Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1944, p. 2

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utUoed iade aoodin abih Have You Heard! One time sfter Edison had been working for months trying to per- fect the storage battery, a reporter managed to break through alt the barriers and face the irate invciitur â- with the luestion, "Do you know- any more about batieries now than *ou did a year ago?" To which Edison replied, "Yes, I know 9,874 ways of making a storage battery that won't work." â€" o â€" Insurance Examiner: "Were you ever in the hospital?" Applicant: "Yes, once." Insurance Examiner: "What for?" Applicant: "To see my aunt." â€" o â€" An ollicer in a busy cafe in the Korth of England who wanted to get his bill, tried to attract the at- tention of the waitress who had MTved hitn. She called out, "Check, •ir?" "No, Pole, and please give â- c my bill. I'm in a hurry." Mr Thompson: "I'm con- vinced that China needs a firm hand." Mrs. Thompson: "I've told the new maid that, but it's no use." "So you're on a minesweeper?" •iked Auntie. "How thrilling that must be! Tell me, where do you •weep the .nines?" "Oh, just around the top and •ides," answered her sailor nephew Tou know â€" where the dust set- tles." "Why do they call it a dental parlor-" 'Parlor is another name for drawing-room." Nazi Gives Self Up To Aid Allies A German who deserted the Nazis and who gave himself up to the British a .short time ago was officially identified by Allied spokes- men as Erich Vermehren, clerk to the military attache in the German tmbassy at Istanbul and a son oi the German authoress, Pctra V'cr mehren. The 24-year-old attache and his wife declared they deserted the Ger- mans because they were disgusted with Nazi brutality. Me is said to possess detailed information of greatest value. At the German tmhuasy he served directly under Dr. Paul Levorkuehn, assistant military attache in Turkey. Vermehren sr.id he and his wife rtached Allied coMtrollcd territory ieapite every effort by Germans in Turkey to apiirclund him. Under hTestigation by the Gestapo, he dliappcarcd several days ago. Ger- man Ambassador I'ranz von Papen Interrupted a. vacation in the Bursa Mountains to rush back to Istan- kvl in order to direct an investiga- tion of his disappearance. TO HEAR FINN OFFER Mme. Alexandra Kollontay, above, Russian minister at Stock- holm, il expected to receive Firt- â- iih peace terms from J. K. Paasik- W. now in the Swedish c.-pital â- s Finn peace envoy. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lte 1. What are important things to remember when writing a bread- and-butter letter? 2. Is it necessary for one to thank a stranger if one asks him for directions to some street? 3. Is it necesary that a girl check her wrap when dining in a hotel, and she wishes to dance? 4. Wouldn't it be all right to send engraved cards of tlftnks if the wedding gifts are numerous? 6. Is there a certain response that is alwa^iS correct when being in- troduced to some one? 6. Is it necessary that one serve tea when a chance caller drops in? Answers 3. Remember to write this letter immediately upon returning home. Second in importance is a sincere expression of appreciation. 2. Cer- tainly. It would be rude not to thank him. .3. No; she may leave it on the back of her chair. 