Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1942, p. 7

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\ SPEED COUNTS IN MODERN WARFARE la addition to her seasoned units overseas, Canada is today training a modem, bard-hitting and speedy Army in camp* throughout Canada. Here mobile unit* of an infantry regiment, motorcycle and universal carrier, speed up tne brow of a hill during training manoeuvres at Camp Borden. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I smooth irons that have become rusty? A. Irons that have become rusty, sticky or rough can be smoothed to a glass-like finish by rubbing with salt and a piece of crinkled-up paper. Q. How can I make paint ad- lure to tinware? A. Rub the surface thoroughly with a piece of rough pumice stone or coarse sandpaper. Then apply a thin coat of shellac var- nish, after which the surface may be painted very nicely. --^ Q. How can I repair casters that persist in dropping out of ohair and ^able legs whenever the furniture is moved? A. Remove the caster, fill the hole with melted paraffin, and then quickly re-insert the caster. There will be no further trouble. Q. How can I make smelling salts? A. By breaking one ounce of rock volatile into small pieces, then covering it with eau de cologne, and allowing to stand for a few days before using. Q. How can I make the washing of curtains easier? A. It is unwise to attempt to wash the curtains as soon as they have been taken down. Place them in cold water to which a generous handful of borax has been added and let them remain soaking overnight. This will loosen the dirt and the washing will be much easier. Have You Heard? A piece of paper covered with mystic figures and sisrns had been discovered on the floor of the aircraft factory. It had been seen to fall from the handbag of a girl worker who had received it from a strange woman at the works entrance. Experts had been called in to decipher the apparent code, but all failed. Finally the manager took it home to study it further. His wife supplied the solution. "Why, John.' she exclaimed with animation, "wherever did you get this from? It's a knitting system for a perfectly darling sweater!" Macpherson took hit gramophone back to the shop. Said the assistant: "It is mott unusual to have a ma- chine returned after a year'* use. What's wrong with it? "TKe needle'* broken," ex- plained Macpherson. Nurse had occasion to visit Johnny's mother. When she left, Johnny was the not very proud brother of twins. This did not please him at all, he felt his nose was put out of joint. Some time later, Johnny's par- nts moved to a neighboring vil- lage, and in her visits. Nurse came across Johnny at one of the schools. "Hello, young man," she said, "have you come to live here'.'" "Yes," said Johnny, "but I'm not showing you which ii our kouse this time." "I don't like those eg you tent me yesterday." "Why what was wrong with them?" "Well, 1 thought they were rather undersized for Jheir te." What, fkih again?" growled Peck. "We're alwavs having fwh." "Well, John." said his wife, "it's good for you. It feeds the brain." li rloshr Why should you think ay brain needs so much feeding ?" "Well, didn't your mother give you fish before you were nmr- tfed?" "No," he hissed, "I wish shs had." The teacher wa* revising the month'* Scripture. "Who wa* it went into th lion's den and came out alive?" he asked. "Please, sir, the lion," said Bright Bertie. The teacher had asked her class to write a short composition on the subject, "Water". One scholar seemed to be hav- ing difficulty, but finally he turned in his paper, and here is what he wrote : "Water is a light-colored, wet liquid which turns dark when you wash in it !" The teacher had asked the class to write an essay on "Our Dog". Young Jimmy was the first to finish. Hi* effort read: "Our Dog. We haven't got one." Warns Canadians Against Spending Mr. Donald Gordon Sayi Consumer Rationing May Be Necessary "A buying spree of serious di- memions has been going on dur- ing the pa.st few months," stated Mr. Donald Gordon, Chairman of the War Time Prices and Trade Board, in a recent speech. "It is afi'ecting almost everything for current use that one could name and it is beginning to place a serious strain on some supplies. This means that drastic action will have to be taken very shortly unL.