Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1945, p. 6

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•* â- 4 SURRENDER TO MONTGOMERY V' "^ Adr.'.iral von Friedeburg, Supreme Commander for the German Navy, tigns surrender pact as Field Marshal Montgomery looki on An estimated 1,000,000 Germans laid down tneir arms in Den- mark, Holland, and northwestern Germany. VOICE OF THE PRESS SPEED OF THE FUTURE Some visionary foresees that planes of tlie future will fly 100,000 miles in CO minutes. The practical value of wliicli will be tliat you can go four times round the world in your luiicli hour. â€" Peterborough Examiner. AT A DISADVANTAGE These elections may be hapi on woman candidates. If a woman throws her hat in the ring will •nvbody but herself know what it â€" Owen Sound Sun-Time». BIRD CONSPIRACY The early bird catches the worm. Bu't a lot of other birds know why t lot of grass seed we'vt been planting hasn't com« up. â€" Ottawa Citizen. CHINA'S SOONG Dr. T. V. Soong, head of th« Chinese delegation to the Se- curity Conference, probably ii tops among the Chinese vyho hav» sought to modernize his coun- try's economy by introducing Oc- cidental meth- ods and who, by their famil- iaritiy with both c i v i lizationi, have cdntribut- [~j ed enormously to understand- NO SOLUTION "Why don't the nations get tlong like one big family?" A hu- Ifiorist replies: "The trouble is, Aey do!" â€" Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph. NO ILLUSION Germany has been cut in two. And this is no Hou'"Jini illusion. She stays cut. â€" Ottawa Citizen. MACDONALD*S (SiHoUas ?tiiMdaM ?mt>kt Ing between East and West Soong is a graduate of Harvard Uni- versity, took pes tgraduat* aoong work at Co- lumbia Univer- sity and work- ed in a New York bank befor« returning to enter the govern- ment of his sister's husband. Dr. Sdn Yat-sen. After Sun'i death in ^ 1925 Soong worked with Chiang Kai-shek, who two years later married another of Soong's sisters. The respect in which Soong !â-  held by western nations spnngi in part from his personality and wide acquaintance, anu in part from his remarkable success with the extremely complicated tangU of Chinese finances. This had specific evidence in 1933 when, for the first time In modern his- tory, he balanced China's budget. Since two weeks after Pearl Harbor he has been Minister of Foreign Affairs. Canadian Lumber For British Homes The British government has al- ready earmarked around $150,000,- 000 for timber from Canada for de- livery following the cessation of hostilities, states The Calgary He- rald. Filling of this huge order may prevent the inauguration of home j building operations in this country | on the scale needed, but British nt- i cessity is greater than that of Can- i adians, who have not had ont i home demolished by enciV action throughout the war. ; WE CANT FlU « â- )ri:-y- ViJ-.. OUT OF A PECK MEASURE It ii estimated that about 72,000 people in Canada want to buy a new heating system. A good percentage of them would like a CLARE-HECLA Furnace. Even with normal production we would not be able to meet the demand. And materials and manpower are (till very much restricted. Hence, CLARE-HECLA dealers can accept orders now for only • limited number of furnaces for fall delivery. Fir»t come, first served is the policy they must follow Don't delay. If you need a new furnace. OTTAWAJEPORTS That Munitions Minister Howe Forecasts Minimum Disturbance In Conversion From War To Peace In Canada Based on information from the United KiiiKdom and the United States, the immediate ^pr produc- tion picture in C'ana'la was that aircraft production would continue indefinitely, and there would con- tinue to be a high rate of delivery of ships well into 1946. Pro'liiction of railway equipment would be stepped up to supply domestic and foreign demands. There wouH be a cutback \% explosives in line with ammunition demands, but chemic- als for agricultural and other in dustrial necls would continue at â-  higli rate. Gun and small arms am- munition would be- cut progrei*fve- ly. Armored vehicles production would 'Jccline sharply. There would be partial conversion in automotive vehicles from military to civilian requirements which would keep factories fully engaged. War and civilian demands would keep production of raw and semi- processed materials high. ♦ ♦ • ♦ Production of civilian necessities, together with production of ex- ports to liberated countries, would