~--*â€" ^ United States War And Great Britain^ Britain has decided again&t an immediate resumption of civilian goods production, such as the VV. P.B. has ordered in the United States. Tlicrc are several reasons lor this decision, but a major one 1» that the United Kingdom must keep prodnclion up for its intensi- fied war against Japan when Hit- ler is licaten, says The Kitchener Daily Record. Here is an answer to those Ame- ricans who have questioned Bri- tain's promises, who have argued that the war against Germany is not "our war," and that the United States should have concentrated on Japan. Britain has given notice that her lonK-suffcring people will do with- out a little longer so that when the time comes she may he able to turn her full weight of labor, arms and men to the Pacific for victory in the common cau'c. ACCOLJiTA.\TS « AlOriOHS COMPLETE MONTHLY SIORVICE, small buslnc9.''cs our specialty. All Government reports prepared. Urctt & Cuiiipuny, 8 Wellington E.TFt. Toronto. AMMIXl .M ORANITK VTKN.SI1^ HErAIPaOD <iulckly and smoothly «"lth plastic cement. Mcnil-Hi)les fc'u;irunteed fireproof or money refunded. I'rlce 25c postpaid. Interesting â- pare time aerent's proposition. Addre.-i.- Mend-Hoks. «62 Notre Dame East, Montreal. HAUY CHICKS 480 BAnnED HOCKS PULLETS, some LeKhorn.s. three months old, sell or exchange for other poul- try. Zammit BroB., 6 Kane Ave., Toronto. 80ME HEAVY BltEEl) CH1CK.Sâ€" dayolds and startedâ€" available for prompt shipm?-nt. If you want I October or November chicks â€" order now, S to 6 weelts advance ordering necessary. Our Fall Bervlcc Bulletin Just off the press â€" write for your cop.v. Urajr > llalciisry, iSfl John St. North, ' Ilanilltoh. Ont. nVEI>G « CLEANING fc» 11 I I â- I â- II â- II â- â€" I HAVB VOU ANYTHINU NEKDa dyeing or cIsanlngT Writs to ui for Information. We ara Klad to anawer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 7!ll Yongs Street. To- ronto. EDl'CATIONAL ATTEND BUSI.VESS COLLEOB this Fall, insist on Gregg Short- hand, taught In over 18.000 schools, choice of highly-paid stenographers. secretaries and reporters, "aruduate sooner with Cregg." FOIl SALE FOn SALEâ€" COMPLETE CHEAM- ery, package iO gal. pasteurizing plant including cooling pump and tM h.p. boiler, all In good con- dition. Write for particulars to J. P. Cybulakle, Barry's Bay, Ont. rjBDIGKEED ANGOKAS, STOCK first class woollers from long line of prize winners, some re- cent. William E. BIrley. |R.R. No. 2. Paris, Ont. 112.50â€" HIUI.NG SADDLES WITH leather girth, stirrups and leath- ers, excellent condition; felt pads, $2.60 each: buggies, wagons, rarCt, 295 <.'olltge, Toronto, Ont. 8LIP1T HAlt.N'ESS DRESSING â€" Finest leather and harness pre- servative. Siipit also has many buueshold uses 2Gc up at roost grocery, hardware and chain stores. A product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Lid., 2326 Dufferin St., Toronto. DANDY WHITE FLEMISH GIANTS, 2 to i months i'i.Oil each; 4 to 6 (4.00 each. Gohlfield Babbitry, Bo.\ 207, Geraldton, Ont. NEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK parts. Riverside Auto Parts, 616 tiueen E., Toronto, 2. IIEGISTKHED JERSEY BULL with papers. Eighteen months old. Well bred. Apply to Herb- ert Whalis, Finh'ai, Ont. "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre Dame West, Montreal, Que. MANITOBA HEREFOni) BREED- *rs' Association Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned Here- fords at auction, October 17th, Provincial Exhibition Fair Grounds, Brandon, Manitoba. For catalogue write J. R. Bell, Live Stock Commissioner, Legislntive Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba. PintPLK RIIIIION BRED AMEUI- cun Pit bull terrier pup.", ptdl- Kreid and rigistcred: sire and dam were Imported from United States. IlriggcK Kennels, Wood- bridge. Ontario. PROFITABLE