4. No. The bride should consider it worth her time and effort to write per- sonal notes of appreciation to those who were kind and thoughtful en- ough to give gifts. 5. Yes, "How- do you do." 6. This is optional, but is not obligatory. Tokyo Said Ready For Air Attacks A D\D radiocast from Ger- many quoted the Major of Tokyo as declaring that officials of the city "anticipate and are prci):ired for air attacks." "We are using ncjt only the experience gained through the bombing of Berlin and other Ger- man cities but above all our own practical lessons learned from the great earthquake of ]'.m," he was quoted as saying: ".Mong with obvious airraid protection measures there also is a systematic dispersal of the popu- lation of this city of 8,00O,OI)l)." The word "counnunism" first was coined in the secret revolu- tionary societies of I'aris between 18:U and IS.'iU. ^Relieves distress from MONTHLYv FEMALE WEAKNESS tjmia E. Plnkham's Vegetable tS>mpound not only helps rcllevs monthly pnln but also weak, nerv- ous feelings-due to monthly func- tional disturbances. It helps build up resistance ngalnst dlstreart of "dlfll- cult dny«." Made In Ciumila. Dll la^ bleeding and I I^^O prof'idlug "^^^r piipg should know Hunkers Herbal PIII3 treat the cause at Its source, koney back if tUo first l)ottlQ does not satisfy. Duy from your drtiggist. Itching Scalp A Simple Home Treatment ir y,)iii- BiMlp luiM hii.kcM out wjlli MKly KUrfaco inslics or Irri- tations â€" DONT Dirj with finger- nails as that only sorvos to iimke It worue â€" nnd spreads It. f!o to your druKKlst todayâ€" Rot h bottle of Moon.i's Kniornld OW and uho this mixed witli nri eqiml (luuiittty of ollvo oil. It's I'usy to useâ€" -nil you do is apply to tho m-alp with your riMKfi- tips (fcntly rublilnit In- to tho roots of the hair. Do this at least onro u day ond about every fourth day ahnmpoo uxliiff a Rood â- oap. Soon you'll find this oonibln- Jtlmi start rlRlit Inâ€" promoting rastf r healing. Continue the treat- ment iHiill ifllevod and the loose. floHtInK dandruff has Ulxappcnred. ContlniH. for 2 n-e.k.i, «nd If then you Br.> dissatisfied Ret ynnr money hnek. I )riitr);lf.f « •â- \r-iywUi'rf rr]] Knii-iiild oil. Pimples Curbed Isi Day Are you fmbnrr««ie<t hv iiflv. dlRnRurlnu fdmples and iltln blemlnbps? No nmllct how oni! voii have sntTerrd or what you heve tried you ran now etsrt curbloR Pimples, ItcblnR, Er»'inR-llke tsth, Rlnsworin, and othrr skin IrrlUllons «ltb the very nrnl ap- pllcstlnn of a nrw trentment railed Nlxo- derm. It stops Ihr ItcliliiK In 7 mliitjlcs and should help ntnkt- your KlcIn clfnrcr, hofter. smoother the Vfrv flr«t frw dnyii lit Itct It mum «n;i«ty you .I'liiplelrly or tost nolhlns. Just |rt NUodarm from your diuRglet today iiDdrr the monev-back trial offer. Sot how fast It works and how much bPtter you look. FUNNY BUSINESS AS^0!m;0-:^-- â- 'â- ''' â- â- â- â- " ;il^i7«.VW,„,.„. y<; ' ,i.ttrttl,,.t"*.. -• '' ' •.• • ' ;'>'.'';< '.-.„"i'"''. ..""'• V'/fV;"''"; ' ..