Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1942, p. 8

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.Wednesday, October 7, 1942 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CREAM Big Demand for Butter There is an exceptionally big demand for butter at the present, so special care should be given milch cows during this time of y 1 ar, in order to keep up production. We suggest :- Stabling during the cool nights. More grain feeding. This will undoubtedly pay you well. POULTRY Because of the scarcity of meats, poultry is much in demand. It is to your advantage to get your poultry in shape, and market as soon as possible. Thus, while you are receiving good prices now, you are also helping to maintain good prices late in the fall. We are in the market to hrndJe large quantities of both live and dressed n?-j u -y. Get in touch with us. Flesherton Creamer; & Produce Co. Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager KIM BERLEY Mrs. Wayne Weber and Mrs. A. Wardman were guests of Mrs. D. L. Weber over the week end. The for- mer is remaining for a longer visit. Wayne 'is being transferred from British Columbia to Woodstock, where he will take a mechanic's course. He is now home on a week's leave. Miss Edn a Burritt of Toronto spent the week end with the Burritt families. The W. I. met at the homo of Mrs. F. J. Weber Thursday afternoon, when there was a good attendance. Plans were discussed for raising money for a greater war effort. Mr. Daltosi Ferguson spent the week end with his mother here. Our sympathies are extended to Mr. Andrew Wallace and families in the death of a beloved wife and mother. Mrs. Wallace was formerly Edna Thurston and a much respected Christian resident of our valley and church. Jack Graham of the R.C.A.F. spent a week with nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham. Guard Ezra Fawcett spent a few days with Kimberley friends. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips of Flesherton on the arrival of a son on October 1st. Mrs. Smith of Wodchouse spent a day with Mrs. S. S. Burritt. A good field day was held Friday, when the teachers, pupils and a num- ber of parents, enjoyed thernselve? at the school grounds and park. Mr. and Mrs. Budnic are spending holiday with Mrs. Budnic's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Longstreet, Kitchener. Mrs. D. Wallace is homo, after spending a couple of weeks with her daughter at Hanover. Mrs. Joe Gibson and children spent two weeks as guests of her sistei Mrs. G. Wiley. Born On Friday, Oct. 2nd, at Port Hops, to Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Ellis, a son. Congratulations. Mr. Hammer of McMaster Univer- sity, took the Baptist services at Kimberley and Thornbury on Sunday. Anniversary and thanksgiving ser vices will be conducted on October llth in the United church here. A happy event took place last week when Miss Fay Dobson becami the bride of Mr. Cvcil Mundle. They will reside in Thornbury. Congratu- lations are extended to them. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGee were in London last week visiting the Ready of St. Marys' Mr. and Mrs. Fleming of Owen Sound, and guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, Miss Ann Bowman of Tara and guest of Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, Miss Lillian Buchanan of Toronto and guest of her father, Mr. Jos. Buchanan, Mrs. McConnel of Meaford and fuest of the Johnston families. (Intended for Lart Week) Anniversary services were held the church Sunday afternoon and evening with Rev. C. r> . Farquhar son of Meaford as guest speaker. The church was nicely decorated with fall flowers. Many former residents and visitors from Markdale, Flesherton and Ebenezer were present. The W. I. held their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, the president, who pre- sided over the ibusiness meeting. For the program "Health and Child Wel- fare,' 1 Mrs. Howard Graham took the chair. Misses Pauline Hutchinson and Dorothy Kelso sang a duet and Miss June Freeman gave a very efficient paper on "A new respect for food" and displayed a lunch box and menu cards, etc. Suggestions for home nursing was given by Mrs. H. Graham and Mrs. W. Bowles gave a reading. The contest making the Red Cross quilt block, first prize to Mrs. Geo. Shaw, second to Mrs. Hill. Mrs. Frank Davis spoke on behalf of tke W. I. of our appreciation of Mrs. Shaw's untiring efforts in the Assoc- iation and of our regret of her leav- ing the community. Mrs. Shaw re plied in a few well chosen words. The