Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1942, p. 8

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Wednesday, July 15, 1942 THE FLESHERTKDN ADVANCE I CEYLON Mrs. Mary Irwin spent last week in Toronto. Melville McDermid is visiting his sister, Mrs. Don Porter, in Toronto. Miss Nancy McWilliam has return- ed home, after holidaying at Hope- ville. Miss Mablc Haw of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with her grandmother, Mrs. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns spent the wek end with Mr. and Mrs. Harv. Griffin at Bobcaygeon. Miss Cath- arine Cairns, who has been holiday- ing there, returned with them. Allan Cameron and (Jrajnt Muir were at Owen Sound Saturday tak ing part in the pipe band at the 12th of July celebration. Sergt.-Major Gordon Micks of Pet awawa is spending a week at his Dome here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Qitson of Oak- ville spent Sunday with Mrs. John Gibson. , The tea and bake sale, sponsored by the Ladiea' Aid and held at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) McMillan on Saturday, was a real success, $17.15 being realized for their funds. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. J. P. Collinson Thurs- day evening, with a good attendance. The vice-president, Mrs. Sinclair, presided, and- Mrs. C. Alexander had the Scripture reading. Five dollars was voted for the jam fund. Mrs Gco. Snell was elected president, and conducted a contest, Miss Dorothy Whitehead being the lucky winner. Miss Helen Stain who has been visiting her uncles, Bob and Dick ** We Pay Butterf at Bonus at Time of Purchase CREAM PRODUCERS: You are now entitled to a 6c Bonus per lb. of butterfat, starting im- mediately, without raising the price of butter. By paying you the 6c extra, the government is trying to enduce you to produce more cream to overcome a possible shortage of butter. Do your part and get in on some real money for your cream. If you haven't tried our meat storage, we advise you to try it and become another satisfied customer. The rates are very reasonable. V . (- jFlesherton Ci earner & Produce Co. Phone 66 >MMMIIMMIM Angus Avis, Manager BUTTfR is four Pats a Week in Britain IlTLF-K oho*e "Guns instead of butler." So the Nazis have puns I We must catch up . . . and beat them. They tortured people to make them save. We must save willingly. So it'H up to IIH, each one of UK, to eeono- mi/.e of our own free will ... to economize and buy War Savings Stamps HO that we ean outstrip our enemies with planes and Innka and puriH and ships ... so that our Boldiers may be better equipped than I lie enemy they have to eompier. Women iniisl help by economizing in the liilchen, by j>n telling and darning, Uy hhnppin^' eurefuily mid rutting out ua.sle. Make up your mitid rimoto huy otic, two, iivr or more \Vnr Savings Slunij -. cury I- <>/,. You an. } on HIH.S*/. I IJuv H nr Niri'riifji .Sfnm/>* front fctri&'ft. ' ' '/' nililim*, jinn-frit, f.r.-- mill otlx-r n-lnil nlnr<-i. lnx>l: Nil holla I \\.ir I in.iii. Committed Parslow, left Saturday for her home at Niagara-on-the-Lake, accompan- ed by tier aunt, Miss Mable Parslow. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Buckingham of Maxwell announce the engage- ment of their younger daughter, Merle, to Lieutenant William Charles Bordon Collins, C.D.C., eldest -on of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collins, Coll- ingwood. The marriage will take place August 1st. Mr. and Mrs. As A. Welle-r, Dun- can, Ont., announce the engagement of their only daughter, Mary Ina, to Leonard Gordon Knihbs, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Knibbs, Meaford, Ont., the marriage to take place quietly the latter part of July. Local aoo Personal I SALVATION ARMY FEVERSHAM Services will be held in the Salva- tion Army hall, Fereirsham, on Sun- day, July 19th, 1942 at the hours of 11 a.m. and 8 o'clock in the even- ing. The service will be conducted by Adjutant Burton Pedlar of Essex, Ont. Everybody welcome. Flesherton United Church Rev. K. (,. McMillan, Pastor Services during the summer will be held as follows: 10.00 a.m. Warship at Cylon 11.00 a.m. Worship and Sun- day School at FleshertoB. 7.30 p.m. Vesper service at Flesherton. Morning subject: "We fight for " (2) Progress. Evening subject: "Faith and Humour." Parents are reminded that Sunday School meets in conjunction with the morning service at 11 o'clock. The church vacation school for children six years and up, is now being held in the United Church and will continue each morning, except Saturday, until July 24th. There are thirty children enrolled at present. Maxwell United Church REV. GEO. L. MERCER, B.D., D.D. Minister SERVICES OF WORSHIP (SUNDAY, JUNE 21) 11 a.m. Eugenia. 2 p.m. Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 8.30 p.m. Maxwell. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES Frank B. Keys Pastor ROCK MILLS fcERVIGES Sunday School -- 2.30 p.tr Church Service 3.30 p.m. FLESIIhiM'ON SERVICES Church Svmce 11 a.m. Sunday Service 12 o'clock A social evening will bo held at the home of Walter Akitt on Thursday at !) p.m. All members of the con- gregation and every department of the Hock Mills churcn are expected to be present, when games, sing sons ' and refreshments will be enjoyed. I The report of the improvement com-' mittec will be made and plans com- pleted for the preparation of the base- j nient for Sunday School, Young People's and ladies' meetings, as well as community and patriotic purposes It is expected that Morris Bailey of Toronto will rei'der instrumental solus at Rock Mills church Sunday after- noon. Mr. Bailey plays an electric guitar. Friendship The other day a woman burst into tears in court and told the Judge she had liei-n jilted four times in the last two years. The experience she said, had naturallv unmanned her. Miss Jeaiwtte Cargoe of Toronto spent the week end with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richar.lj spe:.. the week end at Liicknow. Miss Marie McEacanie of Toronto was home over the week end. Aircraftmen Mack Duncan of Fin- gal and Ted McTavish of Toronto were home the. first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Avis and two children are holidaying this week at Huntsville. Miss Lois Sparks spent a few days last week with Blanche Walker at Eugenia. Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite of Toron- to spent the past week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Russell Park. Misses Dorothy Welton and Dor- othy Patton of Toronto are spending three weeks at their parental homes Mr. and Mrs. Finsanger of Mild- may visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wickeng. Mrs. W. D. Colquette of Owen Sound spent Tuesday with her daugh- ter, Mrs. E. J. Fisher. I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Long of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. T. Beattie of Feversham called on friends in town recently. Mrs. Chas. Perigoe of Malton spent the week 'end with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mary K. returned home with her on Monday. Mrs. W. G. Trelford of Toronto, also her son, Bud, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Miss Joanne Wood and Master Barry Thurston are spending this week with Joyce and Dick Benthuni in Toronto. Pte. Hugh Brbby of the Queen's York Rangers, Niagara Falls, spent a couple of days last week with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. B. Ivers of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Dclbert Smith ot Pcterboro spent a day last week Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. fien-tham and two children and Mr. and Mrs. Lei- ; Hill and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. "". Bentham. Mrs. Hill and children remained. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lcavell, RuMi and Mrs. .lack Kayo and son of Coll- ingwood and Mrs. (iordon Be?se of Oshawa spent the first of the weok with Mr. and Mrs. Root. Clark. Word was received by Lieut. F. J Thurston of his advancement to tin rank of Cap'nin in "B" Company of the Grey & Simcoe Foresters (R> C.A. Mrs. Stewart McTavish and two children of Oshawa spent the past week in town. Mr. McTavish came up on Friday, returning Sunday with his family. Mr. Roydun McDonald left last week (o return to Gold Pines, Ont., whore he is employed us an operator with the H.E.P.C. He visited his father and other relatives here. Mrs. McDonald remained to visit another mouth. If nobody smiled and nobody cheered, And noibody helped us along; If each individual looked after him- self And the good things all went to the strong; It noibody cared just a little for you And nobody thought about me; If we stood all alone in the battle of Life What a dreary old world it would be. Life's sweeter because of the friends we have made And the things which in common we share. We want to live on not because of ourselves But because of the people who care. It's giving and doing for somebody use On that all Life's splendour pends; And the joy of the world, when it's all added up, If found in the making of friends., Selected. BORN BLACKBURN -- At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Sun- day, July 12th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Blackburn, a daughter. EAGLES At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Tuesday, July 14th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. F. Eagles, a daughter. HBMPHILL At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Mon- day, July 13th, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. Percel Hemphill, a daughter, Lois Gertrude. SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE CHICK STARTER $3.35 per cwt. PIG STARTER $2.50 per cwt SHELL CATTLE SPRAY $1.50 per gallon (In your own containers) OATS & WHEAT ARE GETTING SCARCE Now selling at Oats $29.00 per ton Wheat $28.00 per ton We look for a raise in wheat prices SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE MILL Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24w Flesherton, Ont. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Drive shed, 36ft. x25ft WANTED Medium size wardrobe -- - ' " -* ** trunk. Apply Box 63 Flesherton. Future Evmts VANPKLKUK DANCE, JULY 31 Reserve Friday. July Hist, for bin dance at Vandelour school house, under auspices of W. I. and Girls' Club. Music by tin- CIvNX Ranch Boys. Al CTION SALK Auction snlc of :!f> calves nt farm of Mr,. Win. 1! ifli. ''I mile south of Ihmd.'ilk mi No. llij-'hway. mi \\Vi! m-day. .Iiil.