Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1945, p. 3

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V-' ft c » « « f « 4 « WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Vitamin Pills Vitanjiti pills had a severe joke â- played on them at Duke Universi- ty's School of Medicine recently, •ays the Christian Science Monit- or. So did those who indiscrimin- ately dose themselves with vitam- las. At the request of the Quarter- ttaster General of the United States Army 200 volunteer medical •todents and technicians offered themselves as guinea pigs for 30 4ay8. They were divided into five groups, four groups being given Twying quantities of vitamins, and the fifth group being given nothing hnt inert pills with ho medicinal or vitainin value. Two doctors who •ondncted the experiment said, at At end of the time, thai they found the same beneficial effect on the _v*p" and health of the group giv- ^ >^ii the dummy pills as on those »Tbo took vitamins 1 They added: I "t has been implied that, even »T5ei?Jio demonstrable deficien- cy exisV5, one's sense of well- htiag an^iability to perform work can &fe improved greatly by the addiWon of vitamins to the diet. . . There is at present â- o -onclusive evidence to sub- •tantiate this point of view. We venture to assume that their findings will not be widely quoted h vitamin advertisements. EARLY BIRD-WOMAN Madame Helena Mortier, 67, France's first woman flyer, is pictured on recent arrival in New York en route' to visit her husband. Col. Pierre Mortier of tiie French Air Mission, conyalesdnK'in Wash- ington. Madame Mortier started flying with Louis Bleriot in IMS. Sign Aid Treaty Signing of a mutual aid agree- ment between Canada and India has been announced. The supplies to be provided by Canada, it was disclosed, consist chiefly of auto- motive equipment for the India* Army. BEEF AT $4.50 A POUND X « * 4 THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30th November, 1944 LIABILITIES Cipltal stock paid up f 15,000,000.00 Reserve fund I 20,000,000.00 Balance of profits carried forward as per Profit and Loss Account 4,247,671.56 t 24,247,671.56 DlTldends unclaimed 50,575.46 DMdend No. 229 (at b% per annum), payable 1st December, 1944 525,000.00 14,823,247.02 Deposits by and balances due to Dominion Govern- f 89,823,247.02 ment $232,148,156.00 I>Bposits by and balances due to Provincial Govern- ments 21,453,136.10 Deposits by the public not bearing interest 807,245,414.46 Deposits by the public bearing Interest, including - interest accrued to date of statement 592,851,469.10 Deposits by and balances due to other chartered bonks in Canada 3,161.92 Dsposits by and balances due t& banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 23,183,358.61 1,676,884,696.19 Hates of the bank in circulation 9,580,371.66 Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding 42,347,097.19 UabiUtlea to the public not included under the foregoing heads 1,616,390.59 »1,790,251,802.6S ASSETS *===== CoU and subsidiary coin held in Canada f 1,775,041.40 Gold and subsidiary coin held elsewhere 1,402,082.55 Notes of Bank of Canada 36,421,787.75 Deposits with Bank of Canada 105,209,611.49 Government and bank notes other than Canadian.. 79,047,151.39 t 133,8S6,674.5» Kotes of and cheques on other banks I 76,260,199.08 Deposits with and balances due by other chartered banks in Canada 6,674.81 Due by banks and banking correspondents elsewhcra than in Canada 78,630,240.06 153,897,113.9S Dominion Government direct and guaranteed aecuritiea maturing within two years, not exceeding market value 438,082,169.89 Other Dominion Government direct and guaranteed aecurities, not exceeding market value 399,945,251.15 FMvlncial Government direct and guaranteed occuritie* maturina within two years, not axcecding market value 43,459,453.93 Odicr Provincial Govcmmont direct and guaranteed aecurities, not exceeding market value M,S45,560.60 dirâ„¢"-" municipal aecurities, not exceeding mar- ket value UJSt,32S.n VUidic aecurities other than Canadian, not exceeding market value 81,310,288.45 Other bonds, debentures and stocks, not cxceedina market value a7,4»3,292.82 Coll and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans in Canada on stocks, debentures, bonds and other aecuritiea of s aufftcient marketable value to cover li,8»5,98S.74 Coll and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans elsc- whor* than in Canada on stocks, debentures, botida and other securities of a sufficient mar- ketable volue to cover W.620,089.00 «1,377,849,20S.S3 Cunont loons and discounts in Canada, not other- wise Included, cstimoted loss provided for 9261,024,287.71 Oment loans and discounts elsewhere than in Conodo not otherwise included, estimated loss pravidedfor 79,117,470.17 Loona to provincial governments 2,109,729.68 Loaos to cities, towns, munidpoUtics snd school districts 8,815,745.35 Hoth-current loons, estimated loss provided for 685,143.08 381,662,376.00 UabiUtles of customers under acceptances and letters of credit •sper contra **'*E'S2M2 lUol Estate other than Iwnk premises !'