Flesherton Advance, 15 Apr 1942, p. 3

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SAVING THE SACKS . Thousand* of sugar, flour and salt sacks, collected from army service depots across Canada, are being converted by the Post Office Department into mail sacks carrying letters to the armed forces over- seas. Hon. J. T. Thorson (left), Minister of National War Service*, whose department has charge of the National Salvage Campaign, congratulates Hon. W. P. Mulock, Postmaster General, on the saving. Have You Heard? A steward stood at the gangway of the lingr and kept shouting for the benefit of the passengers: "First class to the right, second lass to the left." A young woman stepped dain- tily aboard with a baby in her arms. As she hesitated before the steward, he bent over her end said in his chivalrous way: "First or second?" "Oh!" said the girl, her face as nd a* a beetroot. "Oh, dear, ft'i it's not mine!" On a little service tUtioa way out oa the edge of a western desert there hang* .Jungle, bearing this trenge legendi "Don't ask us for information. If we knew anything w* wouldn't be here." Willie had been sent out into the garden to look after his baby brother. Suddenly mother was ware that the baby was crying. "Do stop baby crying, and give him what he wants," she called eut Almost immediately came an anguished scream from outside. "Willie, I told you to give baby what he wants!" shouted mother. "I did mother; but the bee atung him!" replied Willie. Elsie: "My hiuband it an efficiency expert in a large Office." Naomi: "What doe* an ef- ficiency expert do?" Elsie: "Well, if we women did it, they would call it nagging." Kvi-ii the usual inside indica- tion* aren't much help to young soldiers these days when it comes to speculations as to where they'll be sent on active service. A local father wrote hi& son at military camp, asking where he expected to see duty. Came the reply: "It's anybody's guess. So far, we've been innoculated for yel- low fever and given fur hats." I wih that I could make rule That every Moth mutt go to ichool, And learn from some ex- perienced Mole To make a lei* conipicu- out hole. The minister 'had preached for an hour and a quarter on the prophets all the greater proph- et* and then the minor ones in turn. "Now we come to Habak- kuk," he said. "Where shall we put him?'' "He can have my seat," said a wearied listener, "I'm awa' hame!" Sonny: "Dad, what do you cell a man who drive* a car?" Ded (a pedeitrian): "It all depend* on how clo*e he come* to m, my boy." Jones: "Here's that last pair of trousers you made for me. I want them re-seated. You know, I sit a lot." Tailor: "Yes, and I hope you've brought the bill to be receipted. You know I've stood a lot." "Hat your baby learned to talk yet?" "He ha*. We're teaching nim to keep quiet ow." Vancouver A Flying Day From St. John's St. John's, capital of Newfound- land, will be only on* day away from Vancouver, on the Paclfte Coaat, la flying hours when Trana- Canada Air Line* commence their familiarization flights on April 1. A month later, on May 1st, It la anticipated that regular passenger, express and air mall service will be established on regular sched- ules. Announcement to this effect waa made by D. R. MacLaren, super- intendent of passenger service. Mr. MacLaren stated that s ten- tative flying time of four and a half hour* had been decided upon from Moncton to Torbay airport, the flight terminus close to the capital city of St. John's. H point- ed out that the distance covered by the airplane In four and a half hours sometimes takes the same number of days, by steamship and rail, when present ocean transport conditions are considered. He spoke) of the desirability of establishing a speedy and regular air service) to Newfoundland, and stated that not only would the airliners spaa the breadth of the continent from Vancouver to St. John'* In 