Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1942, p. 3

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. "Rice Krispies" in a registered trade mark of Kellogg Com- pany of Canada LimitaH, for its brand of oven-popped rica. Get some today! What Science Is Doing WHOOPING-COUGH PREVENTION No. 1 killer of U.S. babies it whooping-cough, which takes a heavier toll than scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles and infantile paralysis combined. Recently, doctors at the American Medical Association meeting in Atlantic City heard reports on (1) a new way to prevent the disease in new. born infants; (2) the serious mental effects of whooping-cough. Newborn infants have a na- tural immunity to many infectious diseases, but they cannot be vac- cinated against whooping cough before the age of seven months. Apparent reason: their bodies are incapable of producing the anti- bodies. Doctors Philip Cohen and Sam- el Jerome Scadron of Manhattan (old how they solved this grave problem by vaccinating two hund- red mothers in the fifth and sixth lunth of pregnancy. About 150 billion whooping-cough germs ware given to the mothers in in- jections at two-week intervals. The mothers developed antibodies in their blood stream, passed them n through the umbilical cord to their babies. The inoculation* had no effect upon prenam:y or delivery. Time. DEHYDRATED BUTTER Dehydrated butter as develop, ed in New Zealand may be ship- ped without refrigeration. According to the Dairy News Letter, only pure, unsalted whey butter U used for dehydrating, although experiments are being tarried on with creamery butter. "The butter is melted over a jet of steam," the Dairy News Letter said, "and the melted fat and condensed steam are run into a cylinder which automatically separates the water that settwd by gravity from the butter-fat- water solution." After several other steps, the material is subjected to a special technique of cooling, filled into sterile cans and sealed. The Dairy News Letter said the product could be used in its dry state by pastry cooks and ice cream manufacturers. Conversion back into butter is achieved by adding salt and water. U. S. War Output Headache For Axis President Roosevelt announced last week that in May the United States turned out nearly 4,000 planes and more than 1,500 tanks. Releasing official war produc- tion figures for the first time since Pearl Harbor, the Presi- dent asserted in a statement that the United States also turned out nearly 2,000 artillery and anti- tank guns in May, and these were exclusive of anti-aircraft guna and those to be mounted in tanks. The May output of machine funs exceeded 50,000 weapons ot i 1 types, including infantry, ircrat't and anti-aircruft. If sub- machine guns arc added on. the total passes 100,000. Mr. Roosevelt released these figures because, he said, they are foingf to give the Axis just the opposite of "aid and comfort." "We are well on our way," he declared, "towards achieving the rate of production which will bring; us to our goals." The last announced objectives ef the war production program. told in the President'* annual message to Congress last Janu- ry. were 185,000 planes in 1942 end 1943, 120,000 tanks, 55,000 nti-aircraft guns. Sevastopol One hears the name pronoune- ed in four different ways: Sevatt- opol, with a v, accent on second or third syllable, and Sebastopol. with * b, accent on second or third syllable. Preaumbly there is some authority for all, but this columm votes for only two, tays The New York Time*. If a persons say* Sevastopol, with a "T", which te fairly close to the original Ru. sian, then the accent should be on the third syllable, "tope", which is where the Russian accent falls. But if one clings to the old Sebastopol, with a "b", about which we