Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1942, p. 5

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I * t THE FLESHERTON ALVAMCE Wednesday, July 1, 1942 WILL ^DRIVING NEXT YEAR ? You won't if your tires fail. The best way to stop that from happening is by signing up for our Goodyear TIRE LIFE EXTENSION PLAN today! It's the only systematic, skilful, low-cost method of modern tire care. Come in for details new . . . don't delay! PORTLAW t-V t i i t > ' ' The Wilkinson families attended the Turner reunion held at Sunset Point. CoHingwood, on Saturday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor this week were: Mrs. T. Tay- lor, Mrs. 'L. Sheardown, Mrs. R. Tay- lor and Nelson Copeland, all of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright of Maxwell and Miss Arlene Taylor of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fisher and daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Londry in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee returned with them. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie of Cedar- ville called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nicholls one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hill of Wareham visited recently with Mrs. Jas. Pedlar. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn and Mabel were: Mr. and Mrs. John Hoskin and Harold Boyce of CoHingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee of Eugenia and daughter, Miss Mary McKee of Toronto and Vol. Edna Croft, C.W. A.C., of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan and two daughters of Nottawa Visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fisher. Mrs. Lome Hannah of Trenton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pedlar of Oxbow, Sask.. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LeGard and family of Toronto visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. VANDELEUR In Alabama 1.000 hens laid 798 eires in one day leaving 202 who tl!fi'?ht it was Sun-lay. A very successful picnic was held ir. the community park on Friday afternoon, sponsored by the teacher. Miss Down, and her pupils. There were races, contests, tug-of-war, softball games, supper and a jolly good time. Three former teachers of the school were in attendance and the event appeared almost as a teacher's reunion. Miss Bowman of Tara spent the week end with Mrs. Ethel Hutchin- son and Pauline. Mr. H. J. Thompson and several boys from the school at Cumdles. near Barrie spent Friday night camping in the Valley. Messrs. Melville Buchanan and Harold Magahay attended the Rural Youth picnic at Holstein last week. Mr. Kelso of Hamilton spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. R. J. Stewart and Miss Susie Stewart of Shrigley and Miss Reta Stewart. Reg.N., of Gravenhurst were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. Three Jackson brothers of Toronto are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan enter- tained Mrs. (Dr.) Milne and her music pupils and their parents at a recital at their home one evening recently. KIMBERLEY Mr Harold Thompson of Cundles and five of his school class spent the ewug end camped on the school grounds taking in the sights and Sunday School in .the morning and Baptist Church in the afternoon leaving for Midland 1 via Sunset point to be home Tuesday night. They camped Friday night neat Flesher-v ton. There were two Ferris boys two Thompson boys and Harold Bur- ridge. Rev. H.E. Burritt of Mount Forest took Wednesday njght and Thurs- day night services in the Baptist Church during the eries of meet- ings which were well attended. Monday morning Garnet Baker, Eric Prentice, Don and Harold Gra- ham left for work on the Alaskan Highway. Mrs.. B.A. Caruthers was pleased to have a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Morley Brown and family of Mea- ford this week. Mr. Eddie Thompson visited Sat- urday with his sister at the home of N. E. Burritt. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wardman of To- ronto visited the week end with the Weber families. On Monday Rev. H. E. Burritt and Mr. Roy Langford of Mt. Forest brought in six boys each for a week's When you are looking for EXTRA VALUES MEN'S SUITS Now is the time to buy clothing, as later the. materials will not be as good qua'lity as you- will find now. Imported materials in fine worsteds, all well tailored and up-to-date styling. Come in and see them. We have a good assortment of pat- terns $19.50 to $29.50 BOYS' SUITS We are showing a big range of Boys' Suits in all siaes and a nice assortment of patterns. Buy nw $5.