></,.. â- '''••' .iro. C0HJM2JY SIA SHVICI, INC. T M. >iG. //â- iO "My idea is to shoot the enemy full of splinters â€" then send over an incendiary bomb!" Britain to Reduce Output of Aircraft .Mrcraft production, which since the early days of the war has had first priority on British labor, soon will undergo a reduction in its personnel because the "program is in such a healthy state," the Daily Mail said not long ago. "Thousands of men and girls long employed in the aircraft in- dustry," the newspaper added, "soon will be called into the ser- vices or will be transferred to other war work. The production pro- gram is in such a healthy state and the labor position has been so suc- cessfully dealt with that the in- dustry can afford to dispense with some workers. ''This follows the biggest output year in British aircraft production history." Ne-w Use Found For Chewing Gum .Another typical American qual- ity constantly emerges from the battlefronts in the use of the fine air and ground weapons with which we are now able to equip our fighting men, says the New York Times. This is the ability to improvise on the spot even if that spot be the thick of battle, and to take mechanical ingenuity out of the realm of theory into the most practical of practice. In Italy, the War Department reveals, wdien a Marauder was hit by flak and the liquid necessary for safe landing witli the hydraulic gear began to leak from a broken line two staff sergeants turned to a first-aid kit for repairs. They applied chewing gum to the flak hole, followed with adhesive tape and wrapped the whole with gauze. As a result the B-26, Old Ironsides, came home to a normal landing. From produc- tio ' line to battletront our men are showing a versatility that is one of the sure components of victorj-. ^^ ^^^ YOll CAN'T BEAT BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES MAKE .\NY AUTOMOBILE OPERATE AS SMOOTHLY AS IN DAMPE.ST WEAT- HER. FEW CHE.AP PARTS FROM OLD .AUTOS GIVE COXTROLLED HUMIDITY TO ALL THE AIR ENTER- ING CARBURETOR. CHEAP INSTALLATION COST GIVES PERMANENT SATIS- FACTION. SIMPLE COM- PLETE PLANS POSTPAID BY RETURN MAIL FOR $1.00. ALSO MAKE MONEY INSTALLING FOR OTHERS. HURRY BEFORE DEMAND MAKES REQUIRED PARTS SCARCE IN YOUR LOC- ALITY. FLEX ENGINEER ING AND DESIGN, 90 CHARLES ST. E., TORONTO, ItAilV ClIllKx CHICKS APPROVED CHICKS BO.MK AVAll.A[!I>h: .\lAm_^H. Al'itlU Jll.xed und I'ullut.s, K. Itocka, 14c, 24l-. .\. llanip.i. 13c, 2-Jc. W. l^ef- horn.-i Kk-, 2(ie. A hreedcr liutoli- «ry. nil IjruL'ders (Jovornment b.'indpd nn'i l)lood te.^tod. \Vay'» ]I»ti-lH'i-.v, .Sir.itford, Ont. 15 FREE CHICKS III \ SI i'i':iii<>u «n\i,i'rv CHICKS 'â- K.\'nt..\ I'UUFIT" All from laHpi'rti^d improved or cern'f|i-<l blood lf.«trd lirucdcrs. Hiirrid Hock I'rifjo per 100 Mi.v.-d !ii)'; l.'ofluTrl.'i I'ullet.-! iJ'iy old M.nn 21.00 6.00 1 wpcl.- old 17.011 27.00 ti.no 2 wei-k.i (lid I'i.iio ;i:'.0O tl'.OO 3 wec-k.s old 2i;.(i() :)7.{io In. 00 To .'ill who will liii.v cliicks and triku Innio-dial.- lU^livii-j-. Wo will HIV,' thiiii 1.-, fic-.i^ oliU'ks per lOO. .Sirifl ordir with dopo.slt. Will slilu C.n.ll. Iiy K.xpM'S^-. Ask for our I'rico List for 20 Otilir lilii-d;^. WIMIIIOI) LKIOKHVIll! I'O:;." .tnilii-rnt Mri-ot . Montictii IMl, WK AIll'; .NOT SOLD OIT OF Chluks. Wo inn kIvo .vou Imnu'd- liili! didiv.T.v on nil tlii^ po)iuliii- bifi'd.s iind hjbi-id cros.v.s In non- si'Xi.-d. pullft or <!orki>rfl chii-Us. Wo cull ;i l.sci I;il<«* vnl'x.- of yo\U' oidri- for April. May. .lune and liilcr dcllvoiy, \V,. nut Udpiiird a lifi.Tv.v iloni.