24 fly- ing hours, but that Winnipeg would be brought within eighteen flying hours of Newfoundland, Toronto 11 hours, Ottawa nine hours, and Montreal eight hours. Operations Superintendent F. M. McGregor emphasized the vital Importance of Trans-Canada ia speeding up Canada's war effort and pointed to the tremendous In- crease In all three branches of T. C. A. services available to the public, passenger, express, and air mail, and stated that durlug the) past year the airline routes had been Increased by 10 per cent. A total of almost 7.250,000 miles w* flown by T. C. A. airliners during 1941. Asks Motorists To Save Anti-Freeze Chemicals Controller J. D. Lori- mer of the Munitions and Supply Department said "hundreds of thousands of gallons of industrial alcohol" may be saved if Cana- dian motorists will drain and store their ami-freeze for use again next winter. Replacement of alcohol used th's season would involve upward* of 2,000,000 gallons next year If no attempt at economy wera made, Mr. Lorimer said, stressing that industrial alcohol ia "sorely needed in the manufacture of explosives." Illustrating, he said that the manufacture of the propellent for a single shot from a 16-inch gun requires enough alcohpl to keep more than twenty automobiles in operation for the winter. Glass containers, tightly cap- ped to prevent evaporation, were) recommended as receptacles for draining purposes SOLDIERS, RUB OUT TIRED ACHIf Modern Etiquette 1. Ii it all right for an unmar- ried woman to attach the title of "Miss" to her name when signing a letter? 2. Who provides the ushers and beat man at a wedding with their ties and boutonnieres? 3. Is it necessary, when taking leave of a group to which one haa been introduced, to bid each one "good-bye" separately? 4. What is a good rale to re- member in regard to a well-set dinner table? 6. Is it proper for a young wo- man to rise when an elderly woman leaves the room? 6. What are the hours for for- mal calling? Answer* 1. Only if the title is enclosed In parentheses, as "(Miss) Ruth Thompson." Generally, if the writer signs her name merely "Ruth Thompson," it is taken for granted that she is unmarried. However, if she wishes to be sure that the reply to her is addressed properly, she will include the title aa above. 2. The groom. 3. No. A cordial "Good-bye" or "Good- night" with a smile that includea everyone is all that is necessary. 4. That the well-set table bean die least number of pieces pos- sible. The over-burdened table that is clattered with all sorts of appointments is in very poor taste, aa is also the table that is over- decorated. 5. Yes; this indicate* good breeding on the part of the young woman. 6. Between three and four-thirty, except when calling on a woman who announ- ces a day at home during other hours. What Science Is Doing HEALING AGENTS Chlorophyll, the green coloring matter in plants, along with bar- berry roots, cod liver oil and sul- fanilamide, are the newest ans- wers to quick healing of war and other wounds, says World Wide News Service. The use of sulfanilamide or one of its derivative* for the prompt treatment of wounds by a wound- ed soldier himself has already been recommended to the War Department. If the recommenda- tion goes through, every soldier will carry in his first aid kit a small bottle containing five grama of sulfanilamide with instruction* to break it and pour the powder directly into a wound. The de- partment is also now 'contem- plating equipment of every soldier with sulfanilamide tablet* which he can take after injury. Chlorophyll is being used di- rectly in wound*, is given by mouth and injected into the vein* to stimulate wound healing. The substance, readily obtainable from grass or any other green plants, Staying at FORD HOTELS Modern, Firtproof, Uxond, as low at $150 per peaon rot MAP FOlDt, wrin FOIIOHOTUSCO. Montreal Montreal Toronto and the LORD ELGIN '"Ottawa 5 2-fo $ 3 per person, No higher! [jj^gjjji jg^ 400 lovely rooms wit'i radio! 