Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1942, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 25, 1942 German Praoners Captured in Libya After a stubborn but ineffectual resistance the tienneo and Italian nechanized forces and infantry con- centrated in Libya under (General Rommel were smashed by the British Kighth Army and the remnants brought to bay at Agedabia, aaar the frontier of TripoHtania, which ttraa was in British hands for the aeoond time in twelve mouths. A ahort time afterward the British troop* were forced to retire and most of the ground gained again went into enemy hands. This picture, taken early in the British advance, shows a lorry-load of German North Afrika Corps pan- er prisoners captured by the British in Libya moving off to a concentra- tion point. The man who keeps in tone with Uie times i* certain to ran into plenty of static. A professor of physiological hy- giene says that our Canadian diet is lacking in minerals. But no one ys we lack sand. According to an Ottawa decree, mits from ow on will have only ae pair of trousers. But what will b expected of a man who i having hie trouaer* cleaned and pressed? AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. JOSEPH E. McKEE will tell by public auction on LOT 140, 3 S.W., ARTEMJBSIA 1% miles North of Ceylon MONDAY, MARCH 30 the foll*\*iriK, namely; PORTLAW HORSES Blue roan Gelding, 3 veers old, well broken; Black Mare, I years, well broken; Black Gelding 8 years; Black Mare, 8 yean; Bay Gelding; 2 Black Mare Colts.. CATTLE Black, Cow, 5 years, Mr. ..n't Mrs. Frank MacArthur of Collingwood spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ja*. Hoppp. .Mi - . Lewis Fisher, Doreen and Thelma spent this week with Mr. and Mrs. C'larence Londry in the Valley. We are sorry to report Mrs. Roy Lyons on the sick list. Miss Mary and Robert Sheardown of Toronto spent the week end at the parental home. Miss Mabel Blackburn visited a few days in Toronto the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn, spent Saturday in Orange ville. ^ . Mr.-. Harry 'fftiher received word thut her cj^wTn, Ser^t. Pilot J. F. THE FLESHBR1ON ADVANCE EUGENIA Wedding bells are ringing! We ar pleated to have our minis- ter, Rev. Dr. Mercer, back IB the pulpit again, after being ill for sev- eral weeks. He is not yet fully re- covered, but we hope he will soon regain hie usual good health. The Red Cross unit will hold a quilting at the home of Mrs. Francis Genoe on Thursday afternoon, April 2nd. There art two tops to be quilted and all ladies in the com- munity are welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Elkins and daughter, Mm-ion, of Niagara Falls spent the week end with Mrs. Elk"'-' mother, Mrs. J. Cairns, and Shirley. Trooper Wm. Scorer of the 28th Armored Tank Crops, Niagara Palls, spent the week end with' Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Park and other friends. On Friday evening, March iSth, little Mis.-. Ruth Stewart gave a party to a number of her friends in honor of the 12th anniversary of her birthday. A jolly time was spent in games, after which a dainty lunch was served. Ruth received many pretty and useful gifts, accompanied by ibest wishes. We join in wishing you many happy returns of the day, Ruth. Mrs. Jot- Little of Toronto spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Majree. Mr. Roy MacMillan was home from Oalcrille over the week end. A quilting was held at the home of Mrs. Will Walker .on Thursday afternoon of last week, when two tops were quilted for the Red Cross. Miss Hazel Turner has gone to Toronto, whew she has secured a position. , 1 Royal Canadian Air Force $9M**> The Canadian Squadron of the has British R^yal Air Force -Coastal Command, has just completed the first two months ft operational flights. Using Hudson aircraft, carrying a crew of four, the pilots have flown, thousands of mites at- tacking enemy shipping and taking part in sea rescue work. The Squadron has developed its own technique of attack which is proving successful. A recent record j studying thei# of one week was 185, certain hits) i three days. Th ground crew aai the Canadian pUote work well to- gHher. A Hudson bomber before taking off aUtak, witto the crew i I Local and Personal BORN PBDLER At Grace HospitaJ, Toronto, OB Friday, March 20th, to Major and Mrs. Willis Pedler, a son, Paur Willison. out> wnile due May 28; Black Cow, 6 