Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1945, p. 6

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;i ^£ i Sweet and cooMn any Pipe CANADA'S STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO British Produce New Headlamps A new headlamp which rocs far toward solving the problems of night-motoring has been produced by an I'.iiglisli firm. The beam has a flat top with a very c'.cfinite cut- off level. Direct dazzle is com- pletely eliminated at ordinary eye Jevel, and the beam itself is in per- fect focus, giving not only a dis- tant view of the roadway ahead, but ;. Fharply defined picture of the roadsides. Tke range of the lamp is stated tc be well over 1,000 feet, and it is further claimed that the special lens employed n.akes falling rain or SI ow invisible to the driver. Canada's First Winner Of V.C. It has been recalled in England that the first man of color ever to â- win the Victoria Cross was the Canadian Negro born in Nova Scotia, Seaman William Hall, R.N. Seaman Hall won his cross for valor at I>ucIcnow in the Indian Mutiny. The date was 1857, the year the decoration was instituted. So that makes him also the earliest Canadian. A'.C. BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or if you hav« dieturbed (deep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a sura sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous acids •nd wastes. When the kidneys slow up, wastes 'xUlcct. Backache, dizzy spells, puffy eyes and rheumatic paina may follow. Vour kidneys need help â€" and there li â-  Ume-tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drocs. You Will find their action fast and effective. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuine and original Dutch Drops â€" packed In Canada. Get • 40c package from your druggist. I BOILS toulUcti of M<«« ctlltv* i»ln, bilnf out com, uli quickly, no K<r. tSc, iU, 50e, SI .00. MECCA OINTMENT Tortured man gets helpl Lemon Julc* Mixed al Horn* Relieved «HfUMAT/C PAIN says Suffererl "I have used ALLENUU for several months. I could hardly walk on accouni of my knees. Bui now those painj ars relieved. I can go like a race horse now," Mori Shcpard . Don't b« a victim ol the pains and •chci caused by rheumatism, lumbago or neuritis without trying this simple, inexpensive recipe you can mix al home. Two tablespoons of AI.I.rNRU, plus the juice of Vi lemon in a glass ol water. Vour money back if not entirely satisfied. Just 85* at all drug stores Buy AT.I.rNKlI today. Willi' fur irifc.rmnlive I kl.'t "ilt^l-f/n ilr.dd llcill'i ti) V.jll" U) Btafford .Millpr (of iiin,.i)ii) I, HI., Dept. .'>, 17:' .Iclin Ht., Ton.nlo. Out. for common •rdinery sore throat |U»^, X^^-i ' V.\H\^^*•* WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING Penicillin Lipstick It may not be long, before wo- men will be able to get penicillin in their lipstick and tootlipaste â€" where it can get at the microbes. I'rofcs.sor Sir Alexander hlcm- ing, discoverer of penicillin, recent- ly addressed civilian and service doctors oil the uses of the wonder drug. Stressing its contribution to me- dicine as well as surgery, he gave details of its liciiefit in septicaemia, osteomyelitis inflammation of the marrow of bones, infected burns, and abscesses. Describing the use of penicillin mixed with gelatine to form a lo- zenge. Professor Fleming stated that he expected it to be used iti toothpaste and shaving creams, and even in lipstick. "For minor infec- tions of the nose and throat we can expect snuff and s|)rays," he said. Specifying rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis as diseases that penicillin would not cure. Profes- sor Fleming stated that ])cnicillin is not a "cure-all." It will be years before knowledge of its powers is complete. Great Mines From Little Nuggets Grow Fire Bombs Set Jap Cities Aflame The U. S. Army recently ap- proved disclosure of details of the new M-69 incendiary bombs drop- ped by Atnerican Superfortresses on Tokyo and other Japanese cities. The new bombs are about 19 inches long, as big around as a baseball bat, and weigli six pounds. The interior contains a cheese- cloth sack filled with "gasoline jell", which burns for 8 to 10 minute.s at temperatures above 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit. The bombs are made up in 500- pound clusters. At about 5,000 feet the cluster breaks open by means of a time fuse and an explosive charge. Upon impact, a delayed fuse starts a meclianism which deto- nates after about five seconds and spews the oil-filled cheesecloth about 25 yards in all directions. STUFFY NOSE? Nose plugged up? Head cold.tlireaten- ing? Just smear NOSTROLINK In each uostril. Feel clogged mucous loosen, stuffiness vanish, breathins passages come clear. Relief is instant. NOSTROHNE clears head, stops discharge, relieves catarrh, head colcb. Convenient. Pleasant. Adults and fdiildren. 50c â€" all druggists. Within four years of discovery of j gold in the Klonlike in 1S9G, an- nual production of gold from all sources in Canada had increased tc more than 1.3 million fine oun- ces valued at .$38 milli^m. Last year estimated output was nearly 2.9 mil- lion oimces valued at over $111 millions. This expansion, it may be noted, was accomplished entirely by pri- vate enterprise, without the inter- vention of a state trust and with- out aid â€" often, indeed, despite state discouragement in the form of restrictive taxes and curb; on in- vestment. Skin Eruptions Here IB a clean, atmnlo.ss, pone- triitlnK antiseptic oil that brings speedy relief from the Itching and dlyroinfort. .N(il onl.v does thi.i) I.enlliiR anti- septic oil prrin.\i)le rapid and healthy he.TlinR In upen Horcs mid ivounds but bolls find simple uUers are also relieved. In sliln affections the Itohlng of Eczema Is iiiitckly ntupr-cd. Pimples â€" .skill eruptiona dry up hiuI scnle off In a very few dayy. 'Vho same la true of riarliei'.i Ikli. Nilt Uheum, ItchInK 'I'ljos iind Feel <ind other In- flMiiiiniiUii .v .skin dlHordcrn. ^"ou cfin ohtfiln Moone'a i'linerald Oil In the orlKliiHl boltlo at any modern druK store. Satisfaction or money bark. S^ILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM "> Rubbed (in Hit neck. Iliriui and clKst. clears up llir affected paiti, ami pcrmili a restful nijiht'i sleep Prevents conscslkm and lerlnus complkalions tuuiu twmuTn muiua out. & i in s im iin t/jHere's a SENSIBLE way .y9 to relieve MONTHLY FEMAIE PAIN Lydia E. Puikhain'a Vegetable ComiMund not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highslrung fcehnus â€" when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the moat elTcctive medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound hil/>s naliirel Kollow lalii-l direchons. Try it! PONTOON BRIDGE ACROSS HISTORIC RHINE Tracks cis on an Allied military pontoon bridge â-  panni'ig the famous, Rhine, somewhere 'n Germany Army censors have cropped out shore line on op ^osite bank, to prevent possible recognition of the site, and pointedly refrained from saying just where on the Rhine this bridge is located. ACCt»l;.\TANiS A Ai:UrKII«.«> INCOME TAX KI^I'OIITS COM- plete Bookkeeping Services. Small or L.irtre Busines.ses. Travpl any- where. .\lbert Brett & Co., 8 Wellington St. E.. Toronto. Ont. BEACHES MODEL HOME OVKULOOKI.N'G I-AKR ONTAHIO. You may win this $10. Odd model home for Jl.OO. Write for your .shares today. ($1.00 each) to rsoaches Busines." Men's As.