Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1942, p. 8

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Wednesday, August 19, 1942 THE FLE8HERH6N ADVANCE WE BUY POULTRY MARKET YOUR POULTRY IN AN ORDERLY MANNER Spread your marketing over a period of months for the purpose of avoiding overloaded markets. Higher prices prevail during the summer months and early fall. Cull your laying flock frequently, there is no ad- vantage in feeding non-layers. Highest Prices are paid for Grade A milk-fed quality. Birds should be crate or pen fattened two . weeks before marketing. They should be fed three times a day, as much as they will clean up in 20 minutes. Please bring in fowl before 6 o'clock on Satur- day nights. ; |Flesberton Creamer; & Produce Co. ; Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager MAXWELL The Women's Institute met at the borne of Mrs. E. Hawton, Feversham, n Thursday Aug. 13th, with the president, Mrs. Ross, in the chair. Plans were made to attend the W. I. Rally in Durham. It was decided to hold the September meeting at the homo of Mrs. Mt Gould. A - program was enjoyed, consisting of readings by Mrs. O<. T.iv!r and Mrs. G. Seeley, and a paper by Mrs Ross. Congratulations to Mr. Jim Kerton of Camp Borden and bride, recently married. They are visiting relatives in this district. Mrs. Wm. Whewell of Saskatche- wan is visiting her niece, Mrs. Geo. Morrison. Miss Isabel Pallister of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Miss Mable Ross is visiting friends in Sarnia and Blenheim. Men, Women (her 46 Wwt Normal Pep, V, Vrtatty ? NEBLECT CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS No bunintM can afford to fare riiks which should be covered by in-iir.iiirr. Lei u .m.iK-r your need*, explain how insurance can protect your bufiiness from Ion* in many ways and arrange planned Pilot polirieo to rover all eventualities We write Pilot In-nr.im to rover elected risk* in Automobile, Fire, Burglary, Cargo, Elevator, Teams, Plate U.I-N. General and Public Liability, Fidelity and Surety Bonds. H. W. Kernahan REPRESENTING Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone it part of vast interlocking system now carrying an abnormal wartime load. Don't lei needless delays hold up iMssages on which production efficiency may depend. KIMBERLEY Mr. D. L. Weber and Ted left last Tuesday for Dawson Creek, B.C., to work on the Alaskan highway. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson visited with proton relatives for a week, returning Sunday with Milton. Miss Tena is visiting Owen Sound friends this week. Miss Dorothy Cook is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart and Mr. Harvey Stuart of Burks Falls were guests of the Ellis families and Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Chard. Harvey is on embarkation leave. Eleanor Baker is visiting this week with her friend, Ruth Chard. Mrs. S. S. Burritt, Mr. John Atoer- crornbie and Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Burritt attended the funeral of Mr. Taylor Abercromlbie, who was laid to rest in Markdale cemetery Saturday afternoon. Rev. J. S. Veals * Mono Road, a friend of the family,conduct- ed the service, giving much comfort and kind sympathy to the family and friends. Mrs. Veals sang in her usual beautiful voice "The City Four Square." An Orange service was conducted at the cemetery by mem- bers of Markdale Lodge, of which Mr. Abercrombie was a member. All the members of the family were pre- sent, excapt Mrs. Vic. Smart, who was ill in Meaford hospital. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Joe Rawlings has his thresh- ing outfit here thia week. The crops are proving a good yield and fine quality. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence, and Mrs. A. Lawrence went to Oshawa on Friday, while Mr. D. L. Weber, Miss Lois Weber and Mr. R. Fawcett went to Toronto. Jack Dillon returned with I .. - ;hem for a visit. Misa Weber and Mr. Fawcett remained in Toronto to work. Eldon Goodfellow of Dobbinton is visiting his cousin, Keith Ellis. Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. K. Vansinclair and Mrs. Cecil Gibson of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Dillon and Jr. and Jimmy Lawrence, visited Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Lawrence. Mr. Will Hammond of Toronto is camping on his lot near Kimberley. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers is sipending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Mclntosh at St. Marys and la attending the wedding of Miss Mc- lntosh. M-s. Jean McConnell and Miss Neorna of Toronto are guests of Mrs J. Wilson and othei friends. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith o Thornibury and Mrs. Wright and Miss lEva Wright of Toronto wer recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs Will Bowles. Mr. and Mr. Bert Warren of To ronto visited recently with the lat ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cargo Recent visitors wih Mr. and Mrs Howard Graham were: Mr. Chas Bellamy, Miss Ruth Bellamy and Miss Ruth French of Owen Sound Mrs. R. J. Stewart and Miss Susie Stewart" of Shrijdey, Miss Rota Stewart, Reg.N., of Gravenhurst and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blair and son Bobby of Toronto. Mrs. Cargoe visited recently with friends in Toronto. The Women's Institute and Girls' Club had a very successful dance in the school one evening recently. The CNX Ranch Boys of Wingham pro- vided the music. The proceeds were about $200. The Woman's ssociation held a very successful Red Cross quilting at the church Friday afternoon. The August meeting of the W. A was held at Jthe home of Mrs. L Teeter. The August meeting of the W. I will be held at the home of 'Mrs. Howard on Thursday afternoon of this week. EAST MOUNTAIN Quite a number from hore attend- ed the Derry Day celebration and dance in Markdale last Wednesday. Eleanor McMullen spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Andrew Faiwcett at Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Len Haines spent Sunday at Kimlberley. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen and family were: Joan Belts of Flesherton, Mr. Sam. Jaynes and Mr. G. Morcer of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and Ver- non of Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Genoe, and Miss Dorothy of Toronto spent Sun- day at Camp Borden. Mrs. Grace Hlndle of Duncan and Mrs. Berntce McQueen of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn and Jim of Feversham w<*re visitors last work with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kaittlnjr. Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft visited at Holland Centre on Sunday. Miss Annie Akins is sipending a couple at weeks visiting in Toronto. Mr. Harold McCutcheon of Toronto was in town over the week end. Miss Velum Sewell returned home ast week after sipending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. E. Aikenhead of Toronto is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Armstrong at "Silverwood Cottage." Sergt. Laurie Smith of Camp Bor- den spent a few days last week with iis family. Mr. Jos. Banks of Toronto is holi- daying at his home here for two weeks. Misses Marie McEachnie and Kath- ,een Kelk of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents. Miss Hilda Duckett of Toronto spent the past week at her parental wme. Tpr. Delraar McClean of Camp Borden spent the week end in town with friends. Sergt. Bruce McDonald and Mrs. McDonald of Toronto spent the past week with the latter's parent*, Mr and Mrs. John Thistlethwaite. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel attend- ed the Merritt-MacDonald wedding at Teeswater Presbyterian church on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Alex. Aiberdein left Sunday evening for Lucknow, wherg he has taken a position with the Maple Leaf Aircraft plant. Mrs. Walter Chappie and little daughter of Meaford spent a couple of days last wek with her mother. Mrs. Bibby. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Patton and child- ren of Toronto are * lending this week with the former's mother, Mrs. J. 0. Patton. Mrs. Stan Menzies lus joined her husband at Wallaceburg after spend- ing a long holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Miss Dorothy Ottewell and friend, Ellen Coakley, of Toronto spent the past two weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell. Miss Gertrude Lever and Mrs. L. Strong of Richmond Hill visited the former's mother, Mrs. T. Lever and attended the Derry Day celebration at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rogers of Waynes- ville, N.C., are visiting at present with her father, Mr. Mark Wilson. The condition of her mother in a To- ronto hospital continues to improve. Mrs. Alex. McCutcheon of Mark- dale, Mrs. Sidney Toope and son, Fred, of Broclcville and Mrs. Lome Powley of Toronto were the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. Frank Teeter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badg<;row and daughter, Margaret, Mrs. L. Kennedy and Mrs. J. Kennedy, all of Toronto, were recent visitors in town and with the former's brother, Mr. J. Badjrerow Saugeen Jet. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton and son, Mifcs Irene McDonald of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. McArthur and Elaine of Priceville and Mrs. Wm. Hay of Mimico visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. David Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Marshall and little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dyer all of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Ferguson of Holstein attended the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. A. Aiberdein Friday evening. Week end visitors at Mrs. J.O. Patton were Mrs. Gordon Graham and baby, Sharleen, of Meaford, Mr. W. Graham, Mrs. John Lyons and Mr. McDonald of Fernleigh. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Patton and two children from Buffalo Ankerite, South Porcupine. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the late Archi- bald Clarence Mulr, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, County of Grey, seed dealer, who died on the 1st day of July, 1942, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the undersigned solicitor of the estate, on or before Tuesday, the 8th day of September, 1942. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date the execu- tors of the estate will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale this 17th day of August, 1942. WALTER E. HARRIS, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claim* against the estate of the late Donald Stewart, late of the Township of Artemogia County o Grey, farmer, who died 'on the 19th day of May, 1942, are required to forward their claims duly approved, to the under- signed solicitor of the estate, on r before Monday, August 31st, 1942. AND FURTHER take notice that after such mentioned date the ad- ministrator of the estate will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled hereto, having regard only to such, claims as they will then have notive. Dated at Markdale ttiis 10th day of August, 1942. WALTER E. HARRIS, Solicitor for the Administrator. CHIMNEYS... a common cause of Fire ! Every fourth farm chimney is unsafe and liable to start a fire. Practically all farmhouse fires are due to defective _ , vniANFnilf chimneys and faulty heating equipment. I COMDli>.~ * Check YOUR chimneys this fall. fJ^BUST/ON Get into your attic and inspect the chimneys for cracks, breaks, rotten mortar, soft bricks and open joints. Make sure that no joist, l*am or other wood is set into the chimney's brickwork. No chimney built with an offset or within four inches of any wood should he considered safe. Make sure that all unused pipe openings are closed with metal, asliestos or cement. Clean out your chimneys before tliey burn you out ! Every chimney should extend two feet or more aUove the ridge of a peaked roof or three feet or more above a flat roof. A jew dollars spent on your eliimneys HOW may sai-e you tlwusuiids litter. fIGNT Farmers' Central Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Walkerton, Ont. Germania 'aimers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Ayton, Ont. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Quantity of spruce and balsam lumber. Hoard's, Markdale, phone llrl. FOR SALE Young calf ready about' August 26th. Tl.os. Taylor Flesherton. FOR SALE Young Yorkshire ^igs ready to wean. Malcolm Black, Priceville. I2ci FOR SALE Clyde mare, 3 years old, broken. Howard Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale, phone 59r2. 12 CEMENT Car load of cement just arrived. F. G. KarsUdt, phone 7, Flesherton. FOR SALE In Flesherton 7-r cement block house, all modern conveniences, garage, large lot, Mrs. C. J. Crossley, 66 Scarlet R.I., Toronto, phone JU 3-178. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, S.D.R.. Aits> mesia, containing 100 acre*, on wbicfc is situated a bank barn 45**6. also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Thai* interested communicate with Job* Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Bx- eeutors lor the estate. *lt Future Events DANCE AT KIMBERLEY CKNX RANCH BOYS provide the music for big dance at Kimberley on Wednesday, Aug. 26th, in aid the Evening Telegram British War Vic- tims' Fund. Admission: 35c an 20c DANCE AT MAXWELL Dance at Maxwell to music by en- tire Fourth Line Ochestra, Thursday, Aug. 20th p.m., in aid of Fourth Line (West) Group of the Red Cross. Admission: 26c, IBc. DUNDALK "CRYSTAL GARDENS" The "Crvstal Gardens," Dundalk, pregent Rubin J. Kirk and his new - piece orchestra for modern dancing, every Friday. Cash prize. The Der- mott orchestra for modern dancing, Old Tyrae Hoedown every Saturday, 9 to 11.46 p,m. Admission Saturday night, only 25c. FOR SALE Good stock cow, due Aug. 20th, quiet, good miker. P. Muir, Ceylon, phone 2r22. Ilp2 FOR SALE Mixed kog -hop 15% proUin. sy bean, oats, barley and oil cake. P. Homphill, Ceylea. WANTED iUrse* art oewe fit for mink f. F. Efeflee, Pr*te Statien, R.R. 8, phone 41r8. WANTU Homes and eews tt for mink feed. John J. MM*, Prircv.l1. .h.nr 21 r 4. FOR SERVICE Yorkshire regist- ered Hog, advanced registration 'breeding, dam scored 96; fee $1.60 Elrwood Stevens, Flesherton, R. R. No. 8. Hp4 FOR SALE -Cottae 21x21 aided, verandah, movable by truck; 8000 ft. new dry mixed lumber, hard and soft; Tolton pea harvester; hay harvester; hay rack, new condition; small truck body, platform with stakes suitable for 1 or 1H ton truck, good as nyvr. Jot. Radley, R.R. 3, Flesaerten. 3c2 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WM. KAITTING LICEN8BB AUCTIONEER for the County of Over Farm and stock Bab* ur spec' .- ky. Terms; roMOaabU. Sattrfactigp guaranteed. Bate* areaafod at Tfce \dvanee osfiee. PR. S. R. TH1BAUCAU OradtMrte f Ontario VMevhuMr Coll- ege. PhMM< 91 day r night IfdMKDALE, DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St Office hour*: afUcno.ne t to 4J*. Wednesday and Smrmrday 7.30 to 10 pjn. No office hours on Prince Arthur Lodge No. an. A A.M., meets in the Fmteraftl Bail, Flesherton, the second Friday in ea<* month. WJM.: J. 8. McDermid; 8ee- retary: C. J. Bellamy. \ \

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