years, due May 30; Red Cow, 5 years, due June 18; Blue Cow, 8 yean, due Aug. 18, milking; Roan Cow, 7 yrs.., wav ln due May 3; Roan Ccr, 3 years, due July 22, milking; Black Cow, 8 yrs., due Oct. 20, milk-op; Roan Heifer, due May 30; K<- Heifer, due Sept. 80. (Above cattle, supposed b calf.) 8 Steers, 2 years old; 2, Steers rising 2 years; Haifer rising 2 years; 6 Yearling Calves; 2 fall Calves. Maol'bail oi*-Winnipeg, Man., aged 22 years, was killer!' on active serv- ice overseas on Man-h 8th. Many in this part met Jack, as he was known, when he visited here four years ago. The Fourth Line Red Cross had another Lost Heir aiid crokinole party at the- home of Mr. and Mrs- John McKee. Proceeds of the ven- inir were $8.35. Two-pants suits are on ttieir way pantg aw on their PIGS, HENS Sow and 11 pigs ready to wean; 9 pigg nearly ready for market; number yearling Hens HARNESS Set good leather Team Harness, new hjet spring; Set Team Harness, in #iod condition; Set Plow Harnecs; Set Single Driv- ing Harness; 5 long -straw cloth- NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of William Hendry, lat 6f the Town- ship of Collingwood, in the County of Grey, deceased. NOTICE IS HfcJKBBY GIVEN, pur- suant t" the provisions of the Trustee Act, S.O.R.. 1987, Chapter 165, that all creditors and others having claim)! or demands against the estate of the said William Hendry, who died on or about the 8th" day of July 14J, at th c Town of Collingwood, faced Collars; 2 long straw leather-! j u {h County of Simcoe, are rnquir- fcced Collarn; Set Double Pony od, on or before th I7th day of -. . * ' .1 Harnesfi, with collars. IMPLEMKNTS. Etc. Truck Wagon and Rack; Frost & Wood Binder; Out-throw Disc and fore- carriage; x .sections Diamond Har- row; Walking Plow; Oliver Single Furrow Riding Plow; Oliver 2-fur- row 12 ioh Riding Plow; M.-H. Seed DrHl; Pump Jack; 1% h.p. Stationery Engine; MoCormick- Deering Mower, & foot cot, Big 4; Hay Rake; John Deere Manure Spreader; Garden Cultivator; Grain Crusher, 10 tach; Stationery Car Motor; Set Sleighs; Renfrew Cream, Separator, in good condition; Buggy; Slush Sera 1 1 IT; Nunfernu* other art- icles. Hay in the mow; Number of Household Ktr.-i:t. TERMS All sums of $10.00 und under, cash; over that amount months' credit will be given upon furnishing joint notes, bearing in- terest at %, subject to approval of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Fleeherton. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer I EVERETTE PARKER TELLS ABOUT LEAVE IN ENGLAND L.A.C. Everette Parker, son ol Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker, has been on furlough and visited many places in southern Ertglantl, among them the birthplace of his Gntnd father Parker in Yorkshire. He was also in London. Re print a few paragraphs from his interesting letters: I passed by exams and now I am on leave. I was fourth in a class of 26. Dick and I had been posted to different stations, so we planned to spend some time together in the big city. Friday was /or nothing else than to speak on the broadcast and we were in line by 12 o'clock. We hung around until four when the show started. What sensation the few minutes before we went oal Whab did we say? I have been wondering. Saturday afternoon we went ti hear the Louden Symphony Orchestra. Sunday we went to nee Borne of the boys from McMaster who be- came Pilot Officers, They were sitt- ing pretty in the best hotel in Eng- land. Bolievf it or not, ^three of them were on the flat which Lord Halifax uses when in London. For "tea" in the afternoon the bill came to 10s, about $2.60. F saw thc, chapel where Thomas Parker preached. His grave is in Preston. Polly Parker, now Mrs. Whitrhead, Is Btill living about two miles from where I am. When I went to see her I enquired from a men where she lived. He wheeled around and I followed him. I found out that, he was married to her daughter. Polly turned out to be a . very pleasant person. I promised th partjfes entitled thereto, having to return to see them again, rejrard Only to the claims of which This afternoon I went out to tht-y -Vhall 'then have .notice, and Cricklewood. a section of London, to thnt the executors will not be liable see Miss Hirklln?, sister of Mr. for the aid assots or any part Hieklinp of Flesherton, but she was thereof to any person or persons of not living there now as sho was whose rfaim notice shall not have