^orln- tion. Toronto 8. Vour receipt will be mailed promptl.v. Draw to be made Ma.v 21th. Proceeds for war Charitips IIAI5V chu;ks (I.OO BOOKS VOVIi OltUMK ORDER YOUR 1945 CHICKIS NOW. and not b« disappointed. All chicks ar« from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eKga or better. Barred Rocks mixed $1!!.00 per 100. White LeKhorns mixed $11.00 per 100 Barred Rock Pullets JIK.OO per 100, white LeRhorn Pullets $211,110 per 100. white Rocks mixed $1.1.00 per 100 white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery. Chatham. Ontario. DON'T MIS.S THE BOAT. THK reason l.s getting on and If you don't .soon order your chicks and take delivery of them it will be too late to catch the early market. Keep this in mind all the fgR.s and poultry meat you can pro- duce will be nei'ded next Kail. If you Eond u.s yt»ur ordor at once Wft ran take care of your rofiuirement.s. on mo.st breed.s for March. April and May dtliver.v. .Send for cataloKuo. Our special for next week White I.ccrhorn coi-kprni.s 1.00, Whitp TyCRhorns X Harrod Rocks 2.95 per luindred. F.iKten to our radio propranime over f'K.N'X WinKhnm pvory Mon- day morning at 11.30 a.m. and Wednesday PvoninK at 9.00 p.m. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries I.lni- ItPd, ForRU.s. Ontario. 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR 1940 CHICKS NOW and get your fhicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcherle.s are always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary ehleks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Su.ssex. Large Type Leshorns. Sus.sex X New Hamps., Sussex X LeKhorns. Rock X LcKhorn.i. Rock X New Hamps., Barred Rocks Send for larse lllu.strated Catalogue and Pries List. Lakevlew Poultry Farm. Wein Bros.. Exeter. Ont. MEAT COMMITMENTS. ESPKC- lalLv to U.S. army, will provide profitable markets tor poultry meat In Canada this fall, at cell- Inir prices. Buy cockerels now, while they're plentiful and econ- onilral in prii-e. Bray Hatihcry. 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. ORURR VOlin OOVERNMRNT APPROVKD (UIir.KS prowâ€" Kvery breedeil fjovernment Inspected, banded, and blood-tested. Tmmediate delivery on I'reniliini jrriiile day old chicks. Putlefa 90% Buarantpcd â€" $2(5.00 per hundred tliispxed chicks $14.00 per hundred, Cockerels $ 2.00 per hundred. Rnrrcd Rocks, NetT Hnnipslilrea, Niinsex, llylirlili â€" Sunscx .\ llnmi), Rnek X Hninp, Ilnnip X l,cKhurii Pullets ^O^/n Ruaranteed â€" $24.50 per hundred, Unsexed chicks $14.50 per hundred. Cockercl.t $ 9.00 per hundred. Save time, order from ndvertiao- ment. .Satisfaction guaranteed. Free eataloRue on request, contalnlnit the proper broodlnR of chicks, and methods usetl in raisini? poultry for profit. MOMiTON POIII.TRV FARMS, Mnnkinn, Ontario. IIROAI> IIRKASTRn StIS.SE.X COX THOUSANDS AVAILABLK WEKK- ly. tf you orcVir at once. Our Broad Breasted Sussex cox hrlni! top prices on the market. White .sklniipd. loni? rounded breasts. Also New Hamp. cox with fast Browth and foatherins Sussex X Leghorns and Rock X l.pghorn? make irood roasters and grow fist nil to 4-5 lbs. Vou can buy tho.se for $4.00 per 100. Also mix- ed heavy c.a\ $0.00 per 100. All from our well-bred, healthy, blond te?tPd hreoder.s, DOnn Breed- ers on 0.\1'', plant. Lakevlew l'oulti.\ farm, WeIn Bros.. ICxeter, Ontario 100 CHICKS FREE WITH t:VKUV Oltl.EII CI' 100 PUL let chicks, wp >?IV8 100 fiee chicks (our choice). Leghorn pulletf $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $l9 9,'i tier 100. White Hock Pullets $24 95 per 100. All chick!" sold backed by lilKh eKK pediwreed stock. $1.00 books your order, bnlniu-p C.O.n. (Juarantecd \M<% live delivery. Kent Hatchery Chnthaiii, Ontario. â- OXIT)!:!)- 1! LfO On-TKSTIOIi iliicks. live, lay and pay. They are the results of nlneleen ypar." of c.-irpful seleetiou and breeding 111 O U.S. They have to he liOnd bpcaii.«e wp want the very be.st kind of rhicka for our own flocks Iiii|iroved breediiiR. BIk. vljiorouf and early maturlnc. Wa .strcs? cKir size and uniformity. Write for oiii- freft folder. Barred ttockn, Willi" Lpifborn.s. tin-sexed Chick", Pullel.s and Cockerels. The Oxford icarniers* Co-oiierative Prodilcr Co. Ltd.. 4,11 Main St.. Wood.stock Ont. IIAHV CniCKS •jri ^â- lll•;p cim'Ks Oi;l( FdCNDATlO.N STOCK IS rei^i.^tered and pcd.j^reed birds. .Votliiiijj better in Cinada, O'der now. Prices for mixed baby chi'.-lv.'