absorb manpower released by the lessening of war production, Mr. Howe said. He paid tribute to the excellent plans laH by most of Canada's industries for the period just beginning and stated that in many of these reconversion would mean simply the moving of work- ers from one machine to another. * « * Cana'ia will have a carry over of about 300,000,000 bushels of wheat at th; end of the crop year, July 31, and the United States, about 360,- 000,000 the Dominion Bureau of Statistics estimates. This would be the lowest midsummer figure since 1910. + * ♦ Ofticials from Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, accompa- nied by Unite"! States Department of -Agriculture representatives, will go to Fort William later this month to observe tests being made in the Nipigon region to destroy the Spruce Sawfly. RCAF crew! flying PBY'S will spray the new DDT Insecticide on timber standi there in experimental tests. Stalinsrrad .Reborn All Stalingrad celebrated when the 1,000th tractor was recently turned out in the giant plant re- born from the ruins and ashes left by the German invaders. Engineers and workers, most of whom fought In defence of Stalingrad, carried out their pledge to rebuild this pride of the Soviet tractor industry in the shortest possible time. BACKACHE? Look out for Trouble With Your KIDNEYS If your back aches or ii you bive disturbed sleep, burning or smarting, look out for trouble. This condition is a luie sign that your kidneys are not fully ridding your blood of poisonous adds and wastes. When the kidneys slow up. wastes 'xillect. Backache, dizzy spell*, puffy eyesend rheumatic pains may follow. Your kidneys need help â€" and there It a time-tried, proven way to help them known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. These Capsules contain care- fully measured quantities of that widely known diuretic called Dutch Drocs You will find their action fait and eOectlve. Be sure you get GOLD MEDAL Haarlen Oil Captulea, the genuine and original Dutch Drops â€" packed in Canada. Get a 40c package from your druggist. I HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies by the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mecca Pile Remedy Ko. 1 Is for Protrudlm BItedinc Files, aod la sold In Tuba, with plM for Interaal application. Prica 7So. Msooa nil Ramedy No. 2 la for Eiteroal ttchlns Pilaa. SoU In Jar, and la for aitarnal uae only. Prlo* DOlk Order by number from your Drugglat. HEAD COLD? Oct quick rellefl Just MOSTROUNB in each noetrU. Breath- Ins pasaagei open right awayt NOS'TROLINB toothet, lubricateit disinfects, helpa make and keep your nose healthy. Bring! comfort ewiftly; Convenltnt. Pleasant. For adulta and children. 50c â€" all druggists. NOSTROLINE K\ CliriON. •IlltOi, INOLANBi Hare'saSENSIBLEmy^ to niew MONTHLY FEMJIU nUN LydiaE. Pinkham's VegetablcCompound not only helps relieve periodic pain but ALSO accompanying nervous, tired, highstrung feelings â€" when due to func- tional monthly disturbances. It's one of the most effective medicines for this pur- pose. Pinkham's Compound htlps nalufit i Follow label directions. Try iti ' Faith In Peace? cfyi&ACC/tMAAawd VEGETABIE COMPOUND One impressive sentence of An- tlu.iiy IJlen, Krilain's Foreign Mi- nister, at tlic San Francisco con- ference nui'le at a press talk, in- trii;ucd the corre>poiidents. It was; "111 liritaiii we have an iininediate prulikni. Our towns and cities have been badly wrecked and we must start at once to rebuild them. Are we to rebuild them with bomb-proof shelters or with faith in peace?" â€" St. Thomas Times-Journal. Firewatchers Still Watching St. Paul's Firewatchers have ended their duty all over Britain â€" but not the men who guard London's St. Paul's Cathedral. They have watched over Wren's masterpiece from the .start of the war and will slay to the fini.-li. They were there on the night of the Kfcat fire blitz, Sunday, Dec. 29, 1!)40, when the cathedral stood unliariiicd within a city ablaze. Accountants and Auditors iivi;(>Mi': TAX KKi'oiiTN com- plete Bookl<eepliig Services. Small or L.irpe BusfnesFes Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co., H Wellington .SI !