luncheon was served by the ost- ess, Mrs. Hutchinson, Miss Dor- othy Kelso and Mrs. J. Carson. PRESENTATION OF WATCH A social evening was held Thurs day evening in Maxwell y,all in honor of Pte. Edna Croft, Canadian Wo men's Army Corps, Trinity Barracks, Toronto, who was home on furlough. She was presented with a lovely wrist watch by her many friends of this district. An address was read by Mrs. Lewis Fisher : nd the pre- sentation made by Mrs. Earl Croft, for which Edna expressed her ap- preciation in a few well chosen words. Dancing and social chat was enjoyed and a very pleasant vening spent. CENTRE LINE The few fine days last week gave farmers a chance to draw in the last latter's mother, Mrs. Thompson, who O f their grain and dig their potato recently underwent an operation in the hospital there. Mr. Fred Ready of St. Marys is visiting relatives here. Mrs. K. Davison, who has spent the summer months with her sister, Mrs. Lundy Johnston, returned to Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston, Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and Ruth attended Dundalk fair Wednesday last. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Fair in Owen Sound Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville at- tended the Collinjrwood Fair on Saturday. Friends from a distance who at- tended the anniversary Services on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Use Your Axes To Help Beat the Axis If You Have Timber Suitable for SAW LOGS It is your Patriotic Duty to take out all you can, now, when it is urgently needed for war material. We have orders to fill, and we must have logs in order to supply these vitally-needed materials- We will buy your timber "on the stump," or cut into saw logs, and will pay the highest cash prices. crop, which is a complete failure in this district. The crop was not good to start with and then the blight struck early. They are rotting and are hardly worth digging. Tpr. Victor Osborne and friend, Tpr. Alf. Lindsay, of Camp Borden spent the week end at Victor's home 1 here and with Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Inez and Mrs. Mac Cudmore and Kenneth. Wareham school held their field day last Thursday, when a pleasant afternoon was spent by teacher, pupils and the few parents able to attend. The West Group of the Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Little last Thursday afternoon. The next meeting is at the home of Mrs. E. Gallagher on Thursday, when a quilt- ing will be the afternoon's work. Mrs. E. Gallagher and Mrs. L. Love spent a day last week in Owen Sound. Anniversary services are almost over in our churches for another year, when services will bet back .o regular schedule. Mt. Zion W. A. will meet at the home of Mrs. Meldrurr on Tuesday Local and Personal Mrs. E. Trempe spent the first of the week in Toronto. Sergt. Wm. Welton of Camp Bor- den, spent the week end in towm. Aircraftman Bob Banks of Mann- ing Pool, Toronto, is spending a few days at his home. Misses K. McMillan and D. Thurs- ton of Toronto spent the week end at their homes. Messrs. Wilf. Lever, Bert Sparks and Geo. Sled motored to Boakvie>w on Saturday for a day. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shaw and daughter of Owen Sound spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. F. Thurston. Pte. Ivan Henderson and friend, Pte. Ward Foster of Simcoe spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. R. H. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Hanrey Croft and little daughter spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft. Mrs. F. Gorrel and little daugh- ter have returned to town and Sergt. Gorrell of Camp Borden spent the week end with his family. Rt. Wor. Bro. Morrow, District Deputy Grand Master of Grey Dis- trict, will pay his official visit to Prince Arthur Lodge, No. 333, A.F.& A.M., on Friday evening of this week. Eleven Christmas packages were packed on Monday evening by the Flesherton Soldiers' Welfare League for the boys overseas. At a ouchre at the home of A. Down last week $15,25 was realized for the fund. This Thursday evening a euchre is being held at the Munshaw House. This is your invitation to attend. Rev. S. D. Gaudin, D.D., of Ib Whittier Ave., Transcona, Man., has written a book of his experiences, entitled "Forty-Four Years Among the Northern Crees,'' which is well written and very interesting. Copies may be secured from Mrs. W. H. Thurston at the price of fl.50 per copy. This book could be used in Young People's Societies. MAXWELL