERIOR STORE To Our Friends and Customers As the present year draws to a close we would like to take this opportunity of thank- ing the people of Flesherton and the sur- rounding district for the generous patronage with which we have been favored- We have enjoyed doing business with you and shall appreciate a continuance of your good will and custom. HAPPY NEW YEAR C. J. KENNEDY We Deliver. Flesherton, Ont New Year Greetings To Our Customers: As another year draws to a close, we express our gratitude for your co-operation and con- fidence in us, in this time of increasingly difficult operation of commercial activities due to the necessities of War, to which we must all conform and give first place. We also take this opportunity to wish you Health and Happiness, Peace and Prosperity in the coming year. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON