Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1942, p. 8

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- Wednesday, June 24, 1942 TUB FLBSHERTON AfVANE officers in Libya are oon- of tRc "undignified subord- ination" of the Italian staff to the Germaiu. Having put themselves in a position of servility they don't like it Donald Gordon decrees that there shall be no more afternoon teas. Considering the kind of tea gener- ally served at such gatherings, it is] no great loss to tea-lovers. Now they are going to do away with the cellophane windows on en- velopes, all might be a lot rosier if they also did away with what's so often behind them at the first of the month. 4*- ** 1 1 M4*+ + > Your Kind Co-Operation, Please In order to save our cream patrons embarrassment, ! we feel it our duty to explain the new government ! "cream can" regulations of which the dead line is ! July 2nd. The regulations concerning the pro- ' ducer are :- 1. After July 2nd no one may have in his posses- ' sion cnjani ^ans unless they are used for cream only.-- 2. A producer jiiay not send or deliver cream to any creamery except in a cream can belonging to that creamery. In the last two months we have put forth a costly effort to exchange cream cans with other cream- eries and now we are giving our patrons entirely our own cans. We are again asking your co-opera- tion to see that the cans arc no longer exchanged. ^ : jFlesherton Creamer' & Produte Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson and family spent a day in Owen Sound recently. Mr. and Mr.-,. Len Haines spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hainet; and family at Kimberley. 1'te. Harry Hirvonen of Cann> Borden spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Len Haines. Mr. R. W. McMullen of Flesher- ton is visiting her son, Gordon, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson of Muaford and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gib- son of Kimberley were recent visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Art Idle. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr*. Gordon McMullen were: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard and Mabel, Mr. Arthur Chard of Rock Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brackenlbury and Marjorie, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long, Bobby, Ber- nice and Joyce, all of Flesherton. Messrs. James and Ralph Har- bottl were in Owen Sound last week. Local auo Personal PORTLAW Mr. J. J. Boyce had the misfor- tune to lose one of his fine black team last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher of Ceylon spent Thursday at Harr" Fishers. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor of To- ronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor one evenuig enrout* from Owen Sound. The social and play at Mt. Zion on Thursday night was very success- ful. The proceeds of the evening were $68.64. Mrs. F. Lyons is spending a few dayg in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs-. Harry Fisher and D. A. visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Potts, Badje'ros. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson, Ken- neth and Mr. John Wilkinson spent Sunday visiting friends near Kim- berley. Mi--. C. D. Meldrum spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Wickens, and family, near Kinnberley. Clifford Taylor, who has been in training at Newmarket, has been moved to the western coast. The Fisher families received word of the d'ath of their little cousin, Roger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mcnzies, Stratford, aged 16 months. SPRINGTIME IS Clean Up-Paint Up Time * A FEW SUGGESTIONS PAINTS, VARNISHES, BNAMELS BROOMS, BRUSHES, MURESCO MOPS, POLISHES, FLOOR WAX FLOOR CLEANER, WAXING BRUSHES PAINT, OIL and TURPENTINE PLOW SHARES, CULTIVATOR POINTS HAME STRAPS, BUCKLES, SNAPS COLLAR PADS, CURREY COMBS TOOLS, HAND SAWS, WRENCHES ' POULTRY SUPPLIES BROODERS, JAR FOUNTS, FEED TROUGHS ; F.W.DUNCAN I HARDWARE t FLESHERTON frMMiMMIMHIIMM '*** *< ilivll NO IIUIM MAIKI* FOUR HOUR ENAMEL Flo-glue Enamel offers an easy, inexpensive way to beautify that dingy bookcase, chest of drawers, or old chair. It flows on easily, gives a smooth, china-like gloss, wear* like ironat^ it wuhtbb. Look Around your home and check-up on the small objects and odd pieces of furni- ture that need rennishing then ask us to show you the bright new Flo-glue colon we have in stock. D. McKILLOP ESTATE FLESHERTON - ONTARIO ftotiw* fcwrf b. toilful uiude colon: WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis and fatn- ilv visited on Sunday at Tiverton. Dr. Be van of Gait wag a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson last week. Messrs. Jack Kennedy and George Armstrong were in Toronto Sunday. Mrs. F. Taylor spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aberdein spent the week end in Toronto. Pie. Hugh Bibby of Niagara s-oent the first of the week with his mother. Mr. Elmer Warling of Mt. Dennis spent a day in town last week. Mrs. Jos. Blakeley returned last week after visiting her nephew, Mr. Logan, at Owen Sound. Qpl. Norman Stoddart of the R.C. A.F., Toronto, is visiting this week with his wife and family. Mrs. C. R. Wood is visiting with her son, Laverne, at Bronte and also at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rowe of Lome Park spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Me Bach nit. Mrs. Jas. Avis of Tiverton is visit- ing her son, Mr. Angus Avis, and family. Mr. and Mre. Earl Alexander of Collingwood visited on Sunday with the former's mother. 'A new roof was placed n St. John's United Church shed last week with many hands assisting. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cook of Nap- anee spent the (past week with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. John Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Stevens spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin at Badjeros. Messrs. Harvey and Everette Croft of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft attended LUGEN1A Mr. Wm. Buchanan of Kimberley occhanged pulpits with Rev. Dr. Mercer on Sunday. We were pleased ;o have Mr. Buchanan with us again. tie ?ave a very impressive sermon, >ased on "Joyful tidings," emphasiz- >nsr the fact that we should let our shine and hel.p to bring others to God. A joint meting of 'the Woman's Association and Board of Stewards in the village on Sunday Mr. and 'Mrs. Don Carson (net Marjorie Stewart) spent the week end with Mr. and Mr*. T. Stewart. Mr*. Carson remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Baker, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shaw and Miss Dora Bolaiul of Vandeleur, visited .recently with the formers' son, Harry Baker, and family at Tavistock. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Doris Bannon has again been taken as assistant sujpervisor at the Bolton Neighborhood Workers' camp. Mr. John Williams of Eugenia visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lin- ton for a., few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson of Dur- ham visited her father and sister, Mr. Wm. Scott and Mina. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton visited their daughter, Mrs. Ernie Stewart, at Maple Grove last week. A number from the community enjoyed the plav at Mt. Zion Thurs- day evening. It was n good play and well acted. Mrs. Milton Bannon held a Red Cross quilting on Wednesday. Christina Adair underwent an op- eration for npipendicitis last wt-ek in Collingwood hospital. MAXWELL Mr. mil Mrs. Levi Duckett and daughter, Violet, spent the week end in Hamilton and Niagara. Mjfta OJive McMullen spent the week end with Jleta Duckett. Pte J. My leu spent the Week end at tho home of Mr. L. Duckett. _ 'JJr. and. Mrs. Hubert Pickering and Mrs. Burke and son, Carl", 'of Blen- hojm apeut the week end at the home of Mr. Geo; Ross. M^ and Mrs. Geo. Morrison at- tended the marriage of Mrs. Moiri- son's sister in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kerton of To- rnnto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton. Mr. Rob Winters is smenrlinjr his. vacatidn with his parents, Mr. and Mv*. j. winters, .Mica, E^oP Fei^wiplo Reg'.N.,' of Collfrurwood visited a ; t her howe last Wpt'ltt*, . f . ^ 'Mists L^lo^hDnvpafin-af . Fevershnm loJ-ho voided with Mil! Mr. aml'drY Toronto visited end. "r* \his week. Mervin Wright of relatives over the KtrftwtierrioS HiV-hx and even the diffuHiTttes --of tnf^mpnr .situation cannot diifi the Ui.stro of the delcrt- -able fruit that tiHms make June the ipsf niMW W evening to make arrange- ments to paint the outside wood/work of the church and shed, and the pur- chase 'of paint for same. The Y.P.U. will hold their closinj meeting for the summer mor Friday evening of this Week form of a weiner roast and a jra- t?ram of games. It will be Reid in the Park if weather permits. We understand Mr. Ray Genoe has secured a ipositiofl at the Power House and will move his family shortly to that locality. We will miss them greatly from the "village, Joyce Gnoe, Alice Tudor, Grant Hill and Gordon Stewart are writing their Entrance exams this week at the Flesherton centre. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hammond and baby, Edith, of Owen Sound vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. McMullen and Mrs. Hammond. Mrs. T. McEachern of Collinrwood is .