Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1942, p. 8

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.Wednesday, May 27, 1942 THE FLESHERTJON ADVANCE spa {/ft fROM tANKS POST OFMCfS OIPAITMINT STORIS . DtUOGISTS OlOCtftS TOBACCONISTS OCX STOftS and ariwr RITAIL STORES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late William Jwhn Blackburn, late of the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, who died on the 7bh day of April, 1942, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the undersigned solicitor of the estate, on or before Monday, June 16th, 1942. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date the exec- utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale this 26th day of May, 1942. WALTER E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor. Straw hat season reminds us that by the time one feels comfortable it looks so bad you need a new one. MMIMMMM SPRINGTIME IS Clean Up-Paint UpjTime A FEW SUGGESTIONS PAINTS, VARNISHES, ENAMELS - BROOMS, BRUSHES, MURESCO MOPS, POLISHES, FLOOR WAX FLOOR CLEANER, WAXING BRUSHES PAINT, OIL and TURPENTINE PLOW SHARES, CULTIVATOR POINTS HAME STRAPS, BUCKLES, SNAPS COLLAR PADS, CURREY COMBS TOOLS, HAND SAWS, WRENCHES POULTRY SUPPLIES BROODERS, JAR FOUNTS, FEED TROUGHS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLESHERTON 'MM**' MORTGAGE SALE - of - in the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey there will be offered for PUBLIC AUCTION - on . Tuesday, June 3rd, 1^42 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the said farm By virtue of power of sale contain- ed in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale the following property:- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Osprey, County of Grey, and being composed of lot Number 16, 'in the 10th Concession of the said Township of Osprey, containing by admeasure- ment 100 acres. There is said to be good buildings on said lands, and th said lands are well fenced. TERMS OF SALE :- 10 per cent of purchase price to be paid down at time of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at time of the sale. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. MALCOLM McLEAN, Town of Collingwood Solicitor for Mortgagee. G. H. FINLAY, Auctioneer. Collingwood, Ont. Dated at Collingwood, this 22nd day of May, 1942. - SPRING ROUND TRIP FARES WESTERN CANADA GOING DATES May 22 to 31, 1942 RETURN LIMIT; 45 DAYS TICKETS GOOD TO TRAVEL IN COACHES Tickets (food in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars also available on payment of slightly higher pass- age fares, plus price of parlor or sleeping car accommodation. ROUTES Tickets good jpoing and returning via same Canadian routes and lines. STOPOVERS will be allowed at any point in Canada on the going or return trip, or both, within final limit of ticket, on application to Conductor. Full particulars from any agent. Local and Personal REGISTRATION or UNEMPLOYED MEN WHO MUST REGISTER Every man between the ages of 16 and 69 who is unemployed or who will not be gainfully occupied after May 31, 1942, must reg- ister. The following are excepted: Full-time students, or those confined in an asylum, or a prison, or hospital or home for the aged and infirm, or are subject to the provisions of the Essential Work (Scientific and Technical Personnel) Regulations, 1942. WHEN TO REGISTER If you have not already registered at an Employment and Claim* Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission within the last two weeks, or have not obtained work, you are required to register within the week of June 1st, 1942, or within one week after be- coming unemployed or not gainfully occupied at any time after May 31st, 1942. WHERE TO REGISTER 1. At an Employment and Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission, if you live in, or within five miles of, a city or town in which there is such an office; or 2. At the nearest Poet Office, ii you do not live in, or within five miles of, a city or town In which there is an Employment and Claims Office. RENEWAL You must renew your registration at least every two weeks If you remain unemployed. Pte. Laurie Smith of Camp Borden was home over Sunday. Miss Mary Whitehead visited with her friend, Miss Grace Parker. Miss Hazel McKillop of Oshawa spent the holiday with her parents. Mr. Harold Fawcett of Hamilton spent the week end with his family. Mr. Ted McTavish of Gait Aircraft School spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts visited with Alliston friends recently. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson spent the holiday at Stamford. Miss Dorothy Patton of Toronto was home on the holiday. Rev. A. E. Armstrong of Meaford was in town the first of the week. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto was home for the holiday. Mr. Bob Bellamy of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mrs. Wes Buskin of Hamilton was a visitor in town last week. Mrs. J. Latimer of Toronto visited the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mrs. J. B. O'Brien and children of Oakvillc spent the holiday with her father, Mr. F. G. Karstedt. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith and Miss Ina of Toronto spent the holi- day with relatives here. Dr. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal is visiting his parents, Dr. J. P. and Mrs. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis and two children visited on Monday at the former's home at Tiverton. Mr. and Mrs. Burton E. Field of Toronto spent the holiday with rela- tives in town. Miss Hilda Duckett of Toronto { holidayed with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett, west backline. Mr. and Mrs. W. McBride and family of Kitchener spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson and Marilyn of Guelph visited over the holiday with relatives in town. Messrs. Charles and Fred McTav- ish of Oshawa spent the week end in town. Mr. Lew Roger returned to his home in Toronto after spending two weeks a t the home of R. Allen Mr. Harvey Croft of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mrs. A. A. Storm of Toronto visdt- ed her sister, ,Mrs. Laurie Smith, over lite holiday. Mrs. Win. McEachnie of Malton i? spending a week with her son, Cecil, who has been confine to his bed with an iiifliiiiifil knee. Aircraftman Douglas Morgan and Mrs. Morgan of Calgary, Alta., are spending a couple of weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. W. E. Morgan. Miss Irma Smith, nurse of Well- and, and Miss Maud Smith of Fever- sham holidayed at the home of Mr. C. D. Meldrum. &,&&&* HUNTED WALLS- unll give you colorful and artistic results Flo-glaze "Velvet" is a low-lustre wall paint. Its pearl-like finish and soft pastel colors offer the latest for modern interior decoration. Flo-glaze "Velvet" is an oil pant, hence is washable and more serviceable. YOU/ choi o< then Why not decorate the living-room or a bed- lowly ft jhader ,0^ fafc spring? Painted walls are very much {jft&TTi, IVQfJt W O9ff f ii 1 ,J_* in style, and we can thoroughly recommend this special wall paint InMan Ivorj. Pargtt-Me-Noi Bttt, , Stmihiat Yttloui. Buff. D. McKILLOP ESTATE FLESHERTON ONTARIO WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Small Ad. Column FOfi ,aALE-^Non-barb Barley. G. Cairn*, R. R. 6, Markdale. 