Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1942, p. 8

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Wednesday, Ju n e 10, 1942 THE FLBSHER'JON ADVANCE NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claim* against the estate of the rate Mary Elisabeth Partridge, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, County of Grey, who died or. the 7th day of May, 1942, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the under- signed solicitor of the estate, on or before Monday, June 15th, 1942. AND FURTHER take notice that after euch mentioned date the exec- utors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate anvngat the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to such clai.ns as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale this 26th day of May, 1942. WALTER E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for the Executor*. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.ra. on Tuesday, June 30th, 1942, for the purpose of painting woodwork on outside of S. S. No. 3 school house. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. All envelopes to be marked "Tender." ROSS STEVENS, Secretary-Treasurer R. R. 3, Proton Station MORTGAGE SALF NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late William Jiohn Blackburn, late of the Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, who died on the 7th day of April, 1942, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the undersigned solicitor of the etate, on or before Monday, June 16th, 1942. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date the exec- utora will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale this 26th day of Uajr, 1942. WALTER E. HARRIS. Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for Uie Executor - of - VALUABLE FARM LAND i the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey there will be offered for PUBLIC AUCTION - on - Tuesday, June 30th, 1942 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at the said farm By virtue of power of sale contain- ed in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale the following property:- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township oi Osprey, County of Grey, and being composed of lot Number 16, in the 10th Concession of the said Township of Osprey, containing by admeasure- ment 100 acres. There is said to be good buildings on said lands, and th said lands are well fenced. TERMS OF SALE :- 10 per cent of purchase price to be paid dowif at time of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at time of the sale. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. MALCOLM McLEAN, Town of Collinjrwood Solicitor for Mortgagee. G. H. FINLAY, Auctioneer. Collins-wood, Ont. Dated at Collingwood, this 22nd day of Ms-.-. 1042. Red Cross Donations ID Local District PRBCEVILLE Collected $204.60; Objective f!50 W. G. Watson *U>, Eliz. Mather $1, F. Aussem $5, C. A. McLean $2, Mrs. F. Runciman $fl, Mrs. Sutherland $1, Mrs. J. G. Whyte $1, I. Matthews $10, N. McLeod $1, P. Rumball $1, K. Parslow $1, R. Whiteside $1, A. Odell Jr. $1, W. Mather $4, J. Liv. ingstone $1, T. Spicer $5, Don Mc- Arthur $5, J. H. WhyU- $2, E. and B. James $1, A. B. McArthur $2, H. R. McLean $2, Mrs F. McUougall $1, L. Frook $1, Rev. Bellsmith $1, P. Sims $2, W. J. Sayers $2, N. Tuck $1, Mrs. F. McKinnon $1, M. Simpson and Mrs. E. Wright $2, J. MoDontfall $1, J. C. Harrison $2, J. Ferris $1, J. Ritchie fl, D. McDouuall fl, Mrs. K. McDonald $2, Mrs. B. Aldcorn $1 and $2 pledged, E. Ferguson 75c, J. Dorsey 50c, J. H. McLean 50c, W. Turn/bull 60, R. Hornsby 40c, Mrs. M. Hazard 60c, J. Stothart $10, Mrs-. Joe McKee $1, H. E. Karsledt $1.50, J. Wilson $1, Mrs. A. McLean $1, H. Sawchuk $2, A. Odell Sr. $2, Albert Odell $1, A. Stonehouse $2, Mrs. D. Sinclair $1, J. Shortreed $1, J. Mc- Kechnie $1, W. D. McKochnie $1, A. McKechnie $6, Mrs. T. Nichol $1, Mrs. E. G. Ritchie $4, J. Nichol $6, D. Nichol $2, L. Waller 35*. Miss N. McLean $1, Mrs. A. Everest fl, Mrs. A. McLachlan fl, A. J. Me Vicar $2, Mrs. F. Wright 60c, G. Wiliamson 60c, Brown Bros. $1.50, W. Meads $2, M. Williamson fl, R. Oliver fl.50, J. Oliver f2, W. Williamson f6, D. Wil- liamson f 1, D. Oliver 60c, John Oliver $2, J. Williamson fl, E. Oliver $2, R. Vause f2, Mrs. D. McKinnon $o, H. Hutehinson 60c, T. Watson fl, J. Dow f4, D. Corfcett fl.60, C. Huddy 50c, A. McDonald 60c, E. Dingwall $1.26, J. Meads fl, Emily Huddy fl, H. Huddy $2, G. Hud- 1 $1, J. Whyte $1, C. H. McPhail 60c, A. Muir *5, R. E. Parslow $6, D. Muir fl, P. 1 1 * MM MMM4MMMIMMM* SPRINGTIME IS Clean Up-Paint|UpjTime A FEW SUGGESTIONS PAINTS, VARNISHES, BNAMELS BROOMS, BRUSHES, MURESCO MOPS, POLISHES, FLOOR WAX FLOOR CLEANER, WAXINjG BRUSHES PAINT, OIL and TURPENTINE PLOW SHARES, CULTIVATOR POINTS HAME STRAPS, BUCKLES, SNAPS COLLAR PADS, CURREY COMBS TOOLS, HAND SAWS, WRENCHES X POULTRY SUPPLIES BROODERS, JAR FOUNTS, FEED TROUGHS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE FLESHERTON i MM * *MMIII I MIMM*I'M Two cans of Flo-glaze Interior Gloss paint for the walls and ceilings. One can of Flo-glaze enamel for cupboards and trim. One large and one small brush. A little turpentine and a few hours of application. Result: A bright, attractive kitchen, sanitary and washable. Serves: Entire family. Cottit Surprisingly little, for . ' , . . , average-sized kitchen. Youi choice of (heM ipij pei hdei: Crum. Itori, Buff, &*b &**.%* light HI**, Dwn It's easy to have a kitchen you'll be proud to G ">' **" "*** show your friends and happy to work in. Ask to see the beautiful pastel shades available in Flo-glaze Interior Gloss Paint made especially for decorating kitchens and bathrooms. Interior Gloss Paint D. McKILLOP ESTATE FLESHERTON - ONTARIO WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Muir f6. R. E. Parslow, Canvasser. BAST MOUNTAIN Collected f8.50; Objective f40 D. Genoe $2, H. R. Stafford $2, W. Wilson fl, Mrs. W. Semple |1, P. SempJe fl, T. Rae 60c, S. Magee fl. Stanley Magee, Canvasser. STONE'S LINE Collected f30; Objective $80 M McDonald $2, Mrs. G. Snell fl, J. D. McLeod fl, W. A. Beaton f5, Mrs. D. McKinnon fl, Mrs. Elsie Cameron f2, C. Fawcett fl, I. B. Whittaker $2, B. Inwin $2, Bert Irwin fl, G. Fisher fl, J. K. McLeod fl, G. Cairns fl, B. McKenzie fl, Wm. Hincks $2, H. Tucker f6, C. Boyce fl. Mrs. W. Beaton, Canvasser. EUGENIA Collected f46.76; Objective $80 Mrs. Roy McMillan fl, Mrs. Emily Mi-Kef fl, Mrs. R. Genoe fl, Mrs. Iobel Wilson fl, W. Walker fl, C. Mrs K. Pujrh $1, W. I. f6, Mrs. C. .Turner f2, J. Campbell $2, F. Genoe Burnett $3. R. H. McConkey flO, 12. Mrs. R. Gorley fl, W. Gordon fl Mrs. N. Harden f2, A. A. McLean $6, ! S. Campbell fl, L. Latimer fl, L A. Hincks f2, H. B. McLean f4, E. Neun 60c, A. Carson fl, Mrs. M. McLean f3, J. P. McMillan fl, Dan Campbell f2, W. Frook