75o Package FREE FRKE-TSc Package Jf you surfer 1 pains of Rheumatism. Neurltl*. SdsMem, Arthritis, Lumbago. N*uralgl. tske, PAIN-X r. Rheumatic Treatment to give you relief. Send for a FREE lie PACKAGE today and rid yourself of pain and mbrary. There are no itrlnm to thli offer. We will lend one fr TSe r-k*f* to etch sufferer for trial Writ* to The PAIN-X Cc.. P.O. Box 67. Sta- tton F. Toronto. .You iii AL WHO SUFFER., If you suffer monthly cramps, back- ache, dlstrou of "Irregularities," nervousness due to functional monthly disturbance* try Lydla B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Tnblots (with added Iron). Mad* i-.s n.xiui.'v lor women. They also help build up red blood. Made In Canada. , leens up wounds and stimulate* rabnilding of tissue, Captala Bowers declared. "It haa had *- tensive clinical trial in such CMM aa wound infections, pua pocketa, fiatulas, deep abscesses and acute Infections of the nose, throat and ear." In the same class is the bar- berry plant, which the United States Department of Agriculture has tried to eradicate for years because it harbored the fungus of one form of rust in wheat. The effective material in the barberry plant ia barberine, long used by the Indians to treat surface in- fections. This, the scientists- have found, will, even in a one per cent solution, kill the streptococci which cause erysipelas within eight hours. It has also been used with considerable succesa in the treatment of ulcers, mouth infe- tioni and bed sorea. Cod liver oil has proved effec- tive for infected wounds. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I make a cement for pipe joints? A. A cement for steam and water pipe joint* can be mad* by mixing 10 Ibs. of yellow ocher, 4 the. ground litharge, 4 Ibs. whit- ing, tt-H>. of hemp, cut up fine. Mix together with linseed oil to about the consistency of putty. Q. How can I make a good substrate for a ring mold? A. Fill a glass jar with chopped loe, seal, and set into a bowl. Pour the mixture to be molded around the jar. Remove tht jar when the mixture is well '. :.i. Q. How can I make glass epaque ? A. If it is desired to make tome glass aurfacs opaqug, rub ovar it with a lump of putty. Apply evenly and carefully, rubbing one way only. Q. How can I remove ink spots from wall paper? A. By applying a weak solution ef water and oxalic acid. It should be applied with a paint brush and pressed with blotting paper, ae the acid might effect the aoior ef the paper. It might be nsces- aary to repeat this process s see- end or third time. Q. How can I make mulling ealta? A. You may make your own ssiftlling salts by breaking one enac* of rock volatile into small pieces, covering with eau da cologne, and allowing to stand for few days before using. When you are putting away an iee cap, rubber gloves, or rubber bag, fill with rolls of paper. This will prevent rubber from sticking. To Restrict Railway Travel For Ple&ur It was intimated ia Ottawa that restriction of travel by vat for purposrs of pleasure may soon be applied. There s now Ik* intimation that trip* may be lim- ited to one hundred miles. There would always be, of course, op- portunity for necessary travel bat the whole may be regulated by permit. The question is not new to the railways. They have been eoa- sidering it. All the line* are "full up" with trains running be- tween many point* in two or more sections. They are carrying troops and munitions and civil- ians. To do it, only so mueh rolling stock is available. When steel is so greatly in demand for war purposes, it is not the easiest to get for other purposes, though wartime transportation is one of the priorities. The Canadian Pacific will not open some of it* smaller summer hotels this year and the Canad- ian National may follow