Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1945, p. 4

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Wednesday, January 10, 1945 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance Published on CoUinarwood 8tn«t, Flesherton, Wedneaday of eMh week. Circ-oiAtion over 1400. Price in Canada |2.00 per year, rhen paid in advance $lJi4; ia V i;. A S2.fiO per year, whoi iJvance |2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor MAXWELL Highlights of 1944 News After being snowbound for a week Maxwell motorists are again able to get to town with their cars and mail again will start to circulate being without it a whole week takes us back to pioneer days. On Friday evening, Dec. 29th a double presentation was held in the hall here for Petty Officer Frank Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mills of the 4th Line and L.A.C. Wm. Stephens son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens also of the fourth line. These two boys have been overseas for sometime and were home on fur- lough. During the evening Rev. 0. H. Homes gave a short address and the boys were presented with a purse of money. They thanked their friends with a few well chosen words. Mrs. Robt. Preistley Sr. accomp- anied her daughter, Mr^. Chester Cameron to Owen Sound on Monday «nd will spend the remainder of the winter with her. Pte. Gertrude Greenfield spent the New Year's holiday with her grrandfather, Mr. Jesse Grummett and other relatives in the community also her mother, Mrs. Greenfield from the West is visiting here. Mrs. J. Templeman and baby ar- rived home from Markdale on Mon- day. We are pleased to have them back to the village again. Mr and Mrs. Templeman have taken up re- sidence in the house of the Kite Mr. Oillies. Ronnie Wright has been spending holidays in Toronto and got storm stayed. Our teachers were snowbound at their homes here for three or four days longer than usual on account .^of the storm. Miss Kathleen Morr- \json to go to Toronto, Miss Shirley Buckingham to HaWksburg. Mr. Jack Monaghan to Conn, and Mr. Mel Holmes to ,^t. Thomas. STEPHEN'S CORNERS June 1 â€" The Advance observed it's 63rd birthday. 3 â€" Mrs. J. J. Thompson Obsetved her 87th birthday. 3 â€" Chas. Moore, Brampton, form- er Orange Valley and Flesherton re- sident, died in Toronto hospital. 6 â€" The great invasion started with landing of allied troops in Normandy. 9 â€" 144 offer blood at fifth Flesh- erton blood clinic, a record attend- ance for small centre. 16 â€" John Grierson chosen as Progressive Conservative Candidate for Grey-Bruce at convention in Dur- ham. 19 â€" Lieut. Harold Mills of Max- well reported missing in action overseas. 26 â€" Mrs. D. Buntz (Effie Phil- lips) died at her home at Redford, Michigan. 25 â€" Flesherton old boys in Tor- onto held annual picnic. 28 â€" Hobby fair held by Orange Valley pupils. The worst blizzard of the seasdn struck this district New Year's night and continued until Thursday night, when the winds began to decrease. The week end was very cold with the temperature falling below zero. Roads are in bad condition. We hope that we will so n have our January thaw. Miss Ethel Feniwick, Reg.N., of CoUingwood and Mr. Chas. Fenwick of Toronto spent New Year's with the former's father, Mr. Roy Fen- wick, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, Earle Magee, Mrs. Joe Little and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Ranald Parsons, Don- ald and Marion, all of Eugenia, and Jim Magee of Nobel, were New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hill of Hather- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hill. Friends here sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Templeman of Max- well, who lost their home, store and all contents by fire. Mrs. Temple- man was a patient in Markdale hos- pital at the time, a son having been bom the previous Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Templeman came to Majcwell a little over a year ago and are highly regarded by everyone. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stephen re- ceived a cable on Saturday from their son, W-O. Mack Stephen, stat- ing that he had completed his tour of operations. On Friday night, Dec. 29th, a large crowd gathered in Maxwell hall to welcome home two of boys, who hove been serving their King and Country overseas, in the persons of Sergt. Bill Stephens, R.C.A.F., who has been sent back to Canada on medical grounds, and E.R.A. Frank Mills, with the Navy, who ia home on 28 days leave. Bill has been overseas since May, 1944, and Frank has been in the Navy for four and a half years. An address of welcome was given the boys by Rev. 0. W. Holmes and each was presented with a purse and each r'ade suitable re- plies, a'ter which the crowd marched around and gave them a word of welcome. The evening was spent in dancing, music being supplied by the Pedlar orchestra. Women do not really talk more than men, it is simply that they love repetition. July 2 â€" Unveiling of Honor Roll in Ceylon United Church. 3 â€" Cpl. Neil McKenzie, Fever- sham, seriously wounded in fighting in France. 7 â€" Rev. F. D. Goff, well known Clakrslburg preacner, at age of 71 passed away. 8 â€" Mrs. S. R. Hawkins, 8th Line Osprey, died at age of 68 years. 5 â€" Major W. E. Harris, M.P., of Markdale wounded in foot in France. 16 â€" Grey and Simcpe Foresters left for annual camp jit Niagara. 25 â€" Qpl. Ben Leavell seriously wounded in hip in France. 22 â€" Mrs. Geo. Hawton, 67, form- erly of Feversham died at Weyburn, Saskatchewan. 23 â€" Mrs. Chas. Stewart (Ida Cole) died at her home in Markdale in 83rd year. 26 â€" Mrs. Catherine McLeod ob- served her 88th birthday in Dundalk. 28 â€" Legion Post formed in Flesh- erton at large gathering. 30 â€" Eldridge Boyce received se- vere burns while driving motor cycle in France. 31 â€" Jim Hamilton killed in motor accident on Ceylon road. August 4 â€" Mrs. Jos. Field, 79, died in Markdale Ho&pltal. 4 â€" Jacob's. Holley, 70, died at his home near Markdale. 8 â€" Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, Ceylon, received word that Pte. Gold- vvyn Kennedy was missing in France. 11 â€" Richard Bentham, 81, died it his home near Flesherton. 12 â€" Official word received of death in France of Gnr. Edgar Doupe. 13 â€" Mr. ai)d Mrs. Geo. Dobson, Osprey, 26 years married. 14 â€" Word received of deaths of Pte. Hugh Laughlin and Pte. Chas. Weatherall, Osprey, in France. 15 â€" Mrsi Robt. Little, 60, of Orangeville, formerly of Portlaw, died following highway accident. 16 â€" Sixth blood clinic had 117 offer their blood. 17 â€" Community Honor Roll un- veiled in Ceylon Public School. 18 â€" Mrs. Mary Madill, Sault Ste Marie, celebrates 91st birthday. 18 â€" Tpr. O. J. Rowe reported wounded in France. 19 â€" Vandeleur won champion- ship of Centre Grey Softball League, by defeating Cherry Grove. 20 â€" Memorial for Pte. Hugh Laughlin held in Maxwell United Church. 20 â€" Memorial service for' Pte. Lome McArthur held in St. Andrew's Church, Priceville. 22 â€" Bob Banks reported safe in England after being missing three and a half months. 25 â€" P.O. Harold Tracey, formerly od Ceylon, safe in England, after missing in air raid over Germany a month before. 30 â€" Mr. and Mrs. M. Gould, Fev- ersham, take over managership of old people's home in Markdale. September 3 â€" Funeral of Mrs. Wm. TVaylor, Toronto, held at Mt. Zion. 4 â€" Levi Betts, Artemesia, died suddenly in his 67th year. 5 â€" Severe earthquake felt in Flesherton at 12.40 a.m. 6 â€" Robt. Rutledge succeeds Fred Marshall as section foreman at Ceylon. 7 â€" Mrs. Wm. Wyatt, Flesherton, observes 89th birthday. 11 â€" Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville, Proton Station, 50 years married. 15 â€" Sergt. Bill Kerton, Maxwell, arrives home after service on Italian front, went overseas in 1939. 