-iiid thi.s year und lii- sI!i1I>mI extra incuhiilor.s to lake • â- iiro of ihf detnariil. .Soiid aloiitf .Viiiir order for thu.-ie wood Tweddle chli-k.s iiiKl \vu ij/lll take euro of It i)ronu)tl.v. AI.Mii In.vliiK and reiKl.v lo lay puUet.s for linincd- Into dellvory. Fn-e cntalonue and prIo.llMl. Tweddle ("liU-k llntoh- erlu.N Limited, i-'crniis. Ontiirlo. I.K'HTI'.S 11).|.| C'llll'K.V FIU.ST ll.\r(U FJOH. 1. I'UICK LIST Hiipplleil. All birds for <iur 1944 hiitrhliin' .soiL^oii hiive the liiter- oHlInK O.H..S. (Joveriimi'iit Hand. «'ulh<l nnd lifood teHlitl bv 13e- piii'tnienl. liitipecior.i. .SOLOMON MI'IITI Mllvrrtoii, II. H, I.. fhonc 1»0-J!4 Uli.W HAS STAUTFIJ l,K<iIl(.)IJN imllttM, and limited (luantllleH of heiivUi iMftds. Auk us about theso. TnkliiK orduru for diiyold chirks iilso. Jt anyone can satisfy yon us lo breed, (luimtlly, de- Uvcrj-, II will likely be Dray. Jtray Ilntchery, 130 John N., Iliiiiiilloii, Out. A-1 HAIIY CillCICS J.'KOM IIUJOD- J'ealcU tloekH. llnrred Hookd, larKO typu W'hlto LeKlioriiB, Darred Itoek X Willie UcBhorn.s, HuBsox X New llami).ihli-c, Ited X Rocks. Write for prico llBt to A. H. bwltsir Hutehery, Uianton, Ont. lllldl Ql'AMTV nnEEDEIl HAT- cliery I'hloks, blood-tented. Or- illnury prices. I'oiiulur breeds. NolHon Hutehcry, 8J>akc»poure, BAltl!i;i> HtJOKS AND UVUGE .JSPKllsh Whitu lA-«li.irn«. All mnt- Inn.i bloodtf.Httd. brud to lay and •xtia gimllty Uock« mixed HHo. Whito LetrluiruB mixed 12c, Tul- l«t« use. Uock CoekerelQ March Be. loehrunti'ii i'oiiliiy Farm, HldK"t"wn, tint. HAVK IlllFI.. TO l^Y IIAIIIIKI) JloekH, ..nd .s.f.W. I*K»<-.>rnii llor- ron utiidii for Mnrch haieh. Have bteii hrtBdlnn and hat.liliiK for IK yenrH with blood t«mliin and ou llnif. llavo iin e\p,.ii lextor. rrlce IIkI on retine.it. J. u, John- son, KeritiiH, Ont. :>«i'iirL'ioi.i:iGii wiirni i.io(iiioit\ HItlll VAY AIIII.I'l'V IIAIIV CHICKS mis .STIfAIN IS A ntACTlCAI, urovon eKK-producliig typo, wltli twenly-lhreo years of stead v prodiii-tloil bnek of Iboin. Thev will |)«y well for good keep and cure. This Is certain, because they are dolnK this on our own fiuniâ€" one of (.'nnada's largent eun-pio- duchiK- farins. You Kot exnoily iht same breed, slridn nnd grade an Wo ralso for ournelves, T'oul- iry mi\nn({entoiit liandhooU "HIkIi Pny Ahlliiy sent FllKli on re- <Hiest, Get our price list. We ad- vise onrlv orders. â€" srni;i'i:- IdOrUH FAIIM I.1.MITKP, i;o\ ;)JOB. BrnntfoMl, Ontario. BTARTED PUL.LJ3TS, BARRED Rocks, 1 week old, 23 cents; 2 weeks, 26 cents. White Leghorns, 1 week old, 26 cents; 2 weeks old, 30 cents. February and March pullets only. Carleton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. FLETCHER HRADLEY'S FAMOUS* Australian White Leghorn baby chicks, nearly as large as Bar- red Rocks, will lay 3 eggs to their 1, extra larg'o eggs. World's record layers at contest. Reduced from J25 per 100 to J16.50. This will be a record year in chicks. Book early for delivery when wanted. Over 200 late orders last year were returned, sold out. A t2.00 deposit will book your or- der. Delivery when wanted. Write 160 Bank St., Ottawa. POULTRSr-KEKl'Kns, BE SUKK of a good healthy bunch of baby chicks this coming season. Good chicks mean Kood hens and more ciTBS. Jnimediate delivery on day- old chicks. Write for 1944 cat- alogue und prkcB on our Gov- ernment Approved chick.o. MONK- TO.N POULTRY FARMS, ilohk- ton, Ontario. TOO l,.