learned in school in con- nection with the Crimean War and the "Charge of the Light Bri- gade", then the accent should be OB the lecond syllable, "bass". Paid $5 Fine For "Heiling" Hitler It made John Nauss $5 poorei to say "Heil Hitler" and give the Nazi salute on a Halifax street. A sailor took a swing at him, and they were brought into court yes- terday. Nauss was fined $5. The sailor got off free. HOW CAN I? Q. How can I make a good treatment for the skin? A. Use the following treatment once a week: Mix with the yolk of an egg one tablespoon of skin tonic, applying to the face and allowing to dry. Then apply the> beaten white of the egg over this. Allow to dry and rinse off. This will eradicate the small wrink, les and refine the texture of the skin. Q. How can 1 avoid evaporation when cooking soup? A, Be sure never to iet the soup boil. Allow it to simmer slowly. If it boils, much of th liquid is wasted in evaporation, and the best of the flavor is loss. (J. How can I make a good hot weather bath powder? A. By mixing equal parts of cornstarch and talcum. Q. How can I eliminate odors in the refrigerator? A. Borax and lukewarm water is a good solution for washing the inside of the refrigerator. It not only cleans it wonderfully well, but tends to eliminate any stains or odors. Q. How can I prevent burning when baking cookies, and honey is used for sweetening? A. When baking cakes or cook- ies in which honey is used as a sweetening, be sure to use a ra- ther moderate temperature, as they will burn if the oven is too hot. BELTS Abdominal Supports For All Dfornutie< Writ* For Catalogue Te S. J. Dew 149 Church St., Toronto 2* Year* Established TRUSSES SWIFT SWEDE Forty-eight hours after lower- ing world mile run record to 4: 06'2, Gunnar Hagg of Swedes with 8:47.8 cut 8.2 seconds off Miklos Szabo's recognized two- mile mark and 5.4 off figure hung up by Taisto Maki. Have You Heard? The church service wad pro- ceeding successfully when a wo- man in the gallery got so inter- ested that she leaned out too far and lell over the railings. Her dress caught in a chandelier and she was suspended in mid-air. The. minister noticed her undignified position and thundered at the con- gregation : "Any person who turn* round will be struck stone blind." A man, whose curiosity wa* getting the better of him, turned to his companion and said: "!' going to risk one ays." Valerie: "What tort f a chap 11 Rupert?" Verena: "Well, wh. w. wers> together last night the light! went out, and ha spent the> rest of the evening re- pairing the) break. A clergyman noticed a womaa named Mrs. Parker, whom ha much disliked, coming up his front steps. Taking refuge in his study, he left his wife to entertain th caller. Half an hour later he emerged from his retreat, listened carefully on the landing, and hearing no- thing below, called down to his wife: "Has that horrible old bore gone '."' The woman was still in the drawing room, but the minister's wife proved equal to the occasion. "Yes, dear," she called back, "she went long ago! Mrs. Parker is here now." A little boy was saying hi* prayers in a very imall voice. 1 can't hear you, dear," his mother said. "Wasn't talking to you," the irn.ii; boy replied. After pulling up a young lady who was driving a car, the police- man 3aid to her sternly. "And, miss, did you know that not only were you on your wrong side, but you were travelling at 60 miles an hour in a built-up area?" "Oh, isn't that marvellous?" exclaimed the sweet young thing. "And I only learned to drive yes- terday "' A Xew York columnist telis about a woman who tried to turn over her husband to collectors for old rubber. "We can't take him," one of the collectors argued. "Why not?" demanded the wo- man, "He's a heel, ain't he?" Maybe he was a wooden, not a rubber heel. "By Jove, Mac, you've holed in one!" "Aweei, it saves wear and tear on ma we* ball." HARNESS & COLLARS Attention Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Btac Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, ami so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods, insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Mad only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. ., Toronto MODERN ETIQUETTE ,You GIRLS WHO SUFFER. If you suffer monthly cramps, back- ache, distress of "Irregularities," nervousness due to functional monthly disturbances try Lydla X. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Tablets (with added Iron) . Made r.i t:<-iallv for women. They also help build up red blood. Made In Canada. 1. u it proper to thank a ho**, as for a meal? 2. Isn't it a friendly gesture to hold a person's hand, or place a hand on his arm, while talking with him? 3. Is it permissible to use the knife and fork when eating fishT 4. Is the word "stationery" proper when referring to one's paper that is used for social cor- respondence? 5. Are there any certain guest* who should be the first to leave a dinner party? 6. Is it all right to announce a wedding engagement at tea r a card party? , ANSWERS 1. No; the only person who gives thanks for a meal is a beg- gar. Do not say, "Thank you for the delicious dinner," but instead "I've had a delightful time; it is nice being with you." It U more proper to indicate your enjoy- ment of the visit than of the fact that you've been fed. 2. It may be a friendly gesture, but it is very annoying to some people and should be avoided. 3. The fork only is used. 4. It is better to reserve "sta- tionery" for a commercial term, and refer to the paper used for ocial correspondence as "note paper, wrking paper, or letter paper". 5. Yes; Che guest* of lionot should be the first to depart. Certainly. Jap Wasn't Quite Loyal To Emperor This story was being told in navaj circles recently. When the United States Navy attacked Japanese-held Wake Is- land, February 24, one of the American fliers was a Japanese- language student. He overheard a conversation between the pilots f two Japanese bombers which had been damaged and wer* going into cra*h falls. Th* first pilot said: "I'm now going to crash into the sea in honor of the Emperor." The second pilot's reply freely translated: "Go ahead, fool; m I am bailing out." Every time a voluntary system fails it's as much a defeat for democracy at the fall of Franc*, Hong Kong. Bataan or Singapore. Czechs TOM Pent And Wreck Train Come alone with a Tak patriot M lie blows up a Has* freight train with fountain pens It'l deep midnight when a mo- torcyclist epeeda up to the leader of a group of Cseon saboteura in the German-occupied land, and, ac- cording to the account receive* In New York by the American Trten<U o< Czacho-SIovakla. hands htm thU message: "Tomorrow at 4.10 a.m., a freicht train leaven station for ine Rts- alan front. See that It does not arrive." Saboteurs Called Together That brief, unsigned order, borne by an unidentified courier, sets the chief saboteur in motion. Rao- ing down the street to an Inn, he summons a tazl driver and they roll out to the edge of the wood The saboteur, a youiig Aludeut stands in a clearing and makes a sound like a hoot owl. The eerie call Is answered. Then, the account of this par- ticular instance goea on, the stu dent enters an old game warden's collage and is welcomed >>> the housewife "with the look of wo- men whose husbands hare baea dragged u8f to concentration camps." The housewife takes the patriot to the cellar where, from a shelf behind some barrels, h selects six fountain peas of assorted alzes. He rejoins his driver and goes to an- other wood near the railway, hid- ing in the bush along Uie