16 â€" Local fisherman catches three pound bass at Wikock Lake. 15 â€" F. 0. Douglas Reid arrived from overseas to visit wife and fam- ily at Ceylon. 19 â€" Major Walter Harris arrived home after being wounded overseas. 24 â€" Honor Roll of Feversham district soldiers unveiled in Fever- sham Presbyterian Church. 25 â€" Word received of Tpr. Robt. W. Meads, Priceville, won Military Medal. 27 â€" Lieut. Jackson Stewart re- ported killed in action in Belgium, Sept. 15, with Royal Scots. October 1 â€" Memorial service for Lieut. Harold Mills, Maxwell, held in Gospel Worker's Church, Fevershanf.' 4 â€" John Poole, 82, Osprey resi- dent, died in CoUingwood. 5 â€" Osprey Fair held at Fever- sham with good attendance. 8 â€" Harry Hirvonen, East Moun- tain killed in action. 10 â€" P.O. Bob Banks arrived home from England after exciting exper- ience in France while escaping. 13 â€" Alfred Down, D.D.G.M. of Grey District, paid official visit to Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F. and A.M. 13 â€" Rev. Dr. G. L. Mercer, 67, formerly of Maxwell, died at Thed- ford, 16 â€" Mrs. Beatrice Gordon elected W.M. of Grey Chapter 170, O.E.S. 17 â€" Donald Gillis, 78, of Maxwell died in Markdale hospital. 19 â€" Mrs. Geo. Mathewson (Bertha Love) die in Hamilton, 21 â€" 1®36 No. 4 ration books is- sued in Flesherton. 22 â€" Pte Everette Fisher, Artem- esia, killed in action in Holland. 23 â€" Mrs. Jervis Hazard, 79, died at home in Priceville. 24 â€" Mr. and Mrs, John McMillan observe golden wedding anniversary at Flesherton home. 24 â€" Flesherton first over top in 7th Victor Loan which opened Mon- day. 27 â€" Clifford Allen elected to 2nd term at head of Grey County Federa- tion of Agriculture. 29 â€" Wm. Williams, Queensville, formerly of Eugenia, died in New- market hospital. November 5 â€" Memorial service for Lieut. Jackson Stewart held in St. John's United Church, Flesherton. 8 â€" Word received that IHe. Gold- wyn Kennedy, Ceylon, died as prison- el' of war in Germany. 9 â€" Tpr. Marvin Sturrock, Price- ville, accidentally killed in Belgium. 11 â€" Rememlbrance Day service largely attended. 11 â€" All municipalities in Grey County over top in 7th Victory Loan. 12 â€" Memorial service held for Pte. Edgar Doupe in St. John' United Church. 13 â€" Cpl. Ben Leavell arrived in Toronto after being seriously wound- ed July 25. 15 â€" Mr. and Mrs. Lawson White- head, Ceylon, 26 years married. 17 â€" Mrs. John C. Adams, died at her home in 86th year. 18 â€" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnett, Ceylon, observes 58th wedding ann- iversary. 18 â€" Mrs. Wm. Bristow, Osprey resident, died in 86th year. 24 â€" 132 offered blood at seventh clinic. 24 â€" Reeve K. G. Betts and council returned by acclamation in Flesher- ton; Reeve John A. Davies (13th term) and council in Artemesia. 26 â€" Geo. E. Arrowsmith, 80, d^ed at home "n Ceylon. 26 â€" Christina, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beatty, Maxwell, died in hospital. 26 â€" Commissioner B. Orames, Territorial Commander Salvation Army spoke at Feversham. 29 â€" Word received P.O. Albert E. Davidson had been awarded D.F.C. 29 â€" Barle Poole, Ravenna, form- erly of Osprey accidfentally killed in Hamiton. 30 â€" Edith Lauretta Rutledge, 15, of Ceylon, died in hospital. December 2 H. I. Graham elected president of 0. and A. C!o-opemtive. 4 Ernest Proctor, Eugenia, elected president of F.-A. Red Cross Branch. 4 â€" Mrs. Geo. Pedlar, well known here died at home in Durham. 6 â€" Mrs A. Maxwell elected pre- sident of Providence War Workers. 6 â€" Wm. Scutt of Badjeros mor- prly of Maxwell. Observes 98th birth- day. 6 â€" Mrs. Arnold Bowler elected president of Springhill Red Cross Unit. 10 â€" Memorial service for Tpr. Marvin Sturrot*K, held in St. An- drew's Church, Priceville. U â€" Irvine McKeown died at his home in Duncan. 