Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1942, p. 5

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.* THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 7, 1942 *. '/* ' 1 r EUGENIA The annual congregational meet- ing will be held Monday evening, Jan, 12th, at 8 p.m., in the basement of the United church. All interest- ed will please attend. Friday evening of this week ser- vice will be held ' i the church. Rev. Thompson of Feversham will be the speaker. Everybody is urged to at- tend this service of prayer. Sunday, evening, Dec. 28th, the .Y.P.U. met ftf-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee with a good at- tendance. After the usual devo- tional exercises, the discussion per- iod was in charge of Mrs. Martin, who took as her topic "Christ, the First Missionary, His Life, etc." On .Sunday evening, Jan. 4th, the meet- ing was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe. Mrs. J. Cairns read a story on "Time." Miss Jean Proctor read a poem entitled "Time" and Mrs. C. Martin read a story "Following in Daddy's Footsteps." Several hymns were sung and the meeting closed with prayer. The next meeting will be held in the church on Wednesday evening of next week. Lunch will be served. On New Year's Eve a watch-night service was held in the church. Rev. Dr. Mercer gave a fine address. Pte. and Mrs. "Mike" Rowe (nee Evelyn Campbell) who were marrie in Toronto Tuesday morning, Dec. 23rd, spent a couple of days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. We extend our congratulations to these newly-weds. We are sorry to report that Mr. Fred Jamieson is not enjoying very good health at present. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Roy McMillan is home from Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell park and Boy and Mrs. W. Sloan of Flesher- ton visited on Sunday with Mrs Park and Marge. Mrs. May Scilley and little daup 1 ter, Hazel, spent a few days with Mrs. Roy MacMillan the past week. Trooper Jack Park of the Tank Corps, Chstham, spent New Year's leave at his home here. Miss Marjory Taylor has return- ed to her teaching duties here, after holidaying at her home in Palm- erston. Miss Irene Martin has returned to her school at Islington and ,Miss Dorotsy Jamieson to her school at Lake Rosseau. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park and <Jwen have returned to London, after spending the past two weeks at their home here. Miss Winneta Martin has returned to Toronto to her position there. Little Miss Shirley Cairns has re- turned home, after spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Porteous, 8th line. Mr Jim Harrison of Toronto visit- ed on Sunday at the Baker and Mar- tin homes. (Intended for Last Week) Miss Jean Phillips of Erindale was home for Christmas, returning to her position again on Sunday. Mr. Silas Haney of Paisley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haney. Miss Marjorie Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson of Toronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDonald and little daughter of Toronto and Miss Lucy McDonald of Victoria Corners were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDonald. Mr. Dorlaad Campbell of Acton visited at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge, Edna and Shirley of Rock Mills were re- cent visitors at the Martin home. Misses Violet and Reta Duckett of Maxwell visited with the Martin girls. Mr. Roy MacMillan of Oakville visited over Christmas with his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker spent Christmas with Kimberley and Heathcote friends. ROCK MILLS t """"' Mrs. Emily Croft died on Wed- nesday, Dec. 3lst, 1941, at the home of her son, Edward Croft in her 78th year. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, Jan. 2nd. Inter- ment was made in Maxwell ceme- tery. Our sincere sympathy is ex- tended to the family in their ber- eavement. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Warl ; ng of Bartonville, and son, Elmer, of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Merron Croft of Hamilton returned to their homes on Saturday, after spending a couple of days here and attend- ing the funeral of their mother, late Mrs. E. Croft. The annual meeting of the rate- payers of S. S. No. 17, Artemesia, was held Wednesday forenoon, Dec. aist, in the school house, with a very small attendance The new trustee is Mr. G. Helmkay. Art Porteous received the caretaking again at an increase in salary. Frank Betts was re-appointed as secretary-treasurer and also receiv- ed an increase in salary. Earl Rus- sell received the contract for sup- plying the cedar at $1.26 a cord, while the contract for 22 cords cf green wood will be let by tender. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell visit- ed over New Year's with their fam- ily in Toronto. The Furniture Company is getting a nice stock of logs. They have come in faster the past week or two, now that the road* are frozen. , VICTORIA CORNERS Christmas and New Year holidays are over and we certainly had very good weather. Just enough storm to make s appreciate the good times. We wish the editor and staff and all the readers a prosperous and useful New Year. Miss Ruth Richardson of Toronto visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richardson, for a few days. Mrs. Will Acheson, who has bi on the sick list, .is improving. The Y.P.S. held their usual New Year's social evening at the home Gertrude Montgomery last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson spent a few days in Toronto last week. MAXWELL Visitors