THE FLKSHERTON ADVANOt Wednesday, June 21, 1944 PO RTL AW Ml*. Etti« Blaekburn of Fleflh«r- ton epent the week end with Mr. and Kn. Albert Blackburn. Ruth Phillips and Isabel Cr<rft attended the Musical Festival in Owen Sound la«t week and both girls obtained' h*non. P*e. R. D. Meldrum of Caimp Bor- den apent a few days at his home. The next meeting of Fourth Line Red Cross will be held at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Fisher on Thursday, June 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schells, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps at the week end. Mr. J. A. McPhail of Winnipeg is spending this week with his cousin, Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr Fred Taylor spent a day in Toronto last week. Miss Evelyn Sheir has returned to Toronto, after a two weeks holi- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheir. Sorry to report Mrs. Jas. Pedlar not so well the past week. Mrs. Leslie Chard and daughter, Mabel, spent a day in CoHingwood, with the foi-mer's sister Mrs. Les Poole. Mt. Zion Woman's Association met at the home of Mrs. Hopps, on June li3th. A good' program was put on by Mrs. McKee. Mrs. Pedlar and Mrs. Hoptps. We had two ladies from Coll- inwood, who attended' Mt. Zion church when young grirls, as guests, Mrs. Frank McArthur and Mrs. Lloyd Young also Mrs. Bert Hopjw, North Bay. The Junior Red Cros^ Portlaw School, held a dance on Thursda> evening, June 8th. Proceeds at the door, were about $21.00 and tickets were sold on a cuchion bringing $19.- 46, Lewis Fisher holding the lucky ticket. On Wednesday, June 14th, the Fourth Line Red Cross Unit held a dance in Flesherton, Fraternal Hall. Excellent music was supplied by the Fourth Line 7 piece orchestra, with several callers assisting. To those who helped make this this a success, we say "Thanks a million." The pro- ceeds at the door were about f60.00. $44.00 of this money has been sent out to buy cigarettes and treats for boys overseas, among these boys we have ten names from the town of Flesherton, four from Pro-ton village and the remaining thirty from our own conomunity. Mr. and Mrs. A. Blackburn, and Mabel, spent a day In Collingwood, visiting friends. Donald Meldrum and Cheater Plantt ara spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and son, D. A., accompanied by Mr. J. A. McPhail, Winnipeg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McDonaild, Mclntyre. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. MeWnrm were: Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald and son. Gold Pines, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Wiley and daughter, Hamiton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson and children, and Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens, Kimberley. LADY BANK (intandttd for lait week) There was a re-«pening of Prov- idence Church on Sunday last, by the Rev. K. G. Leary, Baptist Minister Of Kimberley, who was assisted by Mr. Elgin Mullen of Banks, who led in prayer and bible scripture reading. There was music and sin^ng by the two little Weldrick sisters, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Weldrick. The church was crowded, including friends from Ravenna, Red Wing, Banks, Maple Grove, and Kimberley. May God's blessing rest and abide v/ith all who so willingly assisted in the good work. These services will be held throughou': the summer months. Also Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p.m. and' cnurch service at 3 p.m. conducted by Rev. K. G. Leary. Mr. and^Mrs. Blakely, of T-ronto, spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ottewell, and attended the re-opening of the Providence Church. Mrs. Bate, Toronto, spent the veek end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell McConnell and family, Kimberley; Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semiple and Royden spent" Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. On F-iday evening, June 16th, at the home of Mr. Jas. McKenzie, there will be a social conducted by Rev. K. G. Leary. There will be games such as foot ball, soft ball and rices. A wiener roast will follow. Everybody lyelconie. Join us and for- get your worries for the evening. ROCK MILLS Visitow with Mr. ad Mrs. Joe Hawkins were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Stokes and family, Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Will Stokes, Tillsonburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stokes, Dundalk. Mr. and Mra. Wilfred Best, Torontc w«re visitors with the formers' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark spent Sat- urday in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Knox, of Duncan, wer» recent visitors with Mrs. Wm. Hawkins. Mr. Bill Clark returned home Sat- urday, after spending a week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. E. Fisher, Flesherton, spent a few days with Mr. A. Partridge, Ken and Lie yd. Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell, from the Wareham district, have moed to the Sewell farm here. We welcome them to our midst. Mr. P. Sewell moved to the Wm. Russell farm at Wareham. The best wishes of a host of friends go with him to his new home. Mrs. Robt. Clark, Collingwood, is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Dick Clark. NOTICE The general stores and i)ost offices in Maxwell and Feversham will be closed all day on the following holidays: Dominion Day, July 1st; Labor- Day; Christmas' Day; New Year's and Good Friday. AUCTJON SALE FURNITURE, ETC. PRICEVILLE Mr. Eldon MoLachlan of O-illia visited on Friday at the home of Mrs. A. McLachlan, who accompan- ied him home for the week end. Keep in mind Anniversary services in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Sunday, July 2nd. Congratulations to Mr. Archie Mc- Eachern and Miss Agnes Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison, who were married Satur- day, June 17th, in Salem church by Rev. C. A. Cox. Mrs. Dave Nichol spent a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. John Cook, Fleserton. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, To- ronto, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. Stuart Boice. Mrs. Jim McDougall, Toronto, is spending the sumimer in her home in the village. Mrs. Sara Mills is staying with Mrs. D. G. McLean, who is back to her own home. Miss Martha Watson, who has been visiting her sister ^.^^eeton, has returned home. '^ Mr. F. G. Karstedt. is erecting a cold storage plant, which will be a great convenience to himself and the community. Mrs. James Oliver gave a trousseau tea' on Saturday, June 10, in honor of her daughter, Sadie. Miss Susan (MacKinnon received with Mrs. Oliver. Miss Emma Oliver showed the trousseau. The tea table was pretty with yellow lillies and tall yellow candles. Mrs. E. Ritchie pour- ed tea and Misses Emma, June, and Marie Meads served the guests. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed by the Executrix of the ESTATE OF THE LATE ALEX. McFADYEN to sell by public auction at CEYLON SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1944. the folle-wing, namely: 2 wooden beds and springs; iron bed and springs; dresser with glass; dishes; 3 wash stands; large bureau; 2 chests of drawers; couch; fall-leaf talble; 5 rocking chairs; g^rafonola and records; lamps; cook stove, coal or wood; coal heater; sid^>oard; glass cupboard; mattress; singer sewing machine in grood condition; wanzer sewing machine; clocks; 2 feather ticks; 2 small tables; feather pillows; boiler; kitchen chairs; stove- pipes; 3 toilet sets; wash tubs; con- goleum rug 7x9 feet; congoleum by the yard'; cooking utensils; wheel- barrow; fruit sealers; iron pots; 2 wooden barrels; wood; large number carpenter tools; about 2 loads alfalfa hay; quantity of mixed lumber; quantity of 2x4 scantling; spike skids; stoneiboat; cable and pulleys for raising bams and logs; numerous other articles. Positively no reserve; everything must be sold. Nothing to be removed until settled for. SAiLE TO START AT 1.30 P. M. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. W. KAITTING, Auctioneer (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Eddie White left last week for Toronto, where he is now employed. Pte. Fred Partridge who was home on furlough, left Friday for Victoria, B.C., where he is stationed. His par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge accompanied him as far as Toronto, wheie they visit'*d with friends, re- turning home Sunday. Mr. Ken Partridge is preparing to build an addition to his bam. The cement foundation is now being laid â- •«*( tmooih- flowing Paint that Verves no hrusH m^rksi" '''I For a kitchen you'll be happy to work In and proud to show your friends, use Flo-glaze Interior Gloss, espe- cially made for painting walls, ceilings and woodwork. " ' It flows on smoothly, produces a washable high-gioss Flo-flla« quality finish that looks and feels almost like enamel. Of course, it maintained, in j^.^ j^^j ^^ "slick" for recreation rooms and bathrooms. At least do over one room to freshen up the home front and improve everybody's mora/e/ Consult your friendly Flo-glaze Dealer today. Tin IMPERIAL VARNISH & COLOR CO., lIMITtD, TORONTO spite of war- time rertrirtion*. lIAVfS NO eSUSM MARKS- Paints and Enamels McKillop Estate, Flesherton under the supervision of Mr. Frank Seeley. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Falconer and George in Eugenia. Mrs. Delbert Hopkins and children of Toronto, holidayed the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. The special meetings held in the church here for the week, closed Sun- day evening. Good crowds attended the services and enjoyed hearing the Lillian H. Jones, who sings in a very fine voice. True honesty takes into accouat the claims of God as well ae t^oae of man; it renders to God the things . , , ,,-,,, th^t are God's, as well as to man tS« special speakers and also Mdme. things that are Alan's. We prefer them homemade â€" pies, ".cmonade, salads, ^eaters, music, discussions, thoughts, fun, rest and' â€" home. CREDIT AUCTION SALE STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. LESLIE SMITH will sell by public auction on LOT 29. CON. 7, OSPREY FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1944. the following, namely: HORSES â€" Bay mare, 12 years old; brown horse, 10 years old; bay mare colt, rising 1 year old; bay driving horse, 6 years old. CAT"LE â€" Hereford cow, 5 years old, fresh; Durham cow, 5 years old. fresh; Durham- cow, 7 years old, fresh; Durham cow, 12 years old, fresh; Ayrshire cow, 6 years old, fresh; Durham «ow, 7 years old; fre®h; Hereford cow, 7 years old, Holstein heifer, 2 years old, su'pposed in calf; Ayrshire cow, 5 years Id, calf at foot; 11 Durham and Here- ford yearling cattle; 11 spring calves PIGS â€" Registered yorkshire hog; 5 brood sows, supposed' in pig; 7 chunks of pigs; 14 pigs, 7 weeks old. Everything must be sold as owner is griving up farming. SALE AT 2 0' CLOK P3I. TERMS OF SALE All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months' credit will be given by furnish in? ap- proved joint notes, satisfactory to the Bank of Toronto. Feversham. bearing interest at 6 per cent. GEO. DUNCAN. Auctioneer PREVENTION OP INFLATION IS THE BEST PROTECTION AOAUtSt DEFLATION 'PiU oihfwttiem^nt !• one at a Mr)e« befns Inaed by *• O u veiuwiiil o« Canada to emirfiattee Ihe impMtanca a« ptmnHng fwtlMr tncfvaen tn Hm cm! t» living new and doHoHon later. inrm to "M tmi sroniOMT" mmo mocdammi IVWY SUNDAY MIOHT 7.30 p.ttu, I. O. T.