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hill. Mr. Robert McUchlan of Calgary, who is on a visit East, and his broth- er, Mr. John McLachlan of PricevilH', spent a couple of days with their sister, Mrs. R. Park, and family. Mrs. D. Marshall and Miss Millie Marshall of Homings Mills were callers on their aunt, Mr. M. Mc- Mullen, last week. Miss Lillian Magee returned to To- rifato Sunday, after epending past week at her parental home. She wag accompanied by her sister, Mrs Joe Little, who wrll spend a few days in the city. Tpr. Douglas Cairns and "flpr. Otto Rowe of Camp Borden were visitors !^,. TruSt . e *_ 8 :_t f i he J^ ch . *'_ bn FLESHERTON AND ROCK BAPTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys, Pastor ROCK M ILLS SERVICES Sunday Scnool 2.30 p.m Cfiuneh 'Service 830 p.m. F&ESHEicrc?: SERVICES Church Service 11 ajn. Service 12 o'clock Mr. W J. Holley, at Holland Centre. Mr. ana Mrs. E. D. Be.itham and two children of Toronto spent the week end with the former's .>arents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham Dr. Cyril Dyre of Detroit was a week end visitor with his mother, who is ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Mrs. R. W. Shaw of Lions Hean .tpent a couple of days the first of the week with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Pte. Gilbert McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. N'eil McDonald of Froude. Sask., spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and 'Mrs. J. A. Richards and L.A.C. Ray Richards of Trenton were week end visitors at their home at Lucknow. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. N.- Stoddart on Wed., July 1st, at 2..'50 ; >.m. Roll call: Uces of com- mon Salt. Visitors welcome. Miss Elizabeth Nixon is visiting her aunts, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Ben- tham nnd is leaving for her parental home at Stowlea. Sask. Mr. Ted McTavish joined the R.C. A. P. on Friday and is at present at Manning Pool, Toronto. He spent thu past four months at Gait. Tag day for the Navy League was held in Flt-sherton on Saturday and .Si. 1 !. !"> was collected to aid in provid- ing comforts for our sailors. Aircraftman Mack. Duncan com- pleted his course at the Technical Training School at St. Thomas and has been posted to the training sta- tion at Fingal. Mrs. .la-l''. Caushier of Hagers- town, Maryland, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. Alexander, for some time. s iSergt. Fred r,orrell of Camp .Bor- den and* "Mr . Oorrell and daughter of]" BarrMi spent a couple of days in this district last week. ^The village council is rerpairing run- iiliTaMr of the broken sidewalk* in town. It is difficult to secure the PICTURES -WTLI, BS TAKEN StuidayT June 28, will be a red- day tn the annals^ of Rock Sunday School. . Pupils of Markdale public school, who partici- pated in the Grey County Musical festival, will' be present with the principal, Mr. W: J. Messenger, and will present a variety of Jnusical 'number?. It is hoped that Mr. Mesa- onp- er, who is president of the local Sunday School Association, will ad- dress the school. The session will be "open'' and object talks will be a feature. It is expected that all for- mer attendance records will be brok- en and a photograoh will be taken of those present. A 'welcome awaits all. NOTICE _ _ The property of the late Donalt the 'funeral of the latter's brother, Stewart, consisting of 150 acres being Lots 6, 7 and 8, Con.*, N.D.R Township of Artemesia. God land, brick house, well watered. This pro- perty must be sold to wind up the estate. For further particulars ap- ply to Alex. Stewart, Ceylon. DOMINION DAY Reduced Fares Between all point* in Canada and to certain destinations in United State* FARE and ONE QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO: All day Tuesday, June 30, 'until 2.00 p.m. Wednesday, July 1st, 1942 RETURN: Leave destination, not later than midnight Thurs, July 2. '42' MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE 25e Full particulars from any agent Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Singer si-wing mach- ine. Bennett & Richards. 4c2 STRAYED Thin brindle cow with borns. Gordon Stuart, phone 26. MAN WANTED In creamery. Ap- ply to Flesherton Creamery. 3c2 LIME Quantity of fresh lime. Earl Fenwick, Eugenia. lip! FOR SALE Good steel tire buggy. Ab. Stewart, Flesherton. 3p2 FOR SALE M. H. Mower 6 ft. out. A. F. Pedlar, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5 r 31. 4p.2 FOR SALE - Mixed hog -hop 15'7, protein, soy bean, oats, barley and oil cake. P. Hemphill, Ceylon. FOR SALE Box atove heater and good sewing machine. Mrs. John Thistli-thwaite, Flesherton. 4c2 BRICK LAYER All kinds of re- pairs, chimneys, etc. E. J. Glen- .is.ter, phone Flesherton 40r4. 