right of- way. Train is Wracked "A little after four in the morn- ing," the report says, "a frelxbt train appeared coal cam and then tank cars. The student took a pan marked 'K' from his pocket and .!. B v in onto the small plat- form of ths tank car. His second pea landed on a flat CM of straw The third and fourth lauded on two more tank cars of oil. Tne thickest pen landed on tiUe roof of a box car which he rightly eom- Jectured was loaded with ammu- nition. "The results came oui next day whan the grapevine pa*sd along word that there had been serious railway accident at Lroy A freight train rolling toward the Russian front had suddenly aad inexplicably exploded la Ova places. A German troop trwta crashed into the wreck and some 800 noldieri were Injured, many of them very seriously." Thus does a beaten people writ* bad news (or their oppressor, with pens of explosives Tar more Indel- ible than ink. CHEW BIG E BIGTIMECHEW PERFECT Chewm Human plans fail when human character fails. We must built as strong in belief as in body. Oflltt^t BittS- ffeatffas* SWITCH For quick relief Iram ItohUu of Insx* Mus. haw rash, uhlxu's foot, ociem* SB4 other oiunuHr nufl tfcln troubles. UM fin otina\ ooaUtic. MKt- sepUc. liquid D. D. D. Prescription. OnsMStav malnlMs. aoothei IrrttaUon na quuklr stopj Inuosc luhlnf. 36a trial boitlc praresll. or monar bask. Ask rourdninlBt Mxly for o. O. D. pncscRIFnosi. .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. U1UV LHKKV CHI' 'K.S, PL'LLKTS. DAVOLD OR started, and dayold cockerels. Prompt delivery when you want thorn. It looks good policy, if you've the equipment, to etoclc sufficient to meet the good mar- kets for home and oversea* coit- eumption. Order in advance If Sossiblu. Bray Hatchery. 13U ohn N., Hamilton. BABY IH1CK9 STAP.TED CHICKS J AND I WKEK old for immediate delivery. Only a limited supply so order at oner. .Send for special price Hit on '_ and 3 week old W. Leghorn and B. Min. X W. Leghorn pullets. B. Uock noii-sexed, pullets and cockerels. Prompt delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. UAUY CHICK!* TAP.TKD CHICKS, TWO AND three week old in the following breeds in non-nexed, pullets and cockerels, White Leghorns, Black Minorca X White Leghorn. Bar- red Koi.-k, Light Sussex, White Wjandotte, White Kock, New Hampshire X Barred Kock, White Leghorn X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X New Hampshire, Barred Rock X New Hampshire. .No waiting. Can ship the day we i receive you.- order. Send for re- duced price list today. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. .'.< i ki. run i: us m. K, MO.M'H OF JLH BUV liKtiliDKIl FARM gLALITl' blood tested Il.O.I'. Sired Chicks, immediate or later delivery. Large quantity ot famous Leg- horns, ac; Pullets ISc; Cockerols 2c. Barred Rocks, Hampuhireu. Hybrids, lUc; Pullets I7c; Cocker- els ?c. Also started Pulleta for immediate delivery prices _ 2 weuk old 3tc; 4 week old 38c 5 week old 45c. 10% deposit bal- ance delivery. Older from adver- tisement. Catalogue free. Monk- ton Poultry Farm. Monkton, On- tario. MAXUKl I ili Ill-Ill Vi OVENS AMD MACHJN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged Correspondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., lot Bathurst St.. Toronto. MOUNT PLISASANT MOTOKS Ltd., Toronto's oldest Cdrysler, Piyin- oiidi dealer*; three location*, o.i : ML Pleasant Ituad ^iiiu Xoug St. and Iti&u Daiuorili Avenue. Our Used Cars wake u raanv fi lends. Write Ur our Free Book- let on pedigreed ieiiewd and au- aiyzcd used cuis. ISSUE 29 '42 UlKKJt ANDUl'.SU.N ilcUAUGHUIN BUICK- I'l.u; .:tt. Ltd. the larKunt dealer* m Canada for Buicka and Pon- tiaut i .'j located at . >^'J Bay St.. Toronto. You etui alwayg be eure u{ real high grade used earn, at vary roaauuable price*. Care Uuu you can depend on Cor reej ser- vice and with excellent urea. We enjoy a very large uut-ot-town clientele; built up through years of >irv;:i k wall. It will pay you to visit us when in Toronto, be- side* ws are eure we can save you money. COOK. U i.Vllu iixeKLj.as.vr COOK IN CHRIH- tiiiu Home, bleep out. fell to man. I'li'ina MI. iir.ij fur appoint- ment or write II r'arkwooei. To- rout/o. VVA.NTK1) FL'tflKS XN1 URJflOD. pruieru.!