WELL EKTABLISH- cd flour uiill (export and domes- tic), with gasoline, wood dealer and hauling business In con- nection, for sale on account of Ill-health, with residence of 6 rooms. Located in splendid Mani- toba town. Yearly turnover of $80,000. Price |3,u00 with JB,- MOO cnsh. Write owner. Cox 145, 7.1 AiMuhle W.. Toronto. KAIIH l*IlOIII'CE KAKTERN LIVESTOCK FEEOEItH can obtnin carload lots of barley and oats for feed purposfs uniler I'lan <'. of the Wheat Hoard. Can Introduce you to Western ven- dors of feed grains. Present prices, haric>' fiSc. oats 52c de- livered Fort William. AI.«o pos- sibly few cars O.A.C. 21 Matting barley. Established uver 30 years. Address Fredrick Ind. Lloyd- minstcr, Sask. QUILT SAMPLES HIGH GRADE St'lTINGS AP,(JI;T C X makes everlasting quilts •0 samples $1.45 postage included. Wc also have half yard REM- NANTS for boys' knee pants from all color Worsteds, sizes outllneil on matcrliil Il5c each, postage Included, Louis Rice, 3iil Spadina Avenue, Toronto. FAII.M Foil SALE It. 000â€" too ACRES, ALL TILL- able, Durham county on 7A Hiuh- way, 55 miles Northeast Toronto. Kxcellcnt soil, buildings, water; Immcdlnle possession; sacrifice, death reason selling. Apply own- er, Mrs. Amelia Marlow, Nestle- Ion, Ont. ISO ACRES, BUILDINCS, AI'PROX- Imately 100 acres of bush (in- cluding hardwood, oak). Iriiul â- trenm, close to highway. Close to O-^hawa and llowmanvillr ; to settle r"tato. Anply Nina E. i„ Nrnfl'i. rvpcutrix, itotiinince brok- "<â- . r.iiwm.'invllle, Ontario. IIAIIII)UES<i|IVG AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn halrdrcsaliig ut Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined, dignified work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free llter- atuie. Marvel Hairdresslng Schools, 358 Bloor S,.rect, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Ridcuu Street, Ottawa. LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's HairdressinB Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HOTELS AVANTED DO YOU W^ANT TO SELL Y'OUR hotel? We specialize In the sal* of hotels and have many custom- ers desirous of purchasing. If you will write or phone I will arrange to inspect your hotel. Bert Weir & Son, 15C',4 Dundas Street. London, Ont. HELP WANTED COOK OENERAU $50.00 TO |60 monthly, references. Apply to Mrs. W. H, ComstQck, W King St. E., BrockvlUe. Ontario. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. PRtJVEN REMEDYâ€" EVERY SUF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rcm- »d,v. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. • RHEUMATIC PAIN? RELIEVE Rheumatic Pain with Fermol Rheumatic Arthritic Pain Tab- lets . . , safe, effective and sure. At your druggist's or send $1.00 and receive one month's supply postpaid, Fermol Distributors, Box 712, London. Ont. DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNGER BY getting rid of those ugly wrink- les, large pores, saggy skin. Grattan's Wrinkle Lotion Is the finest face astrlngent| en the market, fully guaranteed. Order a bottle toda.v, $1,00 postpaid. J. L. Rice Agency, Box 101, Kit- chener, Ontario. ."•HOTOr.RAPMT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Y'our films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 2Bc REPRINTS 8 for 26o FINEST ENIJVRGINa SERVICE You may not got all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you dcslrs by sending your films to IMI>F.niAL PHOTO .SEnVICE) Station J. Toronto. SPECIAL PRICES ON COLOKED A.ND FKAMED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x6" In Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Fram- ed In Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, on Ivory mats 7x9". 69c each. If coloured 79c each. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED A.NU FUINTED 25c Get prompt mall service on quality work at low cost. Satisfied custom- ers all over Canada will tell you that Star Snapshot Service docs the best work. DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUU FILMS Snapshots can never bo taken attain. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio â€" STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 121), Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders, l"A'rE.\TS FETHERSTONlIAi;C.H & COMPA.VY Patent Solieltors, Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- (juest, SHEEP SOO YEARLING EWES (Runibouillet Merino and Corredaie cross) for Immediate delivery. 10,000 f> and 6 year old breeding ewes and 40,000 Feeder Lambs for delivery after September 1st. .Southern Saskatchewan Woolgrowers As- K'H'iation, Maple Creek, Saskalch- ewaii, (!, S, Herrlng er, Secretary . STAMPS BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLONES. •Set of three 25 ceiils. S. Brcudiier, 1002 Somerset St., Oti a w ii . WAXTEU WA.NTEIJ TO BUY. Ill.'SH L.VNDS or Fai'ius containing bush lands, snilabic to cut fuinituro lumber, Writo Hogdon & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd.. Walkerton, Ont, WANTEK, REI.IAIILE FARMERS, ^^ lot have feed and facilities to fattin young cattle for market, for fixed price per pound of gain In weights. Owner will supply meal, or part giain, if necessary, i>n ttriuiunt i-'onlniel. Nelirer To- rorjlo the better. Write fully. W, I'cist Office. I!u\- ,'.7il, Tor. into. WANTED TO BUY ; ALL KINDS OF hard wood and soft wood logs. also small quai tity bolts. \S rite BoKc on & <;r<>.'< s, Fu ItitUI e Co, Ltd., Walkerton Ont. AUE\'rs WANTKIt LOOKS BAD - BUT ISN'T Nazis Drop Potato Bugs On England The Germans used potato bugs as a forerunner of tlic secret wea- pon V-1 flying bombs, a scientist of the Ministry of Agricultui^ said recently. He said German planes dropped Coorado beetles in an effort to damage the 7,000,000 ton British potato crop. Odd specimens of the beetle pre- valent in Germany, were discovered in southern England. No, this B-2S medium bomber is not on fire. The flames and smoke streaming from it are from rocket take-off units, used to assist heavily laden planes into the air from short runways. Photo was taken at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, where the AAF Material Command made successful tests of the device. West To Harvest Record Wheat Crop Western Canada is sharpeninjj up its sickles to cut one of tlie largest grain crops on record, tays the Lethbridgj Herald. Variously es- timated from 450,000,000 bushels to over 500,000,000. It will be a most satisfactory crop. It is well that the season has turned out so favorably. There was a time in the spring when, following an abnormally mild dry winter, it looked very doubtful for a normal grain crop this year. Most farmers would have been pre- pared to settle for a 12-bushel aver- age. Instead of that the average for the whole West will be 20 bu- shels or better. The Allied war effort is not going to be hampered through shortage of food supplies so far as Canada is concerned. CAS SAVER, PATENTED. PROV- cn. guaranteed. Pits nil motors. If you have nlher ftill lime em- plo.\ment. write for proof, ageiicy pri>poi!illoii. Vielorv Mfg. Com- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. Nazis Scuttle Fleet In Bay of Biscay The German fleet in southwest France, both naval and mercantile, has been scuttled in the Bay of Biscay and in the Gironde River channel near Bordeaux, it was learned recently. The fleet consisted of a number of torpedo boats, submarine auxi- liary ships, light submarines, armed trawlers and many coastal freighters. The freighters could be seen from the Spanish shore today. They put out from Bayonne and St. Jean de Luz for a few miles and were scuttled by their crews, who went back ashore in lifeboats. The Germans evidently chose not to