4c2 BRAY pullets, lieht breeds end of June, heavy breeds from July 5th, also dav-old chicks. Tell us what you'll be wanting to catch the winter markets. John McWilliac, Flesherton. ROOFING -- All kinds of asphalt shingles for different roofing jobs, building paiper, roll-brick 'siding; Beatty farm equipment, cars, track slings, rope, pulleys, 2 scufflers. W. E. Betts Flesherton. 2ctf FOR SALE Cottage 21x21 sided, verandah, movable by truck; .'!000 ft. new dry mixed lumber, hard and soft; Tolton pea harvester; hay harvester; hay rack, new condition; small truck body, platform with stakes suitable for 1 or IVi ton truck, good as new. Jos. Radlejr, R.R. 3, Flesherton. 3c2 STRAYED Yorkshire sow, about May 30th. Notify Merle Roberts Feversham. 2c? Future Events CREDIT AUCTION SALE Farm stock, including 80 head of cattle, horses and swine, Monday June 2tth, 2'/4 miles west of Hope- villi>. Dan Mclnnis, proprietor. Geo. E. Duncan, auctioneer. DUNDALK "CRYSTAL GARDENS" 1 The t'Crvstal Gardens," Dundalk, present Rulbin J. KiPk and his now fi- picce orchestra for modern dancing, every Friday. Cash prize. The Der- mott orchestra for modern dancing, Tynie Hoedown every Saturday from to 11.4* pjni. Admission Saturday night, only 25o. BAKE SALE AND TEA Ceylon W. A. will hold a sale of liomemade baking and afternoon tea ut the home of Mrs. (Rev.) McMillan nt Flesherton on Saturday, July 4th, from 3 to 6 p.m. MAXWELL ICE CREA"* 8OCAL Come to Maxwell on Friday, Jime Sfith, at 8.30 p.m. and ~e the play 'Introdiioin* Susan," presented by lorninps Mills young people, under spice of M axwell W. A. AdtnU- >ion; 25c nnd 16c. jb,ts teachers of the district schools please nend in their report of the term examinations from their various schools. We will be pleased to receive them. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigo and Mary K. of Malton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart Mrs. Stewart returned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson visited recently for a day with the letter's sister. Mrs W. G. Trelford, Toronto, also her nephew, Bud Breen, who has .jus,t jrrarhiatod from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Considerable improvement is being made to the property at the Baptist church. Considerable oarth has* bee drawn and used to fill the uneven groun' 1 on the west aide of the church. Aircraftman E. I. Holley of Monc- ton, N.B., was a visitor in town on Saturday, while on furlough. He arrived home in time to attend the funeral of his father, the late W. H. Holloy, which was hold at Holland Centre on Monday of last week. Believe it or not. The Advance office required a fire in the stove on Tuesday nnd Wednewlay of this week, June 2s and 24, before the room was comfortable enough fnr working in. The thermometer stood at 48 degrees at 8 a.m. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feod. F. Eagles, Protoi Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r3. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. John J. Meads. Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE 100 Pigs, weened and several young calves, arriving Pri., June 26th. Gordon Stuart, Flesh- erton, phone 26. 4cl FOR SALE Small barrel churn Beatty haycar, Loude' Junior hay car; came to my premises 1 sheep. Otto Meyer, Flesherton. p2 FOR SALE Several Beatty elect- rk washers, for balance f pay ments, like new. Apply Nathan Hawes garage, Dundalk. 2p2 FOR SALE In Flesherton 7-room cement block house, all modern conveniences, garage, large lot. Mrs. C. J. Crossley, 55 Scarlet Rd., Toronto, phone JU 3178. WANTED A good reliable man to sunply customers with Rawleigh Products. Applicants Qualified for war service not accented without permit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-20H27-F. Montreal, Que. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art* mesia, containing 100 aeres, on whiefc Is situated a bank barn 45x86. alao large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Thoae interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Prieevllle, Ex- ecutor* for the estate. 47 BUSINESS CAR US AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBB for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales ur apee.-'- ty. Terms: reasonable. Satiaxactioa guaranteed. Dates arranged at The Vdvance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETRftlNAKY SVROBON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Cell- egf. Phone: 91 day or nigh* MARKPALE. ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham 8t- Office hour*: afternoon* I to Wednesday and Saturday 7.80 to 10 p-m. No office hour* on Prtoet Arthur Ledge No. MS. ft A.M., meets in tae Fraternal Hal*, n*slerton, th* aeeend FrlaVQr in montfc. W.M.: J. & MeBarald; retary: C. J. Bellamy.

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