-j people decide to act rea- sonably. There is absolutely no reason for panic buying of the essentials of life. There is abso- lutely no excuse at all for any- body to get excited or to spread runiurs about ii:i.- or that coming shortage. Hut if, despite this warning, people persist, then a consumer rationing program will be Mccet-sury with all its discom- forts and waste of money. I ap- peal to every person in this coun- try to play ball. Anybody who buy? more than actual current requirements of any supply of any kind, is definitely a public enemy. I repeat, anybody who buys more than cui-rcnt needs of anything is definitely undermining the war effort of this country and playing directly into the hands of the enemy." High Standard of Living "The outstanding fact i that after two and one-half years cf war, during which our announced purpose has been the complete mobilization of our full produc- tive resources to divert everything possible to our war effort, our civilian population is still left with a high average standard of comfort a standard just about as high as it was before the war and, certainly, one of the highest in the world at the present time. In the face of that self-evident fact I simply cannot understand why any surprise should be expressed when I point out that we are not yet organized for total war. Ths plain fact is that a high standard of living and a total war effort cannot go hand in hand." "The foundation of the total effort of any country is a correot decision as to the minimum re- quirements of the civilian popu- lation," said Mr. Gordon. "Ones that id determined, production and consumption, except for war, must be steadily and progressively Scalds, Atk. lete's Peel, Chafed SkU, Tired, Sore Musclei, etc., UM this new, fast- acting, \wt sniMing remedy. Keep a tin handy far every emergency. HEALING SALVE 'Jo':: cut down to the minimum. Wast* must be eliminated; the manufao- ture of all luxuries and many com- forts must cease. The surplus of manpower and resources thus se- cured must be used to make war." Production Necessary Calling for "iron discipline and strength of purpose" by business and industry to meet the demands of total war Mr. Gordon saidt "This is not a government's war or a party war but the people's war." "My appeal is for every person responsible for any part of our productive machinery to sit down with others in the same line and work out ways and means to ob- tain maximum production, regard- less of immediate or future ad- vantage . . . "Six months from now a year from now it may be too late . . . If you really mean total war, don't keep up a parrot cry for leadership, get yourself into a position where, by sheer weight of organization and available pro- ductive capacity, you will produce, and produce, and produce." Modern Etiquette 1. la it considered improper for a young woman to asK a young man she udmires to call upon her? 2. When dining in a friend's home, should a guest take a help- ing of every dish the first tim* it is offered? 2. What would be an approp- riate costume for a woman who is going to travel quite a distance? 4. When the bride marries in a travelling dress, what does the groom wear? 5. When thanking someone for a favor or courtesy, ti it proper to say "Thanks" or "Much ob- liged"? 6. When making announce- ments at a banquet, should the master of ceremonies rise or re- main seated? SEATED 1. No, this is no longer con- sidered improper as it was at one time. The young woman of today may say, "Mr. Carson, mother and I will be at home next Wednesday evening. Would you like to stop in for a little while?" 2. It is the most gracious thing to do, even if one is not partial to some particular dish. 3. A semi-dark tailored suit, with fresh blouse, is appropriate. 4. An ordinary business suit, or one that is appropriate for travelling, with perhaps a single white flower from th bride's corsage in his buttonhole. 