>ly thoroughbreds. Ulr lull details, Uutario only. iX>U- DoM. ,,'j'j Bay Stroet, Toronto. U V i H V. A CUBAHUKi tiA\l. iUL AMTHi.Nij NJlUiiDti dyeing or cleaning.' Writs to us (or information. We are alad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limned. 7'J1 Yonge atreet. To- ronto. ! vitu i.ui ir >ii..\ t ' 3t H.r. UiSTlliK Diesel Lii.ii>.-. complete wllh clutch uau cooling tunka; tit it.' 1 . Blsckatone; Ji u r. Deuts, Marine ttutfina 200 U.P.; Tine and Luuk Harrows, <.,.i;:-. Oomiiii;- atiou fotj Mili, I'jJj stake body International Truck, demongtrat- inu und rubullt McJ'i:: Cream Separator*; pulnt, while it lasts. fl.au per gallon. Xhe above are all specials Tor July and Austuat Melotlu, Magnet aud L rouxiet Cream Separator 1'a.rts; Myere Water Hysiems; one oaly Ujua- mor Mill; one only u cycls Portable Milker. .->. A. Uatoi Stewart Street, Toronto. I'KUPUCll STOCK KKliD- ANALYSIS !'< centiise, proiulii 14.65, fat L crude fibre 1.33; puffed wheat sittings, thoroughly cookedi, |ti per ton. Kavunagli Food, Toron- to, U.U..M BAL'MEKKA FOOT BALJ1 destroys offenalva odor instaiitly. fc bottle. Ottawa atrent, Ucume* Drug Sture, Ottawa. KHKE CATALUmB CATAIXJGUJS 01- KARA and Kxcltlng books. Kev. Tyrer'e Great Work un MarrlaKu kel tlons. :.49. SLI'KI: MAIL OR- BBtt, j? yuvon stieet West XOtlMalBi Unturib. HI.III.MHIIJ 111 1 1 J PUUJJbKED HEREFORD BULi* fur immedia'.e service. Due to aa> iiuiijiiioii of the herd of the late !ii. J. Thompson of Montreal, we have a large .ielactiou. yearlings and older bulls, all of excellent breeding. Prices from $100 up. M. Crews. Calabogia Stock Farms, KiMifi'ew. Out. Telephone Iten- frew 637. .MKUICAI. IT'S EXCKLLK.NT. HEAL R- sults after taking Di.\on'e Rem- edy for F.httumutic Pains ej>4 Neuritis. Munro's Drus ijtore, 33J IClgin. Ottawa, I'ootpeUc 11.00. .no-roils OVEHII.\.>;L you it MOTOR wmi* yuu're driving; save 3U'o sas aatt oil guaranteed to restore com- pression. S-. MI delivered. Mike Ignaah, 441 Manitoba Ave.. \vin- nipeg. Man. 'H.I I til <.> llh.SViiVI > Mi.\V 14LUS, .N^\V KLUS AtAJJK b'KOsl old. Dominion Hug Weaving m pany, 'JU4 yunun Si. W., Toronte. Write for bookli.u M 1 1 i-i >i \ i-ii 1'EUI'Lt; AP.li TALJtlNli ABOUT the good resulta from lakiug Dixou'k Remedy for Hheumatli Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store. 33ii Ulgm, Ottawa, Post* paid i " W A.Vl'KU Kl KL, W 0011 MAi'LK AND MIXED COKDWOO1X also Hard and Sottwood blul) sm Bundled iildgings. Give full par- ticulars. Walter Schiesj.. Nine lee* Melinda Street, Toronto. WANTKD A yualified Prota.taot teacher for 3.S. No. 'i South Sher- brooke. Dulles to commeaasi Sept. 1. Apply stating salary t* J. N. Kitchie, Sec.-Truas., Maber- ly, K. t. 1'KTUJKItaTONHALC.Ii * COM4 Ai\ Patent yoliuuors. Uetabluue*) mu; 11 niTig West. Toioat*. Booklet of luformatloa on re- quest. WHi PAi MOKK? VOUR developed and s glosay prints only J...:. Free 4 x t D largemant Included. Write for free mailers. iNatlon Wide Phot* Service, 3U James St., St. Cat*-. arines, Ontario. _ I'HOHHiUAJ'Ul DONT TRUDGE THROUGH Tke Heal, Uain, ar Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered l> MsUI Any 6 or 8 exposure film perfeL-ij* developed und printed tor only 2 Supreme quality and fast service) guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE blstiou, J, Toronto

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