the same policy. Any restriction on unnecessary travel would be quite ia line with the policy of restricted consump- tion of civilian services as well as goods, enunciated repeatedly by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board in statements and by ad- dresses by the chairman, Donald Gordon. U.S. Will Reduce Tea Consumption The War Production Board haa ordered the nation's tee supply out in half to conserve dwindliag tea supplies. The order was intended, the board said, to stretch the stocks of tea on hand in this country on January 1 which it was said would hare lasted six month* aa- leas restricted to a full year's supply. The order does not take lake account tea received *t a normal rate from the Far Eaat daring January and February, aad W.P.8. said thsx* wa* "reaaoa to believe" *"* tea would eoa- tinue to enter thia country ia ship* returning from voyage* tab- lag military *npplie* to the West- ern Paaific. Jap 'Chute DreM In Easter Parade A *ilk dres* made from the parachute of a Japaneae aviator will be the Easter parade finery of June Ottley, 17, of Spring field. Mas*. June seised the parachute from a Japanese piaae after it plummeted to earth be- side her Pearl Harbor home Hir- ing- the December T attack. fl I 1 ** A TIMELY SUGGESTION! CHEW 77,, PERFECT n Tobacco No Honor* Usual hoaors due a flag offt- i*r .rhen he board* a wanhlf wen abaeat when an admiral commanding- a convoy was res- oued after Us ship waa torped- oed, Two able seamen dragged him feet first from the water. Hlgheat price* paid for Calf, 8hp and Deer dkin*. Bef and Hone Hide* Woe), Hormhalr, B***iraz. *to. Writ* for prloe*. Joku HALLuUI Oe< Ot. S.. Tea** .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. nun CHICKS IX BREEDS, CHICKS. CAPONS. growing Pullets. Descriptive ca- talogue. Monkton Poultry Farm. Mnnkton. Ontario. BAi;\ I'Hi'.'KS 3 TO 11 CENTS. ^5 free cluck*, our choice with avery lot) pullet* or inu Mixed chick* 1UU pullet* ordc ' ' Hat Ontario. Uii pullet* or luu Mixed chick* rdered In March, Uoddard Chick latebertes, Britannia Heights. >nlnri,v ACTIONS Sl'KAK LOUDER THAM wculs. That's why more people are buying Twodrlle Chicks thia yeur than ever before. All chirk* are fmm carefully culled. Govern- ment Approved bloodtented breed- ers. We i-nii irlve you prompt delivery on White Leghorns. Bar- red Korku and ninny other popular purebreeda and hybrid cruises. We have 19 purebre,-ds. 9 hvbrlrt crosses nnd 4 breeds of turkeys to choose from. Send for new cover to cover free catnlomiu. Twaddle Chick Hntcherlos Lltnlt- eil, Fergus, Ontario. TEAR AFTER YEAR ITS BRAY with hundreds of poultryketpers. Buying now. you'll want depend- able stock. And Immediate deliv- ery. We're seared to give you what you want. 1'ullots started -to catch the enjc markets. Starred chicks. A wide choice of breeds and crofse*. T>uy Bray this year. Bray Hatchory. ISO John N'.. Hamilton. Ont. BARBEB BAKPER SHOP IN VII.I.AUK KOU rent, no opposition. For further particulars apply <3. P. Pruuse, Little Krltaln. UAKUItY l qi 1,-M vl BAKERS' OVENS AND M.VCHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- wa> s on hand Terms arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 108 Ciathurst St.. Toronto. BOOKS AJID MAUAXIJIKS BOOKS. MAGAZINES, KKU.M 5c UP. On* of th* largest assortments tn Canada. Technical. Trades, Military. Aviation. Detective, Love, Romance. Business, Unusual, Mug- la Profession*, Medical. Marriage, etc. Rush for fret Illustrated catalogue Canadian Book Com- pany. 31 victoria Street, Toronto. GA* BAVKR M% MORE MIUBAGK: CARS; Trucks! Tractors! Airmail for quick Information! Agents, yes! Aeromatic. Meter, Box 163. Van- eouver. Can. CARS I M i> \M> M u MOUNT PU3ASAXT MOTORS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealer*; throe locations, tin;: V. Pleasant Koad 204U Yonge St. and 1650 Dantortb Avenue. Our Used Cara make us mi- friends. Write for our Kroe Hook- let on pedlKrecd renewed unj an- alysed used cars. VN..HU1 WOOL 114.000 A TON, ANGORA WOOU Read "Ansrors, Wool Ranchlns?' 