Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1944, p. 3

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A BOMBER IS LOST The remarkable photographs above, taken over Xazi-occupied Ktu-opc, show a B-.V. Marauder bomber of the L'^'AAF, broken cleanly in two by enemy fire, hurtling to earth. Fjrcpart of plane is at left and rear of fuselage at rigl.t. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. If a letter is being written to a friend, or to a social acq;ian;tance. •hould the prefix Mr. or Mrs. or Kiss be used in the signature? t. 1» a guest expected to remain longer than the usual half hoar if kt ii invited to a holiday dinner? 8. How should one remove a bone that ii accidentally put in ihe mouth.* •4. Should t gir! rise if she is seated, and an elderly woman brings a young man over to her to be introduced? <. If a hostess takes her guests to the theatre or to some other •ntertainment that reqxiires a taxi, â- who should pay the fare? «. What would be the best way for a girl to introduce her broth- er's bride to a group of friends? Answers 1. No. Sign it John Smith, or Mary Allen. S. Yes, usually. 3. Use the thumb and first finger to re- nove it and lay it on the edge of the plate. 4. Yes, in this instance, because it shows deference to the •Iderly woman who is standing. 5. The hostess. 8. "This is Jack's Read Whv... NURSE SCOTT Recommends RUCKLEYC STAINLISS \ WHITE RUB^ tor CHEST COLDS J Acts 5 w«ys, to break up croupy congeitioa, clear stuffed-up head, loosens coughs â€" over night, 2 It penetrates faster, 3 Generatei heat tad Tsporizci quicker. ^ It Is tnow-white, stainless, non- greasy. 5 Caxi be used with perfect safety on the tiniest tot. Prica 30c and 50c o< oil druggist*. A FIRST-AID KIT IN ONE JAR Discovers Home Skin Remedy This clean stiiinless antiseptic feowu all over Canada as Moone's lerald Oil. Is such a fine healing Ment that Eczema. Barber's Itch, Mklt Rheum, Itching Toes and Feet. and other Intlaniniator.v skin erup- Uons are often relieved In a few •ays. Moone's Emerald Oil Is pleaisant to use and It la so antiseptic and {•netratintr that man.v old stub- orn cases ot Ions standingf have yielded to its Influence. lloone'a Kmerald Uil Is sold by tood dvuijstores everywhere to •Ip rid vou of stubborn pimples and unsightly skin troubles â€" satls- nctloQ or money back. ^criteliiiii ItckfM orNnqrBKk r quick relief from itching offcsem*. pimple*, aih< \*n f«K>t, vaJcft, tcabic*, rathe* ind vtlMt cxternallr ~ akin tritiiUVt, uee fiut-aotinit, cuttUut. anti* liiiiiiti U. O. D. Pt«>crrp(iuiu Uceaeelcw, X. SiatthM irritiitit>a ami quick Jt tiu^M int«Me 3.V trial buttle nt>ve« it, or ntonc* back, kik trial today for D.D.U. PRlCSdllPTION. /RiUtves distress from MONTHLY\ FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydia S. Pinkham's Vegetabl* Compouud not only helps relieve monthly p«ln but also weak, nerr- ou* feelingsâ€" du« to monthly fune- Uonal diaturhances. It halpa buUd up raatatsncs against diatrwa ot "dUE- cult dava." Made in Canada. wife. Mary. .Mary, this is Ann Smith, Martha Jone.s, and Helen Grav." HaveYouHeardl Pretty young thing: "Why do they call all soldiers Dogfaces?" Soldier: "This Is why. The Army Is a dog's life, we live hi pup tents, we are given dog tajs, live mainly on hot dogs, we us- ually have hangdog expressions on our faces, and they even whistle for us when they want us." Daughter: "Bill writes that, his Corporal thinks a lot of him," Mother: "How It that, dear?" "He says the Corporal won't let snyone else peel the pota- toes." â€" o â€" A baker was delivering bread tioxis his route ivhen one of his customers hnrrying home stopped him. "Have you left me any bread, Mr. Brown?" "Yes. ma'am." "Is It today's?" "Of course, ma'am." "Well, yesterday's â- wasn't." â€" o â€" Teacher â€" ''How many make a dozen?" Pupil â€" "Twelve." Teacher â€" ''How many make a million;" Pupil â€" "Very few.** â€" o â€" Voice from doorway of London air raid shelter: "Is there a mac- intosh In there large enoagh to keep two youcg ladies warji?" Voice from a dark corner: "No, but there's a MacPherson here â- who's willing to try." â€" o â€" Husbartd: "'You must think automobiles grow on trees." Wife: "Silly! Everybody knows they come from plants.'' Britons Get 750,000 Lemons From Sicily Sicily seems to be handling Bri- tain the lemon on the large scale and It Is welconieii, says The Sault Ste. Marie Star. Three- quarters of a niilliou lemons have arrived In the United Kingdom from Sicilyâ€" the first bulk ship- ment to reach that country in three years. No lemons will be distributed to the public. Instead they will go to men la the sub- marine service. Royal Air Force operational crews and Inmates of service hospitals. U.S. Lend-Lease To Soviet Russia American lend-lease aid to So- viat Russia from December, 1941, through Octo'ier, 1943, included: Nearly 7,000 planes. More than 3,500 tanks and 195,000 trucks, jeeps, motorcyc- lea and other vehicles. 1,790,000 short tons of food and other agricultural products, including 33,500 tons of butter. 5,300,000 pairs of army boots. 16,600,000 yards of vpoollen cloth for the Soviet armed forces. 251,000 tons of chemicals. 1-14,000 tons of explosives. 1,198,000 tons of steel. 342,000 to-3 of non-ferrous metals. 611,000 tons of petroleum pro- ducts. Nazi Bath Parade As part ot the work as prisoners of â- n-ar, two Allied soldiers were detailed for duty at the showers reserved for the Germans. A company of soldier?, admirably aligned in columns of five stood at attention. They marched at a goose step and sang in chorus: each soldier carried a rolled towel under his left arm. Then they proceeded In single file to the shower room. "Halt: Fall out! Undress:" came ihe orders, and they all started undressing. Naked bodies stood in file waiting for the non- com to bawl "Jlaroh! Under tite shower: Begin -wiishing: Wash in front; 'R'ash in back: Rinse yovir- self off! Halt:" Then still in files, they emergt'd from the showers, formed la columns of five and departed, singing in chorus, almost at goose step, the little Prussian noncom In the lead. The famed "Army Show" has been enlarged, and the cast split up Into five unita. These units are now Overseas entertaining troops in the United Kingdom. Honor For Former Airline Stewardess The recent list of CanadiaTij honored by the King for dis- tinguished service included Nursing Sister Edna Louise Belden of the Boyal Canadian Xav>', who receiv- ed the medal of Associate Royal Red Cross. She is one of eight stewardesses of Trans-Canada Air Lines who have enlisted for sei-v-ice •with Canada's armed forces. Nurs- ing Sister Belden, whose home is in Toronto, i.^ a graduate of Wel- Tesley Hospital In that city. She â- was born in Milton, Vt., and came to Canada at the age of three, when her f ^ family settled in Esoanola, Ont. She at- tended high school thero and later graduated from LaSalle -^^-RSE BEiDiN Jtmior College. Boston. She joined the staff of T.C.A. as a stewardess In April, 1941, and enlisted in May, 1942. Posted on operating room duty in a Newfoundland liospital, •he was commended for her brav- ery and efficient work when a fire broke out in the Knights of Colum- bus building. She went overseas in September, 1943. Three other T.C.A. stewardesses have enlisted in the Navy. They are Nursing Sister B. Dundee, Toronto, who was one of tlis first Canadian nurses to join up, Helen F. .^Jlsbire, Winnipeg, and Patricia G. Rand, Toronto. Frances C. Brennan, Winnipeg, and H. G. Broad and Frances I. Smith, Tor-, onto, are serving with the Air Force, and Elsie M. Punnett, Win- nipeg, is overseas with the Army. Sii girls from T.C.A. mainten;mce shops have also enlisted for ac- tive service. CANADA'S NEW AMBASSADOR With a i»elconiing •mile, Presidential Secretary Steve Early, _ hit, greets Hon, Leighton McCarthy, Canadian minister to the U. S. recently elevated to the r«iik of auibass,idi>r a> he arri\c* at the Wbit« HoOM to present hi* sew credentials. OPERATING UNDER DIFFICULTIES The "surgery" is a dugout, four feet underground, deep in the jungle of Bougainville Island. Stacked packing cases make the operating table. Sandbag walls and heavy log roof protect occupants from enemy fire. l4ere a U. S. Army Medical Corps team performs an riucrgcncy opcr.iti* n CLA66\YVizD ADVEHriSEMENTS ll.tll\ CHICKS Sl'RlCHl.liK.H WHITE LEUHORX UIUU I'AV AULLITY BAUV CUICK!> THl5 ^'TK.VIN IS A rP.ACTlCAL, proven •sgr-Produolngr type, with twenty-three vears ot steady production batk ot them. Tliey will pay well for trood keep and care. This Is certain, because they are doiuu this on our own farm â€" one of Canada's largest egrg-pro- ducing farms. You set exactly the same breed, strain .ind grade aa we raise for ourselves. Poul- try managt-meut handbook "High Paj- Ability" sent FREE on re- quest. Oet our price list. We ad- viuc early orders. â€" SPRL'CE- LEIOH FARM LIMITED. Box 350B. I5rantford, Ontario. HERE';; THE GOOD WOKO FOR 154-1. The whole story Is: Don't overbuy but do order all the chicks you are sure you'll be able to eare for. 0.~der early and get them from a dependable hatch- ery. If you foliow these sugges- tions Villi may avoid many a heartachti. 'We offer Crovemraent Approved .stock from bloodtested breeders ihut proved thoir fast jfrowiiisr. heavy-producing quali- ties. Free Catalogue, also laying • nd ready-to-lay pullets for im- mediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hutcherie.H I^imited. Fergus. Out. G O V E K N M E N T APVKOVEP, blood- tested chicks from High I'roductivo strains. Ten Thousand chicles avuilable weekly. Immed- iate del:--: .-y on day-old and st.irtHd chicks. Gaywood Farm Jlount â- Hamilton. r>ON'T i;et cwuc.ht i.n the ewirl of last minute orders â€" ord^r now. Even with heavy bookings wo will likely be able to give you what you want, es- pecially order February chicks now. Bray Hatchery. 130 John X.. Hamilton. Ont. POULTRY-KEEKERS. l^E St'RE of a good healthy bunch of bab.v chick.'" this coming season. Good chicks mean good hens and more •ggs. Immediate delivery on dav- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat- alogue and prices on our Gov- ernmer.t .Viiprvued chick«. MONK- TO.N" I'Oll/rKY FARMS, Monk- ton. Clf.tuiio. TOO L.VrE â€" TOO L.ITR NEXT Sl'Hl.VG DO.N'T LET IT BE â- aid "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Goddard Chick Hatchery. Britan- nia Heights, Ont. â- WHITE LEiIHORN PULLETt: ready to Uiy and laying at reas- onable pric.