â- :. Toronto Ont. IIAilV CIIICK.S (1.00 HOOKS VULR URUKII ORDER VOUR 1»46 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All chlcl<8 are from icUBianieed test- ed stock, and from 26 oa eggs or Better. Barred Kocka mixed Jll'OO per 100. White Leghorna mi.Ked tU.UO per lOn Barred nucit Pulleta )1I).0U per lOU, wliUe L,eKhorn t'ulleta S22.iiU per 100. while ftocka mixed tlS.OO per 100 white Rock PuUeti $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hnlclicry. Chatham. Oiit.'irio 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK YOUR ORDER FOR CHICKS from a real breeding farm. Don't take chances on just ordinary hatchery chicks. Order chicks NOW for May or June delivery. I-akevlew Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontiirio. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EV'ERY OHDER OF 100 Pullet chlclts, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pullets $19.95 per 100, Whita Rock Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks .sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your ordgr, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed lOO'/o live delivery. Kent Hatch- ei.\. Chatham. Ontario. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED I3ARRED ROCK PUL- Ipta. 1 week old 22c, 2 weeks old 2() cents. Immedlata delivery. Carlcton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ontario. A-1 RABY CHICKS; LEGHORNS; Rocks; Hybrids. Some choice sl'irt<^d chicks available up to t and 4 weeks old. Write or phona A H. Switzer Hatchery. Granton, Ont. Plione .18 R 3. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CERTAI.V YOU BUX GOOD healthy, vigoroua chicks. Buy chicks with breeding and llvabUlty and you will be certain of success. Our Breeders are all Government Inspected, banded and blood-tested. Write for descriptive catalogue and prices on our Oovernment Approved chicks. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS Monkton. Ontario OHUBIi YOL'R CHICKS NOW AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them. Barred Rock ml.xed $12.00 per 100. White Leg- horns mixed $11.00 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets 119.00 per 100 White Leghorn Pulleta $22.00 per IflO. Heavy Breed Ckla. $6.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. All chicks hatched from 26 oz. eBKs or better and from special mated flocks. Ciuaranteed 100% live delivery. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatciiery. Chatham. Ontario. GOVEU.NMENT APPROVED CHICK bargains for thi.s week and next. Barred Rocks. .\ow Hampshires, Rlack Australorp.s, New Hamp- shire X I'.arred Rocks non-sexed 10.SI5, pullets 17.96, cockerels 8.95. White Leghorns non-sexed 9.95. â-  pullets 20.95, cockerels 95c. A.'isorted heavy breeds: Non-sexed 9.9:). pnllets l.i.95, cockerels C.96. 2 week old add 6c per chick to above prices. Shipped C.O.D. This advortiyement mii.st accompony your order. Top Notch Chlcker- lea, Ouelph, Ontario. WE CAM OIVE GOOD DELIVERY on chiirk.s, and pullets both day- olds and started, and cockerels In limited (luantlties. Every month 1.1 a good month for poul- try-keepers. Pray Hatchery, ISO John N'.. Hamilton, Ont. RKLIAIU.E Sl'MMER CHICK Sale. Reliable Chicks are from Government Approved blood- tested flocks, chicks that develop Into quality husky layer* and meat birds, chlck.i that havs quality and llvabllity for us and for you. After May 15. Sussex X Humps, Parred Rocks. New Hampshires, unsexed $11.95. pul- lets $17.95. cockerels $9.95. Leg- horn X Hamps. unaexed $11.95. pullets $22.00, cockerels $4.00. LoKhorns. unsexed $10.95, pulleta $22,95. Order Reliable Chick.s to- da.v. Reliable Hntchor.v, Elmlra, Ontario. 85 PnKR CHICKS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IB registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chlclca, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns. $11.00; WhIta Rocks, $15.00; Brown Leghorns, $18.00, Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorna, $22.00; WhIta Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns, $24.00. 25 frea chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ad and 26 free chlcka for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Ooddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. I TOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH Tweddle Chlcka. There will be a iruaranteed market next Fall for all the chicks you brood this Spring. The United State.s Army win taka 80,000.000 lbs. and Great Britain ever increasing amounts. Oreat Britain will also taka all our surplus eggs. So you can't po wrong If you buy good chicks and look after them. Amos Rru- bacher of Moorefleld haa this comment to make. "On the 1J50 Special Mating New HampRhlra chlcka purchased this Spring ray losses up to four weeks of age have been one". Amos haa pur- chased In all this vear 6100 Tweddle Special Matlnar chicks. Tweddle chicks besides being noted for their llvahlllty have also these qualltle.