Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1945, p. 5

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# f f *â-  f t ~% .> \ > « * 4 f « * *. * fl * * \ 1 t 1 â- > â- Â» . i * » ft iK^ â-  A 4 THE FLBSHBRTON ADVANCE Wednesday, January 10, 194S VICTORIA CORNERS The New Year has plunged ua into the midst ol a big storm and taravel has been pretty well abandoned for a few days. Roads have ' een blocked. High gales knd continued snow fall has piled now deep in many places and even on the level has placed a great depth. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson, DonaI<i and Bert spent New Year's week end in Toronto. Miss Anne Stinson hol- idayed at the home tS. Mr. Bert Hen- derson's, Corbetton. Mr. Douglas Henderson, CerbettO'n, kept th-a home fires -burning for the Stinson's during their absence. Mr. nd Mrs. Carl Biradley, Bar- bara and Sandra, Etokiocke, spent '"^ew Year's with Mrs. Bradley's ->ar- ^nts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richardson. Mis? Viotta Richardson who remained .'Et hom> during the festive week re- turned to- Toronto with the Bradley's. Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson and fam- ily had the pleasure of the company of their son, Glenn, R-A.A.F., Vulcan, AJlberta, at New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Copeland and family also enjoyed having their son, Ivan, home with them. Ivan is with the Army, training at the Brantford training centre. On Monday evening New Year's night, a party was held by the Victoria Corner neighbors, in Proton Orange Hall in honour of Ivan. An address was read by Marj- ory Stephenson and Russell Linton made the presentation of a handsome wrist watch. Ivan replied in a few well chosen words. A very pleasant time was had by all. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ferris and little son, Lyle were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferris and family, Wareham. Mr. and Mrs. AM Hardy and three sons motored to Walkerton for New Year's to be with the former's brotlier, Hugh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson celebrated New Year's in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. Mrs. Milton Bannon is in Mark- dale at the home of Mrs. Crawford helping to care for the latter's brother, Mr. Matt. Dever, who is seriously ill. (Intended for Last Weak) To the Editor, Staff and Readers we extend hearty greetings for a Happy New Year, of Victory, -health and prospertity. With our initial correspondence We are forced to go back one week and pick up our Christmas activities. Much come and go went on during the Christmas week end. Many of the homes were lonely with the ab- sence of one or more of their family, overseas or in distant training cen- tres. Our hearts were vrith these brave boys during this festive season. We can only hope that all the home parcels sent,| may have reached them in perfect condition, thus enligthen- ing their spirits. Christmas guests in the homes In the community saw many memibers of the families home. Miss Doris Bannon, Sarnia, Miss Kaye Bannon, Toronto, and Mr. Fred Bannon, Sault Ste. Marie, were with their parents, also Mrs. Speers, Toronto: Mrs. T. J. Stinson, Dundalk, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stinson; Mis.s Viotta Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow- ring and little son, John, at the par- ental home; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Talbot enjoyed the gathering of most of their family; Mr. Kingsley Gal- lagher and Miss Lorraine Smith, Tor- onto, spent several days at Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher, and in com- pany with Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher •â-  and Jim joined Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Batchelor and family on Christmas Day. The Batchelor's entertained all the members of their family, includ- ing from a distance their son. Lea, and daughter, Mrs. George MacGreg- or, husiband and family, Preston; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Acheson and Ina en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ". Ach- eson. Those going elesewhere for Christ- mas included, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stin- sin and Mrs. Wm. Ludlow with the former's daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linton, Bethel; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton, Peggy and Douglas with Mrs. Linton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick, Owen Sound, Mrs. Linton and family re- mained for a few day's visit; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinaon and family at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Henderson's, Corbet- ton; Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Ferris and little son, Lyle were at the former's parental home, Wareham; Mr. and * Mrs. George Moore and baiby son, GaJ-ry, motored to Toronto to join mm«bers of the Moore family at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. E. Moore; Mr. Jas. €opeland and family spent Christmas Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sin- clair and family, Ceylon, while Mrs. CopelUid was with her son. Nelson, and family in Toronto, where a new BUCKINGHAM (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Harris Siddell and Mr. Bert Hutchison of Toronto spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hutchison. , Mir. Thomas/ Brown of Colling- wood spent Christmas week at flis home here. Pte. Gilford MuUin of Woodstock a(nd Bruce MuUin of Collingwood, spent Christmas with their parents, Vif. and Mrs. Afex McMuUin. Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson were their daughters and families, Mrs. W. Armstrong and Sheila and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bby and Stephen, Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ste- vens and family, Gibraltar. The Misses Alison, Mina and Mar- garet Douglas of Toronto were home for the holiday and with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Douglas and bnther, Bruce spent Christmas Day with the Bawell family at Maple urove. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawton and baby, Douglas were with Mrs. Haw- ;on's parents, "Mr. and Mrs. Kole of Clanksburg for Christmas. Miss Helen Hannon is at her home t Badjeros for the holidays. Messrs. Herb and Henry Blakey spent Christmas at the home of their sister, in Collingwood. Miss Alda Hawton of Toronto is at her home here for the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall of Owen Sound spent Ghriatmas with the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Mullin and Mr. and Mrs. M. Mullin. Mr. Harold Freethy reported for active duty with the army on Friday last. Mrs. FreeChy and daughters, Elaine and Gayle have moved to Col- lingwood for the winter months. Mr. Wesley Fawcett spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holl- ingshead. Mr. and Mrs. James Hnadson and family were Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mullin. Mr. Johnny Graham of Banks sipent CSiristmas week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Heifb Hawton and visited friends in the community. Sincere sympathy of friends here is expressed to Mr. Isaac Hawkena and son. Lisle and daughter, Carol of Detroit in the loss of a wife and a mother, atfer several months ill- ness, Mrs. Hawken's death occurred early (Jhristmas day at the home of her parents, in Ottawa. Mrs(. Haw- kens was formerly Ruby Love and Was well known here when she taught school at Rob Soy Mr. and Mrs. John Black spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Parker and family were with Mr. and Mrs. J. McMullen and family for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hough were at Nottawa with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley HOugh for New Year's Miss yelma Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mullin, Bruce and Elmer spent New Year's Day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson. 8 FH I iNE OSPREY During the severe storm last week a number of people suffered bread shortage. Mrs. Herb Hawkens of Feversham pent the past week with hre sister, Mrs. Albert Williams, and her mother, Mrs. Fred Pedlar, Eugenia. Mr. Lyall Shields returned to his school duties at S. S. No. 5, Osprey, after spending the past two weeks at his parental home near Meaford. Mrs. P. J. Somers, Helen and Naomi -eturned to Mildmay Sunday, after spending Christmas holidays at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ghard of Rock Mills sipent a day recently at the Lawler home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens nd Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, Mr. D. Steiphens and Mr. John Stephens spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams and family spent New Year's with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar. FEVERSHAM baby son arrived. On Wednesday mo-ning, Dec. 27, the annual school meeing was held at the school house SjS. No. 4. Trus- tees for the coming year 1945 are Mrs. Walter NlchoUa serving her third term, Mr. Jack Gowanlock, his second and Mr. George Moore newly elected, replacing Mr. Luther Love, A special meeting of the board was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Nicholls on Friday evening. Miss Florence Batchelor is in Dun- 'alk caring for Mrs. Rundle and Miss ^va Rundle, t.lic latter having fallen tI i'liwed her foot. (Intended for Last Week) We wish the editor, staff and read- ers a Happy New Year. Gnr. Jas. McKee returned to Shilo Camp, Man., • after spending Christ- mas leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McKee. . Pte. Jim Robertson, Camp Borden, spent Christmas with his wife and family. Christmas visitors in the village were: Mr. and Mrs. Lome McQuay and baby and Miss Norma Heitman, Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heitman; Mr. iGuy Kaitting, Dun- can, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke; Mr. (Howard MoKee, Hamilton, with his family; Mr. Stanley Smith, Wes- ton, Miss Irma iSmith, Reg.N., Well- and. Miss Doris Smith, Toronto, and Miss Edna ISmith, teacher at Hills- dale, with Nurse Smith; Mr. and Mrs Torrance Williams and family, Flesh- erton, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Tyler; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bby and Stephen of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Jias. Eby and Mr. and Mrs. T. Forsythe, Owen