The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Jos. Wright on Thursday of last week. In the absence of the presi- dent, the vice-president, Mrs. Jas. Winters, took the chair and conduct ed the affairs of the Aid. The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mabel Ross and the word for roll call was "thanks.'' It was decided to^have a thankoffering, in place of a supper, this fall. Arrangements for a bazaai were discussed. Mrs. Mercer gave a humorous reading, after which the meeting was closed, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick and children of Red Wing visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Fenwick on Sunday. Mrs. L. Kerton spent the week end in Toronto. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross Tuesday, Oct. 18. Rally Day service was held Sunday in the United Church, the superin- tendent, Mrs. Geo. Morrison, con- ducting the service. Mrs. P. Seeley prepared a children's choir and band, which was much enjoyed and an ad- dress was read to Mr. Wm. Wright, who has been superintendent for the past twenty years. He was present- ed with a hymn book in remem- brance of hia faithful service in the Sunday School, where he will be creatly missed. Blue is beautiful color, bat terrible feeling. AUCTION SALE The Estate of the late A. C. Muir will hold an auction sale on Satur- day, Oct. 10th, at Ceylon, of farm stock, implements and household furniture. There will also be offer- ed for sale the several parcels of real estate, subject to reserve bids. For further particulars see large hills. Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. Use the Small Advts. it pays. FOR SALE Durham cow, due to freshen Oct. 7th, also purebred Shorthorm bull. Robt. E. Gorley, F.ugnia, phone 74rll. - 19p2 WANTED TO BUY House and stable small acreage, in >r near s village. Must be leasonably priced fee cash White to Box 210 .o. Th Advance, Flesherton. A lot of politicians with strin tied to them are defeated. They have their drawback*. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ETC ROBT. FISHER will sail by public auctkm la FLESHERTON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 the following, namely: Empire Ranee, good aa new; good Kitchen Cabinet, Electric Stove, good as new; number of Stove Pipe*; good Extension Table with 3 or 4 boards; Centre Table; Dining Room Suit*, buffet and 6 chain; 2 Large Rockers; Bedroom Suite, complete; Iron Bed* stead with spring and mattress; Kitchen Table, with 6 chain; Small Pantry Table; Antique Rooking Chair; Day Conch with spring and mattress; Kitchen Couch; Good Ray- mond Sewing Machine; 8-Day Kitch- en Clock; 2 Mounted Deer Heads; good Congolemn Rug 9x12; Kitchen Linoleum Rug 9x12; Pair Tapestry Curtains 4x12, with pole; 5 Oildotk Mats; Bedroom Oil cloth 8x12; Bed- room Rug 9x12; number of othet Rugs; Electric Bedroom Lamp; Cole- man Lamp; Electric Table Lamp; Kitchen Cupboard; Wash Tub and t good Wringers; quantity of fruit sealers; quantity of Dishes and Glass Ware; 2 Roast Pans; quantity at Knives and Forks; Pot, Pans, Pails, Kitchen Utensils and numerous other articles; good Ironing Board; Quilts, Blankets, Linen; good Wheelbarrow. Positively no reserve. SALE AT 1.30 P.M. TERMS: Cash. W. KAITTIXG, Auctioneer. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Portable radio. Mrs. Bibby, Flesherton. 18p2 FOR SALE - - Young calf. F. J. Thurston, Flesherton. FOR SALE Quantity of furnace i MAN WANTED For fall plowing. and stove wood.- Wm. WalkerJ C. Akins, R.R.3, Proton Sta. 18pC phone 43r3, Flesherton. FOR SAL* Mixed hog -hop 16% prot*m. soy bean, otts, barky and oil cake. P. Hemphill, Cylen. CREDIT AUCTION SALE KAKM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. WILBERT POOLE on CoKingwood Gravel Road, 1*4 miles east of Maxwell will sell by public auction on THURSDAY, OCTOB'R 15 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSEiS-Bay Gelding, 16 years; Grey Mare, 13 year*; Grey Percher- on Gelding, 3 years. CATTLE Jersey & Swiss Cow, 6 years; Jersey Cow, calf at foot, 4 years; Durham Cow, 8 years; Dur- ham Cow, 9 years; Durham Cow, 4 years; Durham Cow, 7 years; Polled Angus Cow, 4 years; Hereford Cow, 11 years; Durham Cow, 8 years; Polled Angus Cow, 3 years; Here- to decide about having n chicken pie ford Heifer, 2 years; Herefon supper. Stoor, 2 years; 5 Yearling*; 4 Calves PIGS. SHEKP. Etc. _ Berkshire Are our Soviet Allies luring the FOR SALE Used bedroom suite, 6 pieces in good condition. Bennett & Richards, Flesherton. FOR SALE Purebred Durham bull, 3 years old, also 13 good breeding ewes. Jas. Aliens Flesherton. FOR SALE Kitchen buffet, table and chairs, ivory and red. Mrs. A. E. Goessel, Flesherton. WANT1D Horses and cows fl- for nink feed. John J. Meads, PricevilW, phone 21 r 4. FOR SALE Kitchen stove, in good shape and 2 heaters, coal or wood. W. Hamilton, Flesherton. 