\TK â€" TOO 1.ATK NKXT .SPIU.MJ DON'T LKT IT BE said "too late." Send for our price list and order your baby chicks now. One dollar books your order. Uoddard Chick Hatchery. Brlten- iiiH Heltthts, Ont. IIIiACKIIIOIIItlF:!) EVERUKAlil.Nl.; ULACKBKRRIES, very hardy. JI;ive been success- fully transplanted on Rrulries â€" well packed in muss. Heavy crop- per fruit, large, sweet and in clusters.- Order before April 10th. 4 vlui'.-j for 11.00 Prepaid. A. Klein. .Ap.'issiz. B.C. c.isTi.\<; iir.i:i, for .•iAi.ii 300 Vl.>. Si;i(F I'A.STlNd KEKL with .'Ilk line. First SIJ.OO bu\ .•) li. L. I'l'pe, :.'1A I'rinces.-', SheV- bli'Oke, yuc. oi-ii;u HI i\vi;.\Toit!> AN UFFKU TO UVERV l.N VK.M iUK Lisi ul luvunliuns uiul luil rnior- muuon aviil Iree. The ttamauy Co., KcKistercU Patenl Alioiueya. _Ji7a_iianit Sired. Oliuwu.jJanuuu. IMlilAli A ULI^AiNLNU HAVli lUb AiNirUiMLi iNEJiDo ayeiuB 01 cieuiiintV Write tu us for iniurniiiUun. We ar» kIoQ to answer yuur nuesUous. Uepari- meal 11, Parker b i)y» Works Linmeu, ;ai i uuee btieet, I'u- runio. i'AH::Nr.s FiOTHWKSTuNaAOUU ^k COAlpjUMi Paieul Sulicilurs. if/slabllsbea • 18yo, 14 KmB \Ve«i, Toronto. Uooklel oi iiiioMnuiiuu ou re- guest. k:t,L:(.'t'lt>l.,ii. I'Ail ii-i>ii:;.>i ELIOCTIUC MOTuli.'S, .\EW. LSKD, boughi, sold, rcbuili, bulls, pulleys, biushes. Allen fcJlectric Compuiiy Ltd.. 2:120 Uurfcnu St., Toronto. l''00'l ' UAL.M BAUAlKKlvA FUO'I BALM deslroytt offensive odor lusiauUy, 46c bottle, utuwu «Keui, Uenmao Urutt Store, (Jtlawu. I'AM.n IIKI.l' WAATKU KXFKUIK.NCKU .MAURILD MAN, fruit farm, yearly employment. House, usual prlvileses. State family, age, waKca expected, ret'erenccM. 11. j. M. Flslte R.R. 2, !rft. C atliarines. F A R M K R, FXrKUlKNCED. knowledBo of beef cattle and sheep, married niun, house uvuU- Jble. Apiily iellow Briar Farm, Mon o Mlll-M. IIAIIIY I AI«M KOU .XALK FINK i>AlUV FARM. UO Al'llKS 26 aiMe.M maple bush, line liouse! nev^ bank barn buildings well painted, 2 miles from Me'tcalte. 17 miles Buulh of Ottawa. Apply J. Woods, Winchester, Ont. FAn.M!) roil S.VMi] ONE ACRIO lA.ND, OOOD HOUSE, barn, Karugc. Ureenhousa and equipment, fiox 193 Wiugham. VALUADLK FARM l.\ WATERLOO County for sale, conslstlnji of m acres, Includlnts: 13 acres oedar swamp, 32 acres hnrdwuud uush, 3 acres orchard, balance all under cultivation. .Situated 2 miles from Waterloo, 3 miles from- Kitchener; U-room brick house, largo bank barn. 2 Im- plement sheds, also oyulpped with hydro. For full particulars apply to Harley C. Ktnuffcr. ll.R. No. 3. Waterloo, Ont. 17,500.â€" I AORIO. 6-KOOM IIOISF. UullOlnK; â- - j.OOO feet floor space Hydro and Water In all bulld- inss. On Unllway siding, Toron- to Twenty Miles. Ill health rea- son for sale, R. H. Kane lileh- mond Hill. inO-ACRK FAUM. iJOOll LAND jtood building.s, S nilles from Stratford, lot 42, eon. 3. .S. Kasi- hop». Apply Philip I'elrln, It. I! 3 Tavlsloelt. TOBACCO, DAIRY FARMS, LOW priced â€" small down payments, somo eQuippcd. tius Campbell, Ml. Brydges. HELP WA.\TED MAID.S FOR GENEK.VL WARD duty, thirty-five to forty dollars per month- and maintenance- Ap- pl\' -Mir^s <_'. Mcl>-trt-n, General Hospital. Strnlhroy. t)nt. DOOM FOR SALE BOSTON tp;rkikr .male i^up, nicely marked, lovely pet, pedi- greed. 