6. Neither, the correct phrase is "Thank you." 6. He should rise as a matter of courtesy, and so that he can be heard by all the guests. 'Relieves distress from MONTHLY* FEMALE WEAKNESS tydla K. Flnkham's Vegetable Compound not only helps relievo monthly palu but uiso weak, nerv- ous foelin;ts-due to monthly fuuc- tior.nl disc urlinnccs.Tt, helps build up resistance against distress of "dim- cult clays." Mr.rtfl Iu Cnuadii. What Science Doing DRIED MILK TO THE FORE Dried milk U nothing new. Large amount* ara used in th* tropics and by bakers. But more ought to be used, especially since we have learned something about the importance of vitamins and minerals in food. In the drying process, milk is sprayed as a fine mist, whirled In a warm chamber and trapped as a fine powder. There is no doubt 'that the process destroys some- vitamins. These can b added. But some vitamin G (ac- tually a "B") remains and all the calcium, which is usually lacking in tha Canadian diet. No other food can match dried akim milk in its content of calcium, protein and phosphorus. What makes powdered milk so attractive are its concentrated form and it* keeping qualities. A quart of separated milk re- duced to powder weighs about three ounces, fills three-quarters of a taac-cup and keeps months In a moisture-proof bag. Roughly, one pound of milk powder makes five quarts of re- constituted milk. A quart of milk mads from powder contains about three per cent more of the body- building elements of milk (cal- cium, protein, phosphorus) than a quart of whole milk because there is no fat. Now that the war has spread to tha Pacific, the need for pow- dered milk is more pressing than ever. In powder form, milk can be shipped across the American continent for as little as the cost of moving who!* wet milk six miles. And the dried milk re- sists bacterial attack a hundred times more effectively than liquid milk and in some cases one thou- sand times. ricobac HANDY POCKET POUCH - 15* 1A-LB. "LOK-TOP" CAN - 65d packed in pocket cam r "/T DOFS T/STE GOOD IN A PIPEl" GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO It has not been determined fin- ally whether the weekly individual ration be a half-pound or time- quarters of a pound. Officials stated the ganeral reg- istration of 131,000,000 American citizens of all ages would b tbe first and the largest task of its kind ever undertaken, although the census covered as much ground on a "head-count" system. Royal Air Force Get* Its Own FUh Sugar Off U. S. Market For Week All sugar sales in the United States will be halted at midnight, April 27, for approximately one week. John E. Hamm, acting chief of the Office of Price Administra- tion, reported that sugar would be off the market on April 28, and would not be available to buyers again until about May 5. Hamm explained that the ban was ordered as a step preparatory to sales under rationing, which will go into effect as soon as the moratorium on sales ends. HIUFS Highest prices paid for IIUJlJi) Calf Sheep and Skin*. . -f and Horse Hides Wool. Horsehair, Beeswax, etc. Write for price*. Joaa HAI.LAM Co., Dept. .., Torvat* There is a fish shortage La Bri- tain at the present time, bat tits Royal Air Fores Is not particularly worried about it, because it has its own fishing fleet, which pro- vide* R.A.F. stations in th Lon- don area with at least tors* tons (3,000 kilograms) of fresh fish every week. The fleet, which consists of even boats and fifty-four fihr- men, many o* whom arc inVmlidad ax-servicemen, was started by a few enterprising officers. Since its inception, it has supplied tha R.A.F. with nearly a quarter of a million fish meals, representing a catch of 121,240 pounds (six thousand kilograms) and worth more than 6,000. When the weather i* good, some of the boats trawl, but most of the fish ar*> caught by means of long lines. One of the boats was recently attacked by an enemy plans, bat it managed to elude the raider and reached port safely. Members of the R.A.F. are con- tinual! surprised at the variety of the fish caught by their