Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1945, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 2, 1945 y rHfi FlbSHERTON ADVANCE -:».». KIMBERLEY The W. I. met Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Jas. Kirk- patrick after opeping and usual business the annual report was given by the secretary-treasurer, Mrs. L. Marwood. Receipts donatons for soldier's boxes, $10.50. Tax week, SI2.2.3. Lunch at .sale $17.45, box so- cials $68.55; lunch at dance $18.53; Community collection $36.34; .Miscel- laneous to make $212.58. Expenses yarn, $8.20; milk for Britian. $5.00; boxes for soldiers, $158.60; other ex- penses leaving a balance on hand of $49.22. This was followed by the election of officer.^. The officer? were re-elected, Mrs. R. Ellis, president; Mrs. L. Marwood sect.-treas. The Rc-d Cross report will bo finished later. It was decided to make a Red Cross quilt and canvas for names to be put in the blocks and tickets to be sold. Mr. and Mrs. Heir. Fawcett are movinc into Mr. A. Lawrence's house in the p-ove. Mrs. C. Uawlins of C< ehill visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Soul. Mr. Soul is improving aft<;r his recent illness. The hall board had a very success- ful dance Friday nijrL' Proceeds about $60.00. Cerald Kirkpatrick, Keith Ellis, Baiiy Wallace and Keith Carrufchers wrote test exams for farm leave on Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Wallace, evangelists, are expected to be at the Baptist Church next Sunday and are holding special services with Rev. Leary at Providence and Maple Grove. F^te. Gibson and Mrs. Gibson and little dauprhter were week end guests of Mr. Gibson's cousin. Rev. and Mr. Leary. An Ontario farmer who left his horses to forage for themselves in snow-covered fields while he was working elsewhere for some time, .,,...: leecntlv fined S25 and costs, â- with the option of 30 days in jail. CONDUCTING EVANGELISTIC SER'V rJf Eggs The producers loss on eggf.s is 5c to 6c per dozen when eg'g'.s are slig-htly soiled and are placed in 'P>' gfrade rather than 'A Large' grade. It is not, therefore, worth 5c to 6c a dozen to you to teep your eggs clean and fresh before mark- eting? It will help us speed up the grading too. ocal aiid Persoua, Small A^^*^ MR. AND MRS. J. ALLAN WALLACE Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan Wallace of the Faith Mission (Scotland) are commencing a series of meetings in the Providence Church, 12th Line Osprey, this Sunday at 3.30 p.m. and continuing every night of that week EUGENIA at 8.00. Mrs. Wallace brings with her the Vibraphone, the Piano-Ac- cordian as w:;ll as .ithcr instruments. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will be singing and preaching at every service. Poultry fe need live and dressed hens and are paying: Alive . . 22c (A grade, over 5 lbs.) Dressed . . 26c (A grade, over 43^2 lbs.) Open Saturday Nights Flesherton Creamery & Produce Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Rev. Mr. Westcott preached a very good sermon on Sunday evening, taking as his text Jeremiah 3: 18. We extend our sincere sympathy to the wife and relatives of the late Mr. Russell Mc.Mirtlen of Owen Sound whose death cjcurred on April 7th. Russell was a ''isident here for many year- and his many friends were very very sorry to hear of his sudden pa^p'ng. His wife, who was the former Miss Annie McQueen taught school here. Til.' Eugenia Red Cross will meet at the home of Mrs. J. Oairns on Wodne'sday, May 9, for quilting. The_Red Cross met at the home of STrs, J. Cairns on Wednesday after- noon, when a quilting was held. We extend our heartiest congrat- ulations to Mrs. Wm. Hislop who celebrated the 8ilth anniversary of her birthday, Wednesday, Apl'il 25. We also extend our congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ste- phens (nee Dolly Ottewell), 8th Line on the arrival of a daughter on Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. JoTTii McDonald and little (laughter, Donalda, from near Brighton. vTsAted severil days with Tolm's lirolher, Neil and wife and â- ilso wit.i his sister, Mrs. Frank Tay- lor an.l husband of Flesherton. • •"--• Vo-ien's .Asiorialion held th«ir regular monthly meeting at _ iii/u.- ji yfn. Will Gordon on W'ednesday, p.m., April 18 with a good attendance. The roil call was answered by a question on horticul- lure. tlusinesi matters wer^ dealt with. Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs; Cecil Magee an 1 Mrs. Mai tin eacli gave a reading. It was decided to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Ftp ; .J.imii5s.jn in May. Cpl. Glenn Pedlar of Pettawawa army camp and wife of Penibroke fipent a few days at the Pedlar and .^I3gee homes. ?Ir. and Mrs. S. Campbell have received word that their son, Bur- ton, ha" arrived overseas. We wish him good luck in his army life over t-herc. Ln : Tu.j U'.y evuning a dance wa.; held in the L.O.L. Hill here in honor cf Cpl. Glenn Ped!ar, who was liome from Pettiawawa. During the evening at an opnortune time Glenn wa? called forward. An address was read by Marie Phillips while the presentation of a purse of money was made by Blanche Walker, on be- half of the friends and neighbors of the community and surrounding dij^ trict, Glenn made a neat reply '.a rOur Food Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gagles spent a reciJiit week end in Toronto. Mrs. Frank Teeter spent several days in Toronto last week, <* Mr.