% to $-12.95 MEN'S WORK PANTS Tough wearing, yet stylish for the man who wants a neat looking pair of pants, zipper pock- et on right side, wide waist band. They come in blue or black, all sizes. Special, pair $1.95 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Made of a heavy twill rayon in two-tone effect, with all-wool knitted miff, collar, waist, full zipper fronts. Sizes 36 to 44. Price $3.50 Boys' Sizes, 28 to 34. Price $2.50 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES New summer shoes for the whole family Women's or Growing Girls' Shoes in tan or all-white, lso wihite trimmed with tan, with new scoop heel. Makes a very serviceable shoe. Size 3 to 8. Special, pair $2.25 MEN'S FINE SHOES Made of good black side leather with leather soles, very neat styling with fancy stitching. Size 6 to It. Special, pair $2.75 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Here is where you get real value for your money. We are showing an extra good range of Men's and Boys' Work Boots, with all-leather or panco soles. Wonderful range to choose from. LADIES' SHEER DRESSES Ladies' Sheer Dresses, a wonderful group of new summer styles in a big range of patterns and colors $4.95 and up WOMEN'S & MISSES' SLACKS Made of sturdy cotton drill, you'll wear for camping, outdoor sports, etc., in plaid, stripes and plain colors. Sizes 14 to 20 .... $1.50 to $1.95 Also Shorts, priced at 85c to $1.50 BEDSPREADS Celanese rayon satin Bedspreads, wide flounce shirred into the sides. Comes in rose, blue, green, mauve. Size 88x100. Special $4.95 Ne>w Shipment of House Dresses Some very smart patterns in colored prints you will wear with satisfaction. A full range of sizes Sl-00 to $1-39 You will find it atjHill's A*. SHADOW CLOTH A good range of brightly colored Shadow Cloth for your windows or covers, 45 in. wide. Special, yard 65c ELASTIC GIRDLES A trim little Girdle for the slim or weightless ones, two-way stretch, elastic to hips 'n the waist. Comes in peach with four flat garters. Special 79c FLOOR COVERING Buy your floor covering now, as these lines will be hard to get later. We have a good range of Linoleum in 4-yard'w4de, als Feltol or Con- goleum in 3 yard widths, also a complete ra-nge of Rugs in Linoleum, Congoleum or Feltol in all sizes. GROCERY SPECIALS Tomatoes. 28 oz. tin lOc each No. 4 Peas, 20 oz. tin 10c each Tip Top Tomato Juice, 20 oz. tins 2 for 19c AyLmer and ClorVs Pork & Beans 2 for 19c Angler Salmon, per can 18c Fancy Biscuits, per Ib 19c Soap Flakes 4 Ibs. for 39c Feed f aH kinds at special prices. Bring Us Your Wool We have been licensed by the Canadian GT- ernment Wool Board to act as agents. Yon era bring your wool to us, you will get the weight and duplicate certificate. W will adrance you 25c Ib., as soon as it is weighed up, and the balance of the final payment will be made to you direct from the Government Wool Board. The following prices that you will receive as set by the Wool Board are as follows: Grade fine and ft blood 28c Southdown - Sic Military style 30c Felting style 88c Ordinary style short staple 30c Rejects or Defective Wool: Grey and Black 24c Chaffy and Burry 21c Cotted Fleece 26c Wool Tags 07c The above list of prices are what is to be paid to the grower. Any wool tied with binder twine is subject t > a penalty of Ic Ib. deduction, from the above prise, so bring along your wool. We are glad to be able to offer you the above service under present arrangement. You will receive prompt returns, which means that you will have received all your money in not more thnn 30 days The above information, we hope, will be of value to you. t I I T fvl A X W E L L Miss Shirley Buckingham is home for her vacation. Miss Ruby Monaghan of Toronto is spending two weeks' holidays at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Morrison and family of Toronto are visiting with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison. Miss Kathleen Morrison is spend- ! ing her vacation at her home. Charlie Grummett of Toronto spent the week end with his parents. Mr. ami 1'rs. Chas. Brodie and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Long visited in To- ronto on Sunday. Mr. Robert Priestley i ill. We hope that he will soon be well again. L.A.C. Leslie Seeley. student pilot at Dunnville, spent the week end with his parents. Mr and Mrs. Frank Seeley. Mr. and Mrs ^x>ng and Miss Beatty of CoHingwood visited with Mr. Jesse Grummitt and daughter on Sunday. Mrs. Marquis of Pickering is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meredith. Miss Dorothy Randall of Toronto is spending the summer with Mrs. Jos. Porteous, ,jth Line. t t i x i T f f t f f f T I T T v F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. 