°'Xf„'» Moetgoges on real estate sold by the bank • 610,250.67 Bank premises at not more than cost, less amounts, if any, written off 12,276,453.77 poalt with the Minister of Finance for the security of note fii- ^niLtion 625,000.00 __srasof ondloons.to controlled companies 1,987,786.72 Other aooets not Included under the foregoing heods 1,027,331.38 $1,790^251,802.65 S. G. DOBSON, General Manoger. M. W. WILSON, President. _ AUDITORS' REPORT «, Tto TBI Shareholders, Thb Royal Bank ok Canada: „ . », We have examined Uie above Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 30th November, 1944 with the boolts and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Head Office and with the CKtified returns from the branches. Wc have checked the cash and tlie securities representing tiM Bank's investments held at the Head Otficc at the close of the fiscal year, and at various tetea during the year have also checked the cash and investment securities at several of the Inportant branches. ... ... , . . , . We have obtained all the mformation and explanations that we have required, and in our ninkm the transactions of the Bank, which have come under our notice, have been within the Ceis of the Bank. The above statement is in our opinion properly drawn up so as to disclose true condition of the Bank as at 3Uth November, 1944, and is as shown by the books of *" "^""^ M. OGDEN HASKELL, CJV., "> of Haskell, Etderkin & Co. ( GUY E. HOULT. C.A., f Auditon. of P. S. Ross & Sons 7 liontical, Canada, December 22, 1044. PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT I of Profit and Loss Account, 30th NovcmlKi , "1943 $ 3,815,487.77 PnCta for the year ended 30th November, 1944, after â-  psovidlng $2,127,214.86 for Dominion Govem- incnt toxca and after making appropriations to Contingency Reserves, out of whldi Reserves K vision for all Iwd end doubtful debts has nnudc 3,812,183.79 APFROPRUTBD AS FOLLOWS: ' . ^,^ ^_ ^ DbUendNo. 226at6«perannum I fJf'SSJSS OMdandNo. 227at6%perannum fH'SSSSJ DWdendNo. 228at6*perannum IH'SSSSS DMdend No. Z29 at 6 A per annum 525,000.00 $ 2,100,000.00 Cootribution to the Pension Fund Society 880,000.00 Appiopriation for Bank Premises 400,000.00 SJsnce of Profit end Loss carried forword 4,247,671.56 7,627,671.56 7,627,671.56 M. W. WILSON, President. S. G. DOBSON, General Manoger. Teddy, grand champion steer' of the Chicago Market Fat Stock Show, raised by Ben Greve haa been purchased by the Firestone Tire & Kubber Conapany. Teddy tipped the scales at 1,170 pounds and auctioned at |4.60 a potmd. Russell A. Firestone (left) is seen taldng delivery of the champion. New Yearns Toast Montreal, December 22, 1944. Now, then, let's couple the Fu- ture of England with the past of England. The glories and victories and triumphs that are over, and the sorrows that are over, too. Let's drink to our sons who made part of the pattern and to our hearts that died with tliem. Let's drink to the spirit of gallantry and courage that made a strange Heav- «n out of unbelievable Hell, and Itt's drink to the hope that one day this country of ours, which we love so much, will find dignity and greatness and peace again. â€" New Year's Toast from Cavalcade by Noel Coward. THE LADY DUNKS The Lady from Connecticut, Rep. Clare Boothe Luce, dunks a dough- nut at an informal party given by â- th Army G. I.'s for Congressional delegation visiting Italian front. 'Sargent' Complicates 'Major' Situation It seems that a U. S. Maj. Sar- gent has a sergeant major named Sgt. Major working for him at a training camp. Maj. George E. Sargent recent- ly waS' appointed special services officer of the AAF training- com- mand station. In the athletic de- partment is T/Sgt. Steven Major, who is the sergeant major, non- commissioned officer in charge of the office. In an appearance at a boxing show there, Maj. Sargent compli- cated the major situation. He called Sgt. Major, the sergeant major, (are you following?) into the ring to stand at his side. "During your travels around this training camp," said the Ma- jor over the mike, "you'll probably see a lot of us. I am