Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1944, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 10' 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t VANDELEUR Rev. Caswell Sr. of Gakvill*. father of Rev. Norman Caswell, occupied the pulpit in the church on Sunday and dclivored a verv fine 8ermon_r- . The Woman's Association held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnston, with a good attendance. Mrs. Charlotte Hutchinson of To- ronto is the gues.t of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston and is renewing acquaintances with old friends and neighbors in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and family of Mt. Albert were week end visitors with Mrs. Ethel Hutch- inson. Mr. Angus Bowles, who has been employed in Toronto for several months, is Tiome. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMullen, whose little daugh- ter arrived at Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Fles-horton, on April 29th. Mr. and Mr.s. T. Gilray of Rocklvn visited with Mr. a^d Mrs. Lome Ormsiby on Sunday. Miss M. Dawn .spent the week end at her home at Heathcote. Congratulations to John Fitzsim- mons an<l Elmer Cargft-^. who were successful in passing their Entrance examinations and will now assist on the farm. The little nephew oif Mr. and Mrs. Lome Orms'by, critically ill in Owen Sound hospital, is progressing very favorably. Sisters Together First Time in 32 Years Mrs. Geo Best spent the past week in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. Roy Thistlewaite, where she wag joined by her sisters, Mrs. Nate Dunsmore of Stranraer, Sask., Mrs. Harry Shaw of Markdule, and Mrs. Russell Park of town. This is the first time in 32 years that these sisters have been together. Two other sisters reside in the West, Mrs. R. H. Mellafont at Coutts, Alta., and Mrs. John Miller at Kamloops, B.C. AUTOTRAC FOR SALE Autotrac on Durant Four, in good condition, with 5.00x19 tiree on front and spare. GLEN MOORE phone 605r22. DURHAM, Ont. PASTURe TO RENT â€" 150 acres. Lots 5, 6, 7, Con. 2, NJD.R., Arte- mesia. â€" A. Conikey, Men's Staff House, Hamilton. ♦*<'<'*4'<'****<~><~>*<^~x«»k«<h:~;«><.^:^x-:„>,>.xk~K'<~kkk^ STALLION.S THESE TWO REGISTERED STALLIONS WILL STAND AT MY STABLE IN FLESHERTON FOR THE SEASON OF 1944 CHEPTEL DUKE KING ABDELL Dap pie Grey PEROHBRON Bay STANDARD BRED Stal- ,'^A« ',?' ^S^o- 16995, weight lion, Reg. No. 6091. Junior 1900 lbs. Sired by Cheptel, Granl Champion Royal Winter Dam, Karlette 2nd. Fair 1935, weight llOO lbs. Sire, Berton Fetch; Dam, Char- lotte Abdell. H. BEST, Proprietor, FLESHERTON AT STABLE $8.00 . . . FEES ... ON ROAD $10.00 Interested parties over a distance of five miles, may have stable prices by paying for cost of trucking. ♦♦♦**** * ****** 4"H"> ' H '*' H i < i4i»»»-> > »i H . j .». | i ^ i. H i.|i. | i. l i»»i l ii I. Moving Pictures Held At Vandeleur By Forum (By Vandeleur Reporter) Under the auspices of tli* Farm Forum, a splendid program of sound moving pictures was given at the home of Andy Fawcett on Thursday evening of last week, by Mr. Ed. Lange of Desiboro. The pictures were the production of the National Film Board and were very interesting and instructive. There were scenes of wild animal life, travel pictures through South America, also tjie Mediterranean Sea, Malta and Gib- raltar. War pictures were indeed real and scenes were shown from every province of the Dominion. A sing-song number with an orchestra and song loaders on the screen brought forth a round of applause. There were scenes of Grey County and the Co-operative stores taken by H. H. Hannam, and it was interesting to see some of our local residents in the scenes. A close up of little Ruth Graham was good. Mr. Lange is paid bv the Canadian Council for Adult Education and his mileage in the County by the Grey County Fed- eration of Agriculture. He was introduced by the Forum Secretary, Mr. Howard Graham, and tendered a hearty vote of thanks at the close of the program. Messrs. Geo. Shaw and Stan Harvey were the conveners in r-harge of the meeting. Some additional facts learned at Khp meeting was that Sullivan Town- sjiip leado the world with 24 active Farm Forums. The Farm Forums of Grev County are having a monster picnic at the Harrison Park, Owen Sound, on Snturdav, June 10th. There are al>out 40 nictures to the foot of film tame, and there werf 1500 feet of film on some nf the rebels. Th(^ soun.d effects, the words of ih-o naiTator and the singing made the pictures verv real, indeed. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE will be held bv ESTATE OF T.ATE G. MITCHELL in Flesherton S.\TURDAY, MAY 90. 1944 Terms: Cash. â€" W. KAITTING, Auctioneer. Quality Plus Style Plus Reasonable Price: at Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Department t t t t T T T t t T T t T T T T T T T T t 5: LADIES' COATS Without doubt, the best selection of Spring Coats you will find anywhere. We invite you to make your choice here. Prices are most reasonable. LADIES' SUITS In the smartest styles, made from fine mat- erials in tricotine, serges, tweeds and alpines. Cood range of sizes and many shades from which to choose. GIRLS' SPRING COATS Rood assortment of colors from which to choose, in sizee 4 to 14X, all moderately priced. BLOUSES We are showing a lovely assortment of fine blouses in several different shades. All are moderately priced. MEN'S TOP COATS New for Spring and as smart as they are made. That is what the Top Coats, shown at Hill's, oger the well-dressed man this season. SPRING DRESSES Thrilling and lovely, you can be greatly en- ' thused over the magnificent display we have in suchc spring-time Dresses. For all occa- sions', moderately priced. MILLINERY Hats for Daugher â€" Hats for Mother â€" (Hats for Grandmotiher â€" Several of the season's smartest styles from which to choose, all colors. Be sure to see them. Also, big range of Children's Hats. t t T t T T T t t ? T T SWEATER COATS Ladies' all-wool Sweater Coats, good shades, size 36-42. several Girls' all-wool Sweater Coats, big range of colors, size 26 - 34, all moderately priced, sizes up to 12 X 16. MEN'S SUITS We have a wonderful showing in the sea- son's finest EJnglish Worsteds in single or double-breasted models, all well tailored and moderately priced. Ldcal aod Persosal Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. F. \V. Duncan sipent the first of the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Bob Phillips visittd in Toronto on Tflursday last. Mr. Athol McKillop of Mt. Foret.i. spent the week end at his parental home. Aircraftman Laverne Wood of To- ronto spent the weeK end with his mother, Mrs. K. Wolfe. Mr. Alex Wilkes of Toronto spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kd Loucks. L.A.C. Allan Colquette of Victoria- ville, yue., is visdtmg his sister, Mrs. ii;. J. Fisher, while on furlough. 'I'he merchants of Flesiherton will keen their stores open each Wednes- day nig-nt until furtner notice. Miss Jean Duncan has completed ner first year at Toronto Uniersit-y : n<i IS now vacationing at her hom<>, Misi Lucy McUonald of Toronto spent the week end with ner sisier, Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. W. J. Caswell returned last week, after spending the winter with his daughters at Waterloo and Dresden. Mrs. Alex. McDonald and son oij: Toronto- are visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. J. B. O'Brien and two child- ren of Oakville visited recently with her father, Mr. F. G. Karstedt, who is improving from his illneae. Mrs. A. McRae returned hom« on Saturday, after spendin- the winter at Windsor. Her daughter, Hattie, accompanied her home. Mrs. Myles Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wyville and family of Dur- ham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen, Spriu'ghill. Mrs. Frank Teeter received a cable on Tuesday conveying greetings for Mother's Day from her son, Pte. Carl Teeter, who is overseas. Miss Gloria Ball and Master Jack Ball of Mt. Forest spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Brackembury and Maijorie and Mrs. Wilfred Lever aiKl Mr. and Mrs. F. Brackenbury spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mrs. M. Teeter and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. B. Sedlay and son otf Guelph, also Mrs. Jim Pedlar of Rock Mills visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Teeter. The election of officers of Flesh- erton W. 1. was held at the home of Mrs. John Kennedy, Ceylon, Wednes- day of last when, when the officers were returned by acclamation. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rawlings and two sons and Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Black- burn of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fiaher and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn, 4th line. L.A.C. Mack Duncan of Deseronto, Pte. Ted MoCracken of Brampton, Cipl. Ivan Henderson and Pte. Gordon Stuart of Simcoe and L.A.C. Harold Best of Camp Borden spent the week- end in town. The tag day on Saturday for the National Institute for the Blind, re- sulted in $40.00 being collected, under the auspices of the W.I. Mrs. Ed. Fisher was convener and the follow- ing were the canvassers: Joan Tur- ney, Erma Aberdpiiv, Eieaiior Spa/ks, Mary Jane McTavish, Margot Anne Goe&sel. Card of Thanks >;»X"K"X">^«>'K««X***<'<"t'**<««X'<«**«>«X><>«*<M'«**<«*«<»**< I 5! I ^^ PUT t^ierony rtffsr I y I I BUvWilCTORY BONDS In the very near future EVEN GREATER SACRIFICES will be expected from our fighting forces. On the home front LET US DO OUR SHARE by supporting to the utmost Canada's Sixth Victory Loan. CREAM SAVING GASOLINE AND TIRES IS PART OF EVERYONE'S DUTY May w6 suggest that you bring your can of cream with you to the Creamery each time you come to tovm. Besides the saving of gasoline, it will pay you well to follow this parcticie. The Creamety will be open Wednesday and Saturday nights to 10 o'clock. Flesberton Creamer; & Prodik>e Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" OjV.C. No. 21 barley. â€"Herb Betts, R.R. 3, Flesherton. •FOR SALE â€" Settings of duck eggs. â€" D. W. Adams, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Small barn. Apply to John S. McDei-mid, -Ceylon. 49c2 WANTED â€" Numiber of cattle for pasture. Apply on the premises. Phone 44r3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 11 Head of young cattle.â€" J. A. Gowanlock, R. R. 2, Proton Station. 46p2 WANTED â€" 20 Rods or more of 9- strand wire fence. â€" Chas. Pocock, phone 5r34, Feversham. 46c2 FOR SALE â€" Clover seed. â€" FreJ Pedlar, Eugenia, phone Feversham ring 31.' 47p2 POTATOES â€" Irish Cobbler pota- toes, good for seed. â€" W. E. Loucks, phone Flesherton 72r23 PIANO WANTED, must be in good condition. â€" Mrs. J. A. Hutchison, Flesherton. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Cartier Oats Coimner- cial No. 1. â€" A. S. Muir, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 49rl4. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" General Purpose horse. â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, phone 32r 12, Flesherton. 4ep2 We wish to express our appreciat- ion to our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindnessi and ex- pressions of sympathy extended to Us in the bereavement of our husband and father. â€" Mrs. D. Muir and Elmer. Shoes ! Shoe ! Shoes ! Card of Thanks WOMEN'S & GROWING GIRLS' SHOES For schol and every-day wear in 'black or tan, several different styles and all si7.p,s. Priced from $3.25 to $5.75 MEN'S WORK BOOTS The best value in Men's re tan or oil tanned Work Boots, heavy leather or composition soles. Sizes 6 to 12w Priced .... $3.21 to $1.75 CAMP SHOES Soft pliable Camp Oxfords, Ibrown or black uppers, flexible comfort-giving soles. Com- plete sizes fr mens, boys, misses and children. BRIGHTEN UP THE HOME WITH DRAPERY Big Assortment of Monk Cloth, Brocaded Repps. Some very smart colorings, all mod- erately priced. FLOOR COVERINGS Buy your Floor Coveringrs now while we have a good range to show, in 2, 8 or 4 yard •width. Also, big assortment of Rugs in all FARMERS, ATTENTION ! BUY YOUR SEED NOW We have Timothy, Alsike, Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Sweet Clover, and mixed pasture grass. This Store will be open Saturday nights and closed Thursday afternoon. F. T. HILL & CO., Umited FH<M<E 7 MARKDALE, ONTARIO wc deliver Wa wish to extend our sincere thanks to all those who assisted at the time o(f the loss of our home, and to the many tangible acts of kindness and sympathy. It will make us ap- preciate move than ever the privilesre of living in a community of wonder- ful neighbors. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Chester N. Long and Kenneth. FOP SALE â€" Quantity of Mammoth Clover seed. â€" Kendal Hawkins, phone Feversham &r42. 47c2 WAMTB* - â- risk and %vs. te '.-I NOTIC5, FAEMElBS â€" I will have another load f Duitoam and Here- foi-d calves here at noon Saturday, M'ay 13.â€" Gordon Stuart. FOR SALE â€" M.-H. stiff -tooth trac- tor cultivator with power lift, in good condition. â€" F. R. Oliver, Priceville, phone 21r22. 47c3 NOTICE â€" HHinting, fl.sihing or tres- passing on Lot 24, Con. 7, Arte- mesia, strictly prohbiited, â€" R. Jones. PASTURE â€" A number of cattle wanted t(o ipasture, never-failing stream m pasture. â€" Eldon Black- burn, R.R. 3 Proton Station. FOR RENT â€" 50 Acre farm for rent, IH miles outh of Flesherton, Lot 160, X N.E., Artemesia. â€" Laura M. Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Brick residenc* with double lot on which is small bam, in Flesherton. Apply to Francia Genoa, Eugenia. 4Mf FOR SALE â€" Mammoth clover seed. also good G.P. mare. â€" L. AIcox, R.R. 5, Markdiale, "-wo and a half miles north of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway. 49p2 . - I â-  â- â- - .-1^ .1. . â-  â-  i^B PIANOS FOR SAiLE â€" Choice selec- tion re-onditioned pianoe rangin^r in price $65 and up. â€" J. C. Black- stone, Slfi-Stb Street (A) East, Owen Sound, phone 672. Card of Thanks Mrs. C. Archibald Ceylon, wishes to express to friends and neighbors her heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness expressed in various ways during the illness of her mother and sympathy extended in her bereavement. "Is tliere anything that synthetic ruibber cant be made of?" asks a paragrapher. Yes." It can't be made 0(f anything that does not belong to the animal, vegetaible or mineral king- dom. TENDER FOR LAND Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, the 27th day of May, 1'14. for the purchase oif Lots 77 nnd 78. Con. 1, S.DJl., Township of Artrmi'si . Possession given on ac- coptanct! jf tender. Highest or an- tender not necessarily acce-ted. Tenders marrked "Tender." â€" Hert) Corbett, Proton Station. NOTICE â€" Those wishing to have their gardens plowed or ashes' re- moved, communicate with George Armstrong or F. Brackenbury. FOR SALE â€" Four good purebred Shorthorn bulls, about 1 year old. (Howard I. Graham, Markdale RJl. No. 4, phone 69r2. 47p2 FOR aALE â€" Team Agricultural 'hor»es rising 6 and 7 years; also quantity mixed alfalfa-timothy hay. Colony house 20x12 feet. â€" J. D. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r8. FARMERS â€" I wiU be in town Sat., May 6, with a load of good Here- ford and Durham calves, to sell at reasonable rices. â€" Gordon Stuart, Flesherton. QAM& ASTRAY â€" Came to Lot 17, C(.>n. 6, Osprey, on or aibout April 17, black, tan and white kound. Owner can have same by paying expenses. â€" Warren Morrison, Max- weJl P.O. 49p3 FOR SALE â€" McCormick-Deering tractor completely overhauled, witii ruibber in front; also 14-plate double discs for tractor, â€" John J. M«ad3, Priceville phone Flesherton 21r4. POTV^TOiES FOR SALE â€" Early varieties Warbas and Cobblers, also Katahdins, Cans, 'ji No.l and Foua- dation A. â€" A. S. Muir, C^vlon, Ont. phone Fleahertomi 40rM. 47pa BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE â€" 3 Y»ung purebred Scotch Shorthorn bulls, 2 dark roan, i white, sired by a Klaymor Discovery, a son of Colynie Royal Barago (Imp.) and out of good milking dams, herd f/lly accredit- ed.â€" M. J. Varey, R.R. Mono Mills P.O., village of Hockley. 49i>2 DR. J. F. MILNE Office â€" Durham St Office boon: aftanooas Sto 4JIL WediMwlay »ad/SatardB|r tM to 10 p«. No offina boon on Jtaadaj. WM. KNITTING LICENSED AUCTrONBBB for the County of Gr^ Farm and Stock »ale8 our ap^altir- Term*: reason«We. SatisfaoMoB la guaranteed. Dates arranged at, Uka Ady«aoe office or yhono 4w.

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