own SA FES Prelect tout HOOK* ....i < *. from KIIIF find THIEVISH. We have else duel type of Safe, o> Cublact. for any purpoce. VUH us, or write for prli*ea, etc. f n. -i. i W J 6rj TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS It.". !.. in. >i t_ turualu Established 1SOS fleet, even at this time of year when the catch is rarely largs> ven in peace time. Naturally, any fish which is caught by their own fishing fleet is supplied direct to the Royal Air Force and not to the general public. Weaving was one of the earl- iest crafts practiced by primitivsj mankind. IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATIC PAINS AND MISERY CUT THIS OUT TBe nox Kree T in> Sufferer . 'II^.T J.lllll pain *uae where '!.:<!. I '..- K-JII-S mani- fest Ihcm- *elveH u frriiurnlty In Syracuse, New York, there has been developed a home treatment for Rheumatic Pains and Misery known as "Delano's" that hundred* of users say brings results. Many report that after a few days' us* pain and soreness had ^one and blessed relief was received after everything elso had failed. Mr. Delano write.-.: "To help suf- ferers, no matter how severe, stub- born or lonir-standln? these pain* and misery have bothered you, I will gladly, if you have never tried ray method, send you a full-six* 75c package free. No obligation. The test la free and the test should tell. If this fr*e test helps you a* .-o many others say it has helped them, you will surely be glad. Simp- ly cut out this notice and mail, with your name and address. If you wiah, you may enclose 10 cents to help pay postage and distribution, but this Is not a requirement. Address F. H. Delano. UepU 1994. 456 Craig St. W.. Montreal. Que. Delo' Specially tot Ilheumailr ruin* Had Misery Note l Thtii is hunesl. tiprn M..U above board offer that Nhould ap- peal to all who .IHI.T from rheu- matic yiiiiii and mUery. .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. U.VIIY I Ml- K- SIX BREEDS, CHICKS. CAPONS, growing Pullets. Descriptive ca- talogue, llonktun Poultry Farm. Monkton, Ontario. 8AU1 CHICKS 3 TO 11 CENTS. 26 tree clucks. our choice wltb every luu pullet* or luu \ii\ml chick* ordered In March. Uoddara Chick Hatcheries. Britannia Heights, Ontario. FCW YEAHS BRAY CHICKS HAVE been nulud for Quality and Per- formunc*. This year you'll want the beat fur market* at home or abroad. We're ready to fill all orders but big demands tax even our capacity. Let's know what you want. A wide selection of breeds, crosses, dayoldtt or started. Be prepared order now. Bray Haichery, ISO John. Hamilton, Ont PRODUCING QUALITY EGGS 13 a war industry! Let's BO poultry- men more eggs for Britain. Tweddl* Chicks have tha bred in ability to a marked degree. Yi-nr after year they have been dem- onstrating their llvabillty. lay- abili'y and srowabillty to an In- creasingly large number of . aix- fnl chick buyers. We have a hatch every day In the week but Saturday hatching 75,000 to 80.UUG chicks per week. Free catalogue. Also turkeys and older pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Kern us. Ontario. _ _ UHKfMATIl- I-AI.V* READ THIS EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritl* should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'* Drug Store, S35 KUin, Ottawa. Postpaid tl .00. _ " HAKKKl M KMT BAKERS' OVK.NS AND MACHIN- ry, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand Terms arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hublmrd Portable Oven Co.. 108 Bathurst St., Toronto. BOOKS AMU MACAZINKS BOOKS. MAGAZINES, FROM 6c UP. One of the largest assortments In Canada. Technical, Trades, Milit dry. Aviation, Detective, l,uve, Romance, Business, Unugual, Mag- ic Professions, Medical, Marriage, tc. Rush for free Illustrated catalogue Canadian Book Com- pony. 84 Victoria Street. Toronto. _ FAUMBItS _ TOU CAN MAKH CONSIDERABLE handling ono of the finest linea of Insecticides. Electric Fence Con- trollers, Paints, Fire Extinguish- ers. etc. Write WARCO GREASE! & OIL, L.IM1TKP, TORONTO. CARS I s|.-o \M> M.:\V MO I' NT I'LJSASA.NT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers: three location.