-s for immediate de- Hybrids. Free catalogue. .\lso day old chicks for immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ontario. lt.U'LECKEST QUALITY CHICKS, guaranteed profit producers, popular breeds, prices. Maple- crest Farm. Route 2, Copetown. Ontario. DON'T GAMBLE PEDIGREE .< t U E D BARRED Roc'tc or White Leghorns and Pure Cliristio New Hampshires re- moves all chance. Our prices are very low. Special discount until Feb, IStli. Kottlpwoll Farms. E,-).«ex, I'i't c.4,rAi.ot;rK â€" fkeic FREE â€" CllLOKED .MRSERV Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs: Perennials: Shade Trees: Roses; L^rookdale-Kiiigsway Nursev!'-.-^. Bowmanvillc. Ontar io. UVKI>i(i Jt CLR.\.MXG HjVVK miu .â- v.nvthi.ng .'^Eh;u!< dyeing or cleaning'^ Write to us for Informntiou. We ai-e s^ad to answer your uuestions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dyo Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, To- roiilu. Kl.E«. I'UIC.ll. fc;tjl ll'ME.>T ELECTRIC .MOTOUS. NEW USED, bought, sold. rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company L.td.. ;'J:;6 Dufterin SL, Toronto. «.it\i.\ KOii S.1I.1-; AiiSlUCl'EU CAKLO.VDS UK HAR- lay meal, ground wheat, whole oats and other grains for sale. Carlots only. The Atlas iJraiu <^onipany. Hoard of Trade lluild- Ing, Moiitn'al. KUl'C.VrlO.> AL KASH1C>N" DESIGNING. A PRAC- tlcil and thorough course, easy to learn by correspondence. To- ronto School ot Design. 11S9J Bay St . Toronto. FANXIMli MIl.t FA^'NINU Mll.l. iKliuc) I'KOVED best seed Briidcr. Screening r«- vairs. Kline MauufacturinK, 4J0 Willard -We . T oront o. tiAUDK.\ TK.A.CTOIi W A:M'I'KU W.VSTEM, UAlJilNt; VKUEN Tvaclor, 3 or 4 H.l\ with aome •^uipnicut. .V. Warren, Box 23?. Liuenburc N.ll CLAijblFlEU ADVERTISE.MENTS aAlRUKRSSlNG SCHOOL LIU A H S ^lAl KUK13SS1NO THE Robertson tnettiod. Informauon on retiuest .'egardlng clasaea. RoOerr^on 8 tiairdressine Acad- emy 1^7 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAH.\t;>* UUi;>M.M. SLIP-T H.UINESS DRESSING â€" Finest '.eather and harness pra- aervative. Sliplt also has many household usvs 2.?o up at most grocery. hardware and chain store?. A prod;ict of Lloyds Lab- oratoiitis. T,':'--'i'.: ,^. KUU'I' BALM EACMEEKA FOOT BALM deatroya offensive odor Instantly, 4Sc bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, F.AR>1» FOR S.AJLE 100 ACRES, LOT.S -'7-2S, CO.VCES- elon S, H,-,ldimacd twp. First- class clay loam, all under tractor cultivation, well watered, two houses, barns. Hydro, telephone, daily mail, near school, church, store. Highway 45. .^pply Cephas Brisbin. FeneLa. Ontario. FAR^d FOR .; ALEâ€" t rONSISTING of 199 \ ac res with or without stock and ma chiner\ -. Apply to J. W. Fras er. XIaxvii le. Ont. 110 ACRE.S. GOOD CL.A.Y F.ARM. Slmcoe County, good buildings. 12 acres wheat. 10 acres bush, near school, church, and store, on highway. Apply 69 John St., Barrie. iMrRovEi' -.:â- ?. Acr.i: farm for sale. Near clnircli ir.d school. Guelph S n»i!c5. Drilled well: •arly land, Mr?, S, Harding. 