Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1944, p. 8

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fl-V -<?,'' 'it'v â- i Wednesday, June 28, 1944 THE FLESHER^N ADVANCE J"* PORTLAW Miss Mabel Blackburn spent Sat- urday with friends in Collingwood. Guests at the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, at the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sutton, Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Youivg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooko of Shclburnc. Mrs. Chas. Park and daughter of Eugenia, Miss Muriel Carruthers of Toronto, spent the *eek end with the McKee and Blaekiburn families. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoskin of Col- lingwood visited with their cousin, Miss Mabel Blackburfi on Sunday. Mrs. Herb Betts ei«joyed a visit with her brother, Pte. Stoddart, of Edmonton, who is visiting here. Miss Mary She»rdown attended the wedding, on Saturday, of Miss NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having cteims a- gainst the estate of the late DAVID McDonald, late of the Townchip of Artemesia, County of Grey, who died on or about the aoth day of Jan- uary, 1944, are required to forward their claims duly ajKproved, to the undersigned solicitor of the estate, on or before Saturday, July 16th, 1944. AND FURTHER take notice that after sufli mentioned date the ad- ministrator toII proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto,having regai-d only to such clainks as the^ will then have notice. Dated at Markdale this 28th day of June, A. D. 1944. â€"I. B. LUCAS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor for administratrix Gertrude Lfttl©-* and Mr. Maurisi; Brodoriek. Miss Edna Croft, Toronto, is visit- hcr mothor, Mrs. Harry Patton. Mr. and Mr.s. Robt. Hill and Isabel Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and sons, also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A., attended Ijhe Menzies-Fisher reunion at Sunset Point, Collingwood, i>n Saturday. Fifty-six sat down to supper and after supper Mr. Herb Menzies, a guest from California, was presented with a fountain pen by liis nieces and nephews. The Fourth Line Red Cross unit met at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Fisher on June 22nd. Letters were read from Mrs. Austin Hill, Pte. Bill Kerton and Cpl. Milford Piper. The Junior Red Cross donated $10.00 to this Red Cross unit. The next meet- ing is to be held on July 13th at the home of Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. ORANGE VALLEY The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Teeter re- cently with alMut sixty present. After the discussion on social acti- 'ities â- progressive crokinole . was played'. All enjoyed a fine evening. Our community is sponsoring three ball leams, which play twice a week and the activity seenos very enjoy- able for all. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Nelson Tribble, Chatsworth. Mr. Earl Bumstead lost a fine cow one day last week when it wandered onto the railway track and was kill- ed by a train. One can now breakfast in Los Angeles, and six hours later be in Washington, DjC. This gives one the rest of the day to look for a room. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Congratulations to Mr. Mdurlcc Broderipk and Miss Gertie Little, who were married on Saturday. We are glad to report Mr and Mrs. Luther Mills have received word from their son, Lieut. Harold Mills, who was reported niissing on June 6th, stating he was safe, although in a hosipital at time of writing. The letter was dated June 11th. â- Mr. Jack Gibson and daughers, Misses Muriel and Margaret, and Miss Ethel Fenwick, R.N., Durham visited on Sunday with Mr. Roy Fenwick and family. Mrs Steele , Saskatchewan is visit- ing her brother, Mr. Jack Stephen, and Mrs. Stephen. Ml-, and Mrs. E. Wright, of Owen Sound ,and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright and Maurice, Berkeley, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. EJmerson