11 â€" Melville Boyce killed in ac- cident near Earlton. 14 â€" Mrs Ray Genoe elected pre- sident of Eugenia Red Cross Unit. 14 â€" Spr. Archie Laughlin, Fev- ersham, died of wounds in Holland. 14 â€" Glenn Linton, 5 weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linton, died. 16 â€" Staff Sergt. E. Hass arrived home after 5 years overseas, and a year in Italy. 17 â€" Memorial service for Pte. Everette Fisher held in Rock Mills Church. ITj^ Lome Ditson, Stayner, form- erlf^of Osprey, died suddenly in his SSth year. 17 â€" Mrs. Peter Muir, Ceylon, died in 77th year. 17 â€" Wm. BuTnett, 82, died at his home in Ceylon. 19 â€" Mrs. Sam Croft, 62, died in Toronto hospital. 22 â€" Ontario schools closed for Christmas term. 22 â€" Mrs. M. Badgerow, 76, died at home of daughter, Mrs. L. Betts. 22 â€" Reeve Morton Sayers and Council of Osprey returned by ac- clamation. 27 Fire totally destroyed the Temp- leman store at Maxwell. 27 â€" Annual school meetings held in district. 29 â€" Mrs. J. J. Benson, 78, died in Hamilton. SWINTONPARK ' Mrs. Robert Ferris returned hoem Sunday, after spending a week with her mother in Dundalk. The fiercest gale of the winter swept across this district on Tues- day and Wednesday piling impass- able drifts everywhere. New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay were Mr. and Mrs. George A. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don McKinnon, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wright and son. Glen. Mr and Mrs. John Porter, Florence and Wesley spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. John Lane. Mrs. Delbert Haw and childiren are spending a week at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hardy return- ed home Friday from Toronto. Again our mail-carrier was unable to make his rounds due to blocked roads. Many New Year's holiday visitors forced to' remain where they were, on account of the heavy storm that night, which made travel difficult. Mr. and Mrs. George Porter spent the New Year with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson, Hopeville. Miss Alberta Williams of Booth- ville spent a few days recently with Mrs. John Lane. The sewing circle held a quilting with their regular monthly meeting, on Tuesday at the hcn-.e of Mrs. Ray Richardson. Congratulations and best wishes to I. B. Whyte and his bride, who were married on Saturday. KIMBERLEY The people of the community met in the hall Saturday night to elect trustees for the coming term. The board is Messrs. Bruce Carruihers, Bruce Hodgkinson, Harold Fawcett, Mrs. Les McMullen and Mrs. Joe Gibson. The funeral service of Mr. Wna. Flawcett took place in the United Church on Friday afternoon after a short service in the home. Rev. West had charge of the service and nreached a fine and sympathetic sermon. There is left to mourn his loss, his wife, the former Annie Cornfield and one daughter, Maggie (Mrs. Roy Lyons) and one sister, Mrs. D. Wallace. The body was taken to Thornbury Chaiple. The pallbear-- ers were Messrs. Bruce Carruthers, Les McMullen, Robt. Lawrence, Robt. Chard, John Elford and Mr. Brown. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Reg FVawcett and Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander and Paul, CoUingwood were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Miss Dunita Lawreinice <rf AJan spent the holiday week with her par- ents. - Miss Tena Hutchinson, Flesherton, visited friends here for a few days. A number of Kimberley Baptist Church friends spent a social even- ing with Flesherton friends, Satur- day evening at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, Milton and Tina. The annual school meeting on Wed. elected Mr. C. Smart, vTustee for the coming term. The W.A. met at the home of Mrs. D. A. Graham Tuesday, when nine were present, dividing into groups f f » f .m t British Troops Attack Over-Loon / To clear the last German resis- tance south of the River Meuse. The British attacked Overloon. The at- tack was supported by heavy mach- ine gun fire, artillery and Church- hill tanks. South-east of the town, the Allied forces gained over 1,000 yards over a front of several miles .