122 Essex St.. Gueiph. <"lnt. Fi\RMS SUBUliB.VN PKOPEKTIES. NORTH of Toronto, Apply R. H. Kane. Richmond Hill. 0-i'ar:o. il\lll. (;i>oi)>i HAIR GOODS We manufacture tiia finest hair goods ever produced for mt-n and women. Natural !n appearano;. Toupees for men J40.00 up. Full transformations for ladles $63.00 up. THE W. T. PEMBER STORES LIMITED 120 Yoiiare .St.. Toronto. Ontario 1-HortXiR.ifH^ DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CANT 13E T.VKK.N AG.\IN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost â€" Prompt Mail Service. Send your tilni rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. This is Canada's largest finishing stu- dio, serving customers all over Canada. Youtl like our work. too. Any Size KoU â€" 6 or J Exposures. DEVELOPED .A..\D PKINTED 23c Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Waidsor, Out., writes: '1 suppose its haid to give your usual i)uick service with help so hard to get, but as long as you turn out such fine pictures, I'll wait â€" It I have to wait." S MOUNTED E.NL/VRGEMENTS 25a Size 4x6" iu Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4.x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames. .M'e each. If enlarge- ment colored, TJc each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box lll'J. Uoi'.ai Tc:"ni:nal .\. To:"onto Print Vour Name and .Address Plainly on All cirdcro. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO LMTERIAL PUR iJUALlTY. service and satisfaction. 6 or 8 exposure films 25c, reprints 8 for 25c. Imperial Photu Service. Sta- ti»-ii 2 T'-n^ nio. LK.AK nm.icco 1--1\ E l'l<l..\l.>S VlU<.;i.MA .AND Burlcy Leaf for pipe S-.'JO. Five pounds Bright Virginia Leaf for Cigarette, $4.MU. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co.. Li .iiii iii. moi i, Ont. OKKKH I'O tNVK.\'t()l<» AN OFt'EK lo LVElfi I.NVENl'UH l^st ot invent. uiis and lull riifur- niatloii sent tree. The Kanisay Co., Ueiiistered I'ateni Attorneys. 273 Uanli Street. Ottawa, Canada. I'AI'KMh t'i;'rut;ivsi'u.NH.Ai ';h « cu.mt.v.nv Patent Soiiouois. E«lai>nshea I89II, 14 K<nK NVe^t. Tor^.ulo L4ookl*t ot Inl'jimalloD ou re «UMt. Wooden Lifeboat Defies Flaming^ Oil A wooden lifeboat that will no* catch fire even when passingr throug-h forty-foot flames in a sea coated wich burning oil has been, perfected for use by crews of tor- edoed tankers, many of whom perish in seas set ablaze by their burnini? cargoes, it was an- nounced in Britain recently. Its inventor, Johii Lamb, who was torpedoed seven times dur- ing the last war, and three com- panions tested it in a large pool covered with burning gasoline. The external â- temperafare was 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and the crew within the arbcstos a]^^ canvas canopy was subjected'^o 11(3 degrees, yet neither the cre^^v nor the boat suffered. An asbestos hood covers tha boat and a fireproof canopy over the cockpit gives further proâ€" t,:ction. The boat is twenty-eight feet long, can carry thirty-three persons, has a ten-horepo'.veir Diesel eng-ine, radio transmitter, water distiller and sails. NEW A.ND USED IRON AND WOODWORKING .MACHINERY MOTORS - - - SUPPLIES THE AUSOX .H.ICHIXEKV COMI'AXY LIMITED SOS Slmooe «ipi>et - Toronto 211. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME.NTS meuTcaZ ~ arthritis positively reliev- ed with Bree.".:itone Cr.v5tal3. Full month's supply Jl.OO. Indian Remedies. Bi. .k 118. Vancouver . BA-NISH THE TORilENT OF ITOH- lug aczema, piuriiksis, aoae m:,! pimples. Posts Eozema Salve â- vTiil not dlsap;,oint you. Skin troubles respond readily to this stainless odourless ointment reâ€" fardless of how stubborn or opeless they maj- seem. Sen^ §ost fre*. tLM per jar. Posts :emedles, J89 Queen St. E., To- ronto. IT'S PrOVE.V â€" EVEr.Y SUFFER- er of Rheu.r..".t;o F.tins or Xeur- Itis should '..