-.. iKI2 Ml. Pleasant Itoad -II4U Yanij* St and 1650 Danforth Avenue. Our Used Curs mnke us mnnv friends. Write for our Free Uook- let on pedigreed renewed und an- alyzed used car*. MI.M- UKVKLOHKU 25o KOLI.WS DtiVELAJPUD AMD printed, plus un* 5x7 enlarge- ment of be*t picture, freciaion Photo Guild, IDS Pultun Avenue. Toronto. KRKfa] CATALOGUE FREE >'OIXRKU CATALiOGUK OF Nursery Stock. Containing Fruit Trees, Roues, Shrubs. Uvertfruen. , Vines. Lowest prices in Canada. Writ* today for your free copy. BruokdulL'-Kinyaway Limited, Bowmunville. Ontario. KKATHKHS WA.Vi'UU NEW AND LSEJD (JOOSE, DUCK. also feather inattressc-d. Highest price* paid. Send particulars to Queen City Feather Company. HI Baldwin sir'-el. Turuiito. _ KH11T KAUM h'OK 13 ACKKS OF FRUIT IN FULL bearing. Uood buildings, modern conveniences, Mo. i Highway, Reg. Merritt, Uo.x 3D7. (Jri ins oy KOll MALI-; LAlvfe \VATKJt FRONT In Town, lor sule. Four acres, smotl u-ees, Spring cieek etc. Asu Uukvr, Gravenhurut. UL.NDUEU ACRES FUU SALE. Thirty wood bush, BOOL! buildings. grocery store In OIIIIIUCLIOII. Would sell (arm without atore. Price of farm. liarKU.n. .Sixteen hunUrmi dollars. Kenneth Vuughan, Mark- dale, Route 1, OnUirio. KOH SAI.bi FOR SAIJi . tl.P. FA1HUANKS- Moise Engine, also rebuilt 10-2U McCoi iiiick-L>eeritii< Tractor. New guarantee. J. H. AKCaw, 1. H. C. DHQer, Barrio. KOIt TWO CHOICE FARMS udjoinlng hundred acres each both splen- did buildings. Sacrifice. H. Roy- uolds. -Murmuialon. Ontario. momis WASTUU m WE BL V HUNDREDS D1FF1UR- eut Herbs, Roots, Harks. Writ* Dominion Herb Distributors, 1426 Main, Montrea 1. UAUtDUE.SMMU >( tuiKL LiEAU.N ilAlUUKl-JSSlNU 1'Hhi ROli- ertson method. Information on re- quest regarding classes. Robert- sons Hairurensing Academy, 117 Avenue Road, Toronto. 1IO.\EY WASTE!) FOR QUICK RETURNS AND BEST prices communicate with Joseph A. Rozon, 411 Con federal luu Bldg., Montreal ^ More than 2,:U7,000 children under 15 have ben inoculated since Britain's diphtheria immun- ization cumuiijjrn began a year ajro. HI I ll in l*VK.VIIIK> AN OFFElt 1U t.vEK\ I.N\fc. L.at ot invelillulia uiiU in., lulul- malloil .-ent iieu 1 hu Uiin-a.> <-\-. Reglsleied. 1'itelil Altulitu>. 271 Liauii Street. utluwK. I'anaUa. MKUKML FOR S T O M A C H TROUBLB& heartburn, acidity. IUIIIM.I. ulcera, furred white tongue, upci stom- ach from wruiiK ent.i.-. u u Bilk's "No. 1'" prescription uf nun. nt stomach specialist. j.'.c, |l.l)0, t-'.tiu. lilik'H Medicine Co., DepL \VN Su^lcitouu. Di.Xu.VS UE.\li-)DY FOH NfalCK- itis and Rheumatic r.iin... Thous- ands >:msiicu. Munro's I'rug Store. 33. r i Eie.ui. ">r iw:i. Pol- paid il.UU. PbiTtlUKKTUNUAl 'ill ii roMl'A.NX Patent Solicitors fclatuoiiMieO lijllu. 14 itniK WeDt, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re* quest. ~ I.UUAL. J. N. UNDSAV LAW OFRCK. CAP- Itol Theatre UuildlMH. .St Thomas, Ontario. Special Deimi Imei t for tai met s' > uiiect ions. roil/rut K.VIIM Kott * MODERN roll.TKV FAUM. CAP- .i.'uy lliiuu uyors. on highway Toronto-Monlvi:il and St. Francl* Lake for sule. Cau^e illness. House city vuiivuniencv*. Form* Avlcole Lyi'll. St. /loll uuc. Quebec, OH) HI t;> 11 K \VU\K.\ M:\\ RUGS. NEW i;n;s .MAI>E FROM, old. Dominion Rug WeuvinK Com. puny, Sii4 yueen St. W., Toronto. Wnie for bookie:. HAW WA.VI'KU MINK. FO.X. .MLSKKAT. \V lOA.SEL, Rubbit, Skunk. Ship Uuuiin I'ar- cel Post. Highest i'ricea Paldl Payment by rotum maif. Roior- ence: Canadian IBank Commerce. 1'hiilips Sijuare. Abe Guruiger, 368 St. Paul West. Montreal. STAMPS UOIUHT A.MU SOL.U STAMP COLLKuTlNO IS WAR- time relaxation, .iu diffurent .New- foundland and Catmdu only ISo, 3UO finely mixed Newroundland and Canada, only i'jc. l'"roe price- lists of Canadian Stumps und Worldwide packets. Old accumu- lations purchased. York Stamp* ''oinininy. Toi'unt.) '.'. FOR QUALITY SERVICE AND ATI!r'A.'TIM TIIV I.MI'fclUVI, t or 8 expoutira films, developed and printed, or 8 reprints, -jc. Money refunded If not satisfied IMI'KIIIAI, rif'in M'llt S I . i ''..lolltu. ISSUE IS '42 1 4 i ^ 4

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