Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, December 31, 1941 THE FLESHERTJON ADVANCE 7 GREETINGS At this season of the year we pause to thank our patrons for their assistance in the pursuit of our business and to wish them all a Happy and Prosperous New Year Down & Boyd * ROCK^NIILLS A Happy New Year to all. The Rock Mills war workers will meet at the home of Mrs. Walter Akitt on Thursday, Jan. 8th at one o'clock. Miss Hilda Belts of Fergus and Mr. Arthur Belts of Toronto spent Christmas at Iheir parental home. Miss Marjorie Phillips of Toronto is spending the Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Phillips. Mrs. Chas. Newell had the misfor- tune lo cut her rigtot hand severely with a sharp butcher knife on Tues- day of last week. SJie was taken at once to Markdale, the wound was dressed. The hand is doing nicely, but il will be some lime before she has the use of it again. Mr. Fred 1 ';.<!.> of Toronto was a visitor over the holiday at his par- ental home. Mr. Lawrence Phillips of Owen Sound spent Christmas at his par- ental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Best of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeter and babe of Vandeleur spent Christ- mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Walter Russell. A jolly Christmas gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell, when over thirty sat down to a fowl dinner. Friends were present from Durham, Varney, To- ronto and Markdale. The beautiful Christmas tree was unloaded during the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Newell were presented with many beautiful Christmas gifts from their friends. A presentalion was held for Bob Clark of the R.C.A.F. on Friday night at the Eugenia hall, when he was presented with a beautiful wrist watch. A large crowd was present and enjoyed the music and dancing which followed. Mrs. Susan Doupe of Saugeen Jet. spent Christmas day with her broth- **********+< ***+++++*++*-H">****+***' PUBLIC MEETING ; ; W. R. REEK Deputy Minister of Agriculture for ', ', Ontario, will address a meeting of the farmers of i Grey County at a public meeting in OWEN SOUND il Tuesday, January 6th to commence at 2 p-m. Mr. Reek will speak on "THE CHALLENGE OF ; AGRICULTURE" in regard to the war effort. J-lvery farmer is invited to come. ,++*<.+*f *+**>****+****+*+****++** re, Mr, Wm. H&wkins, and Mrs. Hawkins. .,.,._ ^ j;^ Mr. J. A. Foster and Sadie spent Christmas with relatives in Toronto. MAXWELL A well attended miscellaneous shower was held in the Orange Hall on ivlonduy, Dec. 2Uth, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Morrison, who wore married in Toronto on Satur- day, Dec. 27th. A very pleasant afternoon was spent by the scholars of the United Church Sunday School on Saturday in the church hall. A social time was enjoyed, with games, treats and lunch. Holiday visitors in the community were: Misses Shirley and Merle Buckingham at the parental home; Miss Ruby Monaghan and Jack at their home; Bob and Charlie Winters with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winters; Fred and Jean Ross and Miss Vera Ferguson of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Ren Acheson and child- ren of Cheltenham at Geo. Ross's; Warren Priestley and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestley and Julia of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron of Owen Sound with Mr. and Mrs. R. Priestley Sr. Miss Ruth Mercer and Robert of Toronto spent- the holidays with their parents at the parsonage. With the curtailment of the sale of automobile tires and the an- nouncement of card rationing of gas- oline, it is quite evident that the use of motor cars will not be long on a voluntary basis. Future Events DANCE AT EUGENIA A dance will be held in the L.O.L. hall, Eugenia, on Wed., December 31, under the auspices of the L.O.L. Lunch served. Admission: 25c, lOc. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Dance the old year out $?< the new year in aj,. Ulf Fraternal Hall, Fleshe^toB, "Wed., December 31. Ad- ai'iJsion: 50 cents. BIG NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE In the Town Hall, Dundalk, Wed- nesday, Dec. 3lst. Music by Rubin Kirk and His Orchestra. Owen Sound's smartest dance band. Ad- mission: 50c. FEVERSHAM RUMMAGE SALE Boy Scouts of Feversham are hold- ing a rummage sale on Friday, Jan. 3, in the Orange Hall at 3 p.m. A variety of clean, useful clothing will be on sale, including boys' and girls' clothing, women's dresses and coats and men's overcoats *nd suits. All prices extremely reasonable. ~XK~XK<~x~;~x~XK~H^ Happy New Year to all our Customers and Frie . Local and Personal ; Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Little spent Christmas in Owen S uml. 4t Mrs. Geo. Stewart spent the past week in Brampton. t . * / . Mr. Clive Dolan of Toronto spent the week end with "his family. Miss Hattie McRae of Toronto spent the week end with her mother. Miss Genevieve Milne is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Heard spent a couple of days last week at the lat- ter's parental home at Orangeville. Mrs. J. A. Kernahan spent Christ- mas with her son, H. W. Kernahan, and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell and son of Toronto spent Christmas week end with relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisher and'little daughter spent Christmas in Owen Sound. Pte. Ben Leavell of the G. & S. Foresters, Debert, N.S., visited 'ith friends in town last week. Mrs. Bruce McDonald of Toronto holidayed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thistlethwaite. Mr. Ivan Henderson of Toronto spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. R. H. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard. MHligan and son, John, spent Christmas at Cookstown. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Caushier of Hagerstown, Md., arc visiting at the Alexander home at present. Rev. and Mrs. K. G. McMillan and Bruce spent Christmas at her par- ental home at Port Perry. Mr. Norman Tackaberry has re- turned to . Thombury as district rep- resentative of Farmers' Advocate. Pte. Robt. Whitehead of G. and S. Foresters, Debert, N.S., is home on furlough at present. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Helson of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. L. McCracken and fami.y. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fawcett and babe of Burlinjrton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hgzard. Mr. W. J. McMillan, who has been in the north, is spending a couple of weeks at his home in town. Mrs. F. J. Thurston is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. G. L. White, and other relatives at Aylmer. Mrs.' F. Irish and Miss Gertrude Irish spent the .past week with rela- tives in Toronto. L.A.C. Leslie Seeley of Sydney, N. S., spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seeley. Mrs. Kate Dow visited with Mrs. J. Sewell and family the first of the week. Miss Dorothy Pattou and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton of Toronto spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs. J. O. Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal spelt the past week with their parents, Dr. and MM. J. P. Ottewell and Mrs. Wilcock. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Best and Mr. and Mrs. Gurnet Teeter of To- ronto spent Christmas at their par- ental homes. VICTORIA CORNERS Another anniversary of the birth of the Christ child has passed, which announced "Peace on earth good will to men," and what a mockery. In some places yet we 'believe we do see mure of the good will among men Coming to our nation, which, when properly rooted will grow the plant of Peace. Christmas visitors In the district were: Jas. Bannotand Miss Dorothy Wallar of TorontOTt^nd Doris Ban- non of Queen's University at Milton Cannon's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow- ering (Ilia) of Toronto at J. H. Rich- ardson's; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gallagher and children of Wareham, Kingsley Gallagher of Collingwood and Jim Gallagher of Dundalk and the Jas. Batchelor family at Wilfred Gallagher's; the Talbot family at the old homestead at Wm. Talbot's. LJV.C. Jack Linton of Ottawa spent a few .days with his parent? and other relatives-. Those who spent Christmas else- where were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson and children at Mr. Bert Henderson's, Corbetton. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ferris and babe at Mr. Hawton's, Fevershany Mrs. Chas. Moore in .Toronto, Helen returned home with her for a we*>k; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and family with the latter's parents at East Linton. Mrs. Fenwick returned with them, spending a few days with her daughter; Walter Acheson* at the home of Vern Robinson. Bethel. Miss Maud Acheson is home after spending a couple of months at Berkeley. (Intended for Last Week) Merry Christmas to all our read- ers; for though there are sad hearts yet the birth of the Christ child and its anniversary is plenty for thanks- giving and happiness, and the soon- er the world realizes this, will we have peace, and real peace. We had a very enjoyable Christ- mas service on. Sunday at Inistioge. The four Patterson boys, Jimraie and Padl (Rdssell's sons) and Gerald and Douglas (Oscar's sons) though young, assisted the choir and sang a Christmas quartette. We see our future choir in the making. Mr. Kelley read a very interesting story of the Second Christmas. The Y.P.S. met last week at the home of Russell patterson. The first of the month was so warm and spring-like, Mrs. Jas. Linton picked a bouquet of garden daisies in her garden on Dec. 5th. Little Jackie Linton is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stinson. 10TH LINE OSPREY We are enjoying beautiful winter weather at time of writing. Mr. John Poole returned to his home on this line on Saturday, after spending a very pleasant Christmas with his sons in Collingwood. Christmas day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ottewell end daugh- ter were, Mrs. Ottewell's mother, Mrs Alex. Foster and nephew, Mr. John Flynn. Vandeleur; Mr. John Foster, Diiudalk; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fadden and children, Mr v and Mrs. John Smith and two daughters, Fever- sham; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and daughter and Mr. Geo. Foster of the -9th line. Osprey. Born On Friday, Dec. 26. 