<â€" the pullets develop Into wonderful layers and the cockerels Into grand meat birds. Prices greatly reduced after .Tune 1st. Can glv» Immed- iate delivery of day old and two week old non-se\rd pullet and cricltcrol chicks In nU the popu- lar pure breeds and hybrid cross- es, Mso » week old and older nui'.'ls fcr Imnierllnte delivery. Fveo catiilm'iie Tweddle Chick ITatrherlea Limited, Fergua, Ont. IIAIIY CIIKKS MOONEY'S CHICK.S FROM BLOOD- tested. Government Approved Flocks. Licensed for shipping to any province. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, .New Hampshires. M(joncy'.s Poultry Farm, North Bay. Ont, BABV CHICKS AND STARTED pullets, 1 to 8 weeks old. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks. New Hampshire, Hybrids. Bayview H.-itciiery. Trenton. Ont. DVr.lNJi ANU C LEANING HAVE VOU ANYTHTNG NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. To- ronlo, FOB SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; bells, pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2X26 Dufferin St.. To- ronto. STRAW BKURY PLANTS, ASPAK- agus, raspberries, peach trees, apples. pears, plums, cherries, grapes, currants, shrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery. Siracce. Ontario. BULLSâ€" ELMVALE NOBLE CAV- ' aller. cla.ss A, 8 years, grand champion at Richmond 1943. yir- ed by R.O.P. bull, Silver Spring Cavalier and from a higrh testing dam. with three R.O.P. records, priced at $250. Also bull calves of excellent breeding. Apply F. W. Argue. 234 Bank St.. Ottawa, Ont. SINGER CANARY $10.00. HOMER Pigeons $1.65 pair. Collla Femala Pup $3.00 (cash). Kennels, Ath- ens, (jntarlo. AUTO TRAILER WITH TWO NEW pre-war tires 700x21. Caah or trade for good Autotrac. E. J. Whallns:. Moorefleld. Ont. BANK BARN 40 X 60. EXCELLENT condition, metal roof and aiding on one side $800. Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moorefleld, Ont. $4300â€"15 ACRE FARM. SUITABLE for market gardening or tobacco, i house.". 2 wells, immediate pos- session at St. Willlapis. Ont. 207 •Rawdon St., Brantford. GASOLINE TRUCK TANK MOUNT- ed on four steel wheels, suitable for spraying streets $100. R. B. Richard.son. St. Andrews, N.B. RAISE SQUABS. GIANT WHITE Kings. 'Best Breeders $5.00 a pair. Charles Angus, Box 434. Port Credit. Ont. BEAT'TIFUL ST. BERNARD. OR- ange nnd White, Male. Children's favourite. kfhd. $:.';. 00. David Bander, Hartlngton. Ont. Horxn PUPS. 4 months, par- ents excellent foxhounds, well bred. Theoa pups should make perfect fnx. rabbit or deer hounds, $in. 1478 Queen E., Toronto. GENinNE ANTIQUE MELODTAN. Knellsh. small, complete â€" $250. R, B. Richardson. St. Andrew.", N.B. FAUMS FOR SALE 60 OR KiO-ACRE FARM, 5 MILES we.-it of Wetland, IW miles south of I'enwlck on travel road; lays high, well drained; clean and productive, of good sandy loam; well fenced. 10 acres good bush, gas well, good buildings, lots of good water, 3 acres orchard, large frame house with large sun-porch, electricity, large barn with basement and modern stable equirnient, tile silo, hog pen, drive house, work shop, poultry and brooder houses. errainary, garafje. etc. Good Belgian team, 5 years old. 3200 lbs.: harness; M.H, binder; barn equipment for hay. Come and see. Everything for $7,500. Harvey Chambers. Fenwicl\. FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPERATOR Apply to nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. FlU CR 2731. UAIHDRESSINQ LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdresslngt Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED MANUFACTURER OF LIGHTNING rod equlpnaent desires local sales- men tor part-time work through- out Ontario. Drawing account against commissions arranged. Apply B. Phillips Company Lim- ited, 200 Main Street, Toronto, CYLINDER PRESSllAN WANTED, one with soma experlepct C$ make-ready. Steady poaltlon fSt steady rellabl* man. (44-hour week). Apply nearest Employ- nnent A Selective Service Office. FILEâ€" CR. 2519. EXPERIENCED UNOTYPB OPER- ator and floor man wanted at once, steady position. (44-hour week). Apply nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. FILEâ€" CR- 2520, MACHINERY EAKLY RISING [» eai> when the morning coffee is Maxwell House. You en- joy coffee at its very beat in this