14 Chapter Illustrated B o ea. Hutch Plan*, etc. 11.00. postpaid. Otto'* Angora Ranch, Drawer IW, Coiborne. Ont- (Etab!!hed tttt.) FILMS 25c KOLJ^S DKVISLOPBD AND printed, plu* on* S x 7 enlarge- ment of best picture. Precision Photo Uulld, 108 Fulton Avenue. Toronto. KUKiC FKliB COLORED CATALOGUB OF Nursery Stock. Containing fruit Trees, Kuxea, Shrubs. Evergreen*. Vinea. lowest prices In Caaada. Wrlte today for your free oopr- BrookcUlu-lvlrm'sway Limited, Uowmunville. Ontario. i KH-IU:KH wA.vruu NEW AND L'SED UOOSE. DUCK. also feather niuttressu*. Hlgbect prices paid. Send particular* to Queen City l-'eather Company. II KiiMmn Street. Toronto. _ Kill IT IV KM Mill MAL.B 13 ACHES OF KKLir IN KULJ. beariti); Uuod buildings modern conveniences, No. 8 Highway, He;;. Merrill. Box 3i'7. Urlmby. i-'ou MTSK.UKA UAlit; WATEH FRONT lu Town, for sale. F'Hir acrea, small trees*. Spring creek etc. Asu Bilker, Gravenhurst. KOK SALK FOK SALE 6 U.P. KAIRBANKS- Morse Kn .:::>. also rebuilt 10-tU McCormick-Deerins Tractor. New guarantee. J H. McCaw, I. H. C. Dealer. Hurrle. ill mi* u \N i i i) $JS WE IU V HLNUHKDS LUFKKK- nit Herbs, lloota, Carka Write Dominion Herb Distributor*, Ulf Msnii. Montreal. II \lltllltl:xMM; S( 11,1,11 LKAKN H.M KI'KK&il.NIi THE KOB- ensun method Information on re- quest regarding classes Etobert- 80H9 fctauraresnna Academy, til Avenue Houd, Toronto. rn ; EONS, uAci.v: HOMKUS. FIRST Class of Birds, Stock Imported from England. VVorkiimrnmn price. Wrlto for further information. f.Jworge Morris, llox 382, Sydney C. H.. Novu Scollu. 1'liOTUl.K VI'UV im.ui>T i. u viu. PHOTO FINISHING. YOL'R ROLL ilv\i-l,,|,i ,i and |,rii,',-,l with free t'lilarm nil-ill J."<c. Uci>nts 10 for 86 c. KstaMisiii-d ::. jreai%. UriKht- linu 1 Simiiti, Klchmoiid Street Jfitat. Toronto. OKKKR m IX V UNTURa A> I'FFEM TO UvtaiHt List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free Th* Kam.nr Ca k Rogiitared. Patent Attoroeye, Irs Bank Street. Ottawa, t'anada, HK1MCAL FOR STOMACH TROUBl heartburn, acidity, nauaea. ulcer*. furred whit* tongue, upaet stom- ach from wrong eating, u*e Silk's "No. 2" prescription of eminent stomach specialist, 55c, II 00. 12. uu. Knks Medicine Co.. Dept \VN Saskatoon. NATURE'S HELP D1XO.V Remedy for Rheumatic Pain*. Neuritis. Thousand* praising It. Munro'i Drug Store, 335 ETlala. Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. ATKSITi FKTHEKSTONHAHiH 4 I'OMPANI Patent Solicitors E*tHblirQ*e 1S!"|. li (Clng West, Toronto. Uookiet of Information on re- quest. LBUAL J. N. LINDSAY. LAW OFFICE. CAP- Itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special I>epartmHnt for Tinners' collections. OLD Rf:S HI \\m I \ RL'tJS. NEW RLGS MADE FROM old. Dominion Rug Weaving Com. puny, S>ii4 Queen St W.. Toronto. Write for booklet. KAW KIK* -v \\l i' MIMV. FUN. Ml SKKAT \\KASEL. Rabbit, Skunk Ship Uooda Par- cel Post Hl^nest Prices Paldl Payment Dy return mall. Refer- ence Canadian Rank Commerce. Phillips Square Abe Ueringer, 3G8 St I'nui West Montreal. IIIIKI MATIC COOP RESOLUTION EVERT sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon's Rem- edy Munro'* Dnift Store. (H Klirin. Ottawa. Postpaid Jl.OO. ROIGHT \\;i STAMP i-OLLECTINi: IS WAR- time relaxation SO different New- foundland and Canada only 18c. .tii" finely mixed Newfoundland nnd Canndn. only ZSc. Free prlce- li^ts of Canadian Stumps and Worldwide packets Old ccuma- 'atlons purchased. Vork Stampe Crmpriny. Toronto !>. I'lIOTdlillATHY FOR QUALITY SERVICE AXU MATIHKACTIOJf rnv (MI-MUM ( or g. oxposure films, developed and printed, or S lepilnts, iiac. Money refunded if not satisfied IMI'I'.HI l. IMIOTO Sltition J. Toronto. 1 ISSUE 16 '42

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