risk the perilous voyage through the English Channel to home bases in light ships. Their heavier U- boats based on Bordeaux, left some days ago. INCREASE PIG UHERS . . . STOP BREEDING TROUBLES F«*d Rex Wheal Germ Oil to your Sowi ond ftoori. It's the scientific woy, used by hundreds of successful ho0 breeders, to overcome common non-organic breeding troubles, increase the sixe of litters, secure tronger, heolthier pigs, promote easier farrowing and get slow breeders settled promptly. Rex Oil supplies. In c coricentroled and stable form, the nutritionot factors so essential to proper functioning of the reproductive system. Rex Oitia economicalâ€" -a little goes a long wo a few pennies worth now will mean EXTRA DOLLARS in profits for you when market time comes. Start using Rex Oil right owoy... you'll be amazed at the results. Availobte ot feed, seed and , drug stores everywhere. 4oz. 20 ex. -SI .25 • S5.00 VIOBIN (CANADA) LIMITED ^m N.D.G. Postal StJtlon-BoxSO Montr«al, Que. An aid to better breeding For ALL livestocl< and poultry "Our Fcmily Regulator is DR. CHASE'S ^'K PILLS Have You Heard? In the middle of their shopping tour, two women stopped for a chat. "And what's your husband do- ing now?" asked the first, present- ly. "Just sitting round and telling everybody what Hitler will do next," was the reply. "Then he's a bit of a prophet?" "Not much! So far as I'm con- cerned, he's a dead loss!" â€" o â€" A Scotsman recently played a piano for 48 hours without stopping. He is then said to have returned the instrument to the dealer who had let him have it on two days' approval. â€" o â€" The newly-weds had just get off their train. "John, dear," said the bride, "let's try to make the people think we've been married a long time." "'AH right, honey," was the ans- wer, "you carry the suitcase." FRESHER, CHEAPER FOOD for your table by men who think of tomorrow 'â- m^^. TOMORROW'S EVERGROWING GARDENS ... Why should garden-fresh vegetables be available only in summer? Why should rich, ripe strawberries be a luxury In winter? Men w/io t/i/nfc of tomorrow are doing something about it. In Scotland, where seasons are short, it has been possible to grow six to eight crops of vegetables a year by heating truck gardens with underground steam pipes â€" under glass in winter, open to the air in summer. M. LEN WHO THINK OP TOMORROW are planning to feed the workl better than it has ever been fed before, to make it healthier than ever before. It is a glorious future to whieh wc may look , . . hut only after Vie tear is won! Kvo. you working at your "war job" as hard as you can? Are you saving antl turning in wastepaper to help meet the serious shortage this country fitces in the manufacture of containers for war materials ? Are you collecting anil turning in every Inst drop of fat from your kitchen to help feed the hungry machines that turn it into TNT? Are you heeding the Government's plea to curtail your personal travel so that tiiwiis and supplies can move freely over our ahfjuly con- gested transportation systems? Have you adileil your blootl to that of million.^ of others to provide life-saving plasma for cxvc wountied ? Ami have you inereaseil your purchases of War Savings Certificates and Victory Bonds to tlic limit of your ability . . . and are you holding ontothetn? Only by working as hanl as we can ut these and scores of other ''war jobs" will we be sure of Victory . . . and the ever-ripening fruits of Victory. Let us all be MEN 'WHO THINK OP TOMORROW ! * THE HOUSE OF SEAGRAM * .\ll fp.'jgrRm pliiiitji in Cnuadft and the United Slattvs arc eni-agcd iu the production of high-proof ftleohol to help speed th« war to a victorious end High proof Alc-cliol for Wr.i Is U-setl in the maiiufiirturp of .'^mokilrss I'ciwder, Vl.-wtioB, ComjvHsses, Drugs and Medicines and many other wartime prothicte.