-y rixons Remedy. Soid_ t'niy _Mu:-.ru's T'lUsr Store, Zc'j Els 0::.i.\v:.. roi:;^..:d n.vO. MATTRESSES FOR «ALE NEW SPRING MATTEESS JU.85 â€" Delivered free to yo'jr nearest station. Yes. really brand new. Just what you have been Tvaitlna for. Thoroughly springfiUed lux- urious mattresses of better qual- ity !»t lowest delivered price. Satisfaction guaranteed or money; back. Youll actually save several dollars on every oce. Shipment In about 1 week it you order Immetiiately. All sizes. Buy from the old reliable and send reniit- tanoe to WHOLES.-VLE FUE.N'l- TfRB. 10 Market St.. Toronto. QUILTi:.''T i'.i QUILTING PATCHES FROM ri-Ni; .MK-Ts SL'iri.VO-S OH. Overcoatings. 6 X IS. o x S. 9 .\ 9. T-^al package $1,00. Half yard lengt^hs for boys' 'Kiiee pants. Also remnants for ladies', men's, children's clothes. LOFIS HICE. 3fil Sri'i''::^. .we. T^r •:-". PERSO.NAL "ELIJ.-VH COM I.N G EEF0Ri3 Christ". wonderful book free. XlogidJo Miss-on. Rochester 11, K.vuuirs RE.\L ANGOKAS '-BKED FOR. ..Wool" Select breeding stjck. Des- cripUva folder free. Regal Rab- bitries. Box T- St. V.-..i: ili.-.. UAUBtTS â- WKITE FOU SPECIAL OFFER and Price List, Pure Bred Red or White New Zealauus. Jumbo Flemish. Chinchillas and Pedi- g^reed "Woolly Wonder Brand" Angoras. We also buy Rabbits for Ljiboratory work. State age, weight, sexes and quantity. Th» Derry Rabbitry. Dept. D, ISO Church St.. Toronto. Hlli:i M V IK ' »IN» SATISI'V IDLKSELF â€" EVEKT sutferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Munro's Drus Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawiu Post- paid 51. iH'. / •.KW l\i. â- >! Vl !llM'<i SEWING MACHINES $8.95 NEW \VILLI.\.\lo OK n.VVMO.MiS. upright models, with two draw- ers. JS.!>S. Late-'f models, $11,?5. Willianis. Kayniond.-^. Eaton's dropheuds. with :; drawers. $17.95. loiter models with 4 drawers, J20.'.'.i. Singer'.* upright. $12.95; later model.", $H.?j. Singer drop- heads with ; drawers, .vyiir choice round or long: shuttles. $2S.95; later models with -» drawers, $3L'.!'5. Very latest. $3!'. 00. Stinger Hand Machines, without cover $11. ?5; with cover " and lock. $lt>.S.''i. Cratins- extra 51.00. Ml ubovenientioiied machines are re-conditioned in our machin« shop and are »tunr:inteed to be In best working: condition. Send mone.v order in full or ?5.00 de- posit, balanoo payable on deliv- ery, C.\.X.\IHAN SKWlNi^; MA- CHINK CO,. 117 Kim St. Toronto. T,\f|-.\\(>UM STU.M.\CH .-V.NU rHi;ii.\D Wult.MS ofU'ii uie the cuusu Kit ::i-tiuaUa in huin.iiis all .tgus. No one im-.-. muue! Why uol tiiid out it (Ins is your trouble." Inter^isliiis I'lir- ticulurs â€" l-'ree! Write .Mulvene.v* Remedies, Specialists. TuronloJ, Tl K> \t»I.K It.Vt.S l>l'U t.lMl lUUllKtST IIJICKS I'.VIO i'l'R. used jute mid cotton Iced mid mash bugs, ul>. We also bu.v bug* with holes. Wiiio imnicdiau'iy; for prices. Ui.xt'O.N U.V'J Cu.M- _ I'A.N I . IA.I.N DO.X. UN T. M VI.H IIKI.I' \\ ^MKU M.VKKlKli M.\N, li.Vl-EUU:NCi;i>, lor fruit farm, house, liuhts, niak .-supplied. Fruit iind ve«8- tahles in xeason. Slate «»(e. fam- ll.^. waHO-i. lilv- nferoner.-*. Ap- ply W. C. Nl. kcr.«,»ii. K.1U Ii. St, Oalhai int-s. KWIBWMrtliVMBSV

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