Maj. Sargent. This soldier at my side is Sgt. Ma- jor. If you call either of us 'Major' â€" you'll be riglit. If you call either of us 'sergeant' â€" you'll be right." "But, " he added, 'be careful what you call these second lieutenants!" ITCH CHECKED t'/t a JiWt/ -OP Money Sack For Quick relief from itching caused by ecsema, atliute s foot, scabies, pimples and olheritchin* cpndiUons, usenure. cooiina, mcdicalcd, liquid A. D. D. rRESCmPTION. Greaselcss and stainless. Sootlies, comlorts and giiiclily calma Intense itching. Don't sutler Ask von r druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. ^ To nliwa dlstrau of MONTHLY*^" female Weakness Lydia B. Plnkhsm's Vegetable Com- pound Is made especially /or women to help relieve periodic palu with weak, nervous, tired, Irritable feel- ings â€" duo to functional monthly disturbances. Ptnlcham's Compound hslpj nature and that's the kind of medicine to buy! Follow label directions. Worth trying I LYOIAE.PiNKHAM'S^tfp'o*u'ig Urbanitis Urbanitis is a dimly recognized disease, which appears to be throt- tling the world little by little by the metamorphosis of natural human values into mechanical and artifi- cial ones, comments the Victoria Colonist. Thus, jazz becomes mu- sic, blurbs become art, bosh be- comes poetry, and walking two blocks is called exercise. In some lands, the disease has spread far. Night has become day, noise has replaced silence, and billboards ex- hort humanity to do everything under the sifli, except think. BABY CHICKS 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERV UKL-liB Oil UlO PUL^ let chicks, wp give 1(10 t:eo chicks (our choice). LeBhorn pulleta J2:;.n5 per 100. bnrred Rock pul- lets Jl!) 96 per IdO. White Rock Pullets S24.96 per IOC, Brown leg- horn Pullets tL'4.n5 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guarnnteed lU0'7o live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery. Chatham. Ontario. DANI.SH BROWN LEGHORNS MIX- . ed 20 c'pnts. Pullets S.lc, Rarred Rooks mixed 1414o. Pullets 2Sc. Larpre Enffllsh White Leghorn mixed 12c, Pullets 26c. All slock bloiidtestcd. bred to lay and high qualitj-. Cochiane's Poultry Farm, Ridgetown, Ontario. Sl.OO UUUKS VUUIt OltUER 0RDI3R VOUR 1945 CHICiia NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 2D oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100. White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per lOli Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $15.00 per 100, white Rock Pulleta $24.00 per 100. Brown leghorns mixed $13.00 per 100. Brown leg- horn pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. TOP NOTCH CHICKS GIVE YOU a head start quicker . . . with better profit A chick that Is big and healthy has a handicap over one that is small and weak. Ev- ery Top Notch chick Is from bloodtested Government Approved stock, assuring you chicks that are known for their quick growth, stamina and high livabilUy. Spec- ial discounts offered for early booking and early delivery. Tou can purchase January hatched non-sexcd White Leghorns as low as $11.46 per hundred. Barred Rocks $12.46. Send tor catalogue and early prlcelist. Also laying and ready to lay pullets tor im- mediate delivery. Top Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ontario. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND lOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks (or next spring when you want them. Barred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets $19.01) per 100, white leghorn pullets $22.00 per 100. Heavy Breed Ckls. $6.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. •KRS or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. vl.OO books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. TOUR LAST CHANCE TO ENTER the bean^contest. Make $50.00 the easy way. 33 prizes In all. Send for full details. Contest closes January 15th. You can also save $2.00 per hundred on non-sexed chicks, $4.00 per hundred on pul- let chicks, providing we receive your order on or before January 15th for delivery anytime in Feb- ruary. You will not only save money but you will make extra money with Tweddlo February hatched chicks. Great Britain wants five hundred thousand cases of fresh eggs between Sep- tember 1st and December 31st, 1945. Earlier pullot.s, better grown pullets is the key to adjusted production. Tweddle llatclicries can supply better laying stock and can give early delivery. In- cubators now running. Also lay- ing and ready to Iny pullets for Immediate delivery. Free cat- alogue. Tweddle ("hick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. 