!, males and remalcs: Bar- red ItocU.s, $12(10 fer hundred: White Leghorn,'-, $11.00; White Boel<s. $I.'iO0: Brown Leghorns. $i:i.OO. Pullet prices: Barred Rneks, $19 00; White Lephorns. $2211(1; White Rocks, $24.00: Brown Leshprns. $24.00. 25 tree chicks, our ohfiice, will he given for e.'ich 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 25 free chicks for each 100 d.ny old pullets ordered. Ooddard Chick Hatchery. Bri- tannia Heights. Ontario. ni>rn.'^ mixeo red Roeli Pullets $19.00 per 100. white lecrhorn pullets $22.00 per ion. Heavy Breed Ckls. $6,00 per 100, Lpsrhorn Ckla. $2.00 per 100. -•Ml chicks hatched from 26 o«. es^.s or better and from soec al es m .11 cnicKs natcnea rrom z(> o«. K^.s or better and from special mated flocks. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books vour order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario. OCR CUSTOMERS TELL US "YES" year after year, they tell us that Top Notch chicks are 'tops" with them for llvabillty and prcpduc- tivety. Y'ou see all Top Notch chicks are Government Approv- ed from bloodtested breeders â€" carefully chosen for their known finalities as husky health.v big produeiiig- birds. We offer these .special bargains for next week, ''iickerels per hundred: White Leuhorn 95i': Whitp Leghorn X Hnrred Rocl;s 2,95: Barred Hocks "1.95; New Hampshires S.95; as- .softed Heav.\" Breeds 3.75. Non- Sexed chicks- Light Breeds 10.45; henvy breeds 11.45. Chicks ship- ped C.O.D. This advertisement must ae<'ompany your order. Top Notch Chlckeries, Guelph, Ont, DVFIXG AND CI,K.\XIXG HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your rmestlons. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Vonge Street. To- ronto. IIAIRDRMHSING L E A H N HAIRDRESSING THK Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes, Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Road. Toronto. rOR SALE KIjECTRIC motors. NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Aljen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2.126 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ASP.\R- agiis, raspberries, peach tree^, apiiles, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire trea guards. Norfolk Nursery. Simcoe. Ontario. TAItMS poll S.*1.E Flags POLES AND STANDARDS Silk Flags to Order Society Flags to Order GEO. H. WILKINSO,\ LTD. 3H3-5 OUELLETTE AVE.. WINDSOR $6,500 â€" BEAU'l^lFULLY LANP- seaped 60 acres, new brick, .square plan house, large barn, garages, electricity, spring water, W, Overland, Catar;ict. Ontario. 80-ACI;E FAR.M first CLASS, up-to-datp. Wrilp for particulars. Bert llagadorn. Burgpssvllle, Ont. Amateur Theatricals SIIIO our character costumes. Have 500 costumes to choose from. Make- up dieUey.'<. minstrel collars, gloves. etc. Costume Dept. ~ Second Floor GEO. H. WILKINSON LTD. 333 OUKLLETTI: AVE,, WINDSOR BEAUTIFUL CtVMFORTERS MADE from your materials. Quilling Jl.R.'i. Your wool carded 25e lb., washing 3c lb. Quick service. Vir- gin wool baits $1.15 11,. Wool Carding Machines $14.95, Spinning Wheels $13.95. Ask for catalogue. Siftoii Wool Products. Box 123. .Siftoii, Manitoba. SILO BI'ILDING EQUIPMENT. AD- Jnatable steel forms, will build from 8 ft. to 14 ft. Also Concrete Mixer forms new, .\pply Qleii Tuffin Wheatley, Ont. AUCTION At I'liist Star llohnein Farm. Ren- frew, Selling April IS at 10,30 am,, 2I> Ueg. Holstelli Milk Cow.s 40 Keg. Htilstelii Heifers, 2 yr. Bred 20 Beg. Holsleiii Heifer Calves 4 Ueg, Holstein Show Bulla l^iii: ilne of Farm M.-u-hinery, COLLIE MALE.S. 5 MONTHS $10, Od 21 months $7.00. One year heeler waleli dog $25,00. Satisfaction money tiiiek ginrantee. Border CollU-.s spayed. Itegistered Eiig llsh Springer S|>aniels for Mn.\ deiivpr,\-^ Partiiiilara on rettuest .^, E, Imgaii, Warkworth. Ont, FULLY ACCIiElirrUD SEHVICt; abie aged Hereford Bulls siifil by Iniported Bull New l>omia<> fJ.'iidlnpr Morrison. Motint Forc-^l. FARM FOR SALE IN DISTRICT of ..\lgoma. 158 acres, 115 under cultivation, clay loam. Balance pasture and wood. Buildings In good rep.iir. Excellent water_ In hoii.'