fl, D. H. Mc- Lean $2, T. Harrison $6, E. Harrison $6, F. G. Karstedt $16, Donnie Mc- Arthur fl, Angus Clark fl, L. Mc- Arthur fl, Mrs. D. G. McLean fl, Cha?. Small fl, Stewart Boice fl. CEYLON Total $61; Objective $76 D. Adams $1, Mrs. C. Archibald fl, G. Arrowsmith 50c, Mrs. W. Burnett 60c. J. F. Collinson $6, L. Coutts 26c, F. Field 50c. W. T. Genoe f 1. Mrs. J. Gibson $1, Wm. Gibson $3, Mrs. J. Haxton fl, P. Hemphill $2. S. Hemp, hill $2, M. Hogarth $2, P. Hunt fl, Mrs. J. Kennedy fl, Mrs. J. Knox fl, F. D. Marshall fl. Wm. Mathowson 26c, J. S. McDermid fl, A. McDonald fl, A McFayden fl, Mrs. J. McMust- er 50c, Mrs. A. C. McMillan $2, John McWilliam fl, Mrs. G. Micks $1. E. C. Mitchell f5, A. C. Muir fl. John Nichol $1.60, K. Plestcr fl. Mrs. H. Piper $3, R. W. Piper $5, J. Stauble $2. Mrs. A. Stewart $1.50, J. Stewart $5, Mrs. M. Stewart 25c, Mrs. E. Shaw 26c, Jas. Sinclair fl. Miss M. Swanton $2. Mrs. M. Hogarth and Mrs. E. C. Mitchell, collectors. U. S. S- NO. 16 Total $33.75; Objective $75 N. MoCannell $10, A. Sherson f2, Ruth Sherson fl, D. A. Kerr fl, Mrs. Mary McNulty fl. F. D. Lyons fl, John Hodgins 76c, Herb Corbett $3, Stanley Lyons fl, Robt.. White 60c, J. Neilson fl, J. Pritcha-H fl. Ed. Stinson fl, Mrs. W. J. Blackburn 50c, W. S. Reddick 50c, G. Acheson fl, Alex. Sherson fl, H. B. Jackson 50c, Jos. Watson fl, J. Park 50c, No Name $2, B. Badgerow 50c, E. Bad- gerow 50c, A. Badgerow 60c, Mrs. A. F. McCannell 60c, S Batchelor 60c. Neil McCannell, Canvasser. VICTORIA CORNERS Collected $33.40; Objective $76 E. Moore fl, E. Ferris fl, Mrs. J. Linton fl. W. Gallagher fl, A. B. Stinson fl, Mrs. C. Moore fl, Mrs. M. Bannon fl, J. Gowanlock fl, D. Blakey 40c, C. Best f6, L. McDonald $3 M. Scott fl, H. Stevens fl, Mrs. A. Stevens fl, F. Linton fl, F. Plantt fl L Love f2, S. Sheardown 50c, E. Stevens f2, L Blakcy $1. E. Stewart fl W. Crockford fl. J. Duncan 50c. E. Stinson fl, W. Nicholls $3, H. Nicholls fl. Mrs. Elmo Stevens and Elvm Moore, Canvassers. PORTLAW Collected 96.76, Pledge f 10 Objective $100.00 R. Lyons, pledge $3, L. Pedlar $2 pledge $3, J. Haney .pledge $2, J. Badjrero w $1 pledge f2, J. Pedlar 5<)c H Shier 26c, W. H. McNally $6, G. Wilkinson ft, W. Jamieson $2, Thos. Phillips $2, R. White $2, J. McKee $5, L. Fiwher $3, 4th Line Branch Red Cross $15, H. Fisher $2, Mrs. Roy White fl, A. Blackburn $5, S. Patton $4, R. Fisher $5, J. Little $2, Mrs. W. Plantt $2, W. Fisher $2, J. Wilkin- son $6, Mrs. W. Simmons $5, W. Plantt $5, A. McKenzie fl, W. Blakey fl, J. J. Boyce $2, H. Badgerow $3, C. D. Meldrum $5, F. Taylor f2, Mrs. J. Hows f2, W. Ferguson fl, Mrs. F Lyons fl, Miss McKinnon fl. --C. D Meldrum, Canvasser. Hill fl, C. Martin fl, E. Proctor *2 H. Falconer fl, T. Stewart fl, E Baker fl, B. Me In tosh $1, Mrs. R Park fl, C. Park ft, B. Carruthers fl, T. McKee f2, M. Phillips fl, Mrs D. E. Graham fl, Miss G. Smith fl Eugenia Red Cross Unit f6, F. D Cairns f2, R. Pur.vis fl, B. Faiwcett fl, J. Williams fl, F. Duckett 60c MrR. R. Haney 50c, T. Gilliland 26c E. Graham 25c, C. Graham 25c, C Magee 50c, W. Duckett 26c, E. Gord on 26c. N. Betts 50c, Mrs. T. Camp bell 2&c, Harry Falconer 26c, Mrs J. A. Cairns f2. F. D. Cairns, Collector EIGHTH LINE Collected $60; Objective $60 C. Hopper f6, W. Magee $5, A Cameron $6, P. Magee f5, N- McDon aid $5, J. Tomlinsen fl. Mrs. W Pinkcrton $1, R. Parson $2, G. Mage $2, C. Hanley $5, J. Majfce fl. O Turner $5, E. Fenwick