17p2 FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Down ram lambs, can be registered. C. Akins, R.R. 3, Proton Sta. 18p2 FOR SALE Oxford Down ram, 3 years old. Everett Blackburn, phone 46r2, Flesherton. 19c2 FOR SALE Oxford Down ram. yearling. Mathias Williamson, Priceville. Ip2 STRAYED From my premise* on Friday, Aug. 28, Tamworth hog five weeks old. Lawson Whitehead, Ceylon. Germans on, or arc the Huna getting nctunl results? AUCTIONEKK DUNCAN'S r^ > Write BAXTER WRIPHT or Phone No. 3 Dundalk Saw Mills AUCTION SALE LIST Friday, October 9th, Ed. Graham, Clarksburg. Saturday, October 10th, Estate of A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Monday, October 12th, Thos. Mc- Pherson, Dundalk. Monday, Oct. 12, Thos. McPherson, Dundnlk. Tuesday, Oct. 13th, Robert Brown, Mai'kdiale. Wednesday, Oct. 14th, Howard Grummett, Wareham. Thursday, Oct. 16th, Wifcert Poole Maxwell. Monday, Oct. 26th, Land SaU at Mnrkdnle. Tuesday, Oct. 87th, Wm. Morton. Wareham. Wednesday, Oat. 2*th, Don Mc- Hohnie, Bentmok. Thursday, Oct. 80th, Adrian Noble, Btrinw, Brood Sow, first litter of eirht pig? just weaned; 8 Ewes; 1 Ram; pail Geese; 50 Hens. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Peter Ham ilton Hinder, 6 foot cut; M.-H. Mow er, 6V4 foot cut; Deering Hay Raki 10 foot; Cultivator and Seeder com- bined, 17 tooth; Bissel Disc, 14 plate; Grain Drill 13-disc; 2-furrow Riding Plow; set Sleighs, % height Wagon; Drag Harrows; Renfrew Cream Sop- arator in good condition; 2 Walking Plows; Fanning Mill; Turnip Pulper; Hay Rack; set Sleighs; Cockshutt Riding Plow, 1 furrow; Buggy; Cut- ter; Scufflcr; some Household Furn- iture, including heater for coal or wood; a quantity of good Hay and quantity of good grain; some Wheat and Timothy Seed. TERMS Fowl, hay, grain and of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 10 months' credit will be gtren ky fumishinfr approved joint notes, bearing interest at 6ft, satisfactory to Bank ef Toronto, FeTershaTn. OEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer O*o. W. RMS, Clerk. STRAYED Black and white hound. Anyone knowing his whereabout please notify Jim McMullen, Fev ersham, phone 10rl3. 18e3 WANTED Hcrses and cows fit for mink feed. F. Eagles, Proton Station, R.R. 3, phone 4lr3. FOR SALE Oxford Down ram, year old Stanley Magee, phone 74r. Flesherton. FOR SALE Enamel range, like new. ideal for farm kitchen. Mrs. Joha Cooke, phone 30J Flesherton. FOR SALE House and property in Flesherton, large lot and stable. J. 0. Dargavel, Flesherton. FOR SALE Reooi.ditioed pisae* and organs, also pianos and orgtM tuned and repaired; latisfactie* assured.-J. C. Blaekstone, Ble-8tb Street (A) Bast, Owem phone 972. FOR SALE 10 Good Milk Cows TB tested; 60 Oxford Down breed ing ewes; will be home Sat., Oct 10. Gordon Stuart. l>p FOR SALE Quantity of 18 in. and 18 in. hardwood; also reglstera Shorthorn 'bull, 4 years old. Free Russell, phone 30r4 Markdale. STRAYED From premises known as Meggitt farm, on or about Aug 10, Hereford yearling heifer, de- horned. Finder please notify The Advance office. I7p3 FOR SALE Purebred Oxford Dowr- ram lambs, purebred Seotch Short- horn bulls and females; 3-year-old Clyd mare. H. I. Graham, R. R. 4 Markdale, phone 59r2 FOR SALE 7-room brick souse tnsm St., Dundalk, good well and cistern; stable suitable for garage; hen house; wttra large garden lot Mrs. Jy B. Buckingham, Maxwell, Ont,, Fevers4iam 4rl4. FARM FOR 8AL1 Lote 1C-17, 2 N.D.R., Artemesia. 100 acres, barn 00x45, newly roofed* also home; creek at back of farm. Mrs. R. Stewart, Fleehertoa, Ont. P ARM FOR SALE Lota 14-16, Con. 1, S.D.R.. Arts* mesia, containing 100 acres, en whie* is situated a bank barn 15x65. also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up vstsike. Thins iitarestrd sommunicate with Jeha OHver or W. R. Meads, PricerHle, fa- ?euterg for the estate. *7 BUSINESS CAR,>S AUCTIONEER WM. KA1TTING LICENSED AUCTIONBBB for the County of On? Farm and stock sales our SMC' - ty. Terms: reasonable. SaHsfWkpi guaranteed. Dates arranged at Tie Vdvance office. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham 8C Offies totm: aftctOMM S t* 4J*. 7.36 to 10 p-m. No office hows '.

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