Wright. Messrs. Roy and Robert Fenwick and Mi8« Hazel Fenwick, accdcn- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous attended' the anniversary service at Badjeros United Church on Sunday morning. The dance to have been held on June 30th, at Maxwell, by Stephen's Comers War Workers' has been changed to Wednesday, June 28th. NOTICE leaving installed a modem cold storage plant in connection with our fur farming business, w« are now in position to handle aged, injured or dead animals for fox and mink feed in much larger quantities. â€"FRANK EAGLES, phone 41r3 Flesherton -: R. R. 3, Prolan Station t For Comfortable Warm Weather Apparel I:* ITS HILL'S I Choose From Our Large Stock J* of Summer Wear 4 SUMMER DRESSES You'irbe thrilled with our large cli.splay. Scores and scores of new Styles in Women's and Misses' Dresses in printed silks, washable spiins, etc. MEN'S SUITS , Some very smart i)atterns in Men's Tweed Suits. One of the fin- est selections we have ever shown. All well tailored, sizes 35 to 42. Price $23.50 and up COOL DRESS VOILES Some very pretty patterns in light and dark colors for that cool stun- mer dress, 40 inches wide. Special per yard 25c MEN'S WHITE TROUSERS Made of good quality drill for sport or holiday wear. Full range of sizes. Pair $2.45 BOYS' OVERALLS Overalls for the wee chap in blue and khaki. ,. Nicely trimmed with red and white braid. Sizes 3, 4 and 6 years. Price •• 50c MILLINERY NewNvhite straws in all the latest styles. See our wonderful range. All moderately priced. DRESS POPLINS In beautiful prbiftecl patterns, very pretty colorings 36 inches wide. Special, per yard 69c Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! New White Summer Shoes for the Whole P&mily WHITE S^OES It's the season once more fmr White shoes. We have them in wo- man's, mis.ses' and children's in a good range of styles. SPECIAL Men's Work Boots â€" Made of good strong leather uppers and soles -in brown. Made to stand wear.' All sizes. Special, paiv $2.95 FLOOR COVERING See our wonderful range of Floor Coverings by the yard in 2 and 3 yard widths. , Also a big assortment of Rugs in all sizes. Some very new patterns. Snies up to 12x15. GROCERY SPECIAL Blendies Cereal 2 for 19c Quix Cereal 12c pkg. Quaker Rolled Oats 19c pkg. Siiver Swan Serviettes, 70's .. 9^c Wee Scottie Herring in tomato sauce, 16 oz 10c tin Beaver Herring in oil 10c tin Baby Clams ....,..-. 24c tin Sea Lect Mussels 24c tin Certo Crystals 2 for 25c Butterscotch and Chocolate Pie Filling, 8 oz 21c tin Hi Ho Pudding 9c pkg. Local aod Pei^oai Mr. and Mr*. Wallace 'Hiomp.st.ii spent the week end at. Durham, Mr. Henry Westcott is visiting his uncle at Beaverton. Mr. Prank Bunt of Toronto is vis- iting friends in town this week. iMr. and Mrs. P. J. Thurston and Barry spent Sunday at Meaforod. Mr. aad Mrs. J. B. O'Brien and children ocf Oakville spent Saturday with her father, Mr. P. G.'Karstedt. Cpl. ivan Henderson, R,CA.M.C., of Sim<;')e is on leave visiting his mother for a few days this week, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow and Barry spent the week end in Toronto and A.cton. Pte. Emerson McKillop, R.CjVJU. C, Rpd Deer, Alta., is on furlough at his parental hom« here. Mr. Roy Patton of Durham is visit- ing this week with Mirt and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. -'^^' The f ami«rB are making every- thing ready to start the haying this week. Prospects are for a good' crop. A picture show scheduled Monday evening has been irastponed until Saturday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNally and Mrs. Geo. MoNally called on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs- Royden McDonald and little son returned the first of the week to their home at Gold Pines, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brackewbury and Marjorie, accomipanied by Mr. and Mi's. Gordon Long and family spent Sunday at Collingwood. The fuel supply for next winter was further added to last week when F. W. Duncan delivered a carload of coal. Miss Jean Duncan was successful in passing her first year Arts course at Toronto University, being awarded a "B" grouping. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips who ob- served their 37th wedding anniver- sary 'quietly at th^ir home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies are spending a few days in Toronto. Arthur is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Kaitting. Rev. Alice Armstrong has returned after completing her post graduate course at the State Hospital, Nor- wich, Conn. L.A.C. E. I. Holley, Mrs. Holey and son, Bill, of Moneton, N.B., spent the past couple of days visiting friendls in town and were the gueats of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aberdein. , The W. T. will meet at the home oi Miss Dorothy Armstrong on Wed- nesday, July 5th, at 2;^ p^m. Roll call; '.What housework do you like best?'' Visitors welcome. <Mr. Angus Avis moved last week to his residence opposite the town 'hall and Mr. Alex. Aberdein has moved to the former Gilchrist resi- dence recently purchased- an^~vacated by Mr. Avis. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thonnpson of Toronto, Mrs. Wallace McCormick and son, Billy, of Swinton Park dis; trict visited with their grandtmother, Mrs. J. Thompson, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Betts. Major Watson, provincial organ- izer, was in town la»t week and in- formed, the local Red Cross officers that the local Red Gross Blood Don- ors' Clinic was one of the best in the province in relation to popula- tion. Local donors will be pleased to know that they are doing so well in supplying the blood needed to keep life in wounded "oldders. A report was circulated that Pte. Robt. Whitehead was killed in action in France. We are pleased to say that the rumor is without foundation. Mrs. Whitehead has not received any notification, Pte.- and Mrs. White head resided in Flesherton a couple of ""years ago, while he was taking training with the Foresters at Camp Borden. :: »»»»»»»»<»»«»»»»»»»»»»»<»»<">»»»<'»<' ^ '»'>*♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* ♦ ♦<'♦♦ ! Locker I Storage Space i Plan now to make use of .Jkhe storage lockers i for fruit* and vegetables. We have bulletins ^ on hand for the preparation of these. We also have waxed cartons for packing. Storing Fruits SAVES YOU TIME ! SAVES YOU MONEY ! ! SAVES OU SUGAR ! ! ! The Creamery will be open Wednesday > and Saturday nights to 10 o'clock. The Creamery will be closed July ist Flesherton Creamer; & Pf •4u<>e Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper â- wiU be observed. AH niembers of St. John's are urged to be present, if possible. Visitors cordially wel- comed. Sunday School -will meet as uffual at 10:li5 a.m. The Session is to meet at 10:40 a.m. upstairs. On Mondlay, July 3rd, from 9 to l2 a.m., and each week day for two weeks, a daily Vacation Bible School will be held in the basenvent. In this school the Baptist and United Churches are co-operatinig. All girls and boys are urged to attend. The co-operation of parents is invited. Please see that your children are present every day and on time. 'I%ank you. A small charge has to be made to cover expenses. Ration Due Dates Coupons now due are tea-coffee 14 to 29, El to E6, T30 to im; pi«- serves couiwns Dl to 22; buttex 62 to 67; sugar 14 to 36; canning sugar Fl, 2, 3, 4, 5. Butter coupons 62 to 65 expire June 30th. An Ohio judge advises, "Get all the enjoyment out of your home that you can." There is a lot to be had in it, too! Small Ad. Column ' V " FOR SALE â€" 18 acres alfalfa hay, either standing or on shares.â€" Mrs. Reg. Button, RJl. 2, Flesherton. WANTEB â€" AuawiB BoltaUe foi mink and fax iMd.