2.% KIIRB CHUKS OUR KOI.'NDATION STi.'i'K IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better in I'inadn. Order now. Price." for mixed baby chicks, male." and fiidiiles: l?nr- red Rocks, $12 00 fpr hundred: White I^eKhnrns. $110(1: White Rocks, Sl.'i.tlO: Browii l.onliorns. $13.00. Pullet pri.rs: Harred Rock.s. $19.00; Whi'f LoKhorn.';. $22.00; White IIolKs, $24.00; Brown l.c.i;liurn.i. ti'.OO. '-','> free chicks, our choice, will be nlvcn for each 200 mixed c:hicU.'< order- ed and 25 free ihii'lts for each 100 day old p\illpts ordered. Goddard I'hicU Hat<l)erv, Bri- tannia Hciuhts Ontario. IT'S VTCr.V IMPORTANT TO OR- der ohirl;.^ now tt> nx'oid later disappotni jn^-nt. If you have the eanlpmi-ni. iiii e.Trly start with .Tanu:try-I''el)ninrv chirks (^ets you Into the i^'ood payinu; markets for poultTv .ind onK.". liui wli.itever you Avant. whenever you wish d*»Ii\rr«Ml. order now. Hritv H.'itr*h- ery, 130 John .St. .\., liriinilton, Oiii. VOICE OF THE PRESS HE LOVED HER! In \t\\ York a man rii.-licd into a restaurant ami slioutiiip, "I love her, I love Iter," stabbed to death a waitress. .She may lie Itirky at that. Supposing he had ju.'-t taken a violent dislike to her? â€" Ott;iwa Citizen. MODERN WITCHES Folks who used to make strange predictions about the future were burned as witches. Now they be- come columnists for newspapers. â€" Brandon Sun. TOO MUCH An optimist is a man who expects a home atmosphere in a hotel and hotel service at home. â€" â€" Wall Street Journal. LAWS FOR OTHERS The reason why there are lo many laws is that most of them were made for "the other fellow." â€" Kitchener Record. "COOTIES" "Strange Little Thingr Stick to Memory at the Front." Last war, they stuck to shirts. â€" Windsor Star. $14,000 Nail The hazards on the farm were •gain demonstrated by the death recently' at Chicago of the famous Canadian Holstein bull, Montvic Renown, which gold for the Can- adian record price of $14,000 two years ago at Brantford, Ont. A nail killed him. He had swallowed it, and died following an opeation for its removal from his stomach. /^SpeciaK notice i^BOUT COLDS Notviwben colds strike, relieva miseries with hoffle-proveil Vichs VapoRub that It PEHETHATES to upper bronchial tubes with soottiing medicinal vapors. It STIMUUTES chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice. And what's more. It keeps right on working for hoursâ€" •ven while you aleepl . Just rub throat, chest and back with good old Vicks VapoRub at bedtime. VapoRub goes to work Instantly to relieve coughing spasms, ease muscular soreness or tightness. It invites resttul, comforting sleep. And often by morning most of the misery la tone. Try VapoRub's special -way action tonlghtl When a cold strikes, be sure you use tlme- ^ tested Vicks VapoRub. '^^ y British Columbians Japanese Problem The Pacific states, which former- ly housed 110,000 Japanese, h.ivc a population 50 percent, says the Vancouver Sun, greater than the whole of Canada. In California, the Japanese representdd less than half of one present, of the popul.ilicn. In British Columbia they reiire- sented nearly three percent, of the whole. Jap-town in Vancouver was relatively far more prominent than any single Japanese community in the Pacific States of America. DVRIlVf! A Cl.iilAlVING HAVii; votj a.mvthi.m; .NiiiiDS dyeiUK or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to an.'^wer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 79] Vongre Street. To- ronto. hairdre:ssi\g learn haihdre.'jsina the Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SALE TWO CARLOADS. WELL BROKEN Draft horses. Percherons. Bel- gians, 4 to 7 years old, weighing 1500 to 1700 lbs. Apply Ross B. Matlock, Box 29, Gorlltz, Sask. ONE JET BLACK GELDING Standard Bred weighs, 1200 lbs., stands over 16 Hands, sound and right, well broken to all harness, and has a good way of moving. One Black gelding. Sire Hackney, Dam .Standard Bred, weighs 1200 lbs., stands 16 hands, weighs 1200 lbs., star In forehead and two white hind Fetlocks, rising 6 years old sound and right and well broken to all harness. This is a good classy team and )600 buys them F.O.B. Russell, Ont., McEwen, Russell, Ont. REGISTERED GREAT DANE black masked golden fawn pup- pies, champion blood lines. Percy Woolacott, Mitchell, Ontario. FOR SAI.,Eâ€" BROOKNILL BLDOR- ado, an outstanding son of fam- ous Supreme General whose daughters sold so well to Fore- most Farms, Eldorado's Dam Hillsdale Dora, graded excellent Toronto Grand Champion several records. Eldorado's daughters uni- form, typy excellent producers. Charles Behal, Glanford Station, COCKER SPANIELS, CHOICE PUP- ples, blacks, reds, parti colored, champion blood lines. Shipped on approval. Dr. Watson, Howick, Que. BROWN FERRETS, SURE HUNT- crs, young males tS.OO. young females }G.0O, yearlings $7.00. Armstrong Bros., R.R. 1, Paris, Ont. HANDY GIFT, PLASTIC ClfJAR- ette case, assorted colors In fancy box, postage included $1.26, quantity limited. J. E. Beauae- jour, 4567 Papineau Ave., Mon- treal. COMPLETE SAWMILL,. 