Sound, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby; Mi^ May Whiteoak, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson; Miss La- verna Smith, Kincardine and Velma Smith, Collingwood, with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Montgomery and Carole, Dundalk, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long; Mr. John Hudson, Missess Bernice and Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hud- son, -ill of Toronto, with Mrs. (Hud- son; Spr. Tom Rice, Mrs. Rice and Donna, iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and Mr. Bob Long of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob McQuay and children, Col- lingwood, Mr. and Mrs. C. Short and family, 12th line and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dofbson and son of Ravenna with iMr. and -Mrs. C N. Long; Mr. Ted Tedlar, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar. Those who. sjjent Christmas away were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell and Albert with Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell, at Flesherton; Mr. Chris Thomson with Mr. and Mrs. JUs. Thomson, 12th Line; Miss Sadie Sammons with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. iG. iSammons at- Kolapore; Mr. and Mrs. Jolm McLean and iRuth vnth Mrs. Allan McLean at Ck)lling- wood; Mr. and Mrs. G. Bby, Marion and Mrs. Dcnaldson, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Forsythe at Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Francis and Ruth with Mr. and Mrs. Baynon at Collingwood; Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Kee and family with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexander at Creemore; Pte. Jim and Mrs. Robertson and children with Mr. and Mrs. Newel Robertson at Collingwood; Mr. and Mrs Bur- ton Hudson with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G:uld at Clarksburg; Mr. and Mrs. Rozell Conn and family and Mr. Geo. Short with Mr. and Mrs. E. Morr- ison at Collingwood; Mr. and Mrs. John Black with relatives in Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Sewell with Mrs. Hill at Marlulale. Mr. Wm. Heitman returned to Thornbury on Thursday after spend- ing Christmas at his home here. . Mr. Ken Long is spending a week or two with relatives in Hamilton. Miss Wilma Williams returned to Flesherton after a week's vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hazard, Flesh- erton spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Teeter. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Mary Laughlin, who receiv- ed the sad news of the death of her son, Spr. Archie Laughlin on Dec. 14th. Another son, Pte. Hugh Laughlin was killed in Normandy on July 25th. An article on transportation refers to the spanking teams that used to raise children. Jasper; "That train I came in on is called the "radio train." Joan: "Why do they call it that?" Jasper: "It stops every five minutes for station identification." Reading a few war books, and a little imagination will prove to most of us how lucky we are to live in Canada and not in Europe. GRATITUDE I A widow has recently writ- jj ten us: "I owe you a leibt of ^ gratitude for the way in which S you have handled my accounts" \ The same service is available *J. to you. Simply send in your ;J; list to-day aad watch the ^ pleasing results follow. X No collection, no commission. X KELLY & AIKEN \ Collection Specialists .^ OranKcvillc, Ontario A k^^,^.y;.<M>.>.>.X^>.>.: ^•..>.^>.S.N."..> NORTH GREY JVffDS GARFIELD I N OTTAWA The Candidate whose Home and Interests are in North Grey 9 Garfield Case, the only man in the history of Owen Sound elected by acclamation for a third consecutive term as' mayor, is the people's candidate for North Grey in the Dominion by-election on Monday, February 5th. Garfield Case was born in 1899 of United Empire Loyalist stock afid raised in a farming community. He knows, understands and has the interests of North Grey at heart. , Garfield Case is a home man with a splendid public service record . . . mayor of Owen Sound for three consecutive years; chairman, Department of Industries, Owen Sound; president of the Board of Trade for three years; active member â€" Hospital Board; Library Board; Canadian Legion and many other public service organiza- tions. He is a member of the Owen Sound Public Utilities Commission.. Garfield Case believes in and will work for equality of opportunity for all, and the tight to enjoy individual liberty, freedom and justice. As a member of the Canadian Legion, Garfield Case has seen the necessity to organize two important committees â€" Rehabilitation expressly for Armed Service Personnel on discharge, and Post War planning to provide a program of public works. For over 12 years, Garfield Case has been behind VOU . . . get behind Garfield Case . . . support him in his e£Forts to support you. On election day, Monday, February 5th, make sure you vote . . . vote for Garfield Case . . . the candidate whose home and interests are in North Grey. SEND A NORTH GREY MAN TO OnAWA . . . mi AN OTTAWA MAN TO NORTH GREY VOTE CASE FEB. 5 SPONSORED BY NORTH GREY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION

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