-i. Geo. Boyd is teachir" this week at Springhill school, while Mrs. Wes Armstrong is in Toronto. Mrs. John Gould of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hindle and family, Springhil. Cpl. Ivan Henderson of Simcoe is on furlough mth his mother, Mrs. R. H. Henderson. Mrs. E. C. Murray of Toronto was a visitor in town the first of the week. Mr. Jos. Armstrong and son, Ed- ward, of Toronto were in town a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McTavish were visitors in town for several days last week. Mr. Norman Loucks of Oshawa was a week end visitor with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks. Miss Ollie McDonald of Toronfto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Speers, Mr. and -Mrs. E. Speers and two children of Caledon were visitors at the Wallace Hamilton home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller jf Dundalk were visitoi-s in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hindle and family of Feversham spent Friday afternoon with the former's uncle, Mr. C. Handle, and fanjily. Spring-hill. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell of Montreal spent the first of this week with the former's mother, Mrs. J. P. Ottewell, and with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cairns. Mrs. Cargoe returned to her home last week, after s.peding the winter in Toronto. Her daughter, Mrs. H. Herbert, came with her and sipent a few days in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton were in Toronto several days last week, while the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Bruce, of Grand VaJley under- went a serious operation in the Gen- Lial Hospital. Remember that this Saturday, May 5th, is paper salvage day in Flesh- erton. Have your paper tied in bundles at the .sidewalk, where it can be picked up quickly. Those from the country may leave their paper at the i-ook house in the park. L.-\.C E. I. Hollev, Mrs. Holley and little* son of MonctoiT, N.B., arrived in town last week and visited old friends. The former expects to re- ceive his discharge from the Air Force this month after four and a half years with the repair depart- ment "of the RCAF. FOR SAXiEâ€" Duck eggs.â€" Mrs. Beirt Badg«r<w. RJi. 3. Proton Sta. FOR SALE â€" Duck eggs. â€" Mrs. D. W. Adams, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Velvet Barle - grmn from reg. seed; price fl.lO p«r bu.â€" Johston Pros., Vandeleur. FOR SALE â€" 40 young pigs, some are ready to go at $7.50 each. â€" Joe Radley, Flesherton. means Their Li ives "^^ i\^ v| MILLIONS Ul PEOPLE IN LIBERATED EUROPE - LOOK TO ONTARIO FOR FOOD! Never ha.s the need for food been so great as it is today. In addition to our own vastly increased demands, there are now those of Europe's liberated millions, who desperately need food but cannot produce it. These people, emaciated and destitute, look to US for help! Here's what YOU^can do . . . plan NOW to devote whatever time you can to help- ing out on the farms this summer. loin one of the five brigades outlined here â€" just fill in the coupon and mail today. A Brigade for young women 20 years or over, who can take work on a seasonal or year - round basis. For men and women wHling to spend their holidays on a farm. Men can be placed any time after June 15 â€" women between August 15 and October 15 only. For men and women, regu- larly engaged in other work, who can give half days or full days to helping a local farmer. For High School boys and others 15 years and over who are willing to work on individual farms. 'pei'tmetettc For teachers, High School girls and College girls. Work is for the most part in fruit and vegetable growing areas . . , in camps operated by the Farm Service Force and supervised by the Y.W.C.A. Kmmuxm \mmt - educatiok lABOUR CLIP on</ MAIL THIS COUPON fOO/»y ' ONTAKIO FAUM SEKVICK I'OKCK, I'avlliimcnt llulliliaira. Toronto. I am int<Te«t«l in dolnit what I can to h('l|i Ontario fiirmera thi» summiT. ritase ««nil me Inforinniion on the HrlxBilt' chnki-il Mow! n VVoniniia" Land Hrii»nili> !''itniuir<ltv llrU'iuli- I'aiiii .Cadet llrlun I.- i; I ' (V s.Tvii-i- n- . ! :iii.i iT'ommnndo 1 NiiiMf i. .\ire <M rn<l»'i- :'\} AddfeHH « , IV„l Orfioe Phone FOR SALE â€" 30 head of 2-year bid and yearling cattle. â€" R. N. Car- son, Ceylon, phone 22r4. 46p2 FOR SALE â€" Spring wheat, good for seed. â€" Ben McKenzie, Ceylon, phone 22 r 5. 43c2 FOR SALE â€" 10 bags Fertilizer. 0- 14-7. â€" C'eorge Boyd, phone, 20J Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Registered Durham bull, 3 years old. â€" Isaac Snell, Ceylon, phone 44r21. 