J.I pledge $M B. Magee $2, F. Jamieson $2 pledg* 2, Mr. Fell $2, J. Porteous $5, Mrs A. and Donald Cameron fl. Alex. Cameron, Canvasser VANDELEUR WTO. Bowie* $3.25, W. Johnstoi pledge $6, L. Johnston pledge $5. V Brodie 84.50, G. McGee $6.30, J. Mor risen $2, A. Fawcett f3, W. Hea'th $6, G. Shaw fl, F. Boland f2.25, J Harbottle $3, W. Katcliffe $2.25, Miss Dawn fl, C. Boland f2, G. Kelso $2.76, Mrs. L. K. Davison f6, J. Shier 1, D. McGee $4.50, B. Hutchinson 50c, Vandeleur Girls' Club $2.50, J. Cargoe 50c, Mrs. W. J. Hutchinson $2.25, N. Summers f2, H. W. Steeles fl. Mrs. A. Foster 50c. K. Teeter fl. J. Flynn $4, R. Sewell $2.50, II. Mc- Gee $2.26, L. Teeter $4.35, A. Hur- hottle fl, F. Davis $1.50, G. Summers $4.80. H. Graham f2, G. Buchanan $5, Jos. Buchanan $12. R. E. Jarick $2, W. Weber fl. Mrs. A. Bowles fl, J. Spinks fl. E. Fisher fl. C. B. Carruthers $5, C. Dafoe $2, A. G. Pickles fl. V. Campbell *1, H. G. Strath $5. J. W. Madden fl. D. J. Gordon $2, B Vogon fl. R. Sibbitt 50. Geo. A. Buchanan and Carl B. Carruthers, Canvassers. Collected $131.95; Objective $1.25 ORANGE VALLEY Collected f!9.80; Objective fl26 J. Irving 70c, F. Smith fl, G. Littlejohns 50c, Mrs. V. Hill f2, J. Steiphenson 25c, Mr*. Hundt 36c, K. Hill fl, Mrs. J. Hatton fl, A. White $1, L. Belts 50c, E- Littlejohns fl, E. Bov<l 50c, J. Hill $2, F. Russell $2, G. Hargrave fl, G. Hill 50c. W. Hill fl. Mrs. W. McFadden $3, E. Bowles 50c. Fred Russell, Canvasser. VANDELEUR Mr. Geo. Kilso and Mr. John Mc.- Crucken of Hamilton spent the wee'k- iiil at the formers home here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathewson of lamilton and Tpr. Allan Lore of Niagara Falls were recent visitors ,vith friends here. Rev. Daniels of Hamilton occupied he pulpit in the church here on Sun- day afternoon in the interests of the Temperance Federation. '/ Pte. W. Burrell of Toronto spent he week end at the Cargoe home. Quite a number from here attended the Shorthorn sale at Chatsworth on Thursday afternoon. Hon. F. R. Oliver will be the guest speaker at the Farm Forum meeting next Monday evening June 16th in bhe school house. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and family of Barrie were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and Mrs. Hutchinson and Pauline. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw of Swinton Park were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham over the week end. On his return he found that some envious rival had inscribed under- neath, "What for?" SERVICES AT KIMBERLEY Special services in Kim berk' y Bap- tist church from June 16 to 28th Week night service at 8 p.m., Sun- day service at 3 p.m. Rev. J. H Peer of Gait special speaker. You are invited to come and enjoy these meetings. Germany is reparted to be consid- ering the establishment of a puppet regime in Holland. Made up of Dutch dolls? BY-LAW NO. 4, 1942 A BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT AND REGULATE THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOGS IN THE VILL- AGE OF FLESH ERTON WHEREAS it is necessary to pro- tect t<he gardens and horticultural displays of the ratepayers of the Village of Fleshes-ton : THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED, pursuant to the Dog Tax and Live- stock Protection Act, Revised Stat- utes of Ontario, 1937, Chapter 236, Sections 6 and 7: 1. No dog or bitch shall run at large within the limits of the Cor- poration of the Village of Flesher- ton, except during such periods as the Council of the Municipality by resolution may exempt. 