Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1942, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 3, 1942 SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE To develop your chickens properly and economically use Shur-Gain Developing Concentrate with your own grain 100 Ibs. Developing Concentrate 100 Ibs. Barley 100 Ibs. Oats 200 Ibs. Wheat. According to present regulations the government is paying $4.50 per ton on grain shipped in, until July 1st. See that you have enough grain on hand, until you harvest your own crop. Unloading car of MIXED FEED OATS on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week at $28.00 per ton. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24w Flesherton, Ont. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Dave Winters of the 4th line spent e few days laat week with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blaschke, Ron- ald and Miss Joan Crawford ioif Pres- ton were recent visitors with Mr. Wm. Moffatt. and Mrs, Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tevez of Toronto spent the 24th with the letter's sis- ter, Mrs. Walter Lawler. Mr. P. J. Somera of Banks is visit- ing his parents here, being l;_id off duty with a sore knee. Mrs. J. Kernahan of Flesherton, Mrs. J. Leggatt of Orangeville and Mr. Claytop Bannister of Winnipeg spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler last week. Miss Evelyn Hale of Badjeros spent the week end at her home. Mr. Pat Haley of Melancthon and Mr. Jim Haley of Badjeros were re- cent visitors with friends here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hanley on the birth last week of a son. It may be hard to get fellows to bowl or golf or go fishing these days when they have the gardening craze but wait until July when there wil be nothing to do in the garden ex cept to eradicate the weeds. <<M$M.^^~>>^~>^~>1^^^^ BIG NEWS FOR SHOPPESS Ladies' New Spring COATS SENSATIONAL OFFER $10.95 A fresh shipment that include all the newest styles that hare proved to be big sellers; all hand-picked designs. Selection of fabrics and colors, is truly outstanding for coats at this thrift price. Well tailored, many with white edgings, intricate tuckings; all lined with two season crepe or celanese; sizes 14 to 20 38 to 44. Values up to $18.50. Your choice) while twe have them $10.95 BOOTS and SHOES MEN'S FINE SHOES LADIES' SPORT SHOES The fancTL erf orated vamp and easy-fitting last, make them hard to beat for real comfort. Uppers are of black leather, medium weight leather soles. Special, pair $2.75 LADIES' SHOES Black ties that you can wear anywhere, any- time, knowing your feet look well dressed. Black kid with patent trimming and Cuban heel. Special, pair $2.95 You want cool ahoes in the summer and of court they must be smart and good looking. These come in blue or Burgundy with white trim or all-fWhite, witih w*dge dutch bay or low Cuban heel. Special, pair $1-45 Women's Shoes in donegal kid, in ties and straps; very serviceable shoe; all sizes in stock. Special LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR We are featuring this week some very smart styles in sheers, crepes and spurs. Be sure to Me them for your spring wear. CHILDREN'S DRESSES Some very smart dresses for the young girls in petal crepes; a good range of shades; sizes 6 to 14 yars $1.85 to 52.25 MILLINERY All our new range of women's and children's straws and felts. A wonderful assortment of colors and styles. All at very attractive prices. FLOOR COVERING , Buy your floor covering now at these times. Will be very scarce. Good assortment tt linol- eum and feltol rugs in a full range of sizes. SPECIAL Special Borderless felt base rugs in several patterns, sizze 6x9, each $1.69 BEDSPREADS Celanese rayon satin for your bed, wide flounce shirred in the sides; colors: mauve and blue; size 88x100. Special $4.95 Grocery Department Specials Bran, per ewt. bag $1.38 Shorts, per cwt. bag $1.40 Feed of all kinds at special prices. Peas, 20 ox. tin, per tin lOc Tomatoes, ferg tin, per tm lOe Fancy Biscuits, per Ib 19e Puffed Wheat (Good Humor), per pk Be LADIES' PURSES Smart new good roomy purses in pigtex or simulated leather, with ticket and change purse in side cover, in white, blue or tea rose. Special $1.75 and $1.85 Bring Us Your Wool We have been licensed by the Canadian Gov- ernment Wool Board to act as agents. You can bring your wool to us, you will get the weight and duplicate certificate. We will advance yon 26c R>., as soon aa it is weighed up, and * balance of the final payment will be made to you direct from the Government Wool Board. The following prices that you will receive as set by the Wool Board are as follows: Grade fine and % blood 28c Southdown .,.. ....... We Military style SOc Felting style SSc Ordinary style short staple SOc Rejects or Defective Wool: Grey and Black 24c Chaffy and Barry 21e Cotted Fleece _ 26c Wool Tags OTc The above list of prices are what is to be paid to the grower. Any wool tied with binder Cwtne Is subject to a penalty of Ic Ib. deduction, from the above