.Wednesday, August 12, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * WE BUY POULTRY MARKET YOUR POULTRY IN AN ORDERLY MANNER Spread your marketing over a period of months for the purpose of avoiding overloaded markets. Higher prices prevail during the summer months and early fall. Cull your laying flock frequently, there is no ad- vantage in feeding non-layers. Highest Prices are paid for .Grade A milk-fed quality. Birds should be crate or pen fattened two weeks before marketing. They should be fed three times a day, as much as they will clean up in 20 minutes. Please bring in fowl before 6 o'clock on Satur- day nig-hts. |Flesherton Creamer) & Produce Co. Anu Atria, Manager Phone 66 ! MIMMMMMMwMMMM VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson and boys took a motor trip through the orth country last week. Ernie bought a truck load of cattle which were brought down by Willard Blake?. Carl Hawton of Feversham is vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Elwyn Ferris. Miss Lulu Cook of Toronto return- ed home last week, after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson. We are very sorry to report that Mr. Wm. Acheson is very ill, follow- ing two strokes. Mr. Elmer Seawell, Miss Norma Ellis and Harold and Marjory Jack son of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald, Royden and Ruth, o: Priceville visited recently at the home of Art Jackson. THANKSGIVING DAY OCX 12 Thanksgiving Day will be observ ed throughout Canada on Monday October 12th, the announcemen being made in a special edition o the Canada Gazette. The candy tax this year will bring in $7,000,000. A law with a swee tooth in it, evidently. CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS No buRineM can afford to fare risks which should be covered bv in- nr.iiii <. Let us analyse your needs, explain how insurance can protect your business from loss in many ways and arrange planned Pilot policies to cover all eventualities. We write Pilot Insurance Io cover elected risks in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Cargo, Elevator, Teams, Plate Class, General and Public Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonda. H. W. Kemahan - REPRESENTING CENTRE LINE Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons and Betty of Drayton were at Mrs. ,yons' at the week end. Miss Evelyn Gallagher has return- d home after spending some holi- days with friends at Hopeville and ther places. Garfteld Lyons spent the past week at his home here, while his mother was in Toronto with her sister, Mr&. Jarnet Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Little and two children of Meaford, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Heslip and two children and Miss Verna Gekill of Thornbury spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little and family. Mr. Hartley Arnott of St. Cathar- ines and two nephews, Jack and Bruce Shaw of Dunnville holidayed the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Cudmore Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ar- nott, third line, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hammill of Singhampton. Mr. Cudmore went back with him to secure work. A cloud of sadness was cast over this community on Tuesday last, when it became known of the terrible accident which befell Miss Hazel Magee of the eighth line. She passed away Friday afternoon and is being laid to reat this Monday in Flesher- ton cemetery. The sympathy of this community goes to the father, mother, sister and brothers and other relatives in their time of sorrow. ROCK MILLS Harvesting operations are pro greasing: favourably, farmers are fin ishing cutting oats this week. Mr. Ned Croft ie threshing for many of the farmers on the 4th line this week and reports that the grain is turning out well. Mrs. Marall Belts and two child- ren Norma and Stanley of Sunder land Ont. are visiting with the Betts families here. Pte. Ted Croft of Brantford spent the week end at his home, returning to Brantford Sunday night. Mr. Alex. Laughlin received his call last week to report for militar> service. Mr. W. 0. Miscner of Brampton i spending his vacation at the home o. Mr. Chas. Newell, and assisting with the harvest. We are sorry to learn that Mrs John Porteous hasn't been so wel lately and is now with her daughtei Mrs. Cecil Monaghan at Maxwell, MAXWELL Opl. W. M. Bates, Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell of Rock Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lovo of Markdale were re-ent visitors a' the Duckett homo. Mis. Levi Duckett and daughter, Vu .et, accompam-,1 by Mrs. C. Mar- tin of Eugenia, and daughters Ca-- nttte ind Winn -U.i of Toronto, and son, L.A.C. Argyle Martin of Dunn- ville, visited in Shelburnc Sunday. The Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. John Stephen on Thursday, Aug. 6th, when there was a good attendance of members. The president, Mrs. Geo. Morrison, pre- sided. The ladies spent the after- noon piecing a quilt and also ac- cepted an invitation to visit the Mt. Zion W. A. on August 18th. Mr and Mrs. Angus Morrison and Kathleen visited in Guelph last week. Miss Elizabeth Mercer returned to her home this week, after visiting in Toronto and Schomlburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Fenwisk and Lawrence visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Howard Fenwick at Red Wing. Rev. Dr. R. H, Mercer and Mrs Mercer of East Providence, R I are | spending the month of August with the former's brother, Rev Dr G L Mercer and Mrs. Mercer' Local and Personal Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone it part of vast interlocking system now earning ui ibnormsl wartime load. Don't let needle** delays hold up meuigcM on which production efficiency may depend. SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Littler and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ferguson of Toronto sipcnt the holiday with Mrs. J. L. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs Don MoMillen and Miss Isabelle of Toronto spent last week at Hugh McMillen's. They are holidaying this week at Wasaga Beach accompanied by Mrs. Hugh McMillen. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Jackson and little son to our burg Mr. Garfield Anthony of Toronto apent the week end at Mr. George Haw's. Mrs. Anthony and children, who have spent the past month here, returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bunzuck and Mr. and MM. ft. 1^ of Owen hound spent Sunday at H. Watson's Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox visited Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw and Donn.e spent the week end at Bay- fielfl and Goderich. Mrs. A If Bowden and aong have returned to their home in Barrie! d atn PD t the home of Robt. Knox. Mr. Everett Martin of Ayton a per,t WCek With his Parents e f Toronto are heHdayimr *h home of R. Ha,rd y . Mr. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound was in town on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boyd visited at Orangeville on Sunday. Aircraftman Mack. Duncan of Fingal is home on furlough. Mrs. Kernahan and Carrie sipent a few days in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Armstrong are spending their vacation as usual at "Cemetery Cottage." Pte. Hugh Bibby of the Queen's Rangers, Chippewa Barracks, was home for a couple days last week. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigo of To- ronto sipent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hyland and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong of Toronto spent the week end in town. Mrs. W. E. Loucks is visiting this week with her sister, Mrs A. Mclnnis. in Owen Sound. Master Glennie Rowe of Burling- ton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Qpl. Wes. White of St Thomas is spending a week with his wife and father, Mr. Geo. Whit*. Air. and Mr. Frank Ball left the first of the week for their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Wesley of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Armctrong. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor of To- ronto visited with the Taylor famil- ies this week. Mrs. Bannister of Winnipeg is vis iting her aunt, Mrs. Karnahan, and Miss Carrie Kernahan. Pte. Fred Conklin, with the Med- ical Corps at Newmarket spent the past couple of weeks in town. Miss Phyllis Wauchope of Shel- burne is visiting with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thistle- thwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and baby of Toronto returned home Sun- day after visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Mr. and Mrs. C.' B. Perigo and (laughters, Betty and Mary K., all of Malton spent th week end with Mr and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Henning and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Almond of Mea ford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thureton. Maurice Armstrong, engineer in the Elementary Aircraft School a Oshawa visited with his uncle, Mr F. H. W. Hickling last week. Major Arthur Hall and Mr. and Mr. Albert Hall of Kincardine were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs A E. Goessel. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright and son Roy of Markdale spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Airs. R. H. Wright of Edmonton paid a flying visit to her old home in Flesherton, where she spent most of her life previous to 1916, when she and her family went West. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Barrie and son,, Russell, of Melancthon and Mrs. J>im Akins of Dumdalk were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs Wallace Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Keith and Grace, attended the miscellan eous shower on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark of Sligo in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball (Ellen Parker). Flying Officer Chaa. Walter of Ottawa and Mr, Chris. Thomson of Feversham were pleasant callers it The Advance office Monday. Mr. Walter was accompanied by his wife and two children, who reside in To- ronto, and were holidaying at Fev- ersham. A number of letters have been re- ceived from the boys overseas ac- knowledging the gifts of cigarettes sent to them a few weeks ago by the ladies of Flesherton. Further funds are needed for supplying smokes for the soldiers overseas and there are convenient containers in Flesherton stores where you can ,ave change for this purpose. Help keep the boys in smokes. Future Events DUNDALK "CRYSTAL GARDENS" The "Crystal Gardens," Dundalk, preent Ruibin J. Kirk and his ew 6- piece orchestra for modem dancing, every Friday. Cash prize. The Der- mott orchestra for modern dancing, Old Tyme Hoedown every Saturday, 9 to 11.45 pjn. Admission Saturday night, only 26. NATIONAL WAR LABOUR BOARD GENERAL ORDER The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the coat of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index 117) has risen by 2.4 points over the index for October 1, 1941, of 115.5 (adjusted index 114.6). Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 (1) of the Wartime Wages Control Order P.C. 5963, and subject to the general provisions of the Order, the National War Labour Board order* that employers subject to the Order who are paying a cost of living bonus shall adjust the amount of such bonus pay- ment, and employers who are not paying a cost of living bonus hall commence the payment of such a bonus, both effective from the first payroll period beginning on or after August 15, 1942, a* follow*: () If paraMot of coat oflMac boon, is b*ii U> proyfalco of Order fat Coaacil P.C. (233 wrt superseded by 0) For employees to whom Section 4* (Ui) (a) of P.C. M6S agones, the boons shall be Incrtaasd by the amount of slaty (Oc) eHu par week. 0) For employees to whom Section 4 OH) 0>) of F.C. SSXU - - i perceotace of their weekly waaaratea, paid toT f living bonus. shall be increaeed by 1.4 points; ee cart of I (b) If >o east oMivio battas is baiB paid, the payflMrt of M*h ooQsV Hull be commenced! (1) For employees to whom Section 4S (Hi) (a) of P.C. Mas eppttes, in the asnouat of shrty (60e) cents per week. (u) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (b) of* P.C. SMS applies, in the amount of 3.4% of their weekly wage rates; (e) la DO case shaU the amount of a cost of Urine; bonus adjust*] aa stated exceed a maximum of $4.25 per week to i.nmluysss to whom Section 48 (,10 (a) of P.C. S963 appUee, and of 1 7% of their weekly wag* rates to employees to whom Section 41 (iii) (b) of P.C. S96S appOcs: (d) <1) G) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies DOW being paid a cost of living bonus, not pursuant to the proviciona of P.C. 8253, established prior to the effective date of that Order, in an amount exceeding $4.25 per week, the amount of the bonus shall remain unchanged. (ii) For such employees now being paid a cost of living bonus of less than $4.25 per week, the amount of the bonus shall be increased up to sixty (60c) cents per week, but io no case to exceed a total weekly bonus of $4.25: W G) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (b) of P.C. 5963 applies, now being paid a coat of living bonus, not pursuant to the provisions of P.C. 8253, established prior to the effective date of that Order, in an amount exceeding 17% of their weekly wage rates, the amount of the bonus shall remain unchanged: (ii) For such employees now being psid a cost of l bonus of less thaa> 17% of their weekly wage rates, the bonus shall be increased up to 2.4 points, but in no case to exceed a total weekly bonus of 1 7% of their weekly wage (e) Tile adjustment or payment of a cost of living bonus calculated as ordered shall be to the nearest cent of any fractional figure ; (f ) Employers in the construction industry shall adjust the amount of any cost of living bonus required by paragraph (a) of this order only for employees in respect of whom no special bonus arrange- ment has been made with the approval of a War Labour Board, pursuant to the provision of the Order for the conduct of the National Joint Conference Board of the Construction Industry. Ottawa, Ontario, HUMPHREY MITCHELL, August 4, 1942. Chairman, National War Labour Board. . Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Quantity of sprues and balsam lurrtber. Heard's, Markdale, phone llrl. FOR SALE Good stock cow, due Aug. 20th, quiet, good miker. P. Muir, Ceylon, phone 2r22. Ilp2 FOR SALB In Fleaherton 1-rotm. cement blook house, all mo4ra convenience*, garage, large lot. Mrs. C. J. Crossly, U Scarlet Rd., Toronto, phone JU9178. FOR SALE Mixed hog "hop 15% protein. soy bean, oats, barley and oil cake. P. Hemphill, Ceylon. FOR SALE Young calf ready about August 26th. Tl.os. Taylor Flesherton. WANTED Horses and wa fit for mink feed. F. BaglwS, Pro ten Station, R.R. 3, phoa 41r8. WANTBB Horse* aad tows fit for mink fea. Jokn J. Mead*, Pricavilte, phi.ne 21 r 4. FOR SERVICE Yorkshire regi&t ered Hog, advanced registration breeding, dam acored 95; fee $1.50 Ellwood Stevens, Flesherton, R. R. No. 3. Ilp4 FOR SALE Cottage 21x21 sided, "veramdah, movable by truck; 3000 ft. new dry mixed Lumber, hard and soft; Tolton pea harvester; hay harvester; hay rack, iuw condition; small truck body, platform with stakes suitable for \ or 1% ton truck, food as new. Jos. Radley, R.R. 3, Flesherten. 3c2 FOR SALE White enamel 8-piece bedroom set; iron <bed, blue and white enamel; okild's iron cot, drop sides; quarter cut oak (mission) hall seat and mirror; oak wash stand; hanging lamp, brass with bead trim; Riaaelfv vacuum weeper. Mre. J. P, Collinson, Ceylon, phone 2 r 3. Apt FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acre*, on wbkfc is situated a bank barn 46*66, also large driving shed. This property, must be sold to wind up estate. Thoa* interested . aomnmnicat* with Join Oliver or W. R. Me*da, P*' 'evil!*, fc- for the eatate. 47 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KA1TTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Orf Farm and ato*k salee. vr i>C '.- y. Term*: reasonable. Satia&ctkB guaranteed. Bates arranged at The \dvane oatfce. DR. S. R. THIBAU&EAU TFTSRIN ART VMrEN Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phon: 81 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Office hoar*: aftaraoona S to 4JOL Wednesday aid Saturday 7.30 to 19 pjn. No office ho v* en carpet Flwsherton Prineo Arthur Lodge No. M8. AJ. A.M.. meet* in the Frftttnal Sa* the second FrMa* to a*h won*. W.M.: J. 8. McDennirJ; *- rotary: C. J. Bellamy-