Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1945, p. 5

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J THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 25, 1945 'Nik I r ^sp- 18 visiting KIMBERLEY Owing to bacfcwartf weath€r the fanners are una/ble to make much progress with their seeding. Mr. Chas. Wickens valley friends. Born â€" In Meaford Hospital on April 19, to L.A.C. and Mrs. Garnet Baker, a son. On Thursday Mrs. S. S. Burritt and Miss D. A. Graham had a "pleasant visit from J. T. Aibercrom- bie of Gedarville and' Mrs. Ernie Cooper and childTen oi Cooper's Falls. They also /isAed friends in Meaford and ThornJbury. On Tuesday evening Rev. Leary delighted his congregation with a number of colored slides of his for- mer work in the North West between Edmonton and Dawson Creek. Con- gratulations. The pictures were really fine. They were all taken by Mr. Leary and his convpanion in the work. Misses Betty Graham and Ruth Ellis of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mre. D. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Jan- et, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Alexander vis- ted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mrs. Ross Ellis and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber. On Saturday night in the Com- munity Hall Mr. South and son put on a number of very interesting pictures for the opening of the new Victory Loan effort here. After the pictures everyone enjoyed an hour of social ehat, crokfnole or caids, then Mr. Joe Gibson, on behalf of the community, read a very nice ad^ dress to Mr. and Mrs. Nomian Bur- ritt and family and presented them with a lovely writing desk. They felt very touched with the kindness of their friends. Norman thanked them also wished them all to visit them in their new home near Mark- dale which thy are moving to at the first of May. L.A.C. Garnet Baker is spending a three week's leave from N. B. with friends here. Mrs. Chas. Shilvolock received word that Pte. Shilvolock has been posted to the East Coast. In Memoriam ALEXANDER â€" In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father, Robt. J. Alexander, who passed away on April, 27, 1936. Gone dear husiband, gone forever iHow we miss your smiling face But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. How sweet the memory still But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill â€" Ever remembered by Wife and Family. Public Meeting Town Hall, DURHAM Friday, May 4th at 2:30 o'clock p.m. MITCHELL F. HEPBURN HARRY NIXON FARQUHAR R. OLIVER, and others ^ Liberal Candidate will be chosen to represent the riding of South Grey in the forthcoming Provincial decton. Come and hear the problems of the day. Everybody welcome. â€" A. D. McAIister, Pres. South Grey Liberal Assoc. GOD SAVE THE KING 1 EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shier and little Dorothy McWhinney of Markdale were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and Jean. Miss Janette Hass visited during Easter week with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinkerton. Mrs. Pinkerton and Mrs. Martin attended the Prog.-Conservativa Convention in Flesherton on Monday evening. Mr. Gardiner of Forest Hill was the guest speaker and em- phasized the 22 points of the Drew Governement. Congratulations to Marshall Weatherall,' 8th Line in winning first prize in the boys clas Slater Fish Contest and also to Bill- ie McMillan, who won third prize. Marshall received the bicycle of which he is exceedingly proud. Bill also received a suitable prize. SWINTON PARK Be thrifty, be patriotic, Invest in the Best. The 8th Victory Loan is now on. We were all pleased to again see the smiling faces of Rev. and Mrs. Cox of Bervey, when they called on several of their friends, in S. P. dis- trict on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and family spent Sunday with Mr. Laughlan of Duncan. On Sunday, Salem S. S. opened for the summer months. We are pleased to have Rev. Mr. Penman as our Bible Class teacher. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Richardson, spent Sunday evening with the former's sistei- at Gedarville. The sympathy of this community goes out to Mrs. J. H. Richardson and family of Proton in their loss of a husband and father. The fun- ewi.l was largely attended here at the Red Cro«s held a "quilt patch- . '\^^^VZ.'