Flesherton Advance, 5 Jan 1944, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 5, 1944 EUGENIA A Happy and Prosperous New Year to ye editor and staff, and all readers of The Advance. The school meeting was held on Wednesday forenoon of last wevk. Mr. Win. Walker retired as trustee and Mr. Bert Mclntosh took his place. Mrs. Mclntosh was appointed secre- tary-treasurer, taking the position which Mrs. Will Walter has held for several years. Miss Jean Tudor is FEVERSHAM A Happy New Year to the editor andi readers of The Advance. Mrs. Win. Heitman is spending a week with friends in Collingwood. Mr. Harry Burke of Owen Sound visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. New Year's and week end visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. T. Williams, Wil- ma and Jimmie, Mr. aid Mrs. Dave Williams, Plesherton, with Mr. nd the new caretaker,, receiving a sal- ' Mrs F. Tyler; Mr. and Mrs. Herb ary of $80, which is |10 more than paid last year. The Trustee Board is composed of Henry Tudor, Stanley Campbell and Bert Mclntosh. The wood contract was awarded to Fred Duckett at $5.25 per cord. Mrs. M. Badgerow and grand- daughter, Yvonne Betts, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce. W are glad to know that Mrs. Badg/erow is able to be around again after her serious illness. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee and Mr. McCarthy o<f Toronto were New Year visitors at the formers' | Owen Sound. Eby and Stephen of Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby; Mr. and Mrs. E. Morrison and family, Mrs. W. J. Conn, Mrs. Folliott and son, with Mr. and Mrs. Rozell Conn and family; Mr.' Howard McKee of Hamilton, with Mrs. McKee and family; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kirfcpatrick of Kim- berley, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Sewell. Mr Guy Kartting of Duncan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. Miss Marion Eby returned after spending a week with friends in parental home. Miss Mary Clipperton of Toronto spent a few holidays at the Proctor home. Mrs. Cairns and Shirley and Mrs. M. Phillips and Irene visited in Heaford on Friday. Pte. Geo. Stewart of Camp Borden was home for his New Year's leave. A quilting under the auspices of the W. A., will be held at the home of Mrs. Francis Genoe on Friday p. m. of this week. All ladies of the community are welcome. The annual congregational meet- ing -will be held next Sunday even- ing, Jan. 9th, following the church service. All members and adherents <u the church will please attend, if possible. Tpr. Ted Campbell returned to Dundurn, Sask., after spending Christmas lc:ve with his wife and family, and also his parents. Miss Marie Phillips spent a few days with friends in Toronto last week. Miss Dorothy Jamieson and Miss Lucy McDonald, who have spent the Christmas vacation with relatives, have returned to their schools in Toronto. Miss Irva Magee of Collingwood spent New Year's and the week enfl with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Messrs. R. McMillan and M. Phil- lips were home for New Year's day and the week end. Miss Margie Park spent the week end with Flesherton relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and Marge visited one evening last week with Mrs. T. Lever and Harold, north of Flesherton. Aircraftman Henry Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Art. Walker of Saska- toon, in training at Gait Technical Training School, spent Christmas with the Walker and Gordon fam- ilies. Pte. Don Carson of Camp Borden is spending a 14-day leave with his wife and little son at the Stewart home, and with his parents at Price- ville and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn and Mabel of the 4th line spent New Year's Eve with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker and daughters. Mrs. Allan MacGregor and little son, Patrick, returned to Gait, after spending Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawacett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker and daughters spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Walker at Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Fawcett. Gait, spent Christmas at the Fawcett home. Gnr. Victor Campbell of Manitoba spent his New Year's leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T ohn Camp- bell and other relatives. The lantern slides hown in the church Thursday evening of last week by Rev. Westcott were very interesting:. Mrs. Westcott told the story of Mrs. Wiggs and the Christ- mas Carol, and Rev. Westcott told the story of the "Other Wise Man" by Henry Vandyke, as the pictures were flashed upon the screen. Pte. Leslie McMaster of Camp Borden was a visitor at the Stewart home and with other acquaitances. Mrs. Allan Cameron and Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Bert Magee. The Magee family spent New Year's Ddy with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous near Max-well. prey, on Wednesday last. Mr. Kendal Hawkins was elected trustee and secretary-treasurer. Mr- Allan Short received the contract for wood at $5.45 a cord, and Mr. Jas. Ottewell the caretaking. Those ill with the flu at present are: Mr. Chris Thomson, Mr. Geo. Ottewell and Albert and Maurice Teeter. Miss Irma Smith, Reg.N., of Wel- land is visiting with her aunt, Nurse Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke received word last week of the safe arrival overseas of their 3 on, Fit. Sergt. Bill Burke. Mrs. Rabt. Hill of Markdale is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Laurie Sewell. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. J. Stafford received the sad news last week of the death of his little 5-year-old nephew, Billy Staf- ford, of Windsor, who was killed by a ear. The remains were taken to Port Elgin and the funeral was held from there on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stafford attended the funeral. Sur- vfving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Stafford, and two sisters, Aud- rey and Isobel. Christmas and week end visitors were; Adjutant Lesher of Toronto^ with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stafford; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and 'laughter of Dundalk, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long; Mr. and Mrs. John Ottowell of Flesherton, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottowell; Mr. and Mrs. G. Summons of Kolapore, with Mr. Levi Sammonjs and daughter; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby and Stephen of Bar- rie, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Eby and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and family of Owen Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby; Mr. Howard McKee of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alex- ander and son of Creemore, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette of Owen Sound with Mrs. McKee; Mr. and Mrs. Lome McQuay, Mr. Wm. Heit- man and Norma, with Mrs. Heitman; Mr. Guy Kaitting of Duncan, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Torr- ance Williams at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Ruth spent Christmas with Mrs. A. McLean at Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Roszell Conn and family and Mr. Geo. Short spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morrison and family on the gravel. Pte. Clifford Taylor of Vancouver and Mrs. Taylor visited with Mr. Chris Thomson. Born On Thursday, Dec. 23, 1943, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sammons in Collinjrwood Hospital, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Sewell spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. Robt. Hill at Markdale. Take it from me, says Old Bill In th Dunnville Chronicle, there are two kinds of women you can't trust with a secret those with bobbed hair and those without it. 8TH LINE OSPREY We have been enjoying some tine weather during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hawkins spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams. Mrs. S. R. Hawkins and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Roberts. We are sorry to report Mr. George Lawlor not so well at time of writ- ing. We wish to express our sympa- thy to the relatives of the late Mr. Wm. Wright of Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens and Mr. D. Stephens visited with friends in Collingwood on Sunday. The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. Walter Lawlor last Monday night. Crofcinole was enjoyed by everyone following the meeting. The next Forum meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Albert Williams this Monday evening. The annual meeting of the School Board was held at S. S. No. B, Os- CEYLON Miss M. McDonald has returned from her Christmas vacation and is in charge of the putblij school here. Miss Ilene Irwin f Toronto was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Purdy and Mrs. Pedlar of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher. Congratulations to Mr. Will Bur- nett, who celebrated his 81st birthday on New Year's day. Mr. Burnett is as well as usual and his many friends hope he may have many more birthdays. Miss Jeanette McLeoad was a New Year visitor at the parental home,. Isabel Irish and brother, Bruce, of Toronto spent the holiday with Miss M. Hem-phill. Miss Mary McMullen, Toronto, was a holiday visitor at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Hunter of Brampton were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Matson and Mr. Will McCauley of Toronto were New Year's visitors with Mrs. M. Irwin and Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett. Miss Catherine Stewart, Reg.N., of Owen Sound is spending a week's va- cation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and son, Ralph, Mrs. G. Blackburn and Miss Ruth Blackburn of Toronto and Aircraftman Haro'd Clark of Mon- treal spent the New Year holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Arnett of Durham were New Year's holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe. Aircraftman Jos. McWilliam and ! Aircraftman Murray Marshall return- ed to Kingston and Toronto Sunday, after a pleasanat holiday leave with their home folk. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bates. Proton Station, and Mr. Ken Bates. Allan Park, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Burnett and Mrs. M. Irwin. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington was a holiday visitor at her home. Miss Jean Chapman, Toronto, spent the New Year holiday at the home of Mr. P. Muir. Pte.Leslie McMaster of Camp Bor- den spent several days' leave with his mother, Mrs. B. McMaster. Miss Isobel Weber was a recent vis- itor with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt, on tier return to her duties as teacher at Garson, Ont. Rev. Chas. D. Cox gave a very in- teresting sermon last Sunday even- ing, stressing the fact of how import- ant this New Year of 1&44 is, and taking his text from the first two lines of the 23rd Psalm "The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want." Mrs. Cox sang a well-rendered solo "Build- ing For Eternity," in keeping with the New Year sermon. The annual meeting will take place at the close of the evening service of Sunday, Jan. 9th. Kindly remember church service at the usual hour of 8 p.m., and the annual meeting after the church service. Miss Frances Collinson returned to her duties in Toronto, after a week's visit at her home. Miss Mabel Parslow returned to Toronto, after spending the holiday with her brother, Robt. Parslow. Miss Marian Collinson, Toronto, was a New Year holiday visitor at her parental home. Mr. W. J. Hincks attended the funeral on Saturday last of his uncle, Mr. John Hineks. E&rremont. Mr. and Mrs. Mac McDonald of Emsdale and Mr. and Mrs. A. Sin- clair of Dumlalk were holiday visit- ors with Jas. Sinclair and family. Mrs. J. Copeland of Victoria Cor- .ers is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. We extend sympathy to Mr. Frank Collinson on the death of his brother at Scofoie. Mo., and to Miss Jean Collinson of Vancouver, B.C., who is ill at her home. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Mrs. Harry Pallister of Toronto spent a few days with her friend, Miss Laureen Pedlar. Miss Maxine Cherry of Markdale visited with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Londry. We are sorry to report Mr. Roy Fenwick confined to bed for the past week. We trust he will soon be feel- ing better. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved relatives of the late Wm. Wriglit, who passed away Tuesday, Dec. 28th. New Year's gnests with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Porteous were: Mi&s Lill- ian Magee and Mrs. Allen Cameron of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, Jim and Fjarle, Mrs. Joe Little and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Ranald Parsons and Donald, Messrs. Dick and Jim Por- teous and Mrs. N. Gott, all of Eugenia. The War Workers held their meet- ing on December 29th at the home of Mrs. Londry, when a quilt was completed. Letters, thanking the group for parcels received, were read from J. A. Lougheed in Eng- land and Bob Winters. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Emerson Wright on Jan. 12. Miss Mable Fenwick of Colling- wood visited Sunday with her father, Mr. Roy Fenwick, and family. ious illness of Beverley Betts, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts, who is a patient in Markdale hos- pital. He is now improving, we are glad to report. S. S. No. 17, Artemesia, held their annual meeting on Wednesday of last week, with a small attendance of ratepayers present. Albert Wil- kinson was appointed trustee in the place of Wes Smith, whose term had expired and Chas. Newell was ap- pointed for one yar to fill out the term of Mr. Helmkay. Dick Clark is the other member of the Board. Frank Betts is secretary-treasurer. The new caretaker is Albert Wilkin- son and the contract for two cords of cedar was awarded to Earl Russell at $3.70 per cord, and the wod con- tract has not yet been let. A new furnace was installed m the school the past year and the school room painted. Everything was found to be in a splendid condition. Mr. Fred Betts and sister, Hilda, of Toronto and Gnr. Arthur Betts of Nova Scotia were holiday visitors at their parental home. Miss Ruby Akitt of Toronto was a holiday visitor at her home. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Graham and family are pleased to have with them their son and brother, L.A.C. Jack- Graham, from Newfoundland. Aircraftman Mervyn Ellis left on Wednesday for Calgary for further training. Mr. Delbert Fawcet is busily en- gaged buzzing wood around here. Mr and Mrs. G. Wiley and Devona of Hamilton spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickens. Saturday evening the citizens gathered at the Memorial hall and presented le-' cner SC rvica cases to three. l uoys ; the Armed Forces, Pte. Ted Weoer. I** 6 - Carman Lawrence and Pte. Mervyn Gilbert. The boys thanked everyone for the gifts. Games were played and lunch served. Our best wishes are extended to them for a happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan. Mr. Jos. Buchanan are now residing at the pai-sonasn 1 . after spending- the summer anil fall at the far-ii at Vandeleur. We wish the reader? artrl staff of The Advance a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. Don Graham left for Toronto to start work Monday morning with the Mackay Construction Co. PORTLAW Miss Hilda Betts and friend, Miss Eileen Lambie, Fred Betts and friend, 3iMs Lillian Rathgabaer, and Gnr. Arthur Betts, all of Toronto, apent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. Pte. Clifford Taylor is spending a few days with his parents. Clifford has been transferrd from B. C. to Toronto. Mrs. Taylor has returned from a fercvs weeks' visit with her husband at the Coast. Mr. and Mrs. F. MacArthur and son. Douglas, of Collingwood spent a week wiht the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps. We are sorry to report Mrs. Jas. Hopps ill this week with the flu. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Blackburn and Mabel visited in Collingwood on Nercr Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of Kimberley and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley of Hamilton spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee of Ham- ilton visited on Sunday with tie Mc- Kee and Blackburn families. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hutchinson of Flesherton spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard. Mr. and Mrs. Breadner of Thorn- bury were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson on Sunday. Gnr. Arthur Betts and Pte. Eldon Marshall of Toronto spent a week's leave with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. Pte. Everett J. Fisher of Camp Ipperwash spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher on the 4th Line. During- his stay the friends and neighbors met in the school house on Monday evening of last week and presented him with a wrist watch, for which he thanked the people in a few words, showing his appreciation for the gift. ARTEMESIA DISTRICT L.O.L. The annual meeting of Artemesia District Loyal Orange Lodge will be held in Markdale on Tuesday, Jan. llth, at 2.30 pm. Al brethren are requested to attend. G. W. Littlejohna, Dist. Rec. Sec. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received up to and including Saturday, Jan. 22, 1944, for the supplying of 20 cords of 16 inch green body wood of maple ar.d beech, delivered in the school grounds. Tenders will be sent to John McWilliam, secretary of Ceylon Public School Board. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Robt. Lee and Douglas of Oven Sound spent Christmas week with her sister, Mrs. Dick Clark. Mr. Ed. White of Toronto spent a few days here recently. Mr. Alex. Laughlin, who has been employed at Kearney. spent the past two weeks here. Pte. Clifford McMaster of Saskat- chewan spent New Year's with his wife and family. We are sorry to report Mrs. Susan Doupe confined to htr bed with a heart attack. She is at the home of Mrs. Wm. Hawkins. We hope she may soon be feeling much better. We were sorry to learn of the ser- ; Highest prices paid for cream and eggs Flesherton Creamer' & Product Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Ready-Made Menus for 21 Days TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. Emerson Wickens is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. Pedlar, and sister, Mrs. J. Beecroft. at Owen ound. Mr. F. Miles of Owen Sound spent a few days with Mr. M. McFadden. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and Marge of Eugenia, Mr. W. Love, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. R. Wood and Mrs. Simp- son of Markdale were recent visitors with Mrs. T. Lever. The Richardson family spent New Year's with friends in Markdale. Tempting . . . Convenient . . . Nutritionally Right! TT'S gasyto serve healthful meals, if you follow A the timely menus in " Eat -to -Work- to - Win"*. Sound, practical, interesting this clever new booklet does all the difficult, time- tp Icing planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Never was it more important that you pro- Tide proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the "can* t-go- wrong" way to tempting meals that fill every food need * _ of your family! Send for your FREE copy of "Bat-to-Work-to- Win". Mail the coupon today! YOURS Timely. .. Intweiting ... helpful I Lei fhl origi- nal new booklet br i Tig better health hi your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY! JMaatevteBt DeMttmotPey iP^P^fiB^gg "NUTRITION FOR VICTORY", BOX ooo. TORONTO. CANADA. d ,. my FKJ1 COOT ofEw-co-tr. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) la the lotcnta of nutrition lad aiMtoVkmy.

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