10 TO 16- thousand capacity, ready to go. Steam tractor, power-edger, cut- off, etc. Win consider part cash, part lumber. Contact H. V. Zim- merman, Manager, at Pinewood, Ontario, or write Pennington Lumber Co. (Canada) Ltd.. Blrn- amwood, Wisconsin. 100 ACRES. Ci^y LOAM. LEVEL. 15 acres bush, good drainage, two storey brick house. 2 barns, good water and roads. 3 miles from West Lome. Goou market for cash crops. Price $6,500. Discount for cash. Box 190. 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto FOR SALE, IN VILLAGE OF Zephyr, shop with or without blacksmith, tinsmith, carpenter, mason and woodwork tools: al.«o house and lot with hydro close to , school Hiid church, good water. Apply to J.is. M. Meyer, Zepliyr, Box 34, Ont. CHOPPIXCi MILL, EXCISLLENT husincs.-i, wonderful water power, good r*!af^on for sale; stand .strict- est investigation. Box 2, 73 Ade- laide W., Toronto. SNOW PLOUGH. V TYPE WITH side wine, mounted on White Truck. Richler Truck & Auto Parts, S74 Wellington St. Mon- treal. Quf BI.KCTUK; MOTORt>. NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys irushcs. Allen Electric Com- pany ltd.. 2326 Dufferin St., To- ronto. i'hoi^'ios'sio.maiT'i.'ktticiiinu" rnoi.-ros.-^ioNAL i-etterinr on Honour Holla. Old English Iflc per nninc. r>Mouched I5c. Th<" Pen .\rlist. JO Wontworth South, Ham- ilton. MKDICAL >IKIII<;.«I, HAUMIOEKA !•â- < M iT ItAI.M dpslrov^ offensive odor liiflHiiilv. «fir bottle ninivMi n:;rm lif^nmiii. Drug tstore, Oimwa. IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RIDSULTS aftfr taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Miinro'B Drug Store. 335 ElK;in, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WOUMS often are the cause of Ill-Iic.ilth In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this Is your trouble" IntoresfnK par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulvoney's â- Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 3. PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the good results from taking Dlxon'.s Remedy for Rhrumatte Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 3.in Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. .MUSICAL IIVSTRLMEIVTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Ini^tru- ments. Ill Church, Toronto 2. ' FARMS Vmi SALE 100 ACRES GRENVILLE COUNTY,- County road. Good well, bulldt Ings, Iron roofs, concrete stabl* floors. Immediate possession. Bo* »0S, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADlNti SCHuOU Great Opportunity. Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel gi^duates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated cataloguo frea. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay, Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PATENTS PETHERSTONHAUtJH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re« quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH I,- (J .MING BEFORJB Christ," wonderful book tree. Meglddo .Mission, Rochester \t. .^HOTO(;RAl>nT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Vour Iilnis pi„,,cri.v Jivoloped and printed 6 OR 8 EXPO.SUHE ROLLS 25e REPRINTS 8 for 26c F1,\EST ENLAUUlNiJ SERVICE Xou may not get all the films you want this year, but you can gel all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPIJHIAL i'HOTO SICRVICE S tation J. Toronto HELP W.lN'l'EI) WANTED, CAPABLE -MARRIED man to a.ssist on progressive poultry breeding farm and hatch- ery. Six other employees. Ex- perience not essential but must like poultry work. Single man also medcd. .Near Hamilton. Wages include new house, elec- tricity. Write giving reference^ experience, wages required first letter. Apply The Klshtr Orch- ards. Freeman, Ont. HOI SEKICEI'ER FOR I.'ARM HOMB Niagara district. Two adults. Light woi k, good wages, gencr- ou." lime off. F. Houser, Camp- den, Ontario. W.\!VTKU HAY & STRAW W.VNTED BY RAIL OR TRLX'K. Kelley Feed ft .Seed Co., 780 Dov- crcourt Itoiid, Toronto. BA.SSWOOD UK.JS til- VENEER <iuallty. Will take â- < small per- centage of elm. The OnkvUl* rtnsket Co. Limited, Oakvllle, OnU ISSUE 2â€" 194S

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