\ IT.ih, at 7 p.m. - !!. '; Long, Prop., (!. Duncan, ani'lioiieer. DI:NI>ALK -CRYSTAL GARDENS" The "Crvs il (I. miens,'' Dundalk, prweiit Rubin ,1. Kirk inul his nc\y (> fur modern dancing, rvcr\ Cash |'i' ; 7e. The Dor- inott orchr-lrn for modern dancing, Old T.vme lli>rtlo\vn every Saturday. to 11. .15 p.m. Admission Saturdny n 'lit, only 25c. CRUISE -10 MAMTOULIN (BLAND All Day Crui-e on C.P.R. Liner Koewntin, from Owen Sound on Tuesday, ,Tuly-2lst. Ticket* $2, plus '.V; tax, from Sun-Time?, Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nash of Glen Ridge, New Jersey, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Gcccp and son of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Williams of Stoney Creek arc guests at the Mun- slmw House and enjoying the trout fishing in this district. Haying operations have been pr- eceding with rapidity during the past week and despite the lack of farm labor, considerable of the crop has already been placed in the barns. T'nei-i- will be n tl scarcity of h;\y in this section this year. Fall wheat is commencing t<' ripen and cutting will In- general within two weeks, aiu mayibe finished. The spring; grain re also first class, the straw being lull};- anil Wt'll headed. We had n pleasant call on Friday from Mr. C. V. Charters of Uramp- ton. secretary of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper.--' Association and Mr. lieo. I, like (if I'inunias. Boih UICM- gentle-men were paying calls on members of the Association. Mrs. Mark Wilson went t.i Owen Sound the first of the week to con- sult a physician. .She has not been enjo; ini;' the ln>t of health lately. Miss V. Nicholson has been con- fined lo her home for the past week with pleurisy. H.J. Courvoisier, Feversham, Ont. r^ WANTED Experienced farm hand \ for one month, top wages. J. F. 'Miellinson, Ceylon. FOR SALE 46 acres of alfalfa and timothy hay or would let on shares Claude Akins, R.R.3, Proton. FOR SALE 2 Work horses, 4 and 6 years old. Edgar Betts, Flesh- erton, phone 46J. 6c2 NOTICE - - Load young calves and cows arriving Sat., July llth. - Gordon Stuart, Flesherton. FOR SALE - Mixed hog -hop 157r proton, soy bean, oats, barley and oil cake. P. Hemphill, Ceylon. FOR SALE Quantity of spruc and balsam lumber. Beard's, Markdale, phone llrl. IT'S LIKELY this will be the last reminder of the season to order Bray summer stock pullets, Leg- horns, cressbreds; cockerels. Lim- ited quantity Turkeys. John Mc- William. Flesherton. FOR SALE Box stove heater and good sewing machine. Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton. 4c2 BRICK LAYER All kinds of re- pairs, chimneys, etc. E. J. Glen- ister, phone Flesherton 40r4. 4c2 WANTED - - Horses and cows fit for mink feed. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 41r3. WANTED Horses and cows fit for mink feed. John J. Meads, Priceville, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE Cottage 21x21 sided, verandah, movable by truck; 3000 ft. new dry mixed lumber, hard and soft; Tolton pea harvester; hay harvester; hay rack, new condition; amall truck body, platform with stakes suitable for 1 or 1V4 ton truck, good as new. Jos. Radley, R.R. S, Flesherton. FOR SALE Small barrel churn. Beatty haycar, Loudc Junior hay car; cnme to my premises 1 sheep. Otto Meyer, Flesherton. 2p'.' FOR SALE Used 4 piece Bedroom suit.walnut finish. 3 piece chester- field suit, in Al condition. Ben- nett & Richards. FOR SALE About 148 feet of Mh inch barn rope, used but in good condition. Richard Allen, Flesher- ton, phone I" r 21. lp- FOR SALE In Flesherton 7-room cement block house, all modern conveniences, garage, large lot. Mrs. C. J. Crossley, 65 Scarlet Ril.. Toronto, phone JU JH73. BOR SALE White enamel 3-piece 7 bedroom sot; iron 'bed, blue nnd white enamel; child's iron cot, drop sides; quarter cut oak (mission > v hall seat and mirror; oak wash stand; hanging lamp, brass with bend trim; Rissels vacuum carpet sweeper. Mrs. J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 2 r S. 6p2 FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art* mein. containing 100 acres, on whic* ' actuated a bnnk bnrn 45x55, also 'arge driving shed. This property mist b sold to wind up estate. ThoM ntei-pstci 1 communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 4 ,> BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and stock sales our spec...!- ty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. D.ites arranged at Th Vdvance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- OKI-. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St Office hours; afternoons 2 to 4.30. Wednesday and Saturday evening! 7.30 to 10 p.m. No office hours on Sunday. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 833, AJ ; A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Meshortori, the second Friday in eacfe month. W.M.: J. S. McDermid; Se- etary: C. J. Bellamy.

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