2. Everyone who allows a dog or bitch to run at large contrary to the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to penalty not exceeding $50, exclusive of costs and every uch penalty shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Con- victions Act. 3. All By-Laws or parts thereof inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. TV. BY-LAW shall com* into force and effect on the final passing thereof. Passed this 9th day of June, 1942. C. J. BELLAMY, Acting Clerk. A. DOWN, Reeve. Small Ad. Column NOTICE Will-the person who bor- rowed my hog-worming kit please return same. K. G. Betts. PASTURE 100 acre farm for pas- ture. A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia. NOTICE Load of good young calves to arrive here Sat., June 13. Gordon Stuart, Flesherton. IRISH LAKE Collected f!8; Objective $80 Mrs. E. Patterson $5, W. Sullivan f 1, .1. Sturrock f3, W. Symms fl, T. Sweeney fl, A. Duncan fl, H. Mc- Lean 26o, P. Sweeney 25c, Mrs. Has- kctt $1.50, D. Campbell f 1, F. Eagles $1, W. Eagles fl, W. McWhinney fl. Willard McWhinnv. Canvasser. ROCK MILLS Collected $81; Objective $100 War Workers $10, H. Betts fl, W. Akitt f6, W. Smith $3, W. Russell 60c, C. Betts 50c, G. Helmkay $1, R- Clark $2, F. Belts fl, L. Bettsf 1, W. Hawkins f2, T. Betts f 1. L. Part- ridge fl, C. Newell fl, E. Croft fl. J Porteous ft. 3. Pedlar fl. B. Field $2, E. Partridge fl, J. Foster $2, G. Croft SI, K- White fl. Mrs. E. Croft $1 J P. Sewell $2, W. Phillips $5, Mrs. C. Dolan f.1, J. Hargrave & Son *fi \ English fl. A. Pnrteous fl, J- SLV8! L. Chard $5 8 Phillip- 6. J. Shier* fl. C. Stafford 50c, H. Patton $2, A. Wilkinson ft. Mrs E. Russell fl. Mrs. S. I*"* * Mra S Shier? 50c, Mrs. MoMnllen fl. Mrs. S. Phillip*, Canvasser. OLD DURHAM ROAD Collected &H150; Objective $100 J Heh. fl.BO, B. Ostrnnder 50o. F. R Oliver $15, E. Walters $1.50 J. McLean 50c. Mrs. Wm. Reid $3.25, FLESHERTON (Rural) Collected $24; Objective $50 H. Hutton 50c, E. Loucks 50c, W. Talbot $1, J. Stewart $2, L. Pallister $1, E. Ferris 1, H. Brown fl, J. Radley fl, 6. Meyer $t, R. Thomp- son fl, L. Talbot $2, H. Lever fl, E. Wickens fl, W. Lever, fl, H. Rich- nrdson $1, F. Brown fl. A. Miller $2, G. Swanton $2, A. 9rrks f2, W. Newell fl. Geo. Swanton. Canvasser. SPRINGH1LL Collected $75; Objective $100 E and R. Best $5, W. White fl, Mrs. WCB White $2, G. White $2, C. Akins $5, W. Johnson $3, F. Barber $2, P. Rpiird fl. E. Blackburn fl, H. Akin* SI, C. McDermid $2, F. Brack. onhury fl, R. Stevens.- 0. Irwin $5. G. Jo'hnsnn $1, S. McLeod . $1, J. T. Parker $5, Mrs. Gen. and Ruth Black- burn $2, G. Waller fl. I. Waller 50c. G. Rest $1.50, J. T. Best $1. J. Pnt- terso'i *1. C. Hindlp *1 . W. Harrison 85, J fullrn $2, R. Bcnthnm XI. Joan Werrv $5. E. Stevens *2, J. Allen $2. H. Allen $2. Mrs. J. J. Brown 81, R. Whitn $2. Mrs. S. Doupe fl, R. Earl Bo.<=t, Canvasser. Allen One shouldn't expect hap^iy land- ings if one has a habit of juror-me at conclusions. STRAYED Yorkshire sow, aboui May 30th. Notify Merle Roberts. Feversham. 2c8 WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Mrs. John Gowanlock, R. R. 3 Proton Sta. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r3. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. John J. Mead*, Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE M.