superb blend. It'n ekilfully blended from choice Latiu'Aiuericaa coffeeSk British minesweepers have twept over l.'),OiiO mines since war be- gan. BMPIRB MILKING MACHINE RE- palrs, pulsatora overhauled, soma rebuilt pulaatora for exchange. Vincent O'Neill, Qananoque Ont 10 DIESEL TRACTORS, MODELS TD-40 (47.6 HP). Industrial or farm use. Other equipment avail- able. Write, wire, phone. Leven- tnal & Co.. Machinery Acenti Mclntyro Block. Winnipeg. TILE MACHINE CEMENT TIIJC MACHINE, SLIGHT Jf. "«d, 4 to 12 inch moulda and" fittings, trucks and track. Re- jiulres two to operate. Good bnv to Interested party. Toronto own f "«» dlapoaed of Plant, Apniv F. VanEgmond. Clinton, Ont. MEDICAL IT'S IMI'ORT.LNT â€" KVERY SUP. ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis .should try Liixon's Rem- edy. Mnnro's Drug Store, 33i Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. STOMACH AND THRKAD WORMS often are the cause of ill-henlth In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out It thl* Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulveney'a Remedies, Specialists. Toronto t. GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFPER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dl.xon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 3J5 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM DB- stroys offensive odor Instantly. 45c bottle, Ottawa a.cenf, DenmaD Drue Store. Ottawa. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. EODDINGTON BUyE. sells, exchanges musical Instrn- ments. 111 Church. Toronto t. orronTUNiTiES Fon woMRif BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CA.NADA'S LEADl.NO SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sya- tem. Illustrated catalogue fre«u Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINa SCHOOLS S58 BLOOR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rldeau Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest. PIANOS OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS WILL be available shortly. Beautiful In design and tone. Send for cir- cular naming approximately your price, and particulars in that range will be mailed promptly. Factory Mason, & Risch Limited. 642 King West. Toronto. PERSONAL SICKNESS AND OTHER PROB- lems overcome in Jesus' Name. Interdenominatlonol book, thirty cents. William Edsall. Nantlcoke,- Ontario. POSITION WANTED EXPERIENCED FARMER 9 YEARS knowledge of stallion Kroom wishing to hear from stocic breeder needing man for the Season's route or charge of Stable. George Stewart, 913 Man- ning Ave., Toronto. IMIOTOGRAPHV TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films priperlv developed and printed I OR 8 RXPOSURF ItOLLS 26o REPRI.NTS 8 tor 25c FINEST E.'MLARtJlNC SERVICE Tou may not get all the films yoa want this year, but you can gel all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMI'KUIAL PHOTO ••nitVICK Station J Toroiito "YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL" CUSTOMER SAYS "... and the prompt manner In which you return work is greatly appreciated." Any Size Roll â€" or 8 E.tposurei DEVELOPED AND PUl.NTED 25c Don't risk losing pictures. Send your film rolls to CANAD.-\'S L.-VRGEST AND FINEST STUDIO Get Better Pictures at Lower Cost Prompt mall service. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With t'rinta sizes 16-20-127 if 2llc (4c extra) is sent with film roll ENLARGEMENTS â€" 3 for 25c 4 X 6" In Easel Mounts SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Enlargements 4 x 6" in beautiful easel mounts. S tor 25c. Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9", IQ Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 59c each. If enlargement colored, 79c each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly OB Orders. TEACHERS WANTKD RICHMOND CBNTBB SCHOOli Area requires i teachers fOr t4r4 •tartiuK Sept. lit. Apply stating fellglou, qualltlcatlona and uu> ary; required to: R. D. Martlih Sec.-Tr^as., Selby, Lennox County Ontario. FOWL & BROILER8, HIQHBflt prices paid. Cratea avallawi B^r^el ^orfnto"-"°°' " """^ WANTEDâ€" PROPERTY ON UAKM USED DELCO UOHTINQ PLANT* ?t^t°/''.».l°'' """a tor. wanteS H w %^*- *"â- '.=.• '°<' condltloa H. W Cowa n. Monkton, Ont WE BUY hundreds of Herbs, Koot.r Barki, Sr^.T,;, l-lower.. Leaves, .t" PRICES HIGHER NOW ' ^ Wrile for full lisi Dominion Herb Distributors «<M *« Lnwrfff H|,,|.. >|ob<„.,| ISSUE iiollms 4 â- * « '*

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