176 Concord. Ottawa. Ont. HAinunrossiiNti school LilAHN UAlRDRE.'iSlNO THiU Robertson method. Information on retjuesi regardtiits claasea. Kobortson'a Hairdressiuc Acad- emy. 187 Avenue Road. Toronto. HAIR TREAT3IEXT GRAY HAIR mil}- he onii*(«*cl l>y liifk of VITAMINS IF YOUR HAIK IS iJ>.SING ITS color it may be because you arc not getting enough of certain vitamins. Luless yuu are gciting adenuato amounts of these vil- uiniiis your system may not be able to ussiinilaie liie calcium and other minerals you need for healthy, colorful hair. It your hair has prenuiiurely turned, or is beginning to turn gray, jou should take the Ra.S'UOH'H .SUl'KR B TABLKTS to aid in building up tho health. These tablets are prepared to a ."pecial formula and are sold with our booklet "L>let, Hair, and Heallh", which shows how you may eat your way lo vigorous health und beauty, t^old exclusively bv the RA.VDOLl'H CO. SALES DEl'T., 2j Howard St., Toronto. Special introductory package $1.00. Send money with order rnd wo pay delivi r.v clKirges. IIAIII <iO0US W 1 t; S, .TUfPK.S, TH.V.NSl-'ORil- allons. Swilches. Curls and all types of finest (luallty Hair lliiods. Write for illuslraled cal- lUoKue. Toronto Human Hair Supiily Co., 52S Rathurst Street, 'I'oronto. IIA.M)\MtlTI.\(; Ul.'iCOMOU VOIR HlDLiEN TAL- erits. Complete handwriting an- alysis, SI. L'se ink. unruled paper. .fend any fifty words to Caroline _Mins._MCHuriKa.y lilvd.. Toronto. IXSKCT KII.I.KU F'lllUX THE WARRLE FLV WITH McVeetys Warble and Ijouse Killer. A dry powder, needs no water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Irce per lb. sixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman AlcVeetv licsloule. Ont. i'uin'(M;u.«iMn DON'T RISK LOSING "SNAPS" THEY CAN'T B\u T.A.KEM .A.GAIN Get finer "snaps" at lower cost â€" Rrompt .Mail Service. Send your film rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and printed. This la Canada's largest finishing stu- dio, serving customers aU over Canada, Vou'Jl like our work, too. Any Size Rollâ€" 6 or 8 Ksposures DEVELOPED AND 'PKINTED 26c Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor, Ont., writes; 1 lupposo It's hard to give your usual uulck service with help so hard to get, but tia long as you turn out such fine pictures. I'll walt-if I have to wait" 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEilENTS 26o Size 4x6" in BeautlftU Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Ctr- oassiun Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 6!le each. If enlurKo- menl colored, 79o each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12t». Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Your .Name and Address Plain ly on AU Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO LMlMMilAL FOR QUALITY, service and satisfaction. 6 or t expo.MUre films 26c; reprints 8 for Ji6f. Imperial Photo Service, Sta- tion J. Toronto. MEDICAI HOOD RKSl'LT.S-EVKIiY S i: r - ferer from Rheiiniatle I'ains or -Neuritis should iry Hlxon's Re- medy. .Muiiro'.H Oiug store .135 KiMln. dttawH, Postpaid J 1 00 CONSTIPATION Koi! KAii.v i;i:oriai;iTv anu iMlter health, ask for Ferniol t.ililei.