Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1942, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVAMCB Wednesday, April 1, 1942 CENTRE LIKE Evelyn Gallagher underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Orangeville hospital on Sunday. The cars are running again on our line, although they are having some difficulty ,on some of the hili% where the snow is deep. Mr. Bruce McCuftcheon, who has spent the winter in Toronto* returned home Thursday to assist on the farm for the summer. We hear that Mr. and Mrs. Neil Winters are moving to Mr. Joe Mc- Cutcheon's farm. Wareham school is closed till after Easier, owing to an outbreak of scarlet fever. Still another of our boys has sign- ed up. Mr. Robt. Shear-down has Joined the Army Service Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson are moving to the Shaardown farm. We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sheardown and family from our neighborhood. A large number of radio listeners had the pleasure of hearing the King peak on Saturday. The Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Florence Lyons on Tuesday afternoon and out another quilt to- gether and eat patches for one more. This group has three tops ready to be quilted now and quite a supply of knitting and sewing on hand. The montiily meeting was held at the church Thursday, when knitting and sewing- was given out bo the differ- ent gwaps. The ne*t meeting: of th West Group will be held at the home of Mrs. Osborne on Thursday when there win be a quilting. Burma Is the world's largest rice exprter, -with India as its largest customer. Japan is the next largest purchaser, up to now importing less than half as much as India. Many motorists are much exer- cised as to bow they are going to (ret along on the amount of gasoline allowed to them under the rationing system By the end of the year moot of them wfD he worrying more about tines than gasolte*. PORTLAW Mr. Geo. Boyce, Mian Florence Boyce, Mrs. Slater and "Wayne of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Mr. Clifford Taylor of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor. Miss Mary Sheardown and Mr. Robt. Sheardown spent a few days at their homt. Robert has enlisted and left for duty on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill of Ware- ham spent a day with Mrs. Hill's sis- ter, ;Mr. Jas. Pedlar. Miss- Evelyn Shier of Toronto is visiting* with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shier a&d family. The Fourth Line Branch f the Red Cross completed another quilt at * meeting at the home of Mrs. Laurie* fcedlar on Thursday. Two more quilts were handed in which were quilted in the homes of Mrs. Boyce ad Mrs. H. Fisher. Another Lo*fr Heir party is to be at the home of Mrs. -Harry Fiafcer. Mr. and Mr*. Leslie Chard and Matx-1 were alt Hagersville, Ont.. last week attending the presenting for Mrs. Cjhard's brother, Arthur Lawler, who received his wings. Miss Iva McNally is visiting with friends at Elmwood and Chesley. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley and children visited at the home of Mr. J. H. Richardson and attended the funeral of the former's uncle, the late The*. Dever on Sunday. Mr. Dever has been a well known, re- spected and helpful citizen and mer- chant at Proton Station for a num- ber of years. His loss will be keenly felt in the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and children to Brampton for the week end to visit the former's daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Reid, and family. Russell Linton has been under the doctor's care and hud off work for some time, but is improving. Service was not held at InUtioge on Sunday, owing to the funeral of the late Thos. Dever. CARLOAD OF NO. 3 to arrive first week in April. Order now. 0. and A. Co-Operative PHONE 70. FLESHERTON, Ont. Ready for the Spring Season - SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS PAINTS, ENAMELS, VARNISHES LACE CURTAINS RUFFLED CURTAINS CURTAIN MATERIALS CRETONNES and CHINTZES DRAPERIES WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN RODS LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUMS CONGOLEUM RUGS and MATS A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT ALL. REASONABLY PRICED. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant Flesherton' Ont KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and children and Miss Edna Thomp- son of Barrle spent the week ead with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Biirritt and attended the Gilray-Fawcett wedding. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. E. Morwood Thursday afternoon. The attendance was small, owing to much sickness in the community. It was a special war-effort meeting. From donations and articles aoid, $8.25 was realized. Mr. and Mrs. A. McCallum and Mrs. Maxwell, Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Parks and family visited with Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Proctor this week. We are glad to say that Mrs. Wallace is now able to be out of bed. Mars. S. S. Burritt received word that her brotiier, Taylor Abercwm- bie, had fallen from a lead of hay, breaking: his collar bone. He is now in Mt. Forest hospital. A number of people are making maple syrup and report a good run. Only three buzz sawing outfits are carrying on operations in our com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook, Walters Falte, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ferguson. We congratulate Mr. John Fawcett on the attainment of his Sard birth- day on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mr. D. L. Weber ill and in Markdale hospital at present. The County maintained made its first trip over the road here Monday. Mr. Basil McGotmeU waa in charge. Mrs. Noble Ward and little son are visiting Mr. Geo. Mundle for a week. Mr. Saul Fawcett and Mr. Chas. Shilvilock received tiie caU to report to their boat during the week. Guard Ezra Fawcett of the Veter- an*' Guard is home at present. PRICEVILLE Miss Jean Sims, Fergus, was a re- cent visitor with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims. Mr. Dan Campbell had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable horse Irst week. A number from here attended the Hughes sale on Wednesday last. Good prices were realized. MBS. Harry Pedlar and Mr. Stuart Carson, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Car- son of T*ront spent tii week nd at their parental home. CEYLON The Ladies' Aid meeting took the ficnn of a St. Patrick's social on Thursday afternoon' at the home of Mrs. Will Gibson, Mrs. Dave Adams being in charge. The president, Mrs. Hogarth, was in the chair for the opening exercises and general bus- iness, after which Mrs. Adams gave a reading. The contest followed with its novelty prize, and provoked a great deal of merriment, the winner now being able to compete with others in solving the high cost of living problem. Mr. Jos. E. McKee held a success- ful auction sale on Monday. * Mrs. Geo. Snell returned Monday, after visiting Mr. Snell at Hamilton. Mrs. E. C. Mitchell is visiting at Caledon East. Messrs. Austin and Oscar McKee are home from Bronte and Hamilton. Mrs. W. P. Wharin and Mise Jeanefcte McLeod of Toronto spent the week end with their parents. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. John McWilliam on Thursday, April 2, at 8 p.m. The Scripture reading will be taken by Mm Marshall. Roll call: Something I did to pass the winter evenings." Program: A question box, everyone taking part. Social committee: cake. Mrs. Marshall; sandwiches. Mrs Dave Adams. 8TH LINE OSPREY Our Forum meeting was heJd Mon- day eTening last - t the home of Mrs. M. Murphy. There were thirty-five present and an interesting discussion on the topic "When the boys come fiome," took place. Our recreation again took the ficrm of a debate, re- solved "that city life has more ad- vantages than country life." The negative was considered the winner by the judges, Mr. O. Stephens, Mr. G. lanktree and Mrs. J. Crawford. The debaters were: for (die negative, Mr Wilfred Haley and Mr. Wesley and the affirmative, Miss VANDELEUR PROTON STATION Our sympathy is extended to the Dever family in the p. using of their brother, the late Thos. G. Dever. Mrs. Gordon Prosser spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope of Shelburne spent Sunday with rela- tives in the village. . L.A.C. Arthur McCannell and Mrs. McCannell are visiting at their par- ental homes. Mr. Densmore Watson, section man here, has secured a position on the section at Mt. Forest, and expects to leave shortly. Mr. Ernie Lyons was home from Owen Sound over the week end. Miss Edith Consley spent Sunday in Toronto. We are sorry to repwrt that Mr. W. J. Blackburn is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Halliday are moving to the house owned by Mr. Ed. Stinson. Rock M His Ladies' Aid The regular meeting of Rock Mills Ladies' Aid was held March 18th, at the home of Mrs. W. Akitt, with six members and two visitors present. In die absence of the presilnt. the vice-president, Mow. R. Clark, open- ed the meeting. Hymn 836 was sung, and the 14th chapter of St. John was read, followed by prayer. The miss- ionary roll call was taken and ans- wered by a verse from Psalm 23. Mrs. Ned Croft gave a missionary reading "Hold the Ropes," and a missionary prayer for peace follow- ed. After paying of dues and general business, the closing hymn, 677, and tne National Anthem, were sung, and closed with prayer by Mrs. W. Akitt.. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dick Clark on April 15th. EASTER SPECIAL LOW FARES Between all points in C- :ada to certain declinations hi the United States FARE & ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Tickets good g-oiag any time Thursday, April 2, untH 2.00 p.m. Monday, April 6. Return Limit to leave destina- tion not later than midnight Tuesday, April 7, 1942. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE - * This long week-end offers in opportunity for a visit boa* or away with friends For fares and information aril any Railway Ticket Agent A large numi>er of people gathered on Monday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett to do honor to their daughter, Irene, and her husband. Trooper Alex. Gilray. of the 26th Army Tank orps, who were recently married. The first part of the evening was given over to the Farm Forum, during which the young couple were called to the centre of the room and the secretary, H. I. Graham, tendered teh congratu- lations and best wishes of the Forum members. Soon a large assembly of friends gathered from far and near and the balance of the evening was spent in dancing. About midnight the gathering was called to order and Mrs. Gordon \Vyville read an ad- dress and the bride and proem were presented with a miscellaneous show- er, among them being many beauti- ful gifts. All joined in singing "For they are jolly good fellows." Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Sewell, who were married in Markdale on Satur- day. March 28th. by Rev. S. E. Amis. The bride was formerly Miss Mable I Duckett of Eugenia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duckett. Howard Graham had his Short- horn herd tatooed by the Department of Agricultural outfit one day last week. Mr. Andy Fawcett had his young cattle tatooed. Mr. Vernon Fawcett, who has been quite ill, is improving. Quite a number here are making maple syrup. Mr. Jas. Cargoe has had the tele- phone installed. ORANGE VALLEY Mr. Clifford Littlejohns of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips visited at the home of Mr. Gao; Hargrave the first of the week. Mr. Leslie Humphries is moving this week from the Hargrave farm to Mr. Thos. Sled's farm near Flesh- erton. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hogg and fam- ily of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns. A number of very successful buzz bees were accomplished in our neighborhood, with Byron Hill doing the jobs. Elizabeth Murphy and Mr. Mervin Somrs. In our lost budget an error occurred which we hasten to correct. Our meetings are continuing monthly throughout tiie summer, not dis- continuing, M stated. Mr. and MX. Roy Feawick and Mr. Wm. Moffatt of Maxwell visited re- cently with Mrs. J. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poofe of Col- lingwood spent a day with the tatter's pareits, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler. Messrs. Jin Hale and Mervio Somers spent Sunday with friends at Banks. Mr. Alex. Mitchell of the 12th line was on the 8t tt last week, acting in his appointed role of assessor. Mrs. Gao. Lawler spent an even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron to enjoy the company of Dr. and Mrs. W. Patterson of Hol- land, near Winnipeg. Man. Mrs. Pat- terson is a niece of Mrs. Lawkr and also of Mr. Cameron. She and her husband have been on a visit with friends at Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and other points. Mrs. Patterson was interested in visiting; the vid home village of her father, Mr. E<1. Carr, which was Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawler motored to Hagersville on Friday last to actend the graduation exercises at thi? air port there, when their son. Arthur Lawler. received his wings as a pikt, Proton Women's Institute fl 2(3th ^ moj>thly pn)ton Wo:nell - s Illstitutc of Mrg> SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Mrs. Chas. ikore, occu- pied the chcair and the meeting was opened by singing tTie National An- them, followed by the Ode and a s.hort prayer. The roll call was ans- wered by your pet superstjitution. Current events were read by Mrs. Stanley Lyons. Communications were read and business discussed. Two splendid papers were given, one by Mrs. Moore on "Price Ceiling and Control," and a very full paper on Home Economics, by Mrs. Herb Coi-bett. The April meeting will be election of officers and will be held in the hall at Proton. A full attendance is requested. The meeting clreed with bhe Mizpaih benediction. Pur- ing the social hour a quizz game was conducted by Mrs. Moore. It was decided that cake would not be served at future meeting*, in order to eon.oww sugar, which none of us will mis. SEEDS Field Seeds timothy, al- falfa, red clover, mammoth clover, white blossom, yellow blossom; onions.: Dutch setts. Vuultipliers; garden seed*. F. G. Karstedt. Flesherton. SUPERIOR STORE For Fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES Sec Us Our turnover enables us to have them always fresh SODAS, fresh 2 Ibs. 25c GINGER COOKIES, real good .... 2 Ibs. 23c Tiger SALMON, large* 29c REAL GOOD COFFEE ground while U wait .... 39c Ib. . HORSE RADISH, fresh jar 20c Superior No-Alum BAKING POWDER 1 Ib. tin 23c MEATS FRESH and COOKED At most reasonable prices C. J. KENNEDY We Deliver. Flesherton, OnL Ml Cream Spring- is here and a new cream season also. Because of the serious world conditions now existing, may we point out to you the following two important factors :- 1. By delivering your cream to the creamery, besides obtaining obtaining- the differential in prces, you are also saving in tires and gasoline, which is used, by the unnecessary duplication of trucks on the road. 2. Cream cans are scarce. No more can be * bought. We urge you to bring in any sur- plus cans you have on the farm, so they can be put to use. SEE US ABOUT LOCKERS. THE SAVING x IS WORTHWHILE. Flesherton Creamer; & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager TftrTtttttniiiMiiiiiiiimi

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