-e and barn. George McKay. Pluninier. (Jnt. FOl: SALK, liKi-ACRE FARM, 1 mile from city limits of Guelph. Out, Modern double house with Hydro and nil conveniences, hot water heating system with stok- er, drilled well. 2 ci.sterns, 2 gar- ,age---, 1 heated: good bank barn, dairy and other buildings, good productive land. For further In- foi-m-ition aiiply Box 20, 73 Ade- Inide St. \\.. Toronto. MACIHNEUV DIESEL CRAWLER TRACTORS RD7 C.rrEUPILL.Sr. WITH 8 YARD La Tourneau scraper: RD8 with 12 vard .scraper: TD18 Inter- national with bulldozer (scraper optional): TDin with bulldozer: RDIO International (47,5 HP); RD4 Caterpillar: RD4 with An- thony Highlift Bucket and Inter- changeable bulldozer blade . . . Lighting plants. 1500 -watt, 32 or 115 volt.o. Send for folder . . . Diesel and Gasoline Engines 40 to 150 HP. Other equipment avalHhlP, Wire, write or phone S. H. I>eventhnl & Co., Machinery Agents. Winnipeg. MEDICAL STOMACH AND l'ni;K.A.rj VVOIS.MS often are the cause of Ill-health In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out If this la your trouble? Inferesfng par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulvoney's Remedies. Specl.-iltsts Toronto 3 W.WTED. KVERY SUFFERER OF PJi.Hiniatic Puins or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elg-In. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. CON'STIPATION, B I L I O U SN'ESS. liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with Flp-Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig- Lax. 2je at Dru,?gists. BAUJIEEK.\ FOOT B.\LM DE- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45e bottle. Ottawa agent. Denm.an Drug Store. Ottawa. FP.UiT .lUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients In Kison's Remedy for Rliounintie P.-iin.o. Neuritis, sold onlv Munro's nrug Store. Sn.-. Elgin. Ottaw:i. Postpaid Jl.OO, HHTSICAI. INSTRUMEXTS FRED .\. BODDINGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, in Church. Toronto 2. oppoit'i'ixiTn:s ron womeji BE A H.MRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADI.VO SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Halrdressing Pleasant disnified profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel graduates. Ameiica's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 BLOOR \V.. TORONTO Branches: 44 King St.. Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, OFFEn TO IBTVEX'roRS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 i^ank Street Ottawa. Canada. PIANOS ARE YOU INTKUES'l'KO IN THK new .s;n:ill Pianos? If so write us for latest descriptive circular. Factory Mason it Risch Limited, 612 King St. West, Toronto, â-  â- IIOTIUilt VPII V "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS "... and the prompt manner In wlucli you return work Is greatly ajipreci.'ited." Anv Si-/.e Koll â€" f. or 8 Exposures DEVLLOPKP AND PULNTED 25c Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to C.\N.\D.VS L.-KROEST AND I'INEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures al Lower Cost Prompt mall service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Stvlc .Mbum With Prints sizes 16-20-127 if 211e (4c extra> is sent with film roll ENLAROKMENTS â€" 3 for 26c 4 X 6 " in Easel Mounts SPl'lCIAI- PRICES ON l-R.\MING .\ND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. li'ramed. on ivory tinted mats. 7 s 9", In Gold. Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebon.v finish franie.-*. 59c each If eMl.-irgcIuent eoloied. 79e each STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Termin:il A. Toronto Print Name and Address t^lainly oi Orders. Do It Now! Hoping to inspire his workct* with promptness and energy, » business man hung a number of signs reading "DO IT NOW* around his factory and office. When lie was asked some weekj. later how his staff had reacted, he shook his head sadly. "I don't even like o talk about it," he said. "The cashier skipped v.'lth a :Sl,OO0; the head book- keeper eloped with the best sec- retary I ever had; three typists a.skcrl for an increase; the factory hands decided to go m strike, and the office boy joined the Navy." Man Wanted Immediately FOR FRUIT & NURSERY FARM WORK E.KI'ERIE.N'CE NOT .NKCESSART GOOD BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION APPLY E. D. Smith's Fruit Farms \VI\OXA, OMT. /^mii ,.