^l'tZ. ing bee at the home of Mrc. C. Boy ce on Wednesday of last week. Why The Public Should Buy Victory Bonds An important part of a banker's business is to foster and safeguard the savings of his customers, and perhaps it may seem strange that I should now urge you to take those Loan Bonds, savings and invest them in Victory When you stop to think there is nothing illogical about it. Your savings will still be secure and will pay you interest at 3 per cent un- til the Ibonds mature, when your money will be returned to you. I would Ike to point out that not only is this a good investment, it is a patriotic duty for all of us to lend to the Government th" funds required to win the final round ' of this war and provide for the reha- bilitation of the men and women of our armed forces. Soon, more and more of tliem will be steroTiing off the train or bus, their eyes eager for old friends and familiar scene. Huge sums will be neededi to take care of them all, but we can handle it; we haven't failed yet! Dig down and buy bonds, and then get more on the instalment plan. Why not call on your banker, who will gladly furnish you with full information. Let's all give the "final heave." â€" F. W. HANNAH, Manager Bank of Toronto, Feversham. Mr. Charles Haw met with a pain- ful accident on Friday when he sprained his ankle. Stanley Moore is assistinfir him with his chores for a few days. Sorry to report that Mrs. Geo. Black Sr., fell and broke her hip. She is now in Markdale Hospital. We all join in wishing her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tresidder spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. R. S. Hai'dy. Mr. John Lane spent a few days in Toronto recently. Congratulations to Rev. Paul Rumball, who was oi'dained in St. John's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, last week. ♦♦♦*< < 1 1 >♦♦< 1 1 > ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ »< .♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ » ♦♦ VICTORIA CORNERS In Memoriam FISHER â€" in memory of our dear mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fisher, who passed away April 22, 1926, and August 31, 1927. â€" Sadly missed by the Family. 4^^^l**^y*^l**l*i^^li^l**l*-tl'^; <â- <-:• <'<K*<K^<**>. •>*:^^<KK*<K*<*<**K**> New Arrivals TO AUGMENT OUR EXTENSIVE DISPLAY OF SMART SPRINGTIME Suits, Coats, Dresses, Hats f LADIES' SUITS In tailored or dressmaker style, the very latest in material, styles and shades, and moderately priced. LADIES' COATS Goats in a good variety of styles in plain cloth and fancy tweedi; all moderately priced. Lovely new colorful frocks in silk Jersey Crepe and printed material. MILLINERY New Spring Hats what a gorgeous dis- play of styles and colors. Many numbers in straws, felts and cloth creations. MEN'S SUITS You'll find a real top value in our display of Men's and Youths' Suits in tweed and worsted. In all popular shades for Spring; exceptional value $16.9 5up MEN'S ODD TROUSERS See our ranige of fine pants and made of fine worsted and fancy tweeds. Extra value at $2.50, $7.50 t T >♦ BOYS' LONG TROUSERS jL In a big range of fancy tweed; a wonder- Y ful assortment to • choose from and priced ^ at ; $l.fi5 to S3..')0 T 1* FLOOR COVERING ^ Now is the time to buy your floor cover- J ing. We have Feltols or Congoleunis in two ^ or three-yard widths; also a big assortment A of rugs. MEN'S WORK BOOTS Best to keep the feet right on the job, and built to take hard year; good sturdv up- pers with choice of leather or ruh'^"'- soles and priced at , $2.49, $«.#• MEN'S FELT HATS See our big selection of new Hats, the best range we have ever shown, in grey, brown green and blue. Priced at $1.95 to $6.00 MEN'S FINE SHOES One of the best range we have ever shown; in black or tan; sizes 6 to 11 $2.75 to $8.00 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' SHOES In black or tan and nearly every last. Be sure to see our range. LADIES' SHOES Some exceptional values in Ladies' Shoes, in ties, straps and pump styles, black only, sizes 3% to 8, reg. to $2.95. Special $1.79 CURTAINS Nev/ Curtains and Curtain Material by the yard; some very smart colors to choose from. WALL PAPER Brighten up the home with new wall paper. Wonderful range to choose from. Priced at, per single roll 12'/jc up Wallpaper in 30 inch widfli. a K'ood rans-e to choose from. Special, single roll 19c LARGE WATER PAILS reg. 85c. Special 59c HOME GARDENERS, ATTENTION Now is the time to Plant Dutch Sets. Gut these good clean Seed Onions at Hill's .... 