% at ) .lur drug .moreâ€" ac < elU Ml) subslitule. ,Mlld yet of- fceilvi> -.iic.M-habit-formln« â€" no dieiidcd after effccls (slusgiah h.'wels)- kidirf^.v anion iiu-reased A I all druKKlsIa or 2 months ticiihienl SI.pu postpaid. Krrm.il OlHributors. London. Ont MACHI.XERY ASD ELECTRIC . MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL SIZES 25 or 60 cycle â€" also air compres- sors .ind niachiiieiy. E. Hoffman Machinery .Supply. 181 Kins? St. East, Toronto. ' XL USER V STOCK FREE â€" COLORED NLR<i;RY Catalogue. Full line of Fruit Trees; Evergreens; Flowering Shrubs; Fei-cnnlals; Shade Trees; Roses. Brookdale-Kint..^way. \'tlrspri<'--i. UnwmMnville. Oiitnrio. I'Oll.TUV GHIT POULTRY GRIT •Soluble or Insoluble Analysis gruaranteed Eliminate costly oyster shells by using "Stresco" white poultry grits for healthier birds and more eggs. Available immediately in lOu lb. bags in any (luantity. Write tor samples and prices. DEALERS WANTED S'ri\SO.\ IllilOU SLI'I'LV CO. LIMIXEO SSS.*; Delurinder Ave.. MunlreHl (II II.TIVG P.VrCHES FROM HIOH GRADE FANCi TOI'- coatiiig about BxlS, 60 pieces ?2.50 postage included. Also .suitings OxlJi, 6x!i. .Vlso Genuine iiarris Tweeds H yard lengths, ,ind Vb yard suitint's for children's clothes. HHIS RICE, 301 Spa- dina Ave. . Toronto. IIIIEI.ILITIC PAL\S THV IT! l-;VKIiV SL'KFKUKi-t OF Rln;uni,itic Pains or .Ncuniis should trj- DIxuiPs Remedy. Mun- ro's Druy Store, 335 Emin, OUawa, Posipuiti iii.iiu. m:i:i) 4. tmx WE ARE <.;rou-i-:r.s anl> jiakk- eters vC the famous Truck Load Ear Rrund seed corn. Order curlv and save money. Belle Ki\er • Grain .vi tetd Comi)an>. lielle River. Out. .STOVi; lll:i>_iIU l'AHT>S STCVE REPAIR PARTS WE CAKKi .V i^(j.\irLl:,rL r.iNE of stuvo i>art.«. t;i)ccil.\ nuiuc and number and wIuil iiecuod. \Vc ai»o have rtcondiUoncd sieves all makes. Kmiuiries weicunicd. Lakeshore Stove. -130 Queen \\ est, loronio. >ro\ i-:s STOVES $12.95 CLEARANCE M'.\\ Ll RLv.O.\L«lTnJ.<i.:,,, CCW.- aiiteed coal, wootl cotiaye su.>e^, 4-lid, oven, 512.au. yueoec .-cyk stoves $ti.. in, casl cook sIom-s* l)-Hd, Jl'J.oO; enamelled wanning oveu or reservoir, Jfo.ou e.\ira Late model range, eiiame.ieu. fcood couiur.v stove, eoui c.r wood, large lire bo.\ ana o^cii large lius, Meol bod>. enamel- led wiirming oven aim resei wir. spccia Ji-j.oc. si,,.,a| ,„onev oicier *vost. lorontu. ro.nAToh's TOMATOES FROM bE£D Tins ^i:xu L.sjui Tuij ,..,o.u- arable ihnour ot Amerieas lost pcricctly forineil fmulo. n«.vceilca interior soiidliy tm. ?,.,',."*'â- '' >"â- 'â- '»•'-•' symmeirv of ai.peaninco ui tho new Master •Marglobc Tomato ensures its weV- con.e 111 Caiuulu. ^ 1SI4 1 seed n - troductioii by \v. \v. Hick i: So.is Limlleu. Lindsay, o lari^ bend 15c tor Special i>Kt I.r 2ic -_ _. • '^'''''' â- â- " J'-''-'!"- W. â- S4>.\ti i>ui:.>is WA.\TED To Hi; Send poem un- sideraih.,,. Five y iHr'.viusVJ' M^i's'i ere, 0-14 tfeiieon Uldg Mass, â- 'I'"!' 'Po ML.-;ic. imnieuiate con ilosioii. lAt'EWUKM '^''o'lfin'''li.o^'J,l.' â- i""i"^AiJ WORMS r.?"-*..')..."'® (•»'« causu ot lu-heuttn ."I.L."*'.'''''. '"^'^^ uno mi. In humuua « OLlc . FOX - COVOTK T R A T. Pers, w.lh present and fuu,« tdgh fur prices and bount "JS gl'^KVLMttJ^':^;.'^J-'-,•â- â- -^ ^^fi ^i^^ee^rn^ ;^ r â-  ;s^K..:!:rs -;,.r;^- 1.;:;;"^^- >'>ll- suspicion. .No bel ", i.LVl i>.ior.'ii;;z.„^^y;,K'""'""' »• ^-. ..e.^v;;^.:Vfll::^,r;;-^t '"det'i,,:")'"'';)"^'^^'^'^'" '=ivK Kj^^ ''-^^"-â- -^

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