*» I'HOTOtJRAI'HY TIME TESTED QUAUTY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films oroperl.x developed an* printed 6 OR 8 E.XPDSUP.E ROLLS Ke REPRINTS t for 25c FINEST ENLARGIN'i; SERVICE You may not get all the films yon want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desir* by .sending your films to IMPF.RI.*L PHOTO SKRVICB Station J Toronto PATENTS FETHERSTO.VHAUGH & COMPANT Patent Solicitors. Establlshd 1890: 14 Kins West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. SEEDS BAXTER'S SEEDS. BETTER QUAi.- ity and value. Send for Catalogue "We sell everything that growe." 3359 Vonge Street. Toronto. WASTED Cash Register Wanted I Cent Up. Must Be Cheap. 333 Ouellette Ave.. Windsor -» t SPEEDY CASH FOR 100-200 ACRS3S, good modiun loam, h.vdro avail- able. Write risht now! Box 14. 113 Adelaide W., Toronto. SADDLES WANTED RIDIXC; BOOTS A.vn GEAR WE PAY CASH GEORGE H. WILKINSON 333 OUELLETTE AVE.. WINDSOR WILL PAY $700 CASH FOR BIXJCK Planer Machine. It Is used for planing sole leather blocks. Box 15. 73 Adelaide West, Toronto.. â€" Invalid Chairs Wanted WILL pay cash or swap for what we have. Swap Dept. Geo. H. Wilkinson Ltd. 333 Ouellette Ave. Windsor Portable Phonographs wanted: will pay Cash or Swap for new shoes or new clothes or what we have. GEO. H. WILKINSON 833-5 OUELLETTE AVE,. WINDSOR WANTED TO Bl!Y ONE ENSIL- ase Cutter, late model. Melbourne Free, n.P., 2. Meaford. Ont. ONTARIO. 20-60 ACRE D.URT Farm in rundown condition wanted. Must be bargain for rash. State price and taxes. Pe- scribe fully. Bo-\ 21. 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto. F-\RM MACHl.VKHV "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local dealer or direct from Swedish Separat.->r Co. Limited. 720 Notre- Dame \Vest. Montreal S Que. HELP W ANT E I) iKM REG. NURSE. GENERAL duty, live in. Room and Board, duties to commence at once. When applying give full particulars and experience. WaterCord Maternity Hospit.al. Pox 402, Waterford. Ont IP YOU ARE NOT GETTING A sufficient incotne. wliv not start a bu.iine.ss .\LL YOUIl OWN retall- injr Fatnilex low priced suaran- teod necessities in your spare time:" Quick easy sales â€" substan- tiitl profits. A horse and wagon or car will help you qualify for a rural route. Petalls FREK. Familex. 1600 Dclorimier. Mon- treal. i 4« i A- .^ IIOUSSKEErER WITH FARM cxperierice. Modern Farm by April t3th. 3 adults. Prampton DL^itriot. Referc'icps required. J, M. Dolson, Brampton '7. Ont CYLINDER PRESS.MAX WAN'TiSD. one with some experience "o'>« make-rcndy. Steady position for' steady reliable man, (tl-hour weeUL Apply nearest Einploy- !!-.','",",'. * •'^'â- 'I'^'-tlve Service Office. tlLr. â€" C, R. 2519. KXPEKIE.NCED LINOTYPE OPER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position. (44-hour weckl. Apply nearest Emplovment rlir ^'''?.*''"''' Service Office. MIIMiLE AGED RKT.TABLE WO- iii.an as helper on farm close to vilbiiro. Mrs. Addie PKurv. AulU- villo. Out. FARM HELP WANTEU FARMER. SINGLE. HEUABI.R steady man, for general farm woi-k on dairy farm. Experience mllkiiiK- machine, tractor, prcfer- i-ed. .0 dollars monthlv plua un"''^'r, '•"".'''">• Apply F. Von l,..'?'.^'-''''""'"'""!- lli«hwnv No. X. Whitby. Out. Phon e Whitby »50. M.UIRIEO M.\N FOR IP-TO-DATK fruit farm on Niagara River Poulevard. yearly emplovment. Rood separate hou.se. free Hvdro. Slimmer wood, garden spot,' etc. 1 lease state natlon.ilitv. age. farming experience. si;;c of fam- ll.v and waces expected. C. How- ard l-ishir A R,^„s, Qiiecnston t'nt. .A }H\

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