47p2 FOR SALE â€" Barley seed, cleaned and graded, â€" John L. Hill, R.R. 5 Markdale, phone 3.3rll. WANTED â€" All the potatoes pos- sible to get. â€" Wes Young, Max- well. FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire hog, 2 jnra. old, or will exchange for youn^ pigs. â€" Ivan Waller, phone 32r3. FOR SALE â€" Calf, 5 months old, heifer Jersey-Herford. also little white rabbits. â€" W. E. Stoddart, Ceylon. 46c2 LOST â€" Steel barrel jack between Ceylon and Markdale, phone 59, British-American Oil Co., Flesh- erton. NOTICE â€" Custom work done with manure spreader. Two men and spreader SIO.OO an hour. Terms cash. â€" Ralph Harbottle, Duncan. thanking all for their kindness to- vwiurd him. The collectors were Jlelbourne Phillips, Earl Goi-don, and Wm. Walker. Lunch was served at midnight, aft^r which dancing was resumed. The Red Cross held a very suc- cessful dance on Friday evening, .â- \pril 20. A nice sum was realized for the treasury. They also dis- posed of a rug made by Mrs. Will Gordon, on which tickets were sold, which brought in around $15, Mrs. Wilfred Magee held the lucky ticket. Bom HARVEY â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Flesherton. on Thursday, April 2(>th, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs, Eriie:;t Harvey. Priceville, a daugh- tvr, Elizabeth .Anno. LITTLEJOHNS â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's .N'ursing Home, Flesherton, on Tues- day. -May 1. 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Littlejohns. Flesherton, a daughter. Donna Ilenc. STEPHENS â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, Thurs- day. .\pril 26th, 1045, to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Stephens (nee DoUy 0tt«w6l!+ Ei'genia, a daughter. Mary Elizabeth. 1' E TO CREDITORS IN THE M.ATTER of the Estate of Henry Morrow of the TowKship of Glenelg, deceased. -Ml persons having claims against the estate of Henry Morrow, late of the Town.ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on or about the 17th day of March, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to W. E. Harris, Solicitor for the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, on or before the 21st day of M^y. 1946, full particulars of thor claims. Imme<Hntcly after the said date the Executors of this will distribute the assets of the said de- ceased, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and they will notbe liable to any person whose claim they shall not then have notice «f for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Markdale this 24th day of April, 1£MB. â€" W. E. Harris, Markdal*, Ontario. Solicitor for the Executosr. WANTED â€" Anunala suitable for irink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntqeli Eugenia, phone yevershp a 5r26 Notice â€" My Yorkshire hog is not available for service after this date. John Dow, R, R. 3, Price- ville. PASTURE â€" Cattle wanted to pas- ture, 100 acres on No. -10 High^^jy, 1^ miles from Flesherton, $1 tor year-olds $2 for milk cows, $6 for bulls; no horses taken. â€" Claude Akins, R.R. 3 Proton Sta. 46pS F\RM FOR RENT â€" Lots 29 an •ju, known as the Brewster Laki farms, 8th Con., Osprey. Corres- pond with Wilbert Poole, Colling- wood, Box 566. 44c3 DO YOUR CHOPPING at home, . .A.gent for "Little Beaver" Chop- pers tbat do the work at low cost. Order now to mak-e sure of deliv- ery. â€" R. N. Carson. Ceylon, phono 22r4. 46p3 MEN Watkins Dealers are making "more money today than ever before. En- joy the security and benefits of af- filiation with the Oldest and Largest Company of its kind in the world. .\11 sales records were smashed in 1944, generous bonuses were paid to all Watkins Dealers. Get into bus-. iness for yourself on our capital Im your home or adjacent locality. Suit- able travel outfit required. Write now for further information to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-F-l 2177 Masson Street, Montreal, Que. FAKM FOR SALE 125 acres on Third Li".> of Art*- mesia. half mile east of Portlaw. Barn 50 by 55 stone foundation and coment stables, water in barn. House with- stone biisement, also cistern. Large drive sheil, hen house about 20 by 40, drilled well at door, about 12 acres of hardwood bush, mostly maple. Saugeen River runs across hack corner of property. Will sac- rifice for quick sale. Apply to W. J. .Tamieson. 131 Perth Ave., Toronto ?, Ontario. FEET HURT? BUSINESS CAK J.S DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SrRGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office L Kenned v Block Phone 77 Flesherton *| * I < "< i I ^ I WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. B See ATES FOR oaTS Sponge Rubber Arch Suport From U.S.A. DUNDALK C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for Taking Affidavlti Clerk of the Villaite of Flesherton Issuer of Marriage Licenses Conveyancing Wills. Mortgages and Deeds FLESHERTON. ONTARIO â- 4 4 4 WM. K\ITTING LICENSED AICTIONEB* for the County i*f Grey Farm and Stoi-k sal ' â€" ""^ _ - cs /rr^f "al^. lorm.s: reasonable. ^Satisfaction la guaranteed. Dates arranged at T^e Advance office or phone 4w. ^ '4 «.ȣ.*«. 7»«*V«

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