20c lb. Also sooii Multipliers at Si)o'cial Prices. SPECIAL Good CoiikinK Onions 10 lbs. for 25c SPECIALâ€" BUY VOUR PASTURE GRASSES NOW We have in stock all grasses as recomniend- , ed by the Government, such as Orchard Grass, Meadow Fescue, Perennial Rye, Kentucky Blue Grass, Canadian Blue Grass, White Dutch Clover, Alsike, Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alfalfa Clover '.nd Timothy Seed. Permanent pastures has a growing demand. t T ? T T t t t T t t t t t t t T T t Seven soldier's comfort boxes were packed at the home of Mrs. E. A. Stinson one evening recently, for local boys serving overseas and in Canada. Miss Hazel Copeland spent a week with her brother, Tom and family. Swamp College. Fourteen ladies of the Inistioge W. A. Societ" joined the Flesherton ladies in the Flesherton United Church on Wednesday, April 18. Our ladies assisted in the program with vocal numbers. Miss Viotta Richardson, Toronto, is remaining for a time with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Richardson. The Inistioge Young People pre- sented their concert again in Cor- betton on Friday night. A large crowd gathered to see their per- formance and proceeds of the even- ing rated high. Little Miss Carolyn Batchelor, Proton Station, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor. Mrs. Wm. Talbot goes to Toronto again today (Monday) to undergo further examination. We hope her i-eport may be quite favorable this time. MEN'S SMART SUITS Just placed in stock an assortment of better quality worsteds in a variety of colors and patterns. Good! fitting and well tailored. Owing to war conditions, supplies of suit- ing materials are difficult to obtain, and we were very fortunate in securing these choice patterns. The styles are suitable for young and older men. Sizes 36 to 44. Special Prices , $25.00, $27.50 F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON » * »****» - > - i ' » - i"» - i -- i -- i ' a ' a - »* - i"H"i"i"i"H"H"H .. i .. n .. i .. | .. i .. | i». i . < i. i .. i ..i.ii.. i .. M .. i .. t .; FEVERSHAM The Ladies' Aid meeting was held Thursday afternoon, April 19th at the home of Mrs. G. Eby with a good' attendance of niemtoers and visitors. The afternoon was spent in quilting. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Crawford on the 8th Line. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wiley, Mr. E. Wiley and daughter Nottawa, were visitors on Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Howard McKee. Mrs. Francis and Ruth along with Mr. and Mrs. Beynon and Miss Isabel Beynon, CoUingwood, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. H. C. Francis at Dorchester. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burke visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burke. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wright and son of Berkeley were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart. Mr. William Love, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Simpson, R.N., and Mr. and Mrs. Rov Wood of Markdale were recent visitors with Mrs. T. Lever and Har- jld. Mr. an,' Mrs. Herb Smith of Mark- dale and Mr and Mrs. Chas Brodio (if Ma.\:wen were visitoi-s with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Beecroft of Owen Sound spent Sunday with M'-. and Mrs. E. Wickens and Mrs. Ped- lar. Mrs. Roy Herg.ott, Daughter Arrive Front England Mrs. Roy A. Hergott and daugh- ter, Rose-marie of Newbury, Berk- shire, England arrived last Friday evening and are visiting at the pre- sent visiting with Mrs. C. ArchibaJd. Cpl. Roy Hergott was recently wounded and his many friends hope to hear he is progressing favorably. Mrs. Roy Hergott and daughter, Rose-marie wish to express their sincere appreciation of the cordial welcome extended to them by the Ceylon folk on their arrival in Cey- lon. May your C-eylon correspondent also say "thank you" for all the kindness shown to the stranger with- in ur our gates, in helping so much to make them fee! at home. THE VOTERS' LISTS ACT [ONTARIO] Notice of Sittings of Revising Officers NORTH AND SOUTH RIDINGS OF THE COUNTY OF GREY T.