^ in the face of stiff owsSosition. Picture shows: Machine gunnera of an English regiment firing on a fixed line of fir* as cover for the advancing infantry. They anticipat- ed firing tens of thousands of rounds. â- â€¢ \ f Jk A -> 1 ^ ^y •41 > > â- * » 4. •4 Filming Work of Royal Signals on The Field On the instructions of S.H.AjE.P., a film is in production in the field, illustrating the difficulties encount- ered by the Royal Signals in laying lines in operational areas. This pic- ture was taken while the film was in production. Kcture shows: Line laying un fire. \ when the yearly program was made out. We are sorry to have to report that on Sunday, Dec. 31, there pass- ed away in CoUingwood hospital one of Kimberley's earliest citizens, Mr. Wm. Fawcett. Two weeks ago he suffered a stroke and was taken to the hospital. The body was brought home Monday , hut owing to the storm the funeral was held over There are left to mourn his passing, his wife and one daughter^ Maggie, (Mrs. Robt. Lyons) and a sister, Mrs. D. Wallace. Interment will take place in the spring. The Bapti.st congregation had a beautiful candle light service on Sunday night after the regular ser- vice and in enjoyable half hour was spent in songs nd testimony. PRICEVILLE The annual congregational meeting will be held Saturday evening, Jan. uary 13th, when a good turn out is Icoked for. Lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean re- turned home Wednesday after spend- ing the past wek in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol, Ot- tawa, spent the Christmas holidays at their parental homes. Misses Annie and Agnes Harrow, Owen Sound spent a couple days at their sister's, Mrs. Wm. Beaton at Christmas time. Mt. Elmer Neun spent Christmas in Toronto with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson spent a week end recently at Swinton Park. Mrs. I. B. Whittaker and Ruth spent Christmas week with her 4 mother at Wingham. _ Mr. and Mrs. Dan CampbeI^,~'SJ?^ and Mrs. Edgar Patterson spent New j^«k Year's at the home of Jim Sturrock. ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hinoks were ^ dinner guests, Sunday at the home of Mr. Edgar Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shortreed and ^ son, Pickering spent New Year's at his mother's. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson and fam- * ily spent New Year's with the lat- « ter's parents. ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and Harold, Mrs. T. Nichcl and Mrs. E. " Bennett, London, spent jOhristmas "* at the home of Mr. D. L. McArthur. ••• Mr. and Mrs. Donnie McLean, Neil j, & Alma McLean, Toronto were visit- ^ ors at the home of their mother's. The Y.P,S. is to. be held at the * home of Ken and Donald Nichol thi« '^ week. ^ Mr, Charlie McLean returned to ^il Toronto, after spending the summer *• at the Highland Hills. „ Mrs. Saulter has gone to Toronto » for the winter months. m Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock receiv- > ed word that their son, Archie, had <« arrived safely in England on Christ- mas Day. * Mrs. Allie McLean has ibeen a * patient in a ' ospital in Toronto for â- Â« about 3 weeks and had an operation * for goitre and will visit with her , brother, Mr. Delbert Smith. *' I ifl * 4 f M There are amateur meteorlogiata who claim that the big storm is a " sure sigrn of a hard winter. Biut what ' do they make of the fact that a girl ^ was seen wading bare legged ^^ through the big drifts? * SPECIAL FRONT QUARTERS OF BEEF 19 cents, cut ready to wrap HIND QUARTERS OF BEEF 23 cents, cut ready to wrap Bailey's Butcher Shop I Phone 47 FLESHERTON, Onl. I I •Ai J a *â-  *

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