over the holiday season at the Duckett home were: Cpl. Wm. Bates of Debert, N.S., Miss Carmel Martin of Toronto and Pte. Stanley Love of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spilker of Shelburne spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Lev! Duckett. Outdoor electric signs are to be banned in Quebec. Soon only the citizens themselves will be able to get lit up. Money Talks Deliver Your Cream to the creamery and receive more money Fksherton Creamery ft Produce CY Phone <t Angus Avis, Manager CENTRE LINE Very frosty and stormy weather this Monday. The roads are icy making it difficult to get out the vote. Ptes. Victor Oflborne and Joseph Little left on Monday morning for Camp Debert, NJ3., after spending a busy and enjoyable two weeks with their many friends around home. Mrs. Florence Lyons and Jean re- turned home last week, after spend- ing a few days with friends at Drayton and Guelph. While away they attended the wedding of Mia.-, Amanda Fisher to Mr. Wes Steph enson at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. G. Little and Joe spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Russell White, Saugeen Jet. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne and Victor, Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Inez spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Mae Cudmore and Kenneth. Miss Gertrude Little of Toronto spent a few days at her home here at New Year's. Mr. Albert Wilkinson and Hazel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs George Wilkinson. Mrs. Robt. Ostoorne, John and Vic- tor spent a day last week with Mr and Mrs. Sam Osborne near Mark- dale. Mr. Garfield Lyons visited for a few days with his cousin, Harvey Jamieson, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Garfleld Buckton of Owen Sound and sons, Ptes. Stanley and Roy of the G. & S. Foresters, visited at New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Buckton and Doreen. The West Group of Wareham Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Oaborne last Tuesday afternoon and cut quilt patches. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mrs. Gallagher on Thursday. EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Idle enter- tained a few of their friends on Saturday evening, it being theii wedding anniversary. Mrs. Len Haines spent a couple of days with Mrs. Charlie Sheridan of Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Hary Rawlings and family spent New Year's with Mr. Jim Rawlings and sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Thompson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellis on New Year's. Messrs. Geo. Haines and Harry Hervonen spent a few days on this line prior to their leaving to train early in January. (Intended for Last Week) Holiday visitors with friends here were: ,Mr. and |Mrs. T. Ferguson and children of Kimberley with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smart; Miss Dorothy Genoe, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompson, Clarksburg, at (Harry Thompson's; Ethel Rawlings, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rawlings. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens of Kimtberley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle. Mr. Len Haines of Toronto and Gordon McMullen of Baysvilie spent a few days at their homes her". Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gamoe and Dorothy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKechnie at Priceville. Messrs. Jas. and Ralph Harbottle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hai- bottle at Union. ORANGE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill and children visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boyd, Blantyre. Mrs. Aaron Teeter spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Irving visited for a few days with friends east of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Coburn and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Coburn on the 10th Con. of Glenelg. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Littlejohns. There waa a good attendance at the school meeting on Wednes- day. Mr. John Hatton was appoint- ed to take Mr. L. Whitehead's place on the School Board. Mr. White- head had resigned, owing to leaving the section. Mr. Aaron Teeter was sustained for another year. The caretaking was let to Mrs. C. Gilchrist for $98. The wood will be let by tender. Miss M. Stocks has resumed her duties as teacher, after spending her vacation at Dandalk. Inspector G. E. Pentlsnd visited <mr school this week. As yet, the German* have not tost the war in Russia. But history do repeat Itself. Given the same set of circumstance i. the s*me result may be expected. KIMBERLEY Aircraftman Jack Graham of St. Thomas spent the week end at his home here. Mr. Stan Lawrence of Larder Lake visited relatives here -during the week. Miss Dunita Lawrence returned to Oshawa on Friday, where she will attend the wedding on Saturday of her cousin, Verda Taylor. An unintentional omission was made in the report of the Christmas tree of Miss M. Weller, who had a most important part in training the pupils for the concert. Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle entertained a number of friends on Saturday evening, their fifth wedding anni- versary. Dan Graham had the misfortune of upsetting his truck loaded with logs near Chatsworth, due to a truck on the wrong place and the icy condition of the road. We are glad to say he escaped injury, only a scratch, but the cab of the truck was smashed. Misses Kathleen and Dorothy Fawcett spent a week at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fawcett. (Intended for Last Week) Miss Dunita Lawrence of Oshawa spent the holidays with her parents Congratulations to Miss Ruby Shirden and Mr. Lee Weber, who were recently married. Mr. Wilber Ellis and Miss Joy Ellis spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Boss Ellis at Rocklyn. Pte. Reg Fawcett of Sask. spent Christmas with Kimberley friends, as also did Guard Ezra Fawcett. Mrs. A. E. Myles, Miss Ruth and friend of Durham spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Myles. Mr. Norman Buchanan of Toronto is having two weeks holidays with his parents at the parsonage. Miss Thelma Ellis of Toronto is spending the holidays with her par- ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Saunders and baby, Murray, visited in the holi- days with Mr. R. H. Stafford and family. Gospel Workers' Church Feversham, Ont. Rev. C. McNichol, raster Feversham Appointment Sunday School 10 a.m. Sunday Morning Service 11. Sunday Evening Service 7.30. Olivet Appointment Service at 3 p.m. Flesherton United Church REV. G. K. MCMILLAN, B.A.. BJX Minister 11.00 a.m. Worship, Flesherton 12.00 a.m. Sunday School, Flesherton 2.00 p.m. Sunday School, Ceylon 2.30 p.m. Worship, Ceylon 7.30 p.m. Vesper Service, Flesherton Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER. BJ), DJ>. Minister SUNDAY SERVICES OF WORSHIP JANUARY 4th, 1942 11 a.m. Eugenia. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell. SUNDAY, JANUARY 11, 1942 Services of Worship Notes; The service at Wareham on January llth will be withdrawn. The minister will begin with next Sunday a series of sermons on the general theme: "Great Questions o the Bible." Let us make 1942 a church-going year. In the observance of a special week of prayer, services will be held Thursday, Jan. 8th, in Maxwell United Church, with Rev. C. Mc- Nichol as speaker; aid Friday, Jan. 9th, in the Eugenia Church, Rev. R. Forbes Thompson, B.A., to give the address. Everybody welcome. Annual Congregational Meetings Eugenia, Monday, Jan. 12, 8 p.m. Maxwell, Thursday, Jan. 15 8 p.m. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS B ' PTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys, Pastbr ROCK MILLS SERVICES Sunday School 2 p.m. Church Service 3 p.m. FLESHERTON SERVICES Church Service 11 a.m. Sunday School 12 o'clock PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVBRSBLAM ROT. R. Forbes Thmnon, B.A. Mtabtar Service at 7.49. Instead of grouching, accept cheer- fully restrictions placed by the Gov- ernment upon your personal freedom Renumber it is only for the duration o your life and for untold genera- tions thereafter. __CEYLON_ Miss Jean Chapman of Toronto spent New Year's week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Miss Marion Muir, teacher at Wark- worth, and her two nieces, Ruth Huston and Marion McLeod, of Oshawa accompanied Miss Chapman when returning Sunday. Mr. Grant Muir spent a couple of days in Durham last week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Porter of To- ronto spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDermid. Miss Mable Parslow and Cathar- ine Cairns have returned to their schools in Toronto. Mf. Bill Cairns accompanied them to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes have returned to Toronto, after visiting at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. John Plester. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Muir and Kenneth were in Toronto last week. Miss Frances returned Tuesday from Toronto. Miss Janet Campbell has returned after spending the Christmas vaca- tion at her home at Hopeville. A. C. 2 Dick Stewart of St. Hub- ert, Quebec, is spending his 19-day leave at his home here and at pre- sent is visiting in Toronto. Mr. Wm. Kirk, Berkeley, visited his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Muir, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnott of Dur- ham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe. Miss Minnie Swanton of Vande- leur and Miss Mary McDonald of Aurora have returned to their teach- ing duties at Ceylon and Stone's Line schools. Mr. Sherman Piper returned on Friday to resume hia studies at To- ronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher and fam- ily spent New Year's with" Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hall and daughter at Sudfoury. """ * *. (Intended for last Week) The Women's Institute will meet Thursday, Jan. 8th, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. John Gibson. The roll call is to be answered by "The most useful gift I received at Christmas." Mrs} MoWilliam has charge of the program and the lunch committee is composed of: cake, Mrs. Anna McMillan; sandwiches, Mrs. Marsh-all. Miss Hazel Oliver, Toronto, and Mr. Jos. Oliver of Montreal were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oliver. Willie Meads of St. Thomas spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Meads, and Pte. Bob Meads, Debert, N.S., spent Christ- mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Meads. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart for Christmas were: Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDon- ald and Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stewart and Marjory Ann, all of Toronto, and Jackson Stewart of Thistletown. Miss Elsie Fisher of Toronto was home for Christmas. Miss Mable Parslow of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Staines and two children of Niagara-on-the- Lake are visiting their brothers, Bob and Dick Parslow. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal returned Monday after week-ending with Mrs. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston, Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod and Marion of Oshawa are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Miss Catharine Stewart, Reg.N., of Owen Sound spent Christmas at her home here. Misses Isa/bel and Janet Cameron were home from Fergus for their Christmas holiday. Misses Harrow of Owen Sound are holidaying with their sister, Mrs. Beaton, and Mr. Beaton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper had as their Christmas guests: Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Piper and Mary Belle Miss Pearl MteMaster, Rtef&N., of Markdale and Mr. Sherman Piper of Toronto. Misses Irene, Doris and Jean Marshall of Toronto were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mfrs. Fred Marshall. Misses Frances Collinson, Mark- dale, Jean of Owen Sound and Mar- garet, Toronto, were Christmas vis- itors at the parental home. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and family spent Christmas in Mount Forest. Mrs. Anna McMillan and Mr. Fred Chislett spent Christmas in Owen Sound. Miss Jeanette McLeod of \>ronto was home for Christmas. Mrs. Geo. Udell and Jack of To- ronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. Mr. Harlie Speer.s and Mrs. Dve Cowan of Markdale spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. T. F. Wright, and Winnifred, O.DJR. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington is holidaying at her home. Mrs. Geo. Snell is visiting in Hamilton. Mr. Charlie Boyce has taken a position in Gait. Mr. Melville Hunt of Gait, Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt and Mrs. Knox were in To- ronto on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright and family of Feversham spent Christ- mas with Mr. S. Hemphil and Miss Maud. Messrs. Chas. McWilliam and Jim Kennedy of Toronto were home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hemphill and family were in Feversham Christ- mas day. Christmas day visitors with Mrs. McWhinney and Mrs. Archibald were: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hergott and Mr. Arthur Hergott of Toron- to, Mr. A. Hergott and Miss Mar- jorie Bates of Proton, Harvey Arch ibald of Shelburne and Mr. Willard McWhinney of Irish Lake. FRICEV1LLE Mr. Walter Williamson and moth- er visited with friends in Stratford last week and attended the ^Id wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blakeston. Miss Lizzie Mather visited rela- tives and friends on the O.D.R. last week. Pte. John Wollard of Red Deer, Alta, Ivan Turner and Farquhar McKinnon of Gait, Pte. W. R. Meada of the Foresters, Debert, N.S., were Christmas visitors at their respec- tive homes. Lieut. Alex. McDonald of Brock- ville visited recently with his cou- sin, Mr. John Stothart. Miss Isabelle Mather of Toronto spent New Year's with her parents. Miss Aileen Karstedt visited for a few days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Karstedt. The January meeting of the W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. R. McConkey on Thursday, Jan. 8th, with Miss Anna Shortreed as con- venor. All ladies welcome. -, (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carson spent Christmas week in Toronto with their family. - f-i& Mrs. Wm. Brown entertained her family, -brothers and sisters, to a Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McLean and Innis, spent Christmas in Toronto at the home of Mr. Alex. McLean. Mrs. McLean remained for a longer visit Mr. Elmer Neun spent Christmas with his parents in Toronto. Miss Sadie Livingstone returned home from Markdale hospital and is at the home of her sister, MM. L. McKinnon, South Line. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson of To- ronto spent a few days with friends here and returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean spent Christmas week in Fergus. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McKenzie and Neilburt were Christmas visitors at Dromore. Mies Jeafl Hincks of Toronto is spending the Christmas vacation with her father at the homo .>f Mr. Chas. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks and family spent Christmas day at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. A. Black, Swinton Park, when there were 31 persons present. Mr. John McArthur of Owen Sound and sister, Kathleen, of Hamilton were Christmas visitors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and family. Mr. D. Hincks and Jean, Mr. C. E. Hincks of Wyoming and Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnia visited last week at the home of Mv. A. L. Hincks. The Sunday School concert was held Tuesday evening in St. And- rew's Presbyterian church. Mr. Irwin Matthews acted as chairman. A varied program of song*, recita- tions, dialogues and music was giv- en Santa Claus arrived and distri- buted the gifts, from a well-laden tree. Pte. John Wollard of Alberta spent Christmas with friends her*. Mr. Ivan Turner of Gait spant Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Oliver. Mr. F. MacKinnon was a Cnm mas visitor at his parental home. Mr. Jas. Turner and son, R. J., of Laurel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver on Christmas. McNEIL'S CEMETERY ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting ol MeNH' pemetery, Pricerllle, will Meet to the basement of St. Columba Uited Chur* on Saturday evening, JM. lith. 1942, at 8 p.m. AH interested >tholders are asked to attend.

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