homibed out. I later called her at be>n received by thorn at the time her work and madp an appointment, of such distribution. I was very pleased to meet her and DATED at Thornhury, Ontario, it was very interesting to talk to thfs 17t.h day of March, 1942. hrr about people she knew when - ELMORE C. CARR, she was in Flesherton. Solicitor for the executors. From now on T will b on Oovern- April, 1942, to send by post, pre- paid, or de-liver to the undersigned Solicitor for the executors of the lust, will and testament of the said deceased, thir Christian names and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars, in writing, of their claims, a statement of their accounts, ml thr nature of the se- curity, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that aftt-r siu-h last mention. date the exe- cutoiv will proceed to distribute the <{L. the said deceased UNINSURED ACCIDENTS COSTLY e Accidents happen in a flanh. If rou are not insured, repayment muy cost you your home, your Mivingi or months of income. Let us explain Pilot Automobile insurance to you. It roam -<< little. We write Pilot Inauranrr to rnmrr selected riafc* in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Plate GlaM, Public Liability and other general insurance. H. W. K E R N A H A N FLESHERTON, Oat. Atrcraftman Mad*. Duivcar^pf St. Thomas was home over Sunday. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto spent the first of the week in town. Mr. Geo. Johnson and son, Mervyn, visited at the home of Mr. Frank Chard at Kimberley. Mr. Walter Ruseell of the O.A.C., UueLph, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Russell, j Mr. J. P. Scarrow of Toronto is viating his sAn, Mr. Norman Scar- row, and family. Mrs. Frank Teeter and Bobby returned home after visiting her son, Garnet, and family in Toronto. Mr. R. Ashley, Southampton, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. R. Whitehead, the first of th week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar of Gait and Mervyn Johnson of Picker- ing were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Springhill. . Mrs. Elmer Warling of Mt. Dennis spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Mark Stewart, who returned with her. The heavy snow storm over thu week end caused inconvenience to many motorists and made the roads heavy for travel. . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting^ o* Palmerston spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ualttinjr. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Smith of Oshawa spent the week end with the former'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Evans, Mr Hugh Evans and Miss Dorothy plonque of London visited on Sunday with Mrs. G. E. Henry. Mr. E. D. Bentham and .son, L>ick, and Mrs. l.ru Hill and two children, Marvin and Bryan, of Toronto visit- ed on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of New Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Williams, and Mrs. Alt Hooker of Long Branch spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Stauffer. Mise Edna Thompson, who has spent the I 1 - 1 - 1 several weeks with her cou.-iii, Mr. Harold Thompson, and family of Barrie, has returned to her home on the East Backline. Mr. Harold Richardson of Toronto Line North has purchased the truck- ing business from Mr. Ken Stewart of town, and is holding an auction gale of his farm effects on April 9. The Women's Institute will met at tihe home of Mrs. Alex. McEachnie on Wed., April 1st, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call: name of flower beginning with first letter of given name. Visitors are welcome. incut stac, which will be much better than being a "trainee." During my leave I have travelled between 800 and 900 mile*. Three rides took me 200 miles. Today at dinner I eat opposite a chap who asked me where I came from snd WHS surprised when he said he had been in Flesherton sverel times, us he camped beside the lake on John Bow's farm different yean, H was interesting: tr> hear him teU about) the canwpinjr. wTion J kn*w the place well. BINDBR TWINE FOR 1942 Farmers will not go short on their binder twin* requirement* to har- vest the 1*42 crop, but will have to find other types of rope than manila for other farm uses, as result of re- strictions which have been pkcad on the sale of manila fibre, which larg- ely come from the Philrpmes, and the government baa taken step* to conserve available supplte* of both manila fibre and rope for essential purposes. If it wasn't for the other fellow there wouldn't be aay auto accident*. Come to the Athletic Club dance in Flesherton, Friday, April 3. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE 13 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Fred Barker, R. R^ 3, Proton Station. 42pl FOR SALE Irish White seed oats, 75c bu. Ja. Sturrock. Priceville, R.R. No. 2. 4Sc2 FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lo4 72, 78, 1st Range Nortfi Durham Road. 100 acres cleared. Apply to .fas. Sandiland, Dundalk. 39p2 HIDES WANTED Licensed, buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skids. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r8. FOR SALE Yorkshire sow with 9 pi**.-** weeks old. A. Turner. Eugenia, phone Fevershara 5r23. LOOT 30x3 Vt tr a rim, be twees Geo. Best's and Flesoertori. Finder please leave at The Advance office. WANTED Herses and cows fit for mink feed. Joba J. Meada, PrieeTille, phene 21 r 4. FOR SALE Good Vanguard oats, also 2 young purebred Yorkshire sowg, ready for service. Ross Stt-vene, R. R. 3, Proton Station. phone 82r81. 42c2 FOR SALE MB tons timothy and alfalfa hay; about 100 bu. oats; Renfrew, 500 Ib. capacity, prac- separator, BOO Ib. capacity, prac- " tiddly new; inclubator, 110 egg capacity, good as Tiew. Robt. D. Purvis, phone 43 r2. 41c3 YOU'LL save time by contacting Bray agent. He can quote prices, take orders. Immediate delivery Rocks, Leghorn*, N'HxBR; NHxLS. Wide choice others, including star- ted, but order now. March-April Turkeys. John McWilliam, Flesh- erton. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED FOR ESTABLISHED WATKINS ROUTE. Seady customers. Must be honest and reliable, have car or the means of getting o'ne. No capital or experience required. No restrictions with Watkins due to millions invest- ed in raw materials to protect deal- ers and customers. Write, The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-F-1. Montreal, Que. KAWLEIGH'S CATTLt SPRAY Fe>r "Lice*' on Animals Can be aprayed^on in half the time It takes with powder. Effective, fast, sure, and goes farther. A gal- lon will do a large herd several times. Clean up the whole barn In an hour or two. Spray the floors and walls with Rawleigh's Dip and Disinfectant, and know that the money-making: end of your farm is clean and pure. Cattle Spray $2 per CM. Dip & Disinfectant $1.25 ' gal. Also let the house come in for its share of cleanliness by buying a box of Cleanser and Water Softener the all-purpose cleanser around the home. 1'4 PkH '** 6 U. Pint $1.10 TTae tn ehorie and let me know w)iat you S. T. FOR SALE Cat tier and Alaska t oats, grown from registered seed. also a few Vanguard. Allan A. McLean, Priceville, phone 4(M. 9 STRAYED To the premises of the undersigned at Saugeen Jet., your* hound. Owner may nave same bjr proving property and paying ex- penses. Bert Badgerow. 41pS FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 140 scree, lots 96 and N. Half 36. Con. 9, Artemesia, 80 acree trader cultivation, about 20 acres bush, bal- ance geed pasture, well watered. >od building*. Apply to Charles) Hopper, Eugenia, R. R. 1. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Coa. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on whfek is situated a bank barn 45x65, also la,rge driving shed. This preaerty must be sold to wind up estate. Thee* interested cemmunicate with Johv Oliver or W. R. Meads, Pricevflle, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 4T BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KA1TTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBK for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales, our specie.' - ty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at TVs Vdvance office. WAI; See me abeat yomr aaetiea <He4e*. Phene sae at neaherte* Aevams affiaa. DR. S. R. TH1BAUDEAU VHTBRINART SURGWN Graduate of Ontarie Veterinair Oell- ege. Phone: tl car or ni0at MAHIWALE. ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Oarham St. Office Hour. . - Afternoons, !. to a. Bva^aga, 7 to UH Sundays and Thursday afteraoeM e* appointment only. Piinoe Arthur Leage No. BM, AJ. 4 A.M., meets to the Fraternal flal^ Fteeherton, the seeend Friday in eMfe raonth, W.M.: J. S. McOermid; retary: C. J. Bellany.

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