-MvE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Office rs for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals wfth regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the election of a member of the Assembly pending for the Electoral Districts of North and South Grey will be held at the times and places set forth in the following schedule: SCHEDULE MUNICIPALITY DATE AND HOUR OF SITTING PLACE OF SITTING CLERK OF THE REVISING OFFICER MElAiFOtRD I Monday, April 80, at 2 p.m. OOLLINGWOOD Tuesday, May 1, at 2.30 p.m. THORNBURY " I Wednesd'y, May 2, at 10 a.m. EUPHIRASIA ; i Thursdav. May 3, at 10 a.m. ST. VINCENT OSPREY '.â- .â- .â- .;â- . SHALLOW LAKE KEPPEL SYDENHAM HOLLAND Friday, Mav 4, at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 5, at 10 a.m. Monday, May 7, at 2 n.m. Tuesday. May 8. at 2 n.m. Wednesd'y. May 9, at 10 a.m. Thursday, May 10, 10 a.m. Town Hall, Meaford Township Hall, Ravenna. .. Town Hall. Thornbury Township Hall, Rocklyn Town Hall, Meafoid Township Hall, Feversham. Noble's Hall. Shallow Lake. Library Hall, Kemble Council R'm. Botkwell's Cor. Twp. Hull, Holland Centre. W. H. Chaople, Meaford Mrs. L. Hyslop. Clarksburg. G. H. Boone, Thornbuiy E. Lanktree, R.R. 4, Meaford W. H. Chappie, Meaford Chester Lono- Fever?lnm .. A. G. Dymott, Shallow Lake. F. Carder, R.R. 2, Wiarton. C. BoddT'. R.R. s. Owen Sou'd Victor Wiilos. Walter's Falls Judge G. W. Morley, is the Revising Officer for all the Municipalities in this Schedule above mentioned. This Store wfll be open Wednesday Nifkts; Cl*sed all Day on Thursday F. T. HILL & CO., Limited PHONE 7 MARKDALE, Ontario '♦'>«t< WE DELIVER ♦ HANOVER NORM.A.NBY .... DUNDALK PROTON . RTriKTINCK .... OLFNELG FLE^TTFRTON ... ARTEMESIA Monday. A,"ril 30, at 2 p.m. Tuesd'y, May 1, at 10.30 a.m. Wednesd'y. Mav 2, 10.30 a.m. Thursd'y, May's, 10.30 a.m. Friday, May 4, at 10.30 a.m. Saturday, May 5. at 10 ,T.m. Momlay, May 7. at 2 p.m. Tuesd'y, May 8. .10.30 ".m. Town Hall. Hanover 1 D. D. Brirham. Hanover. Township Hall, .Avtnn Town Hall. Dundalk Town Hall. Dumiall< Township Hall, Lamlash Town H-" Durham Town Hall, Flesherton. . Tow'i Hall, Flesherton. . j Harry .J. Hen(l"v5;n<' \ -ton I Mrs. E. Robinson, Dundalk." ! M. Irwin, R.R. 1. Dundalk. .. .1. Chittick, R.R. 3, Hanover. i P. D. Greenwood, Markdale. ! Chas. Bellamy, F!esherto,i. ! A. Chard, R.R. 3, Flesherton .John F. P. Birnie, K.C., Crown Attorney, {s the Revising Officer for all the Municipalities above mention- ed up to and including Hanover. DURH.aM NBUSTADT M \);KnALE .... EGREMONT .... ^••VUAWAK Sl'LLIVW OF'ATSWORTH '1ERBY Monday, .Vpril 30. 2 p.m. Tuc.-iiay. May I, 2 p.m. Wednesday. Mav 2, 2 p."i. Tluir,-:day. May 3, at 10 a.m. Friday, May 4, at 10 a.m. Saturday. May 5, at 2 p.m. >'onday. May 7, at 2 n.m. Tuesday. Muv 8. at ID a.m. Town Hall. IHirhain Hammer's Hall. Neu.siadt Library Hail. Jlarkdale Township Hall. Holstein. ., Oran.ue Hall, East Linton. Township Hall. Desboro Village Hal), Chastworth. .. TovvMship Hali. Kilsvth B. H. Willis, Durham S. M. Molzer, Neustadt Thos. Tuck. Markdale Jas. Nicholson Holstein G. Cameron, East Linton P. McDonald, Chatsworth Allan Findlay. Chatsworth, W, H, Hilts, Kilsyth E. C. Speroman. K.C. is the Rtvisinj; Officer for all the Municipalltios above mentioned up to and includiMK Pnrliam. .\ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the List to be revised is Part I and 111. of the Voters' List prepared !ov the .ieveral niunicip.ilitics. .And Further Take Notice that any voter who desires to complain that his name or the name of any persons who are not entitled to be voters have been entered thereon, may apply, complain or appeal to have his name or the name of any other person entered on, or removed from the list.* .•\.ND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the last day for making complaints, to the revising ofificer, shall be two clear days before the particular date for the hearing set out in the schedule above. AND FURTMER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, signed by tlie complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left with him at hia address as stated above. For further information apply to Miaa E. Ferguson, Clerk of the Election Board, Court House, Owen Sound. JUDGE a W. MORLEY, Chairwiun of the Election Board of the County of Grey. Dated at the Court House, Owen Sound, «hlt 17th day of April, 1946.

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