â€" Bart UclBtosb Eugenia, phone Fc««rshr-i tr25 M-. THIS vS'iXDRE VVIIJ. BE OPEN vSATURDAY. JULY 1ST AND CLOSED MONDAY, JUEY 3 During July and August this Store will I}e closed All Day Thursday STORE CLOSES 11:30 SATURDAY NIGHTS T. HILL & CO., Limited PHOl lARKDALE, ONTARIO we deliver ST. JOHN'S CHURCH NOTES The annual Sundlay School fiicnic is being held Thursday of this week. June 2iith, at Mr. Wilfred Lever's grove. Cars will run from the church from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Parents and all others intereated are invited. Everyone asked to provide their own lunch. Games, races, aiwingrs, fun for everybody. Oonne, bring a smil- ing face and a good appetite. Leave your cnrea and worries at hoaie. The Rev. J. Homar Dean, B.A.. is to be inducted into ti.ie Dundalk pas- toral chavpe at Dundalk, Thursday, June 29th, at 8:30 p.m. Next Sunday, July 2nd, at 11 a.m., LOST â€" Sonve time in May, a sheep near Eugenia, red spot on one hip. Notify Wallace Graham, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" 7-strand wire fencing 48 in. high: 2 rolls 20 rods and 1 roll of 30 rods.â€" F. G. Karstedt, or G. A. McTavish, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Five young calves. â€" Geo. Johson, R. R. 3, Proton Sta. WANTED â€" House to purchase in Flesherton with coniveniesnces. Ap- ply to B. S. Field, R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. 2p2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of ice at my ice house, purchaser must pick up ice. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41r3 Flesherton. 4p2 FOR SALE â€" Full list of furniture, good as ni»w, fo* private sale. Apply to Mrs. G. A. McTavish, Flesherton. 2pl HIAY FOR SALE â€" Approximately 28 acre* of hay on Robt. Purvis' lots, Eugenia, mixed timothy and alfalfa. Apply to Ediwin Purvis, 36 Empress Cresc, Toronto. 2c3 JUST ARRIVED â€" Car of BjC. shingles.â€" Flesherton Planing Mill phone 24J. 4p2 GUliL â€" market non-laying hens. They're costly. Bray has started pullets afid unsexed chicks. Also dayold ichiofes, pullets, cockerels Buy now for producing stock to supply winter markets. Agent is John McWilliam, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" M.-H, Mower, 5',fe ft. cut, Deering Binder 6-foot cut, both equipped with -either tractor or horse-draiwn hitch; Renfrew Cream Separator; also extra good driving mare 3 yrs. old.â€" A. B. Campbell, R. R. 1, SinRhampton 3pl FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 28, Con. 14, Artemc. sia, near County highway, on which are good b«iMing«, frame hoase, bank Sam, 46x60, garage, hen house, driving shed, water in stable supplied by windmill, small bush, about 95 acres workable lai I; possession may be taken at once or in fall, â€" DWID GENOE, ap4 R, R, 4, Flasherton FOR SALE â€" Sow with 9 pigs three weeks old, also Collie pup. â€" Dick Carson, Priceville, phone a2r4. FOR SALE â€" 14 inch dry wood. â€" Alex; Duncan, Markdale, phone 132r2 Markdale. 3c2 FOR SALE â€" Calf 3 mos. old, or would exchange for a cheap driver. â€" W. E. Stoddart, Ceylon. ScS FOR SALE â€" Small mantel electric radio. â€" S. L. Stauifer, phoae 57w, Flesh -ton. 2c2 FOR SAjLE â€" Kiln of fresh lime now ready â-ºâ€" Earl Fenwick, phone 23r43 Feversham. 4p3 FOR SALE â€" Bride reeidrace with double lot on which is aiaaall bani» in Flesherton. Apiply to Francis Genoa, Ehisema. 4MC FOR SALE â€" About IS acres good timothy an J alfalfa hay; also root scuff ler in good condition. â€" Chas. Newell, Flesherton, phone 76rll. FOR SALE â€" Good heeling Collie and hound pups, Redbone and Buff* lish fox hound cross, irom large strong dogs. â€" A. McDonald, |4ton« 22r33 Duntroon, 4p2 BUSINESS CARDS C. J. BELLAMY Clerk of the Village «rf Fleshertoa Issaer of Marriage Liceases Conveyancing Will!), Mortgages and Deeds FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Office .^ OsliMill Bt. Offtee bov*: sttwaoiâ€" I to 4^*. HredsMtey MdAt«t*v ' â€" N6 •fftoe WM. KAirmNG LICENSBB AUCTtONRBIt f wr the County vl Qrey Farm and Stoek salm oar tpeeialty. Terras: reasonaWe. BsttaCsetteii is guaranteed. Date* ananfed «i Tte Advanee office wr phea* 4m. ij^l V 1i t: M

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