49c2 PASTURE Cattle wanted for pas- ture. Lutiher 'Duflkerttt, Ceylon. NOTICE Car of cement just ar- rived. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE 1931 model A DeLuxe coach. Chas. G. Robson, R. R. 1, Markdale. 51p2 PASTURE 100 acre farm for pas- ture. A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. FOR SALE Sedan grass seed. Milton Hutchinson, Kimberley. WANTED "Girl or woman for general housework. Mrs. John Gowanlock, R. R. 3 Proton Sta. By Authority of Order-ln-Council PX3.1445 of March 2nd, 1942. _ HUMPHREY MITCHELL UlnMw oi Labou. THE FORMS CAN BR SECURE!) AT FLESHERTON POST OFFICE Mr. and Mrs. Ian McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Becker * Ac- ton spent the holiday with their father, Mr. Arthur McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCutcheon and two children of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. O. Patton. Mr. Mid Mrs. Thoi. Laudcr and son, Allan, and Mrs. Marvin and son, Cyril, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. O. W. Phillips on Wed., June 3, at 2.30 p.m. Roll call "A thought from the District annual meeting Visitors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bentham and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Get Reynolds and two children of Toron- to called on the former's parents the first of the week. Rev. W. S. Ross and Mrs. Ross of Houjrh Baptist Church, Cleveland. Ohio, visited at the home of thoir sister, Mrs. Laurie Smith, over the FOR SALE Quantity buckwheat. Johnston Bros., R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. 62p2 WANTED Horses and eows fit fr mink feed. John J. Meads, Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE M.-H. spreader, med- ium size, good shape, $60. Josepl. Radk'v. Flesherton. FOR SALE or RENT Two lots in Eugenia, reasonable. Archie Mc- Kechnie, Priceville. phone 49rl3. FOR SALE Rogers mantle electric radio, also baby carriage, both in good condition, phone 30J. WANTED Woman or girls as cook laundress or housekeeper for sum- mer cairi4>. Write Box 208 Meaford. FOR SERIVCE Yorkshire re. Boar, advanced reg. breeding, dam scored 94, just want young sows, fee $1.50. Ellwood Stevens, R. R. % Flesh- erton. 52p3 Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan and Jean, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy and Mrs, Wes White spent the first of the week at St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and family motored to Niagara Thursday, whore the former had a military examination on Friday. They then spent the week end with Mrs. T's mother near Aylmer. Mrs. W. H. Thurston, Dell, Miss Helen Durrani, nurse in training in Stratford General Hospital, and Mrs. Don McCollum of Winona inotored to Lions Head and spent the long week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. W. Shaw. WANTED Reliable girl or woman for general housework. Apply -to Mrs. Lyness Myles, Thombury, Ont., phone 16. 51c2 WANTED Country girl to help with housework, no heavy work, goixl home, good wages, evenings free. Mrs. S. W. Gazley, Milton, Ont FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bull calf, 10 months old. Jos. D. Whyte, Priceville R.R. 3. 50p2 FOR SALE Good cooking range also chesterfield in good condition. Mrs. Robt. Whitehead, Flesher- ton. 51p2 FOR SALE Young purebred Scotch Shorthorn bulls, registered and tatooed, herd T-B tested. Howard I. Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale, or phone Markdale 59r2. 50p FOR SALE About 50 berry crates and 300 quart boxes. All new. A. Sherson, Proton Station, phone44r6 Dundalk. 52p2 CONTACT Bray Hatchery agent for summer chicks, delivery June or later. Prompt delivery on Leghorn chicks, pullets. Trying not to dis- appoint poultry keepers this im- portant poultry year. John Mc- William, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.DR., Art* mesia, containing 100 acres, on whica is situated a bank barn 15x55, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. ThoM interested communicate with John Ollrer or W. R. Meads, Pricevfile, Ex- ecutors for the estate *7e BUSINESS CARDS HIDES WANTED Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sh*p skins. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r8. FOR SALE 3 good used cieam sep- arators, good condition; several used cook stoves; Btutty electric and hand washing achines. W. E. Betts, Flesherton, phone 46J. FOR SALE Potatoes: Early War- bas, Chippewas, Dooleys, also cert- ified No. 1 and No. 2 Katahdin*. Alex. S. Muir, R. R. 1, Ceylon, or telephone Flesherton 49rl4. 60c2 FOR SALE Second hand range in good condition; good Anchor-Holth separator; also new Renfrew sep- arator, stainless steel discs. Russell Hill, Markdale, phone 56r3 STRAYED iFrom my premises, five yearling cattle: 2 Hereford colored steers, 1 red and 1 roan heifer and Hi'lstuin eteer. Kindly notify at once Oliver Turner, Eugenia. AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock ales our spec :- ty. Term*: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at Th Vdvance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VKTEUIN VttY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phjjut; ^1 day or night LB, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham 8t. Office hours; afternoon* a to 4.M. Wednesday and Saturday evening* 7.80 to 10 p-m. No office hours on Sunday. Piinet Arthur Lodg* No. aas, A A.M., ni Ftartwrtoft, month. 0. J.

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