-H. spreader, med ium ize, good shape, f50. Joseph Radley, Flesherton. FOR SALE Rogers mantle electric radio, also baby carriage, both in good condition, phone 30J. FOR SERIVCE Yorkshire re. Boar, advanced reg. breeding, dam scored 94, just want young sows, fee fl.50. Ellwood Stevens, R. R. 3, Fkwh- erton. 52pS FOR SALE 7 Young Yorkshire pige, innoculated. Mathias Will- iamson, Priceville. 2p2 FOR SALE Good used Interna- tional hay rake, 11 foot. D. W. Adams, Flesherton, 2p2 FOR SALE Several Beatty elect- ric washers, for balance of pay- ments, like new. Apply Nathan Hawes ghrage, Dundalk. 2p2 FOR SALE 1931 model A DeLaxe coaoh. Chas. G. Kobson, R. R. 1, Markdale. 61p2 FOR SALE In Fleeherton 7-room cement block house, all modern conveniences, garage, large lot. Mrs. C. J. Crossley, 55 Scarlet Rd., Toronto, phone JU3173. ROOFING All kinds of asphalt shingles for different roofing jobs, building paper, roll-brick siding; Beatty farm equipment, cars, track slings, rope, pulleys, 2 scufflers. W. E. Betts Flesherton. 2ctf WANTED Country girl to help with housework, no heavy work, good home, good wages, evenings free. Mrs. S. W. Gazley, Milton, Ont FOR SALE Small barrel churn. Beatty haycar, Loude- Junior hay car; came to my premises 1 sheep. Otto Meyer, Flesherton. 2p2 FOR SALE Bay driving mare 6 yrs. old in good shape; Bay mare cold 1 yr. old; Bay driving mare 18 yrs. old, mother of colt. Mrs. Clarence Bartley, Markdale. FOR SALE Qoleman gas stove, good as new, 3 burners; cement block machine with '1 cards; range stove Acme C; Daisy barrel churn, in real good condition. F. Brack- enbury, Flesherton. Ic2 CAME ASTRAY To my premises. Lot 36, Oon. 10, Artemes>ia, on or about June 1st, 6 head of young cattle. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Oliver Turner, Eugenia. 2c2 FOR SALE Seoond hand range in good condition; good Anchor-Holth separator; also new Renfrew sep- arator, stainless steel discs. Russell Hill, Markdele, phone 56r3 SUMMER chick buyers, be fair. Bray will have from end of month plenty of chicks also 2 week Leg- horn pullets-nbut let's have your order now with date wanted, and quantity. John McWillia.m, Fles-h- erton. GOOD ROUTE AVAILABLE of 800 Rawleigh consumers. No exper- ience needed. Large sales mean big profits. Permanent, full time. Applicants qualified for war serv ice not accepted without permit Write Rawleigh's Dept. MYy206- 104-F, Montreal, Que. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Oon. 1, S.U.R., Alt* ju, containing 100 acres, on whico ;s situated a bank barn 45x65, also large driving shd. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Jhn Oliver or Vf. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47e BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for th County of Grey Farm and stock sales our spec '- ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged at Tim Vdrance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETBRINARY SUROEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Call- age. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office hours; afternoons 2 to 4.30. Wednesday and Saturday eveningo 7.30 to 10 p.m. No office hours on Sunday. Prince Arthur Lodge N. 383, A.P & A.M., meets in the Fraternal HalV, Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W.M.: J. S. McDermid; 8e* rstary: C. J. Bellamy.

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