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mclnnfs of Etobicoke. formerly of Melntyre, a son. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Speer? and children of Banks were Christmas day visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hindle and dauehter. Miss Marie Fenwick and brother, Earl, spent Christmas with their sister. Mrs. J. Dohson. and fnmilv of th" 12t>, line. Small Ad. Column LOST Money between livery barn 'and R. Ferris' home, $5 in bills. Finder please notify this office. FOR SALE Number of White Rock pullets, ready to lay. Wm. Ess- land, Feversham, phone 6r33. . F. T. Hill & Co. Ltd >* t* THE MARKDALE, FRIENDLY STORE Ont, Cpl. George Loucks of the R.C.A.F. at Winnipeg spent the Christmas week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Thompson and children of Toronto spent Christ- mas t the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMillan. Among the Christinas visitors at their homes wore: Murie McKauhnie, Hob lU'llnmy, Ted McTuvish, Ted Uixon, all of Toronto, and Mervyn Johnson of Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. David Nicholl, Will and Margaret of Priceville spent Christmas with Mrs. John Cook. Mrs. Nii-holl remained with her daughter I for a week. Misses Irene and Oly MiDonnld, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pattoji, Mr. nd Mrs. Douglas McArthur and daugh- ter, Klaine, and Miss Edith Campbell, nil of Toronto, spent Chrivttiuia with Mr. nn<l Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Mnrvin Londry and Richard, and Lloyd Allen of George- town, Kev. nnd Mrs. Frank Hobbs and Gerald of Proton Station, Mr. iiml Mrs. Harold Allen, \nm\v. Ruth and Hrui-o, of Toronto spent Christ- inas with Mr. MIV I Mrs. Richard Allen. . SKATES FOR SALE Girls' tube skates, size 3, good condition. Apply at The Advance office. FOR SALE 2 Young cows due to freshen in January. Wilfred Magee, Eugenia. 29c2 FOR SALE Good driving mare or will exchange for heavy horse; also few cords of small hurdwood. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, phone 32rl2. LOST Purse containing $5 and some change around my garage. Finder please return to H. Sym- onds, South End Garage. 31p2 HIDES WANTED Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skins. F Eagles, Proton Station, R. R. 3, phone 41r3. FOR SALE Number of cows, also reg. Berkshire boar 18 mos. old, bacon type, choice animal. Sam Grummett, R. R. 1, Flesherton; phone Feversham llrlS. 31p2 FARM FOR SALE Lot. 164 - 166. Con. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, barn, out buildings and well. For particulars apply to Mrs. Susan Doupe, Proton, Ont. PIANOS Pianos and organs for sale, choice selections; pianos tun- ed and repaired. Satisfaction as- sured. Write J. C. Blackstone, 515 8th St. A. East. Phone 672. Owen Sound. 25p3 FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, larg lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andruw Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 82 r 4. FOR S\LE Cow to freshen early ir Jan.; Yorkshire sow and pigs; Sott double breeching team harn- ess; 2 setts single driving harness; good double driving sleighs, sett beam scales, 2 cutters.--R. Allen & Sons, phone 46r2l, Fleehertoii. FARM FOR SALE Fnrm, about 100 acre* more or less, with dwelling house and good building*, about 3 miles north of Feversham. For sale conditions ap- ply Elmore 0. Carr, Solicitor for Walter J. MHne Estate, Thornbunr FOR SALE Tube skates, size 6, boys, good as new. Enquire at The Advance office. LOGS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for logs and standing timber. Dundalk Saw MiU, phone No. 3, Dundalk. 26p6 FOR SALE "Corona" range cook stove in good condition, also kitch- en cupboard. Inquire from Gordon Invin, Flesherton R. R. 3. 30p2 WANTED Teacher of. Music qual- ified for High School work, grades 9 and 10, minimum qualifications: elementary vocal Type A, Depart- ment of Education. Apply immed- iately to Roy Piper, Secretary Flesh- erton High School Board. Ceylon, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 17, Con. 2. N. D. R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acre* more or loss, good wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at oni-e. air*. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arto- inesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a Dank barn 45x55, also a Inrge driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Job* Oliver or W. K. Meads, Prtwirte. Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47- BUSINESS CAKDS AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELEY See me about your auction Bale. AH sale* conducted on btuinem fife* ciples. Phone me at Fevenham 4rtt or make arrangement! at TW Flesherton Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Cell- ege. Phone: 91 day or night M . \KKli U.K. ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office Honre Afternoon*/ U to 4 Evening*. 7 U S.I*. Sundays and Thursday afternoon* fey appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 848, A.F. & A.M.. meets in th Fraternal Hall, h'losherton. the second Friday hi M* month. W.M.: J. S. McDermid; Sec- retary: C. J. Bellamy. 9 A.

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