prise, so bring along your wool. We are gtod to be able to offer you the above service under present arrangement. Tou will receive prompt returns, which means that yon will hav received all your money in not more than 30 days. The above information, we hope, win be of vnhie to you F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ontario ORANGE VALLEY Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. Byron Hill and all members the Davidson and Hill families in their recent very sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fry, Mr. Earl Fry and Mrs. P. Morrison and child- ren of Nashville spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Boyd and fam- ily of Blantyre -pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller and family and called on Mr. and Mrs. G. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker of To- ronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hogg and Douglas of IVronto spent a day re- cently with the former's sister, Mrs. G. Littlejohns and family. Mrs. C. Gilchrist has accepted a position in Toronto and left Monday morning. Miss Muriel, who has been at Orangeville - the past month, has returned home. Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Miss Martha Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dunne of Buffalo 9pent the week end at the Alcox home, and attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Byron Hill. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Swift of Twronto and Mr. Harry Quigg of Harriston spent the week end with Mrs. Archie Stewart Mr. J. Gorley of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. Robt. Oliver. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair of Dundalk and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sinclair and family were in Owen Sound on Saturday. Messrs. Charlie McWilliam and Emerson Plester of Toronto are vis- iting at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and Mrs. Harry Piper attended the funeral of the late Mrs. B. Hill in Markdale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P Wharin and Miss Jeanette McLeod, Toronto, Mr. Dtenald McLeod and two children of Detroit and Sheila McLeod of Lon- don are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLeod. Messrs. Stewart Muir and John Nichol have installed the hydro ia their barns. Messrs. Richard and Ted Whito- taker, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Spurgewn Whittaker, who are working in the north, spent the end of the week with their grandmother, Mrs. Rich- ard Whittaker. Mr. B. J. Glenister is visiting in London. There was a splendid attendance at the meeting of the Ladies' Aid on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy Piper. The devotional reading was taken by Mrs. J. Sinclair. Mrs. Gibson gave a reading and Mrs. G. Micks, who had the topic, grave a splendid talk on mental health. This was gfeatly enjoyed b(y everyope. Arrangements are being made for a picnic in June. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart, Mr. Frank Stewart and son, Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of To- ronto spent the 34th with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Misses Isobel and Janet Cameron of Fergus with Mrs. Neil Cameron; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hall and babe of Sudbury, Miss Elsie Fisher, Mrs. C. Pedlar. Harry Pedlar and son, Harvey, Bill Wright and Miss Jean Sherman, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A. of Portlaw at Ge>o. Fisher's; Miss Catharine Cairns, Toronto, at her home; Miss Dorothy Snell of Isling- ton at her home; Sherman Piper, To- ronto, at his home; Melville Hunt of Gait at Percy Hunt's; Mr. and Mrs. Don Porter, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. S. McDermid; Misses Margaret CoJiinson, Toronto, Jan of Owen Sound and Frances, Markdale, at J. F. Ollinsonfs; Mr. a)nd Mrs. JHni Bracken, Mr. Geo. Bracken and fam- ily, Caledon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Muir and family, Corbetton, Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie, Cobourg, at W. Burnett's; Ernie Mathewson, To- ronto, with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.>oddard and tw children, Fer- gus. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arnott Dur- ham, at T. Genoe.'s; Mr. Jos. Snell, Weston, with Mrs. Geo. Snell. Mr. and Mr*. Willard Wiley and family O f Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and Iso-bel of Weston were callers on Monday with Mrs Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cairns Mr. E. C. Mitchell was at Mono on Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Mitchell's mother, the late Mrs. Jemima Stonehouse. Miss Catharine Stewart R.N., of Owen Sound attended the funeral <xf her uncle, the late Donald Stewart, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Cairns were at Dunedin on Tuesday, where they at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Jane Tay- lor. The late Mrs. Taylor was a cousin of Mrs. C. Wilccck. Considerable salvage was collected Ceylon and community by the Road m -^^^M^^>^^^><^<^ PriceviIJe truckers OM Monda - v - KIMBERLEY (Intended for Last Week) Born On May 12th in Collingwoxi hospital fc> Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hainea, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt spent an evening wjfh Kimerley friend. Mrs. E. Morwood and Mrs. B. A. Carruthers- were the delegates to the Centre Grey W. I. convention held re- cently at Flesherton. Miss Thelma Ellis of Toronto spent the week end <~ith her parents. Mr. and Mra. Harold Thompson of Barrie visited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Burritt and Mrs. C. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wallace of Collingwood and son, Dalton, with tiie R.C.A.F., visited friends in Kim- berley over the 24th. Aircraftman Jack Graham of Fin- gal spent the week <.(nd with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pattison of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weber and Lois were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mrs. McMullen has nvcved to the home of her son, Leslie. We welcome her to our communuity. Miss Dunita Lawrence of Oshawa spent the holiday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoggard and daugh- ter and son-in-law were also guests. SWINTQN PARK (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell, Ethel and Gordon, accompanied by Mrs. McNalty of Proton Station spent last week end with friends in London and St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. J. L, Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tresidder and family of Toronto spent the 24th at the home of Mr. R. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Don McMillan and Misses Jessie and Isabelle McMillen and Mrs. Ellen Pars low of Toronto spent the holidays at H. McMillen's. Mrs. Vickie Ambrose of Toronto spent the 24th with her sister, Mrs. Walter Knox. The burial of the late Albert Haw took place Friday afternoon in Swin- ton Park cemetery from the Dundalk Mortuary Chapel. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. C. McMillan, when thirty ladies were present. A splendid report was given by Mrs. Brown of Dundalk on the VV.M.S. convention held in Orillia a short time ago. Mr and Mrs. Garfteld Anthony, Douglas, Donnie and Sheila of To- ronto spent the holiday week end at the home of Mr. Geo. Haw. Mrs. Heard and sons Fred and Will, and little Lorna Heard of Bay- field spent the holiday at the home of Delbert Haw. Mr and Mrs. Palmer Phillips and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs red Ray and family of Owen Sound spent the holiday at Ed. Haw's PRICEVILLE Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Williams (nee Donalda Mc- Leod) on the birth of a son in Mark- dale hospital on May 23rd, and to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Horasby on the birth of a son on May 21st in Markdale hospital. Mr. Harry Blair of Burlingnon it spending a few djfye at the home of Mrs. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Mar- ilyn and Mr. Dave Hincks visited on Sunday at Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall of Torontc were visitors last week at the home of H. R. McLean. Mr. Irwin Matthews, who has taught school here for the past two years, has resigned. Mr. Harry Morrow, who has spent the winter with his sister, Mrs. D. McDougall, in town, has returned to his home. Mrs. D. G. McLean has returned home after visiting in Toronto. Mrs. A. B. McDonald returned to Toronto, after spending the winter with her mother. Mrs. D. G. McLean. Miss Marie McLachlan of Fergus was a recent visitor at her home. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. McMeekin, Mrs. Bradey Irwin, Mr. Alex. Stonehouse and sister, Vio- let attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Jemima Stonehouse, at Mono Road on Saturday. Miss Monica Lambert has gone to T.ronto. Messrs. Innis McLean, Lauria Sutherland. Marjorie Brown, Margar- et McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks, all of Toronto, were week end visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Xorman and family of Orillia spent the week end at the home of Mr. C. McLean. Miss Marjorie Meuser -of Owen Sound spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. A. MacCuaig. The dance held in the hall Monday night was a decided success. Proceeds were for war purposes. Trucks were around Monday calling at all gates and received quite a quantity of salvage. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Albert O'Dell en the arrival of a baby girl in Durham hospital. In early England coins were some- times cut in halves or quarters to make change. BAILEY'S MEAT MARKET Fresh AND Cured Meats PHONE 47 We save you money Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of a vast Interlocking sy> tern now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which pro- duction efficiency may depend. m* "WARTIME TELEPHOHe TACTICS BE SURE you have the right number . . . conoult rhe directory.

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