8TH LINE OSPREY The Farm Forum meeting was held Monday evening, June 32, at the home of Jack Haley. There was. a lively discussion on "Manpower ort the Farm," followed by a program of songs, music, readings and an in- teresting car contest. Mr. Fred Hale gave an instructive short talk on the work of the County Council, which he had attended the previous week, and Mr. D. Stephens gave the high-lights of the district agricul- tural meeting held in Meaford. from which he had just returned. The Forum was invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale for the July meting, Monday, the 20th. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottewell and Dolly spent a day recently with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. Harry Heathcote had the mis- fortune to fall at her home here, causing a badly sprained ankle. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. P. J. Somers spent the past week with his son at Banks. The children of S. S No. 5 sold tickets on a lace table cloth, donated by their teacher. Miss Duff, and on Thursday, the closing day of school. ^ I The lucky ticket was drawn by Fred i Williams, who had sold most of the j tickets, and Mr. Chris. Thomson of V Feversham was the winner. The ^> proceeds amounted to $26.50. which was sent to the Red Cross. The teacher and pupils are to be congrat- ulated on the success ' of their enterprise. Mr. D. Stephens and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottewell attended the district ag- ricultural meeting* at Meaford on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee and Dolbert of Gollinglwood -spent the week with friends here. Mr. ami Mrs. Barnes and little Nina Mabel Dunning of Oshawa spent Saturday with Mrs. S. R. Haw- kins and family. Nina is remaining for a longer visit with her grand- mother and other relatives here. Mr. Pat Hnley. Melancthon. spent the week end at his parental home. Mr. Lloyd Stephens acocmpanied Mr. Walter Saigeon to his home :it : [-\nover and spdnt the woe* with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saigeon. f T T T T T f T t i MARKDALE, Ontario T I ** ** * * ** 5 ** >**** J* J* *+ *J**J^*J*****J* **~** "***** *J^*+jM>JM>*<M>*^*<M5M{<M>J^*-* Interest rates are I.iwn in thif> \. :ir hul :>ot on w ia* will be pn ; d biu'k to the eiiem;-. I'hev-'l! be com- on f h.it BAILEY'S MEAT MARKET Fresh AND Cured Meats PHONE 47 We save you iiioney outing on the farm of Mr. Andrew Fawcett. Mr. Burritt remained in charge of the boys. Lois (Cirkpamck spent the week end with Shirley Langford at Mt Forest. Shirley returned with her for a week's visit. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Don't let one disastrous fire wipe out tiie results of yean of lubour. Let u- study your pro- perty, estimate the protection you need, and write a Pilot Insurance Policy to give you ade- quate protection. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automo- bile, Fire, Burglary, Plate (,l.i-i-, Public Liability and other general insurance. W. K K R N A H A N I- LESHEKTON. Ont. PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY,, *THE WAY I look at it is this. My boy enlisted of his own fre* will. He's got to do without a lot of things he's been accus- tomed to. I wouldn't feel right if I couldn't go without something too!" "The least I can do is to work hard and save. My kitchen, my shopping bag, my work basket are the nearest I can get to his battlefront. But I can buy War Savings Stamps and lots of them every week, so that he may have the tools to win. And that's what I'm doing! How about you?" Buy War Sannux Sffinip* from poftoffirfs. tvlrphon*' nffiwtt, dt>fmrlicnt atorea, i/riifl/gi.if.i. gnx-er.s. t-,li,i, ,,,,,< .1-. book >d>r's ninl other retail attires. National War Kinaiiov Committee

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